OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Quick post to say hello today. I've been reading but haven't had much time to post. Too much basketball! And we're getting ready to take the dogs on a hiking trip to AR in Tulip.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good Sunday morning all. I had a good day yesterday. We went hiking with my cousin and some friends, at a county owned Wetlands Sanctuary about 30 minutes away. I think I have found my volunteer home! They have a very active volunteer program, and there is an orientation for new volunteers in two weeks. There are miles of trails, a swamp boardwalk, canoe rentals and trips, educational programs for the public and for school groups, and on and on. It sounds right up my alley. I had been there about 15 years ago for school field trips, but had sort of lost sight of it.

    Eating was pretty good too, especially since we were out of the house for several hours!

    Suzi, when do you leave for AR? And taking both dogs! Great - hope Dinky likes it as much as Ellis does.

    Janet, I'm hoping the PT place Carrie starts with this week has a knee scooter for her to try out. Otherwise we will look at trying a med supply place, but the one near us is so cramped I don't even know how to get her in there in her wheelchair!

    Cindy, Carrie's knee was badly gashed in the accident (2 dozen stitches), then they took a bone graft from just below the knee for the surgery (more stitches). On top of that her primary care MD thinks there might be some tendon issues just due to the fact that she hasn't used the knee in a while - Carrie says it locks up on her, and is painful even kneeling on her bed.

    Patti, ugh about the troubles with the second car. Hopefully Edd can fix it fairly soon and without too much trouble. My Ford minivan you had to drop the engine to change the fuel pump! Luckily when we had to have that done it was still under warrantee (or maybe it was a recall - I know we didn't have to pay!)

    Bert, if your brother is willing to relocate, he might have better luck finding a place. Send me email at if you want to pick my brain about positive and negative attributes to look for.

    Karla, how was the visit with your son? Is this Izzy's dad? You have such a big family, I'm afraid I lose track.

    Cindy, this must be such a painful time, to see the (as you put it) end of your time together coming. But your mind is in the right place - you need to take care of you, before you can take care of anyone else.

    Happy Sunday to all.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening all,

    Not a bad work day. There is one guy that drives me crazy and I dread working with him. He is lazy and very sloppy. Takes up the entire counter and never puts his bolts in the bins to be reshelved. Everyone is always cleaning up behind him, it infuriates me. Luckily I rarely work with him, mostly clean up after he is gone. Not sure how he got so entitled but it appears nothing is being done about it. He is the only male that works there. Just had some navy beans in ham that I had in the freezer from Mom with some corn bread and I am now a happy, sated camper. One more work day and then have a day off. Will pick up stuff for my costume tomorrow. Hope it turns out. Edd thinks the car has an electrical problem, not a bad fuel pump, so he will take it to the shop to orrow and put it on the computer. Should hear about my car this week, yeah. Just have to clean out the bank account to get it back.

    Diane, sounds the perfect volunteer situation for you in every way. Hope PT has a knee scooter for Carrie to try.

    Hope everyone is well and will be checking in soon
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi. Have stayed very busy today. Patti, glad you can drive your mom's car - you sure have had bad vehicle luck lately!

    Suzi, lots of hoops watched here as well.

    Cindy, your new desk is beautiful.

    Just wanted to say hi.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Very quick stop by I have a meeting in a few minutes.
    So just no time at the moment.
    but I've read your posts and I'll be back.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm home. I either have a head cold or sinus infection, I'm so worried that I might have exposed my brother to it. I'm having him call his doctor today so they can advise him on what to do if he contracts any type of problem due to the fact his immune system is in jeopardy. I washed my hands and kept my distance from him as much as I could.

    We got so much done this past week. My brother filled out forms for his life insurance, signed up for prepaid funeral and burial expenses, began the procedure for completing a will, and added me to his checking account. I told him it's for the best to have all of this done as no one knows when their time will come and all of this is designed to help the family so decisions won't have to be made when emotions are high. He's also thinking of relocating and so we made a pro and con list for cities he's considering. I also took him to his workplace and he visited with his co-workers. We went to the store several times to stock up on items. It was a great visit.

    Karla: My brother drinks Glucerna a couple of times a day. He does take supplements. He ate well a couple of days, but most days it was hardly anything. I think the chemo and radiation as affected so much within his body.

    Patti: All jobs have people who are like your co-worker. It always infuriated me when some teachers would not be responsible and get done what they were supposed to or comply to the rules given by the corporation/principal.

    Today, is a pedicure for Molly. She always gets excited to go to the vet. Then it's off to the grocery store. Mike said we were out of many things. Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Diane: I just sent you an email. You might want to check your spam if it doesn't appear in your inbox,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Monday morning. Working from home today. Izzy spent the night and is still asleep. I have been in my office working. Getting a few things out of the way so we can have fun when she wakes. Yesterday we got more bedding plants planted in my brick mailbox, our toenails painted and I made a delish chicken stir fry.

    Diane- Yes, this is Izzy's father and she could not keep his hands off him. When he works out of town it is always like this, but they had family day for the employees, so we went. It does sound like you found the perfect voluteer job!! Right up your alley in interest. Congrats!!

    Patti- It is probably good for your Mom's car to be driven. I'm trying to get back on the healthy eating food trail. I have been eating too many carbs!! Why are they so good? lol .

    Bert- Sounds like you achieved many important procedures with your brother. I hope he contacted his doctor and didn't catch your bug, it's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up.

    Janet. There is going to be a season 2 on Victoria they announced on Masterpiece last night. I started watching a funny new series last night on FX. It's starting Susan Sarandon as Bette Davis and Jessica Lange as Joan Crawford . About the making of What Happended to Baby Jane movie. lol .

    Cindy- I would love to come up when you come to Ohio and Patti and Janet join you. Maybe that could be our OMG retreat?

    I better go, back to the grind. I'm going to sew today too. I have the throw out and the thread!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good morning, slept like a log last night and ready to face this rainy day. Working 12-5. Will get all my materials for my Taco Belle costume and may get it started tonight also.

    Bert, is your brother diabetic or have problems with his blood sugar? If not, maybe he could opt for a higher sugar and protein content shake. Chemo and radiation take a toll on not only the appetite but the taste buds as well. It also slows down the digestive process to further decrease desire for food. You did a lot this visit and hopefully he was washing his hands as much as you were.

    Karla, your weekend sounds very productive and happy. Mom and I are going to watch Feud together. It looks like a fun program. All our other shows are coming to an end soon.

    Have been watching the eagle cam in SW FL and the eaglet is getting ready to fledge. It has been so fun watching it go from egg to raptor. Also waiting for April, the giraffe to give birth. Did you know that a giraffe only sleeps a few minutes to a max of 2 hours in a day. They sleep the least of any mammal. Just a fun fact I thought I would share.

    Hope your day is filled with fun facts and productive moments

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2017
    Well, April the giraffe is still pregnant but I keep watching ...

    Bert, my friend who is trying to build her strength up after serious illness mixes Ensure with milk and Carnation Instant Breakfast (her doc's suggestion). She needs all the calories and protein she can get so unless your brother has blood sugar issues, I'd suggest going with more caloric protein drinks, a Patti suggests.

    Karla, so glad Izzy got to go to Family Day. I am recording 'Feud" - looks fun.

    Suzi, saw the pic of the pups - enjoy your trip!

    Not much to report here. Will run stay-in-car errands later (groceries, cash, meds for Bella's hyperthyroidism).
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    We've arrived at our first destination, Natural Falls state park in far eastern OK. Just a few miles from the AR state line. Several hiking trails and from the pix I've seen, pretty scenery. After a short nap we'll go do some exploring. We're parked at a campsite on the top of a bluff looking down over a small river. Pretty nice so far!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Suzi- Have a great time! Sounds beautiful and relaxing! Kiss the little boys for me.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    My goal for this week of hiking is 13,000 steps per day. 11,805 on this first day that was half driving. I'll take it!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a rainy day today, and my joints are flaired up extensively! I'm going with Mike today to the dermatologist to look at a questionable spot on his arm.

    Patti and Janet: Yes, my brother is diabetic. He checks his sugar level and addresses it with insulin shots if necessary. He drinks Glucerna shakes which have vitamins and protein. He called the doctor yesterday about the possibility of contracting a head cold/sinus issues, but had to leave a message. I haven't heard whether or not they returned his call.

    Diane: Thank you so much for your input. I will contact you via email.

    Need to run. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Another quick check in for the moment- Ohio sounds like it might be a good spot for OMG get together.
    I'll be back a bit later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    He'll moron rainy Ohio. Going to Mom's soon. Car troubles continue here. Edd was taking car to the shop yesterday when it totally quit, so had to get it towed. We got the family discount on the tow $20 and Edd tipped him another $10. After diagnostic testing they found a bad module and replaced it t. Car ran well for a while then stranded him again later in the day. Son was able to rescue him and they took the truck and drug it back to the shop. Guess today they are going to replace the fuel pump. Edd will do all the work but luckily can use the shop for tools and lift, plus expert advice and/ or help if needed. I hope this is it for the car issues and that he can fix it before vacation. If not, son has a back up we can use. Even if my car is fixed, it is not big enough to hold our gear.....or maybe it is. Might be nice to have the convertible in Florida. We need to take our tent and air bed, plus all our bedding and clothes for 2 weeks. Just thinking out loud, the car isn't fixed yet, lol.

    Suzi, loved the FB pics. Hope Dinky adapts and enjoys as much as Ellis seems to. I bet you hit your daily step goal and then some.

    Cindy, I am sure we can find a way to get our OMG meet in Ohio. Is Meg in Botkins?

    Hi everyone, gotta go
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited March 2017
    Mornin y'all! After a stormy night, it's sunny and cool today and, of course, windy. This is Oklahoma after all. At least not 30 MPH with 40+ MPH gusts like it was yesterday. The dogs and I had a good walk around the park earlier this morning and I'm now reading and putting in some screen time while all my boys nap. I swear they are a napping bunch! All 3 of them! I plan to drag them out for a good long hike this afternoon after their post-lunch nap.

    Patti - car issues suck! Hope yours are cleared up soon. I once had a Grand Am that my mechanic advised me to trade in while he had it running. I never regretted the decision to do so!

    Bert - hope you're feeling better and your brother doesn't catch your cold. Y'all really got a ton of stuff done while you visited him.

    Waving hello to Cindy, Karla, Janet, Diane and anyone I've missed.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, hope weather cooperates - was extremely windy here too (50-mph gusts). How are the pups interacting on your adventure?

    Bert, praying for your brother to make wise decisions as well as for his health.

    Patti, you & Edd have really been plagued with vehicle problems. Trying to picture all your stuff wedged into your convertible, but if anyone can do it, it's you!

    Cindy, how is Meg feeling? Hope she's gotten over the crud.

    Slept fairly late - had a very drunk friend call at midnight and she was just weirdly ranting and such. Got off in half an hour but was awake long after, so stayed in bed, except for early calls to two of my best friends. One has a dog who is getting a second biopsy for a tumor that is likely malignant. The other had outpatient surgery today.

    So ... need peace later. Hoping for a quiet evening,
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Patti and Janet- yes Meg is in Botkins and she is sick again- said she'll go back to the doctor tomorrow. She can't catch a break...
    Patti- did you get my text? Thank you for the sweet card.
    And I vote to take the rag top to Florida- stream line packing and let it roar down the highway.
    Suzi- sounds like a good time with you and the pups and honey pie. Have fun
    Good food day overall- have to go to dinner tonight with Rick's family- his mom turns 90 and I won't be a witch with a B and hurt her since she has no idea what's happening at the moment. But since I'm back in the deep freeze since last night the smiles will be a bit forced.
    They have the BEST chocolate cake and I'm having a slice. Just because. but I'll be back on track tomorrow.
    Well time to go pick her up.
    Hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, yes I got your text, forgot to respond. Glad you enjoyed the card. Poor Meg! I think the chocolate cake is something to help you smile. Just think of it when you need to force it. You are a woman of integrity and turning 90 calls for that. I will start asking around about places to stay, restaurants, things to so/see in the area. I know lots of people from "up north".

    Lovely day with mom, brutal but doable gym time and now getting ready for dinner and date night with the hubs.

    Looks like Buick is fixed and will make the trip. Still haven't heard anything on y car, hope that is not a bad sign.

    See you all in the morning.