OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Wanted to brag a bit and show you the apron I made but I can't figure out how to transfer the photo from my Samsung phone to my iPad and can't figure out how to post the pic from my phone. No photo icon comes up on the phone app, so bummed. So imagine a totally cute Snow White apron: white stand up collar, blue bodice with apple buttons (to be added), red waistband and ties, and yellow skirt. Now go look up a pic of Snow White and subtract the sleeves and that is it exactly, lol. Will get a headband and attach a red bow...voila....nailed it!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Patti - try emailing the pic to yourself then save it to your iPad when you open the email there.

    To those who asked - yes, we're planting outside. Not everything yet, but a few perennials in the new bed where we removed the hollies. It's sheltered with southern exposure against a brick wall. This week sometime we'll get onions, peas and the greens planted - just cool season stuff so far.

    Until tomorrow,
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I had a good food day yesterday- lots of protein and veggies but I need to do something at lunch. After salad and protein the craving for something sweet is so strong its distracting. I think I might save my banana to eat at lunch instead of breakfast as it is a sweet fruit.
    Patti- Suzi's right email the picture we'd love to see it.
    Suzi- planting- sigh, not for a couple more months here but I can see the raised beds again so we're making progress.
    Diane- so glad Carrie enjoyed her weekend. Hopefully the doctor will give her a bit more freedom with bearing weight. You're a good mom for hosting the event.
    Karla- so glad Glenn bought himself a retirement gift- he worked hard. So sorry about the young girl who lost her life. Brings tears to my eyes.
    Janet- when do you go back to the doctor? How is the scooper working?
    MaryLynn- if you're lurking - Hello!
    Bert- how was the trip- smooth sailing?
    Need to get busy- leaving after lunch to head to the airport- my boss has approved a TSA speed pass so off to get that done. Well that's my term for it- :)
    And again- thank you for your friendship and support.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. A day at home with lots of projects, work and yes, an exercise video. I am coming out of my black hole of depression!! Taking better care of myself and ready to care for myself, which includes my body!!

    Happy Fat Tuesday!! We are supposed to hit 81 degrees here today. I have bedding plants to get potted, but I need to run to the store and get some more potting soil. I also need to get some vegetables planted, but I want Glenn to move my above ground vegetable garden to another location, it is just not getting enough sun where it is.

    Cindy- Wise woman keeping your own home. No moving for you, you are settled. Get that checking account today, move the money. I know that will make things more permanent and probably the reason you have been hesitant, but it doesn't mean there can't be a reconciliation if he turns thing around. His ex-wife may have been meddling in his mind, making him worst for all you know. My ex-husband could not get past his family demons and it cost me my first marriage of 21 years too. I was 39 when I got divorced.

    Diane - I am trying to get to my sewing machine too. I keep it set up at all times also. I have a long desk with it in the middle, an ITT lamp over it, material to the left, sewing box to the right. I am trying to get back into my exercise groove like you are, except at home. I could go to my church's exercise room and walking track though. I need to!!

    Patti- Your apron sounds adorable!! I know she will not only love it for it's theme, but because you made it with such love.

    Janet - Time is passing and soon you will be able to tell the success of your new foot repair. I am anxious, as you must be, to see both you and Carrie and your mobility.

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my friend in the loss of her daughter. Drugs are such an awful and prevalent issue in our country. I have lost several of my classmates to this addictive disease. People you would least expect to have gotten involved.

    I better get my day rolling...

    Here's my list:

    OMG ladies
    Izzy's room
    sewing if time permits (one throw pinned and ready!)


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I made it to NC. The flight was delayed for departure but it was only about 30 minutes late. My brother is so skinny....we have much to do this week to try to get things done. He's now talking about going to an assisted living facility. I'm not sure of the costs for that, so that is on our agenda to pursue. I think this would be a good decision for him if he can afford it. That way there will be people around and medical staff would be there too.

    Cindy: I'm so glad you are doing things and getting things in order for yourself. I know it's tough to do, but you have to look out for yourself.

    Patti: I sometimes email the photo from my phone to my email. That way I can download it from the computer. Would this help you?

    Karla: You have a great list going. It looks like a busy day is in store for you.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Rainy day in Ohio. But I will be spending it with Mom so there will be sunshine in my heart. She wants me to get a few things from Aldis and then we will chat, watch our shows and make her bed
    . vpy6agnlbcnj.jpeg
    Ok I have tried to send the photo. Hope you can see it. I can't post it on FB because it is a surprise.

    Have to run but will check back later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- that is toooooo adorable. You did a great job!!

    Bert - I wonder if the Blue Apron, or Meals on Wheels programs would work for our brother. With just one person meals it might be affordable for him. Maybe you can make some casseroles and freeze in small containers for him. I doubt he will want assisted living at his age and just being a male, unless there is one with a younger set, separate houses. There are a few like that here, but they are very pricey. My heart is with you.

    Moving along on my chores..

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    A pretty good day here. Carrie got her hard cast off and is now in an air cast/boot, but is not allowed to put weight on it for another six weeks. At least she could soak her foot and get rid of dead skin, and can have it off and start flexing her foot. Outpatient PT starts next week to try to get some mobility back in the joint (her in-home PT ends this week, and it was primarily to keep her core strength up.) It looks like she won't be walking and driving until at least June, I'm guessing.

    I did my weights class this morning, then this afternoon John and I continued our yard / woods clean-up. Another load of brush loaded and off to the dump. This February warm weather is good for the early yard work, at least!

    Bert, if your brother can find something nearby, at least it would be a worry off your mind! I don't know what all his issues are. My mother lives in a senior living complex, in her own apartment, but takes her main meal of the day in the dining room. No medical care per se, but there are people around and lots of clubs and activities.

    Karla, I'm so glad to hear that your depression is beginning to lift. You need to take care of yourself before you can be the caretaker for everyone else.

    Patti what a cute outfit! I missed what the occasion is, or who it is for.

    Cindi, same goes for you - you have to take care of yourself. Another idea for a sweet craving at lunch is some fruit Greek yogurt. I like the Dannon Light & Fit, I think Karla likes the Oikos triple zero.

    Suzi, have fun planting! With our warm February lots of stuff is budding out, but I know planting is at least a month away.

    Janet, hope your day has been productive. I know what you mean about a choppy day - it is hard to get things actually finished and done if you keep getting interrupted.

    Karl, for Fat Tuesday we are having Red Beans and Rice. An indulgence, but I think I worked off quite a few calories today!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, that apron is adorable (I needed to right click and view in new tab, but there it was). Love the headband idea too. Your friend will be blown away and will whistle while she works. I read that Aldi's is going to go all-organic, which I

    Bert, glad you are safely there. Assisted living may be a good option - they will ply him with snacks. You are an excellent sister and I know this trip will be both draining and energizing, but most of all - important for you both.

    Karla, happy Mardi Gras! Did Glenn get his car on the spot or do you pick it up later?

    Cindy, the TSA Pre-Approval is a big help - especially since your company will pay for it. Got mine last year and once I have more freedom I may even upgrade it for international.

    Suzi, pea plants are so pretty. Will you need to worry about rabbits, deer or other critters raiding your garden?

    Now I have the house to myself until Sunday. The weather (one wave of storms has passed, two more to go tonight & tomorrow) is messing with my sinuses but oh well. The cats hide during the worst of it, poor things - indoor cats afraid of rain outside.

    A small bit of luck - saw mail truck coming and knew I was getting a small box from Amazon - called to the carrier and asked her to bring the rest of my mail as well, which she did, cheerfully (not even our regular carrier but this one is a sweetheart who lives in the neighborhood). Saved me maneuvering into garage and backing car out to grab the mail (driveway is just sloped enough and drop to street abrupt enough to make it more the a bit scary on my scooter, so using car is not overkill - just a pain). No bills in today's mail made it a double win!

    Hope everyone has a peaceful evening. Big hugs to everyone. Coming here is sunshine on a literally cloudy day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Evening lovely ladies, mom and I had a tearful day. Started with a sad show and then we talked about Dad and then funerals in general. We turned it around and were laughing by the time I left. Really didn't want to go to the gym but pushed thru. Turns out everyone in the class was feeling the same but by the end we were all glad we didn't blow it off. Seems like my day had a theme!

    Diane, great news for Carrie but I know she wants to get walking. The apron is for my BFF. We are throwing her a Disney themed costumed surprise BD party. Her favorite princess is Snow White and I didn't want her to not have a costume.

    Bert, I hope your day was productive and you find an affordable solution for his living situation.

    Janet, bonus with a bonus, lucky you. How very sweet of your mail lady.

    Karla, did you get your workout in? Those endorphins also help with depression. Maybe just the boost you need right now.

    Lunch with the girls tomorrow and work tomorrow night. These 3 days off have been really nice. They asked me to work yesterday because someone called off, I didn't hesitate when I said no, lol!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be a beautiful day in NC. Today we are visiting the VA Social Worker for advice on some issues. We are also asking what VA will cover, etc. Thanks to everyone who have commented and been so helpful. This is all new to me as well, so opinions are welcomed.

    Karla: I think he's wanting more of a retirement living complex that has access to things that he needs. He still wants to work from home. (he's a sound editor) Today we are going to explore options.

    Diane: That's exactly what we are looking for. He needs to be around people and be involved in activities.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, bad storms thru here last night but I slept right thru them. Power was out for about 2hours, I only know this because all the digital clocks were blinking, lol. Well I now have the sewing bug. So enjoyed making that apron. So I am going to see what I can make for myself for a costume for the party. My favorite princess is Belle and my favorite character is Tink. So at least I have narrowed it down.

    Bert, hope the social worker has some good ideas and that there is some financial options available to him. He definitely needs a community.

    Leaving for lunch with the girls shortly, then need to get some laundry done before I go to work.

    Happy day to you all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hello from my phone. Severe storms here too. We kept power but cable us out, which means only phone for internet & communication. No TV, internet or home phone in usual ways and no sense of when it will come back.

    Diane, tell Carrie I'm right there with her. Want to wash my leg & foot so badly but will get another cast next week. She and I may start weight-bearing about the same time. I can flex a bit in cast but expect there to be PT down the road.

    Patti, that episode did me in too - still cry her. I think about it. Only two more in the season.

    New month, new resolve. Am GOING to treat myself better. And yeah, that means eating less. So be it. Tired of being angry with myself and caving out of stress.

    Hoping for a quiet day - need to email a few people to let them know about home phone outage. Might be a blessing!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang. Sorry to be absent the last couple of days. It's turned out to be an unexpectedly stressful week. I had my annual breast MRI on Monday and the doctor wanted another look at an area that had changed, so went back yesterday for an ultrasound and needle biopsy. Will have results late today or tomorrow at the latest.

    You may or may not be aware of my family history. Lost both my Mama and my younger sister to breast cancer. In my family, 3 out of 4 cousins my generation on my Dad's side (sister and both of our first cousins) and my uncle have had cancer. On my Mom's side, my grandma, Mama, my aunt, sister and one of our first cousins. Here we're 4 of us first cousins on both sides of my family, so that means we have 75% cancer on my Dads side and 50% cancer on my Moms side. Kelly (the one I refer to as my sister-cousin) and I feel like we're just waiting for the hammer to drop. I'm trying not to let my mind go there, but today it's easier said than done.

    Sorry to be a downer...
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. A quiet day here. John and I went for a walk this morning instead of cleaning the woods because the rain overnight left the ground very soft. Grocery shopping and now I am trying to get motivated to go sew.

    Suzi, hugs to you - that is indeed a scary thing. I had a needle biopsy a few years ago that led to a real biopsy, some "atypia" but not cancerous. I need to watch carefully and get my annual mammograms. I elected not to do medication therapy at the time due to the side effects.

    Eating out of bounds again - NEED to get it under control.

    Back later for personals maybe.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Checking account is done- debit card on order- do double check for me.
    I have to take Rick into the credit union to get him to sign off the other accounts- not sure when that will happen. Slowly taking control.
    Eating is going surprisingly well- good idea on the yogurt- thank you Diane.
    Suzi- sending a prayer up for you- glad to know you're on top of it though that is such a huge part- early detection.
    Don't have time for personals all the way around but smiles for all.
    Talk to you soon.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2017
    Suzi, sending big hugs and wishes for it to be nothing. My first mammogram ended in a surgical biopsy and removal of a golf-ball-sized fibroadenoma (benign but scary). With your family history you are staying on top of things.

    Cindy, glad you are making strides on independence. Hope Rick will do the credit union thing without a lot of drama or hassle.

    Diane, we can do this. Strength in numbers!

    Time to go get the mail - quite windy so going to back the car out to get it. I feel safer that way. (Update: I lucked out. Next door neighbor's mom was leaving when I went out and was kind enough to bring my mail up to me. YAY!)
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet,meow wild that you knew what I was talking about. Didn't want to mention the name of the show so as not to spoil it. You totally read my mind. I have been thinking about it all day, even missed my turn for the restaurant at lunch.

    Suzi, sending prayers for a benign biopsy. If it is not definitive get a 3D ultrasound to be sure, it is the absolute best detection device out there.

    Cindy, so proud of you. Being strong ain't easy!

    Gotta get ready for work
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks, everyone.

    Patti - I haven't heard about 3-D US. I'm enrolled in an ultra-high risk protocol screening program. I go every 6 months and they alternate MRIs with 3-D mammograms and also do US periodically. I've been with this group of doctors since my Mom was diagnosed in 1996. They were a part of OU Medical center (the teaching hospital) then split off to open their own practice and have now re-joined OU. I'm pretty comfortable with the level of care, but will ask about 3-D US.

    Cindy - glad you're starting the financial process.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Suzi, I think the 3D mammography trumps the ultrasound. Sounds like you are being well screened