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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's Cantata Sunday! We sing both services, so I'm up early to (1) wake up, and (2) drink enough coffee to help make my throat ready to sing. Mike has sinus issues this morning, so I'm hoping he'll be ok. He sings bass, and I sing tenor. Every year my voice gets lower. I used to sing high soprano back in the day! Everything's going "lower" these days! ;) (except my weight!)

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited December 2017
    Bert, hope Mike's voice held out - basses are a rare commodity. How did it go? Gravity gets us all in the body and voice - I used to be a solid second soprano but my upper range has vaporized. The thyroidectomy contributed to that, as does the Sjogren's. My voice has gotten quieter too, which is odd. Adapting to change is important as we age.

    Karla, bet your party was fun. Millie looks very cute - what will she think about having a baby sister soon?

    We stayed up late last night and it was very relaxing. James made himself a giant bowl of soup at 2 AM! I have a couple of must-dos today but am also scanning and trying to clean out & speed up my computer. Yep, I'm just a party animal.

    Did pretty well on food here - small servings and not too many snacks. Far from perfect but I'm OK with that - sometimes putting pressure on oneself creates a boomerang effect. For now, I'm letting my body tell me what it wants and allowing my mind to help me say no (or yes to a small portion).

    Wishing everyone a lovey Sunday!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. The weekend was busy - I made the gingerbread men on Saturday plus another batch of Raspberry chocolate bars, and we had a boy scout Eagle project working in the basement shop. John thinks this one was #28 of projects built in our shop over the years! Yesterday ( had to read at early church, the children's pageant was at late service, and the rescheduled Christmas party was last night at some friends. (Rescheduled from last weekend because of our snow.)

    Eating has been terrible. Janet, I think you have the right idea of just try to keep portions small and not stress too much. This time of year is always stressful. I think of years past when I was working, and I don't know how I ever had time to do it all!

    This is my last week with Elise full time. Next week her parents are off, and after that she starts daycare. That frees us up for our ski trip and travels, but I am sure going to miss having her every day! I think I will go get her from daycare at least one day a week for the afternoon. I am so blessed that they live close enough to do that.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, the food for your party looked divine. I bet your outfit came together well too. Was everyone totally wowed with the new you? What breed of puppy will you be getting, and how big will it get?

    Bert, I used to be a soprano, and now I am an alto. (Though our church choir is small enough the director was still having me sing soprano!) I only know the soprano parts of many things - singing along to the Hallelujah chorus is really hard! I don't know the alto part at all.

    Oh and Bert your cookies looked terrific! I hope you like the recipe - it is one I have used for many years.

    Janet, I hate doing computer stuff! I need to clean out my phone to try to speed it up. Sounds like you and James are both night owls - well suited when it comes to sharing the house. One of the hardest things for us is Carrie is a real night owl, and we are morning people. So sharing the house can be a problem because she wants to do stuff (and make noise!) after ten pm, and we want to do our stuff at 7 am! We are each trying to respect each other's needs...except of course for Elise who arrives at 6:15 and about 7:15 is crying about going to sleep for her first nap!

    Back later. I need to make a big push on the stocking today.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I got my puppy today. The mother was drained of calcium and they needed to be bottle fed. She is a cutie.

    Diane- the mother is a six pound a Shih Zhu and father is an eight pound Yorkie, so small. I have put picture of her here.

    Still trying for a name.

    Back later

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, she's adorable! Looks like a little panda bear - so ... Panda? And her nose looks like a little star - so ... Stella?
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to Chicago today for a quick trip. Dylan's Choir concert is tonight. I'll travel back tomorrow as everyone is busy and the kids are still in school. Mike is working tomorrow, so he won't be able to go.

    Karla: Your puppy is darling!

    Have to go and get ready. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. My little baby was great last night. Just like a baby woke every 3-4 hours for her milk and back to sleep. I am working from home today and also working on the throws I have to get done. I am going to make my little sweetie some blankets for her kennel.

    Janet - those are some adorable names!! She does look like a Panda bear!! I saw the Panda's on TV this morning with the mother dragging her baby around and didn't catch their names.

    Bert - Thank you, she is precious. She growled and barked at Glenn this morning. So she is a strong girl too. lol.

    I'm getting back to work, have a great day.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Quick check in- Karla your new baby looks like my Griffin... so darn cute.
    I'll try to check back tomorrow- all the treat pictures posted make me wish we all lived in the same neighborhood for a cookie swap and treat swap.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    Cindy - So good to see you stop by. Boy would we be dangerous, but fun, if we all lived in the same neighborhood. I would love it. I am very blessed to have several great girlfriends nearby. I think I made me a new one this past Saturday, her name is Christy, and she is the girlfriend, and newly Fiance' of one of Glenn's past employees. We just hit it off so well at my party and our first meeting. She loved my Christmas tree and just begged me for it! LOL She was such a sweet lady.

    My brother and I went to the GriefShare class this afternoon. He has commented several times tonight how it has made him think about a lot of things. Also how the video we watched made some good points. I'm so glad he went. His blood pressure is back to a daily normal amount now. He had just let himself go the last few months in his grief and misery. I hope he can find employment quickly and build his self-esteem and new life.

    Janet - Izzy has picked the name for out little one, and we all seem to like it. Sophie. How was your day?

    Diane - Have you completed your stocking for Elise? Please post a picture. Your Gingerbread men were quite the vibrant army. So nice a tradition for you.

    Izzy and I are going to retreat to the sewing room to get some headway on the throws. I will work from home again tomorrow. Why not?

    Izzy opened her birthday presents tonight from us. A Hatchibal, which we enjoyed hatching tonight. Plus a Jo-Jo watch. She has had fun. She loves the puppy Sophie.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    God morning, all.

    Cindy, a treat swap would i deed be fun - we could each bring one indulgent thing and one not-so-bad-for-you treat. Is there snow on the ground there? (living vicariously)

    Bert, how was the choir concert? The cantata? Has Mike gotten his throat better? Hope your drives were uneventful.

    Karla, Sophis is a precious name - my older niece has two dogs - Sophie and Jack, who are very sweet. I love that Izzy can take pride in naming the puppy. How long will she be on the bottle? Glad she is settling in - please tell us how Millie is doing with her. I'm glad your brother is trying to deal with his grief - can't imagine the whammy of something like that. Hope he finds work and his own place soon as well - it will be a healthy thing. He's lucky to have you to help him make the transition. I'm sure being around family will be a tonic.

    Diane, I've been meaning to ask how Carrie is doing with her rehab.

    My eating wasn't bad yesterday - slowly wandering around the edge of the groove, I guess.

    Very busy spell here for all of us - if we don't check in as often, we all know we're thinking of one another! My cleaner comes today. Tomorrow I see my foot surgeon - hope he'll be pleased with my progress. I am grateful to the moon and back for his skill. Many errands, lots of wrapping to come as well. My trip to OH and MI is starting to take shape - it will be jam-packed and lots of fun. And hugs. Very early start on the 26th, but so much to look forward to. (Don't know whether any of you have been The One Who Always Has To Travel For Everything - it's lots of fun, but boy, will I crash for a day or two when I get home!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm traveling back home today. Dylan's program was short and sweet. It was a band and choir concert. Dylan is in the choir. Both the band and choir did an outstanding job for only being in 3rd and 4th grade.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I'm running errands. I need to do laundry as well. Not much to report here. Eating has been good the past few days. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    All is well here just super busy. Meg is starting the trip home today, staying in PA and then finishing. I didn't want her driving all night when it is just her.
    They have agreed to divorce and she's found an apartment and will move in early January- she hasn't told him yet, which is the wise choice. He's on the edge of crossing a very bad line in which case Mom will be all over him like white on rice- saying he has anger issues.
    Janet- we've had snow but it melted yesterday, cold again today so who knows if we'll have a white Christmas.
    Waiting to hear from Hallmark but they have the first book in the trilogy- excited but keeping my hopes grounded. If they don't want it - that's okay I'll publish it. Writing book 2.
    Bert- great news on the eating, how's your water intake?
    Diane- have a great time with Elise on this first Christmas I'm sure the stocking is lovely.
    Karla- Sophie is a wonderful name for the pup.
    Anyone else lurking HELLO
    In case I don't get back I pray everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday no matter where your travels may take you.
    Merry Christmas and talk to you all very soon.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and Happy Friday, and Christmas weekend to one and all. One more big party tomorrow evening and the large celebrations are over. Last evening we met Glenn's siblings out for dinner at Mugshot's. I had their yummy hamburger, immediately cut it in half and ordered a salad instead of fries. Very yummy. Water for my drink. It is all about the choices. It was a great time. Glenn's brother from Las Vegas is in town and it was some lively conversation. Tomorrow night is the Mitchell Family Christmas Party in Mississippi and will be over 55 people. Always a lot of food and a lot of fun.

    Cindy - I know you will be filled with joy to have both your daughters in the same locale. Meg will flourish under your wings, but also as an independent woman. She is very brave to make this choice and get out from under this unsavory character. Good for her!! I feel so very sorry for his young son, as I'm sure Meg and you do. Crossing my fingers and toes for you on the Hallmark response. Sophie is precious, thank you.

    Janet - The card was very beautiful and captivating. I cannot wait to show it to Izzy. Thank you for being so thoughtful. What will James and you be up to this weekend? You aren't leaving for your trip until next week, correct?

    Bert - I know you are a busy bee. When is your family gathering?

    I am going to the office to complete some ASAP responses to the software company, give my gifts to the ladies and Dr. B., and then have a hair appointment at 1:30. I love the way she blows it out and then waves it back around. It looked really good for my party.

    We took both Millie and Sophie to the Vet yesterday. Sophie was wormed and Millie had her Kennel vaccine. A whomping $186. Geez. This Vet is thorough, but not cheap. LOL. All the Vet assistants had to come in and see Miss Sophie, they just had a fit over her.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm glad I checked with Game Stop yesterday. I bought a football game for Dylan's Xbox and didn't know there were 2 versions of Xbox. So, I returned the one I bought for their version. I only stopped in there because I was going to get him something else to go with it. I feel like a deer in the headlights at this store!

    Karla: Our family Christmas is Tuesday. Lindsey and Justin are coming up and will be with us Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but we will all open gifts on the 26th. Dan, Annie, and the kids are coming on the 26th.

    Mike and I are going to the grocery store AGAIN. I'm shocked that he's willing to go to the store. I usually shop by myself, but if he wants to go, that's fine.

    I think I got my sinus problems from Mike. He is still coughing and sneezing. I'm taking my Claritin and using saline, so I'm hoping it won't get as bad as he had it. It started Tuesday night when I was in Chicago.

    Need to get ready for running errands. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and the very best New Year. I needed to just take a break, not from any of you but from the pressure I was putting on myself to find a plan and get started. I am still in limbo on the plan but am maintaining as best I can. I will be back after New Years with renewed commitment to me and to my friendships here. I appreciate that you all accept me as I am and I have missed being a part of the daily chatter, but I was feeling like a fraud and that was more than I could handle. I have been reading because I am still your friend and wanted to stay up on your lives. So thank you for always being here and know that I care deeply for all of you.

    May the holidays be filled with peace, love and joy!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I’m so glad you posted today. I too am struggling with finding out what works best for me. I’ve missed you. I’m maintaining the best I can too. I’m more aware of the proteins and carbs for foods that I eat, but still struggle with meeting my goals. That’s the beauty of this group! We care about each other and encourage each other.

    This group of ladies give me inspiration and acceptance and I look forward to what everyone has to say.

    Have a great day!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Merry Christmas to all! Patti, a lovely surprise to see you here.

    VERY busy here so may not post for several days - busy through the 28th - will be north 26th-28th. When I get back I a going to want to SLEEP. Lots of things to wrap yet and must make packing list too ...

    Much love to this sisterhood.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Merry Christmas from the hot South. It was 79 degrees today. It is supposed to cool off tomorrow. I had my hair fixed today. I love the layers. She blows it out so lovely!!

    Patti- So lovely to see you post. Thank you and Happy Hokidays to you too. So very glad you are returning to the fold. You have been missed.

    Cindy - You are such a blessing to us all. I will be so glad when I can slow down and lose myself in your book. Please hug Meg for me.

    Janet- you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Be safe on the road my dear.

    Bert- We all struggle with trying to stick to a plan. This journey is very emotionally charged. We all stick together and support each other through our ups and downs.

    Let's all band together and maybe get back to our mini goals sometime in January. No pressure and no judgements. We just do the best we can.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are watching Cole and Jillian today. I'm sure it will be a fabulous day. I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Lindsey and Justin will be here sometime tomorrow. I'm going to make cookies and treats tomorrow so they will be fresh for our family Christmas on Tuesday. Have a great day, everyone!

    Eating hasn't been stellar, but manageable.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good mornin!

    Karla, your hair looks terrific. If only we could do for ourselves what they do in the salon - but that would require a second pair of arms growing out of our shoulder blades to handle the blowdrying properly, and that would be super awkward.

    Bert, so happy you get Jillian & Cole today - their Christmas excitement will be contagious.

    Cindy, hope Meg's drive was as smooth as possible. I know you are enveloping her in love and care, which she sorely needs. I feel for her - and promise I will get up there to meet her in the new year - maybe Patti and I can tool up and take her to lunch (if that would be OK with her).

    Diane, you're getting ready for Elise's first Christmas - exciting for everyone, and in a couple of years it will be unbearably cute. I'm loving every picture 0f Caleb & Cady I see.

    Eating wasn't horrible yesterday - really didn't eat all day and lat night I retooled leftover beef stew (added a touch of win, some dijon mustard and at the end, juts a dollop of sour cream) and served it over pasta. Watched my portion and declined dessert (bought some yummy things at Costco for Mr. "What's for dessert?")

    My trip north is taking shape - time with a dear friend, her adult daughters and two of her four grandkids (the older girls will be with their father). Will see my Toledo cousins at some point - waiting to see if my brother and MI cousin can make time to see me after Christmas. And of course I will spend LOTS of time hanging out with my best friend and her family -always relaxing and lively. I'll drive home the 28th.

    James can manage for himself for a few days again, but we'll have Christmas together. Didn't get him anything big, but several small things I think he will like. I did find a local ornament with the Louisville fleur-de-lis on a background of blue with snowflakes and a thin wreath painted around the circumference. Got one for me and one for him, as a memory of our Christmas together in Kentucky. I'll put the year on the back. I'm sure he can use a break from me!

    OK, on with my day - there are gifts to wrap for over a dozen people, not counting James! My mission today is to get that done. There's Christmas music on now, and football later. It's a rainy, cold day so perfect for indoor activities and avoiding the last-minute crowds.

    Hugs to all.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Christmas Eve Eve. lol.

    Bert - You have a fun day today and tomorrow. Enjoy with your grandkids and making such wonderful memories. We make a foundation for them to continue these traditions with their own children down the road of life.

    Janet - Your trip sounds so very wonderful. Time with family and friends that are family is the best. I am enjoying my brother being here so much. I turned him on to the Mindhunter series on Netflix, as he is like me, liking the ID channel, Criminal Minds and such. He is loving watching it. The wreath ornament sounds beautiful and applying the date will definitely stamp your time together. Is James really leaving? He seems to really enjoy the area and your lovely company, who wouldn't?

    Cindy - How did Meg appear mentally when she arrived? I'm sure you Momma hug did her well. I have such respect for her. Hugs for you all.

    I am learning about my new washing machine. Mine died last weekend. Wasn't repairable. I lucked up at Lowe's and found the $1000.00 machine I wanted in the "out of box" area for $599.00, And it was in the burgundy color that matches my front loader dryer. How cool is that??

    I better get going. I have to make two dishes for tonight's gathering. I have so much leftover ingredients from our party.

    Have a wonderful weekend of love and making such wonderful memories

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - resurfacing after a VERY hectic and strenuous week. I finally finished Elise's stocking! I have put in at least 40 hours this week alone - staying up past midnight every night working on it. I'm guessing there are over 150 hours of work in it. I just finished it an hour ago - I was very worried I would not get it done. But hey - I have 24 hours to spare! Everything is wrapped as well, but I did not get the pre-cooking done today I had hoped. So still will have a busy day tomorrow.

    This was my last full time week with Elise. Her parents are off this next week, then she starts daycare on January 2. That was intentional, so we could go skiing sometime in January and start our travels again in February. But I think I will go get her from daycare at least once a week whenever we are home. (maybe not have her come at 6:15 in the morning!) This time has been a precious gift to me, and I know they have appreciated having her with me for the last two months. Especially when she had her brace on, she just needed a lot of individual attention. As of this past Thursday, she only has to wear it at night for the next month, then hopefully be done with it except for follow-on monitoring.

    My eating has been terrible, but my weight is staying the same. I have a feeling I have converted all the muscle I had built up from hiking to fat. Starting Tuesday I will re-commit along with the rest of you.

    Here are a couple pictures of the stocking. I can't post on facebook until they see it in person tomorrow night!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, that is STUNNING! So much love in one stocking. Merry Christmas
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Merry Christmas Eve! We have one service today for which I'm thankful. Lindsey and Justin will be here at some point today.....I'm thinking more this evening as they are not early risers. They are traveling from Lindsey's mom's house in Chatanooga. This afternoon will be making more cookies in preparation for our family Christmas celebration on the 26th. I'm battling sinus issues, so I hope everything will go away very soon.

    Yesterday was fun. Jillian and Cole helped me make Hershey Kiss Peanut Butter Cookies. Jillian read the recipe and they both helped measure and put the ingredients in the mixing bowl. They unwrapped the kisses as well. Mike's sister always sends us a King Cake for Christmas. Jillian loved it and was so hoping to find the baby in her piece. I sent a couple pieces home for them as Mike and I don't really care for it (too sweet). When I taught, I always took them to the teacher's lounge. (They always devoured it.). So now that we know Jillian loves it, we know where most of it will go! Lindsey also loves it, so the rest will definitely be eaten over the next few days.

    Diane: Gorgeous stocking!

    Merry Christmas to all!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Christmas Eve morning dear friends.

    Diane- Oh what a fantastic needlepoint stocking you have created!! That will be an heirloom gift displayed for generations. I know you are relieved to get it finished. Yes, the six weeks was precious and appreciated I am sure. Don't worry about the muscle. When you return to your activity it will return. Have you skied in Colorado or Utah? Those slopes I saw while there in August looked quite steep! I have enjoyed several parties and foods myself the last few days and I am ready for this to be over! Lol. I hope we can have some fun mini goal, group challenges and today's topics to keep us enthused in 2018. Whatever the group wants!!

    We have two family groups coming over for gift exchange today. My nephew and great nephew and wife and Glenn's middle son and family.

    The Mitchell family party was a lot of fun last night with 40 People present. Got compliments on my trim figure and didn't eat too much.

    My little Sophie is doing great and eating her puppy can food and milk well. She was five weeks yesterday. She just ate and has already played and crawled back in the pet bed and dozed off to sleep.

    Have a great Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and New Year's too. Our temp is 51 today. Quite a drop from 80 just three days ago. Lol.


    PS- Millie, my Yorkie, is still not crazy about Sophie, she turns her head when she come near her and won't even look at her. lol
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I forgot to wish all a Merry Christmas! I will catch up with personals after Christmas, but wanted to say to Karla, what a cute puppy!

This discussion has been closed.