OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good day all,

    Diane, yeah on the pound lost. I seem to have lost what little moment I had a few weeks ago. Not sure the reason but I will forge ahead. Hope all goes well with you being gone and letting Carrie be on her own for a day.

    Janet, so hard to watch friends suffer and not be able to fix it. But sometimes just lending an ear, a heart and a shoulder make the burden seem less daunting. You are a good friend and that matters.

    Bert, what a handsome man and sweet granddaughter. The first pic looks like it would be awesome framed.

    Nice long chat with mom first thing this morning. She is such a funny, articulate and smart lady. We never seem to run out of my things to talk about. I need to buy a baby shower gift for next Sunday, not going to have another chance to shop before then so I better get a move on. I really need to clean out the car so may do that when I get home. Work 5-10 tonight. I am enjoying doing cashier duties on top of the cutting counter chores, something I did not think I would ever say. It gibpves me a lot of steps since the counter is in the back of the store. I had to run up front 5 times yesterday to help for about 15 minutes each time. Ended with over 15K steps, some of those were from Zumba.

    Sending sunshine to you all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, love the photos - definitely frameable. Greg & Jillian's sweet spirits shine in their smiles.

    Patti, so happy you found this job - great for you in so many ways. How are your feet?

    Rough night last night - my friend is still a mess but trying to cope. I can't fix anything but can listen and offer moral support. If I win Powerball tonight I'll take care of it though (dream on!).

    My eating this week has been less than stellar but now that I have plenty of fresh produce, my plan is to get back into The Big Salad as main meal. Had a protein shake for breakfast and cooked extra quinoa for later. Cooking is a bit awkward on the scooter but I can do it.

    Been thinking about each of you this morning and how happy I am to know you. Hugs.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Girls-
    Meg and I finished up her apartment and I am waiting for her so we can have a bite of lunch- she cried a couple of times but overall we're having a great visit. Oh- she just got her- going to run.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, I know you and Emily are balm to Meg's soul. Enjoy every second as much as she will.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    You guys are making me acknowledge the need of addressing my flowerbeds!! I looked at them yesterday. Lol.

    Today we went to Hlenn's son's neighborhood for their Mardi Gras parade. It was fun and we had a BBQ too. Izzy had a blast and Glenn got to stand around with the young guys.

    I'm planning his 60th birthday bash and was able to get a hold of all his old pals and they all confirmed! He will be so happy.

    Diane- One pound is not a bad thing. If you want more, look at your carb intake. That is usually the culprit. You sure are getting a lot done. How is your water intake?

    Patti- You are correct about the high end car high cost of repairs. Jason has learned his lesson on the Mercedes and BMW's. Way more for same service of other models.

    Janet- Sounds like you are progressing along in your recovery. baby steps..

    Cindy- You are such a wonderful Mom. It breathes through your words and your heart. Enjoy every minute.

    I better go check on Izzy, we are getting our showers and then movie time.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy Sunday,friends. Karla, so glad you can share Mardi Gras with Izzy.

    Going to make it a quiet day to catch up on DVR. I have a lot of tasks on my list & am figuring out logistics. Can't move large amounts but do have a basket on my scooter and a somewhat awkward laundry hampe with wheels. Improvisation is the key!


    Theo typed the line above while trying to get my attention.

    Cutting cat sitter back to three days a week to save $ and will figure out how to scoop litter. Still need to get the trash out on Sundays and the container back in on Mondays. Might be able to get the guys across the street to do the Monday deal. Having Thursday visit this week but would like to ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    (more Theo)

    ... would like to get it to no more than two visits a week. Really trying to cut expenses where I can (aren't we all?)

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning.. almost afternoon. It is a beautiful day down here in the South. 74 degrees here now, and sunny. Izzy has gone to Sunday school and Children's church with her friend Benny. I am picking them up at 12:15. I need to go to Rouse's today and pick out Glenn's birthday cake, and what snacks I want to order from them. This is a food market out of New Orleans and their bakery is to die for. I may even do the crawfish, Glenn's fav, not mine. lol. They make all kinds of party trays, sandwiches, dips and delicious cakes. Since it is a surprise party it's not like I can be baking and cooking with him here. I can put these things out in the refrigerator in our garage and he would not look in there though.

    Janet - You are a logistical person, so I know you will figure it all out. Jus don' compromise your recovery. I see that the Secrets of the Six Wives of King Henry VIII is now on Amazon. I watched a new documentary on the attempted assassination of Queen Elizabeth I by Queen Mary of Scotland last evening. Very informative, but I did fall asleep before the end.

    Glenn is replacing our hot water heater as it has been showing signs of rust in our water. Then the garbage disposal quit too. Good thing he is handy!!

    I have back to back doctor visits again next week. I have to go get blood work Monday morning for my Endocrinology appointment for Tuesday. I did not have his recorded in my calendar, and until I received the reminder call late Friday, did not realize I had it. Wednesday I am seeing my Internal Medicine doctor for these dizzy spells I have been experiencing for several weeks now. When I bend down and come back up, my head just swims. I've tried to eliminate a couple things, but it still plagues me.

    I am trying to get back into the swing of things again, but I am not eating three meals a day, I'm not drinking enough water, and I am not exercising. I guess you can see I am still in a daze of my new reality. Glenn is extremely worried about me and actually getting frustrated with me at the same time. I am trying, but not hard enough. Please pray for me.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another day of dealing with crazy and rude people. Time just flies but I don't feel good at the end of the day when people seem bent on making life difficult for no other reason than they can. I do my best to smile and t y to make them do the same. It works sometimes and other times it does not. You can tell who is sporting for a fight when they walk up to the counter. Today th fighters were out in force! Chicken enchiladas in the oven. Had some homemade enchilada sauce in the freezer, can hardly stomach the canned stuff since I found this recipe for homemade.

    Janet, don't risk your safety to safe some money. I know you are mindful of your limitations both physically and financially. Ish I could help out.

    Karla, hope they figure out the problem.,sounds like you need to change positions very slowly to help curb the dizziness. My mom was having the same issue but now knows bending over requires a much slower return to upright. I also cautioned her to also go from sitting or lying to standing slowly for th same reason. Hope you get a thumbs up from your endo too.

    Too beat for more chat. Working 11-4 tomorrow then get a day off.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm here. Just been busy. I'll try to chat tomorrow
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's another gorgeous day today. A walk is definitely in store at some point today. I can't believe it's February.

    Patti: I've already ordered the pictures and will pick them up today! Good minds think alike!
    I talk to my mom everyday. She's been gone for over 20 years, but she's with me in spirit everyday! My dad owned several drug stores and dealt with retail all his life. Sometimes, retail is horrible.

    Janet: I'm with you on the eating part; however, for me, it's been better than usual. It's all about preparation for me. Although the scale won't budge, I definitely feel better. I need to drink more water.

    Karla: I hope the doctor finds out about your dizzy spells. I'm definitely praying for you.

    Yesterday, we went to our great-nephew's 3rd birthday party. We are thankful that Mike's neice includes us. There were many years that we weren't part of their lives due to Mike's brother's actions. He passed away a few years ago, and now, Mike's neice and nephew include us once again for which we are grateful.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    What a nice weekend with my girls- Meg plans to come back every two months without the husband and step son- just to have Meg time with her family.
    I'm focused on good eating today- so that's a positive.
    Janet-check this out
    Diane a pound shed it better than a pound gained. :)
    Patti- smile and remember Karma is one tough *itch
    Karla- so glad you had Izzy time
    Suzi- hopefully busy equates to fun too
    Need to run-
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Woke up to dense fog and praying it will lift in the next 30 minutes. People are crazy enough on the highays, add a bit of fog and things just get worse. Seems nobody slows down no matter the conditions. Makes me a nervous wreck! I am sure it will not keep people from shopping, praying for a day with nicer shoppers. Really looking forward to a day off and time with mom tomorrow. Leftovers for dinner tonight, so nice to not have to cook. My feet are still killing me by the end of each shift but I seem to be recovering from the pain a lot faster, so I am calling it progress.

    Suzi, hi and looking forward to a longer visit from you soon. Loved the FB pics of your west trip

    Cindy, Meg planning her visits sounds like just the ticket for her and you. Hope she makes some friends soon and I hope she contacts me. Would really love to meet her.

    Bert, if you are feeling better in your skin then don't let the scale ruin your day. How nice to be included in Mike's family. I have a sister that I don't speak to but I am still in communication with her kids. Enjoy your beautiful weather.

    Janet, thinking of you and hoping you are not overdoing it.

    Karla, good luck and prayers for answers today.

    Big hugs and hi to Mary Lynn and Myra

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, thanks! Just ordered one. for $18, worth a try because the bending is so awkward. Think about if you had to do everything with your bicycle, with one foot on the floor. It's kinda like that. I'll figure it out and am not going to even think about wheeling trash can either down or up the driveway until I hve two feet.

    Patti, we've had soupy fog here the last two mornings as well - but I can watch from indoors.

    Karla, hope they can easily sort your vertigo = could be a small sinus thing blocking your eustachian tubes. Good luck at the endo too!

    Bert, you will treasure the Greg/Jillian photo. I need to get my photos organized & digitized - hoping to make that my project next winter, if I can get lots done the second half of this year.

    Suzi, did you watch the All-Star game? Westrbook actually smiled a couple of times - rare occurrence!

    Have been drinking more water - I have a big thermal lidded metal cup and I use my soft ice. I always have at least one beverage right next to me.

    Sun is out and I'll do online tasks, then decide what comes next - watching things on DVR - still have stuff from last night

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Oh my goodness, what a day! Where did all the people come from? Huge sale, plus everyone off for the holiday made for a busy time cutting fabric. But everyone was pleasant, understanding and in a good mood. Just very tired and happy to be off tomorrow.

    Janet, hope the new scooper is the answer. This group is so helpful in ways we never expect.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Back later to chat. Thought I'd share this recipe while I'm making it.


    Veggie Salad
    2 cups grape tomatoes, halved
    1 yellow squash, diced
    1 zucchini, diced
    2 large carrots, diced
    1 small red onion, diced
    1 bell pepper, diced
    1 cucumber, diced
    1 large stalk celery, diced
    1 cup frozen green peas
    2 cans corn, drained and rinsed
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 tsp dried basil
    1/2 tsp salt (or to taste)
    1/2 tsp pepper (or to taste)
    1/3 cup canola oil
    1/2 cup red wine vinegar
    1/3 cup sugar (or Splenda)

    Mix all vegetables together in large bowl. Combine remaining ingredients together in small bowl and mix well. Pour over vegetables and stir to coat. Store in refrigerator.

    Number Of Servings:
    Not sure, but a LOT!

    Personal Notes:
    This makes a huge batch and you can pick and choose what veggies you want to use. I like to mix as many different colors together as I can. It keeps well in the fridge for a week or more. I use a mandolin to process as many of the vegetables as possible to speed up prep time.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. A late and short check in for me after a very nice weekend. We left Carrie here (by her choice) and went away for about 30 hours. Went to Harper's Ferry where my cousin had rented a house owned by the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. Hiked both Sunday and Monday in 65degree weather. Glorious. Had a fun crowd for dinner and overnight. Carrie did well here by herself. We had set her up with plenty of ice water in lots of containers upstairs, her chair setup at the top of the stairs and her crutches and wheelchair at the bottom, and leftovers she could heat up. I think she enjoyed some alone time, and only had trouble with Cleo who is afraid of Carrie's hardware ( in addition to her own shadow!) and wouldn't come close enough to eat hardly anything.

    Back tomorrow.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Finally, a real check in. We've been busy in the yard - chores never seem to get completely done, especially this time of year. Ellis had his first puppy obedience class last Tuesday and we've decided to also take Dinky. Dinky does well on the leash - heel, sit, stay, etc., but we're hoping some of the things we do in class will help with his anxiety with loud noises, car rides and the like.

    I worked some, teaching a 2-day class in Tulsa last week also and now have a couple weeks off before the next class in Arkansas. We're headed to the lake for a few days beginning Wednesday and weather permitting, we may try taking both dogs on a short RV trip to Red Rock Canyon State Park in west central OK next week. We want to try Dinky on some short trips to see how he does in the RV vs the car. Toilet install scheduled for the lake trip, which will also mean some clean-up. That shouldn't take long though and I hope to get in some hiking time while we're there.

    Diane - sounds like your weekend hiking trip was a success on all fronts! Carrie got a chance to practice her independence and you and John had some time away.

    Cindy - love hearing about the weekend with your girls and so happy to know Meg is planning regular trips home. It reminds me of the months X #1 and I spent in Ruidosa Downs not long after we got married. I was sooo homesick!

    Patti - enjoy Mom time. Glad to hear about your quicker foot recovery time after work. Sounds like you're rapidly whipping yourself into shape. Standing on your feet for extended periods of time is no easy task.

    Janet - congratulations on your shower!! And a successful solo car trip. I think most people will be helpful when they see someone struggling with mobility. There are a few jerks out there, but I like to think they're in the minority. Hope the cat box scooper helps you continue to find more independence.

    Karla - I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you feels better soon. Vertigo is no fun...

    Bert - hope you got to enjoy that walk today!

    We did yoga this morning then this afternoon took the dogs with us for an outing at the farm and a one-mile loop walk through the neighborhood to practice their skills when we got home. Ellis is really doing very well at his skills as long as he's by himself. We've started taking them separately when we practice. If not, he just wants to play and run to see what Dinky's doing. When by himself, he will heel, halt. Sit, stay and come on command - part of the time he follows hand signals and doesn't need voice commands. When we go with Dave and Dinky though, he won't stay - he just runs to them. He continues to be a true joy and wonderful addition to the family, as well as the class clown!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Forgot to give this report - my WW meeting buddy Be early and I are still continuing to share trackers each day. It's working well for both of us. I had too much sugar last week when my co-teaching partner brought chocolate the first day of class and CUPCAKES the 2nd day! I kept track of it all and tracked it honestly, but it was NOT pretty! At the grocery store today, in addition to the ingredients for the veggie salad recipe I shared, I also bought asparagus, sugar snap peas, salad greens, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, bananas and it seems like I'm leaving something out. Suffice it to say I'm planning to focus on fruits and veggies this week!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi ALl-
    Can't chat as I have a meeting to get to but wanted to say HI.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick hi and request. I shared a post on my wall by Mike Reed, Update on Constance's bill. This is a man who lost his wife and 2 daughters to the Gatlinburg fires. His wife was the victim of severe childhood abuse, including rape by her step father. Her life was full of sadness and pain but she was getting help and had just been saved 2 weeks before she and their girls perished in the fires. My daughter met Mike a couple of weeks ago, he is a relative of her best friend. He told his story and Constance's story to them and she related it to me just last week. I have never been so moved. So my request is that you please share my FB post and ask all your friends to do the same. These are bills that hopefully will make an impact on getting help for those children in peril. Thank you dear friends for whatever support you can give to this.

    Going to Mom's, back tonight.