OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- One more thing, does Joann's have to send out daily emails? Geez, I like getting the coupons but getting so many emails is ridiculous. I know this is not your control, but the advertising is crazy.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Survived my first shift at the register. Had a totally "duh" moment this morning. Thought I worked 9-2 today and tomorrow, I actually work 10-3! Sat it the break room reading a magazine until 10. Will not make that mistake again. Only had one real mistake, closed register without giving change. Had to have a manager override to reopen the drawer. All in all, not as bad as I thought it would be. Working the register tomorrow and then back to the cutting counter where I feel safe, lol. Stopped by. Y son's on the way home to check progress on the kitchen, dining room and living room redo. It is really coming along, but lots to be done yet.asked Edd how long he would be working and his response was "I'll be here all year!" I am itching to get to my watercolors but afraid to start.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi Ladies-
    yesterday was business reading about the craft of writing and of course the blog post.
    Patti- Meg is melting down- very homesick, lost and alone feeling so if the offer still stands I'll send you her contact information. Maybe you could meet her from lunch someplace? She really needs someone who is there for her- she's not making friends at this point and feels isolated.
    Karla- I agree about a man's voice- lol
    Janet- rest and do what you want- did you order take out- high protein and calcium are both top priorities for us all. -Dive into the watercolors- you can always buy more paper...
    Suzi- did you enjoy the game
    Diane- how is Carrie healing-
    I've had some bad eating days- in part cuz nothing tasted good and I kept trying things to see if something would taste better- if you've ever done that you know its not a good thing.
    But today- I'm on track again. Some days I'd like to give up- accept that I'm a girl with too much in the curvy department - but then i think about where i carry the weight and remind myself about the health risks. Sigh
    I have a new goal- after attending my writers meeting on Saturday I was inspired.
    - I want to be financially independent and a full time writer in 5 years.
    So need to run but I'll see you all later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, absolutely give Meg my info and I will be happy to meet her. I know she must really miss home and family. I will do whatever I can. I hate it when I eat all kinds of things and nothing tastes good. I learned that if I stop and ask myself "what is it you really want?" I can hopefully stop the grazing by having a small amount of what I am craving. Usually it is something I probably shouldn't have but for some reason it is in the house, like chips or ice cream cones, lol. If I don't have what I crave in the house I try to go to my craft room for distraction. Funny how I am never hungry there. I don't take food in my craft room.

    Sorry no other personals, need to leave for work in 5.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! A bit of upset tummy last night and this morning so I skipped yoga. Not bad, just enough that I didn't think it was a good idea to flip myself upside down and inside out while in a crowd.

    Cindy - are y'all in the storm path for this next biggie blowing into the northeast?

    Patti - at least you got to work an hour early instead of an hour late!

    Karla - I'll put my thinking cap on and try to come up with some discussion topics and challenge suggestions. Would you like to have them posted here?

    Shower time. I'll yack later,
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Thanks Patti-
    Suzi we've had two storms since Thursday and a ton of snow and heavy wind at the moment. So not fun here in the great northeast.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello, friends - Tummy is a bit weird today. Think I will toss the rest of the pizza I ordered Saturday - it tasted good for three meals over the weekend but I'm over it now. Got my cast cover delivered so am going to cross my fingers & have a shower in a bit, with new pjs after.

    Not feeling too chatty today.

    Cindy, I bet you will achieve your goal sooner than five years hence. Wish I could hve your weather! If I rulled the world, I'd let everybody donate their winters to me in exchange for my summers - physically and psychologically horrible months for me.

    Patti, the more you can do around there, the more flexibility they're likely to give you during cabin season. Brava!

    Suzi, sorry/not sorry abut the Ws/Thunder game. I did feel bad for Russell - such a great player but without KD and Serge Ibaka, it's tough sledding. But I heart my guys and the most wonderful Steve Kerr (not to mention - sigh - Bruce Fraser, who is just great to look at).

    Karla, did you get to the parades or was JJ still too sick to make it? I put "The People vs. OJ" onto my Netflix list for later. I've also heard that the new version of "One Day at a Time" is terrific. But first I must start "The Crown" and a few other things.

    Bert, do you have some YOU time built into your busy week? I know it's early but hope Mike will settle into retirement happily. Once it gets nicer out, you will both have fun (and I hope no major pool woes this year).

    Guess I should wish you all a happy Valentine's Day, though it's one of my least favorite days of the year (and was even when I was part of a couple. Today I got the sweetest card from my best guy friend. Still, those who brag about their romanitc evenings, flowers & gifts make me feel like my nose is being rubbed in my singlehood because VD has been bad for me since childhood - I was the one who tended to get the mean, passive-aggressive cards in my box at school - and bright red doesn't look great on me either! I guess I'm just private about things and while I am deeply and truly happy for my friends, feeling marginalized makes me sad. So, eeveryone, enjoy for me and know how happy I will be when it's over and I can get on with the fun of having both nieces' birthdays this week!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies. I've been MIA as I had the stomach flu over the weekend. I'm still worn out, but at least my stomach isn't flip-flopping any more. I'll catch up with you later.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It was a busy day at work. I had to work between the register,cutting counter and the stock room. Truck brought lots of fabric so me and anther lady were given the task of unpacking, racking and putting it away. But also had to run to wherever they needed us when the lines got long. Long day but got lots done. I mentioned to the manager that come summer I would drop back to 2 or 3 shifts a week with no weekends. She said that was no problem, they definitely don't want me to quit for the summer and rehire at the holidays. So I can relax on that front.

    Janet, I feel the same way about VD. I was the one that got few cards in my box as a kid and the ones I got weren't nice ones. I was not popular and with me getting pregnant when I was 15 I was pretty much an outcast and of course, no boyfriends. Edd and I have never celebrated what we both call Hallmark holidays, so it will pass as any other day.

    Bert and Suzi, hope you are both feeling better quickly.

    Time to chill and think about what to fix for dinner
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, hope you feel much better soon. Please rest and let Mike take care of the house - and you!

    Patti, what a relief to know that you'll be able to pull back at work without worrying about having to go through the whole cycle again. You are a model employee and working even 2-3 shifts a week this summer will keep your skills sharp. Happy for you!

    Going to try that shower now - wish me luck!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - stomach flu has plagued our house since Friday - first John on Friday and Saturday, Carrie yesterday and me today. I ache all over. Hope I am feeling up to taking Carrie for a new cast tomorrow - this one has gotten very loose as her leg muscles shrink to nothing. John is working a full day tomorrow.

    Back tomorrow maybe.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Well my sick friends, I'm having a colonoscopy tomorrow so while I don't have the flu, I have stomach issues! What a way to spend VD day huh? Lol.

    Patti and Janet - so sorry it wasn't your day back as a kid.. I don't really have much memories about it. I was a pretty and popular girl and always had lots of boyfriends, but still don't recall a lot of Valentine cards and such. Lol.

    Glenn is taking me for the test in the morning and then dropping me off afterwards at my BFF's house. She was in an auto accident last Friday and can't drive, so we are just going to hang out and Netflix. Lol. Glenn will come back and pick me back up after.

    Well, I have to go drink my jug. Wish me luck.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Geez, that prep was awful last night. The positive side effects though is my weigh in this morning has me down to 191.2. We all know that it is because I am completely empty and possibly dehydrated, but I will enjoy it while I can and try and keep it down. LOL.

    We are getting ready to leave for the hospital now. I will keep you apprised afterwards of any findings. I didn't have any polyps or issues in 2011, and don't anticipate any now, but one never knows, thus is why we have these screenings.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good luck, Karla! The colonoscopy is no problem - but the prep is just cruel. Enjoy your hangout with your friend.

    Did get a shower - logistics were a bit daunting & scary and somewhat painful but gosh, it felt divine! I want to try running a few errands - probably tomorrow. Pulling the scooter in after me will be a bit of a challenge but I will figure it out.

    Have a great day, all - and please be kind to the non-coupled.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Valentine's Day. I'm watching the grandkids this afternoon/evening while Greg takes Carrie to get their taxes done and then out to eat for dinner. I don't know whether or not Mike will go with me (his choice of course) since he's retired now, but will see. I'm off to the gym this morning for a PT to show me some new exercises to help spark up my routines! Have a great day, everyone! I sure am glad the stomach flu is over. I hope it doesn't hit Mike.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning everyone and happy Valentine's Day, I try to think of this day as another chance to count the people in my life that bring me joy and you all are included when I count my blessings. My usual Tuesday happenings- mom and the gym. Chinese fish packets for dinner and then 3 hours of quality tv time with Edd, unless he goes to the son's to work on drywall at the son's house. Feb 24-26 is employee appreciation and we get an extra 30% off all merchandise. So I am starting my shopping list. I need good watercolor brushes, palette with lid and fabric to make the Snow White apron, may also get some paper crafting supplies. Hope to not spend my whole paycheck. This will be my first time buying anything, it has been a struggle, lol.

    Karla, fingers crossed that all goes well. When I did the prep the hardest part was drinking all that stuff, the after affects weren't as awful as I had thought they would be. Need to schedule mine for this year.

    Janet, hope the next shower is less stressful and painful but I know it must have felt like a bit of heaven to you.

    Bert, have fun with the grands and glad your flu is over.

    Diane, how awful to have that flu go through the house when so much is going on. Hope everyone is well soon.

    Cindy, thinking of you and hope Meg reaches out to me. Let her know if she doesn't feel comfortable with first contact I will be happy to open that door first.

    Time to scoot

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Patti, you've been the model of restraint! When I worked in a music store in college, a chunk of every paycheck stayed there.

    Bert, have fun with the kids! Glad you're feeling better.

    Cindy, hope work isn't too much of a bear this week. Do you get next Monday off? I will gladly drive up to meet Meg in a few months.

    I've been forgetting to give you a TV recommendation: "Spy in the Wild" on PBS is astonishing. Two episodes have aired (just started the second one). Unprecedented look at the culture and behavior of a wide range of animal species. The intelligence and compassion you see will make you laugh, think and cry. Really cry. It's just amazing stuff.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited February 2017
    Caleb is willing to be our group Valentine. fns9gypspr20.jpg
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I'm taking a slow day today to recover. Poor Carrie was so nauseous this morning in the car she had me come home and not go up to Baltimore to get a new cast. Will try again tomorrow. And my son texted me that he and his wife are in the ER because she hasn't been able to keep any food or water down since Saturday night - dangerous in a pregnant woman.

    Suzi, I skipped the gym yesterday and today too. Tummy is still a bit tender. I'm making a nice beef stew for dinner, hoping that will tempt us all into eating something. I'm thinking Carrie's continuing problem is partially rooted in eating so little the last few days and still taking pain meds.

    Karla, by now I hope you are done with your procedure with no bad news and no ill effects - I agree the prep is the worst part.

    Janet, yay for a shower! I'm sure you feel much more human. Hope you can work out what was scary and painful and improve for the next time.

    Patti, I can't believe your restraint! Our Joann's here is a very small one - very little in the crafts department, certainly no watercolor supplies. There is a large one about 50 minutes away, but I don't go there much.

    Bert here's hoping Mike decides to go to dinner with you! I'm still trying to work out how retirement is supposed to work - give him some time.

    Cindy, I have several friends who are full time writers - they are columnists and blog writers primarily. You might consider taking on some of that as a supplement to your novel writing.

    My weight was down 3 pounds from Sunday, but I'm sure that won't stick!

    No Valentine's day plans here - we don't do much for those Hallmark type holidays.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello All-
    Valentines Day isn't just for lovers- it is to remind us to give love and accept it in return. So on behalf of St Valentine- remember you are loved.
    Now- its been a weird week so far- I've decided to totally revamp my website- it is my store front and I wouldn't go in a browse- so I'll let you know when it looks pretty and maybe you can take a look. I'd love your feedback.
    Patti- I'll let Meg know if she doesnt' feel comfortable you'll call her.
    Janet- Ah a shower- simple pleasures
    Diane- sorry the whole family has the bug- get well soon
    Bert- and you too- my goodness.
    Karla- and you with a colonoscopy- WOW- we're all into something.
    Need to run- but wanted to check in.