OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    God evening dear ladies,

    Mary Lynn, as always I could read your posts all day. You have the most eloquent turn of phrase and you seem to find the best in each of us and point us toward it. For that I am eternally grateful.

    Janet, is that a shower I am hearing?

    Karla, hope your me day was restorative. I know time with your grandkids heals you like nothing else so indulge yourself with them.

    Diane, hope John is not stranded for long. The "Art feast" sounds rights my alley. I think your plans are spot on for Carrie. I hope she realizes what a wonderful mom you are.

    Suzi, wish my gym offered some of the classes you speak of. Sounds like huge landscaping job, ifs you remember we have trees and grass. So not a gardener or "woman of the earth". That is one thing I did not inherit from my mom. She was a master and could spends hours in her gardens.

    Bert, hope the retirement lunch was a huge success. Is Mike going to do something part time? I have been wondering about your brother too, you haven't mentioned him in a while. Hope all is well with him.

    Cindy, I think of you often throughout the day and marvel at your strength.

    So glad I went to TRX tonight. There were only 3 of us plus the trainer. We did a combo of weights and TRX. All slow, deliberate movements, no cardio. The trainer spent her time watching and correcting our form plus explaining what muscles were being strengthen with each move. I think she is njpyed the class as much as we did. Time for Master Chef Junior. I love this how. It shows a much softer side of Gordon Ramsey, no foul language and no screaming. He falls apart when the kids cry.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Exhausted and about to turn in. No shower. New cast (neon green because it makes me smile). Doc pleased. I hurt and am sleep-deprived so good night! More in the morning.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early this morning. I have a visit today and then the Murder Mystery at our church is tonight and tomorrow night. Today, I'll be helping in the kitchen as well as doing tickets this evening.

    Cindy: I'm not going to travel out of my way to pick up a rental car. (it was discussed at our supervisor meetings) They will not pay travel expenses to the rental car facility, so I'll only use it if it's on my way. I think they will find that it's not cost effective, but that's their problem. I'll jump through the hoops.

    Suzi: You can come to our house anytime to design and reconfigure our flower beds! I'm trying to do the opposite at our house: make them smaller. The original owner was a landscape artist and large flower beds are on every corner of the house. They originally had sticky evergreens in them, so we took them out and we have mulched and planted flowers. I'm not a shrub person.

    Mary Lynn: Thank you for your compliment. I want my students to always do their best.

    Patti: Mike's luncheon was good. Many customers, contractors, and employees showed up. I'm happy there was such a good turnout for him. He will be working part time for the company; filling in when managers have meetings, helping with loaders, etc. I told him if he wanted spending money, he had to do something as I'll need his Social Security check for bills. :o) My brother is doing ok. He is happy that he has his studio up and running again and is able to work on projects from home. He is now getting Social Security which he attributes to God providing for him. I said that he needed to add a "nagging sister" to his thankfulness as I believe God provided for him. :o) I'm going down for a visit on Feb. 27 for a week. We will get legal matters taken care of. Thanks for asking.

    Janet: Neon green sounds fabulous! Get some much needed rest. Hope your pain will subside soon.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, rock the neon! sounds like you are healing well. Hope you slept well and the pain is less today.

    Bert, I hope some day your brother realizes that you really are a gift from God and an answer to his prayers. Nice to hear that he is able to work again, self esteem is a balm in itself.

    Gym this morning for Zumba and Pilates. Then puttering around the house until time to go see Susie. It has been less than 2 years since we reunited and I am still in shock that she is in my life. 45 years of believing we would never meet changed in a nanosecond and my life has not been the same since. She is smart and funny but very guarded with her feelings so hard to read at times. We are working on what and who we are to each other. I know she still feels somewhat disloyal to the memory of her parents and I totally respect that. She has difficulty when introducing me to people as her mother. I see her hesitate and know she wants to say birth mother. I have told her to call me and introduce me by my name if it would make her more comfortable. We are a work in progress and are finding our way.

    Until later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I actually was able to get several hours of solid sleep last night and my bodies surely feels it. I have been doing some reorganizing this morning. I finished the back dining area, moved that heavy table back around and the antique linen chest, OUCH! I did not like Glenn's arrangement. lol. I had to wait until he returned to work to move it. Then I started on my office and finally arranged my sewing area. My OTT table lamp is really nice. I am hoping to find some time to get the pending throws finished before it is spring time.

    Bert - I don't blame you on the car rentals. That doesn't make any sense at all. I'm glad you responded on your brother. I had inquired about him also.

    Janet - Neon green is too kewl. I do pray you were able to string a few hours of sleep together last night. I know it eludes you.

    Patti- With time your heart will meld into your daughter's. She has opened that door, and you have walked in. I think you are doing it just right. Are you watching Nashville on CMT?

    Cindy - What are your plans for the weekend? Is Meg better?

    I need to finish the front dining area with some things to put away and then get dressed. We are taking Brutus to the Vet to see if they can doing anything else for his allergies. His eyes are draining and one sealed shut this week. I was able to get it open myself this time, but he is really having a tough time. He turned 14 last month, so he is no spring chicken, and fortunately through all of this, he is not in any pain, but he can't be comfortable. Wish me luck for my sweet boy.

    Have a great day.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Art Feast last night was fun, and they talked me into doing a painting. I did the absolute simplest thing I could, but it turned out pretty well! The theme was water, and I did a very simple sailboat on a calm sea. Nothing like the reflections of trees and other things that others were doing! My sister did a gorgeous pond reflecting trees and brush. She is the real artist in the family. One woman was doing a reflection of a kitten in a puddle - very intricate! Carrie had fun, which was the most important thing. The car ride there wasn't too bad, by by the time we headed home she was hurting.

    Not much on the agenda for today. I did my water aerobics, and have had an omelet for lunch. John is on the train home from New England. I might tackle another box from the box room. And I need to call the consignment place for an appointment to take stuff in.

    Karla, you must love to decorate! It seems you are always trying new arrangements of things. Hope the vet can help your sweet pup.

    Janet, sorry about the shower, but hopefully soon. One of Carrie's regrets about her surgeon is they only do white casts. The staff said the colors cost more and they get in trouble if they order them!

    Patti, I think it is amazing how you have connected with Suzi, and are growing a relationship. What a gift she has given you! I would love to find a TRX class around here - it seems like a wonderful workout.

    Bert, how nice that Mike's lunch was so well attended! I specifically requested a pizza party in a conference room for my retirement, so lots of people could just stop by if they wanted and not have to take a lot of time out of their busy day, and it worked out just that way.

    MaryLynn, you always have such an inspirational message when you stop in. Thank you!

    Suzi, I love working in the garden/yards/flower beds when the weather is nice. Even weeding gives me such a nice sense of accomplishment. I took advantage of the nice weather earlier this week and weeded and spread some mulch over some bare spots to keep those weeds from coming back!

    Cindy, hope you kept your power, stayed home and nested through the storm.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    I think the zicam is working to keep the cold to a slight irritation but I do have a headache and tired. I'm going to the grocery store today but that's about it other than writing.
    We have about a foot of snow- pretty yucky out today, cold and wind. I think this is the coldest its been since the onset of winter.
    Working from home yesterday was great- it was so nice to revel in the quiet of my home with the pups close by.
    Janet- were you to tired and sore to shower or did the doc say not yet- Rock the neon girlfriend
    Patti- I have never been in your shoes with a child but Susie will find her way with you. I'm sure she does feel disloyal but if she brings it up maybe tell her how thankful you are that her parents loved her and raised her when you were just too young to do it and you'll be forever in their debt as they did a marvelous job. Hope I didn't over step but I do feel that is what is in your heart. It might help her realize that she has room for everyone to love.
    Karla- what is baked spaghetti? Do share... its my favorite meal spaghetti and meatballs
    Bert- I love that you're still involved in the next generation of teachers. You're sharing your gift with so many people that help to shape our children's minds and our world.
    MaryLynn- Your amazing soul shines through each post you write. I'm so glad you found us.
    Suzi- zap those beds into shape
    Diane- how was the art thing with Carrie? When is John due home?
    Need to go drink some just and take something for my sinus. But so glad to see everyone
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is bitterly cold but supposed to be spring like tomorrow. Class was great. I Abe a hard time looking at myself in the mirror but noticed how sculpted my arms are getting, still have some wiggly stuff on the upper arms, I call it guns over bat wings, lol, but overall not bad.

    Cindy, you are not overstepping. Susie and I have had many conversations about our relationship and how that affects how she feels about her parents. I have expressed how grateful I am that they raised her to be the wonderful woman she is now. She and her mom talked about her finding me some day. She also said they always said prayers for me and would thank God that I chose to let her be adopted. Her favorite aunt has said several times how happy her mother would have been to know that Susie found me. My biggest fear was that she would hate me for giving her up and the converse is true. So we are just working out where we fit in each other's lives, but know that we WANT to be in each other's life.

    Diane, I loved your watercolor, I hope you frame it and display it proudly. The thing about art is that it doesn't have to be intricate or detailed to be beautiful.

    Karla, I know you enjoy decorating, so go for it.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Taking a short break from my root pulling and digging. After 1 1/2 hours I think I deserve one. Have I told you lately what a bad idea it is to plant hollies in flower beds next to the house - especially bad to just leave them sprouting from under the foundation and sidewalk for 20 years or so????? My arms are too tired to type anymore right now...
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Diane, your painting was lovely and sure didn't look like a novice effort to us! Bert, glad the luncheon was so nice. Karla, moving that furniture alone? Shame on you!!! Hope you are OK. Patti, so glad you and Susie found each other and that your mom is nearby - what blessings. Cindy, wishing you a cozy and relatively low-stress weekend. How's Meg? Suzi, I did my gardening today too (gave my one plant, a small orchid, its weekly ice). Hey, after two years of keeping it while it did nothing, it has budded again. Cool - a plant that hasn't died on me yet! MaryLynn, hope you've found creative ways to embrace the snow.

    Doc recap: stitches were removed & I got to see before/after x-rays, which were fascinating. Everything is lined up properly and doc says ankle motion is good and fusion is beginning on schedule. The neon green cast stays on for four weeks and I'll go with kelly green next time for St. Paddy's day. Having the cast protects the healing better and the hard shell is useful with the knee scooter too.

    No shower yet but today I ordered two high-rated cast covers because Tuesday morning it will be four weeks since I've had a real shower and I can't take it anymore. Will be very careful to keep it dry but if I can even take a quick shower a couple of times a week, life will be better.

    Was very tired and in a fair amount of pain last night. Sleep was spotty but I have taken it easy today and had a pain pill this morning. Hoping to go to bed early tonight - may take a benadryl. The being awake for 2-3 hours during the night is a drag but it's all good.

    Hugs to all!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick good morning to all my gals, leaving in just a few to go make some cards, lunch and then work. Since my son lives just up the road from where I work I am thinking about stopping in to see how the work is going on the new kitchen and spend some time with my favorite DIL, if they are home. I know Edd is going to help with drywall today sometime, so we shall see. Had such a wonderful evening with Susie and her husband. He is such an engaging and funny guy. Plus he has one of the sexiest voices, I could listen to him talk all day. Edd has one of those voices too, with a slight hint of southern twang to it. My daughter surprised me with watercolor paints, brushes, paper and book. Now I can't wait to get my paint on. Well time to scoot, back later tonight or tomorrow sometime. I work 9-2 tomorrow and Monday, training as cashier, yikes!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Saturday morning. Yesterday was a difficult day. It started off at the Vet with my sweet Brutus, with the head Vet telling me he did not know how Brutus was still alive. With the readings on his BUN kidneys being 84 from last June, he thought he would have passed. With the development of his allergies settling more in his eyes, new medications are being tried and now his weight is beginning to drop. His previous Vet here, has moved back to Tuscaloosa, had warned me when his weight started to drop was when he would be declining to pass. Afterwards, when I took Izzy and Bennie to the frozen Yogurt shop, which is in a fancy gas station, while I was paying for the yogurt, Izzy picked up what looked like an iPhone and burned her finger. It was a lighter! I had to file an accident report there. Lastly, my younger brother's best friend died yesterday morning, which I found out last evening, and, of course he is devastated.

    Cindy - Oh you would love Baked Spaghetti!! Unfortunately it makes a large dish, perfect for a family event. You make your regular spaghetti sauce, chicken or beef is great, layer your pasta and sauce with parmesan and mozzarella cheeses. My niece even puts sausage and other cheeses in hers. I prefer to use Angel hair pasta in mine. It is great the next day after it has been in the refrigerator. It cuts better, it freezes well too. Google it and you will see all the various recipes. Have I told you how very proud I am of you lately? I truly admire your strength and fortitude.

    Patti - How was your visit with Susie? Did you talk the evening away? Have dinner? How was her husband? Did he partake of the conversation? I know you were so looking forward to it.

    Janet - I am so pleased your doctor is pleased with your progress. Again, I am hoping you were able to get comfortable with some sleep last evening. I watched the current episode of Reign this morning. Mary, Queen of Scots, is back in Scotland now, and Elizabeth I, and her are battling each other. I thought I'd jump in at this point as this is my favorite point of these two's relationship. Barbaric as it is. Did you decide to watch Victoria or the Crown first? Both are excellent.

    Suzi - Did you see the pic of Jodi and her 3 dates on FB? Precious.

    Bert - I know your church program was awesome. You are such a blessing to your congregation, as they are to you.

    I did pick my JJ up yesterday afternoon. He has a sinus and cough going on and I gave him some meds last night. We are having mid 70's today and if he is not coughing too bad we may go downtown this afternoon for two Mardi Gras parades.

    TT: I know Spring is far off for many of you up in the far North, but many of us have experienced some early warm temps. What do you look forward to as we get to shed off the heavy clothing? Our stores already have bathing suits in them!! Yikes!!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls
    Writing was spotty yesterday just couldn't get in the groove. The cold was still weighing me down but towards the afternoon I kicked it in gear and wrote some good pages.
    This afternoon I'm off to a writers meeting about social media.
    Patti- I'm happy to hear the relationship between you and Susie is finding its own path and happy to hear the support of her late adoptive mother. Yes I teared up when I read it...
    Karla- what the heck a lighter that looks like a phone- poor Izzy i hope the burn was just a red spot. I'm sorry JJ is sick too.
    Suzi- just think of the muscles your building
    Janet- I agree there's nothing like a shower to wash all troubles away and make us feel good.
    TT- Were going to get hit with another storm tomorrow- up to 10 more inches. I'm looking forward to being able to walk outside without layers. I really am not a fan of walking in super cold temps as I hate wearing knitted hats which is necessary with winter exercise.
    this week I'm struggled with my plan as I've been fighting the cold and drinking juice. Which I don't really do as its so high in natural sugar and with WW high in points. The scale hasn't been moving but I'm not really taking it as a set back as its not a choice to get this darn cold. LOL
    I'm delaying breakfast but do need to eat something, just enjoying my coffee first. Ah peaceful-ville at my house today Rick's working today... Just me and the pups.
    Alright- talk to you later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all-Got a bitmore sleep but planning on a deliberately sluggish day here. It was clouded over here so didn't get to see the lunar eclpse, which I know was mild and shadowy but cool anyway. Best news - my best friend's infant grandson is going to be OK - he has a bad case of an infant respiratory virus (RSV) and was running a veyr high fever. Poor little guy - all he knows is that he feels terrible and has trouble breathing. So relieved he will be all right.

    Karla, pet sweet Brutus for me. So sorry about your brother's best friend's passing - that such a heart-hurt. Had no time to start any sort of binge-watch yet. Going through the stuff on DVR this weekend when there's not a good basketball game on. Cat sitter has been here and I am unwinding now and need to make grocery list for eary next week. Might be bad and order food delivery but am really hungry and promise to keep protein and calcium intake high while I'm healing. Good thing I don't have real junk in the house today!

    Patti, you'll have to shre your artwork, then you & Diane can teach us.

    Cindy, guess it just wasn't meant to be LR time. Take care of that cold.

    Feeling a bit better here and as for TT, PLEASE let's not rush into hot weather. I still want some WINTER!!!!!! The clothes are SO much nicer, among other things. If spring were to start about the end of March, last until September, then segue into the glory of fall ...

    Have a fun day, everyone!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Sore muscles resulted in a small gain at the scales this morning. As one of you said, though, I'm building muscles. Did some more flower bed muscle building today and we have it mostly cleared out and ready to start planning so I can plant as soon as it's time. I bought a bunch of barefoot perennials today and still have a rose bush to pick out. Will fill in liberally with annuals when the time comes.

    I've retired for the day. Showered and foo-foo'd. We're going to watch "he who shall not be named" and the GSW's play the Thunder tonight. We'll be driving the convertible downtown and walking to supper at my worlds favorite pizza joint before the game. It's currently 92 on my back porch! Winter returns tomorrow though with high temp in low 50's and a 30mph north wind.

    Karla - yes, I saw Jodi's pic with her 3 dates. It's great to see the Coasties are still taking such good care of her. We'd all love for her to find someone and remarry. I'm so very sorry to hear the news about your sweet Brutus. (((BIG HUGS)))

    Patti - have a good time card making and a good day at work.

    Janet - great report from the doc!

    Cindy - enjoy your quiet time today and stay out of the weather.

    Waving hello to Diane and MaryLynn.

    My OSU cowboys need me, so it's back to basketball for me!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Just a quick stop for a hello. I'm catching Janet disease - did not sleep well at all last night. I was going to fix chicken stir fry with lots of veggies tonight for dinner but John and Carrie both said they weren't all that hungry. So I got out some cheese and crackers and will cut up some fruit. Im too tired to cook anyway.

    Back tomorrow and will be more talkative then.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Card time was fun followed by lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant, a few too many chips but has a cup of tortilla soup and their Mexican salad: greens with chicken, charro beans, guacamole and cheese. Ate only 1/2 of that. 5 hours at work flew by as we were super busy. My feet are killing me but with rest they will feel better.

    Karla, sorry about your brothers friend. No matter our age, losing a friend is devastating. An iPhone lighter, shesh! Hope it was a minor burn. Hope JJ was feeling better so you could go to the parades.

    Diane, so impressed with your watercolor painting. Don't compare yourself to others, it was really good.

    Cindy, hope you have kicked that cold to the curb, LR doesn't need any obstacles to her writing, lol.

    Janet, I promise not to wish for warm weather too soon, lol. Praying for restful sleep for you.

    Suzi, I always weigh more after a good muscle workout. Enjoy your convertible ride, mine is still in the shop trying to get it's Alzheimer's cured.

    Bert, I bet the show was a huge success!

    Time to chill and get to bed early so I can be trainable tomorrow, lol

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good late evening. Can't sleep, so much on my mind. Just put Izzy to sleep and now here I am.

    Patti- you haven't mentioned your visit with your daughter, was it a no go?

    Suzi- Jodi told me she would never remarry because of benefits. But maybe one day someone will turn her head. Time keeps passing and her and I don't seem to meet.

    Cindy- Did you look up the recipe?

    TT: 'It has been such a mild winter, temps in the mid 70's throughout the last two months, I've worn sandals and flip flops often. I do look forward to my plumerias. the bright color clothing, pastel purses and pink toe nails.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop as I gobble down some scrambled eggs and coffee before heading to work.

    Karla, I did tell about my visit with Susie in yesterday morning's post, just above yours. Looks like we may have been posting at the same time so you probably missed it. I have had that happen to me before. Suffice to say we had a great time just chatting away. Her husband is really a great guy, very funny and has the sexiest voice, lol. It is a shame that he has such social anxiety that he rarely attends family or friend's functions or events. At least he always welcomes me into their home and makes me feel like he enjoys my company. I am loving getting to know them both better. Susie bought me a whole bunch of watercolor stuff-paper, paints, palette, pencils and instruction book. Now I just need to get a few more supplies, carve out some time and get to it. I am going to start with some card designs I have seen.

    TT- we have not really had a winter here, other than a few days of snow and/or cold. What I always love and wait for about spring is the feeling that everything is new again. Another chance to embrace the beauty that is our world. Don't care about the change of wardrobe, as you all know I am not a clothes, shoe or handbag hound. I am basically pretty organic, keep it simple and just wear shorter sleeves and legs, lol.

    Waving hi to everyone, wishing you a glorious day

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good late morning. Glenn and I have been watching the OJ Simpson mini series that just showed up on Netflix. I have been wanting to see I since I was nominated and won so many Emmy's. This is the one with John Travolota, Nathan Lane and Sterling Brown. My Father and I were enthralled with the original trial back in 94 when it went on. We telephoned each day after it was over and compared notes.

    Patti- I'm sorry, I did indeed, miss your post. How sweet of her with the gift of art supplies. I love a man with a sexy voice. That is one thing about my Glenn also, he has a great telephone voice, and since we met online, and then on the phone, it was a real turn on!! lol.

    JJ has another school project for us to work on today. I have a sore throat and a bit nauseous. I hope it doesn't turn into something. I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy on Tuesday. This prep is awful and different from my one in 2011. No fun!! No food at all for tomorrow, laxatives, MOM and a jug of RX from the pharmacy to mix up and drink tomorrow night.

    TT: As we move into next week, and further towards spring and summer. Let us all think of some food and physical group challenges like we used to do. Posting what we did, name weekly goals, something that will help and not hender us of course. Group input please.
