OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    My final thought for this day.....what a wonderful, supportive group of women here. I often marvel that we found each other but feel blessed that we have. Thank you all for caring about me and everyone on this board. What an awesome force we are.

    Blessings and sweet dreams
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends, confidants and practically soul mates!! Glenn and I had fun, but ended up making it a short evening as he has a sinus infection which resulted in a digestive issue. We were asleep by 10p, back in the hotel. Big party people here. Lol. The call-outs and King and Queen costumes were very elegant and I enjoyed watching the Fairytale theme.

    Patti- To think it all started with out union in 2011.

    Cindy - Have you heard from Meg since she's moved? I know you mentioned she's coming back to clean up their last dwelling.

    Janet- I hope you were able to get some comfort last evening.

    Suzi- How is your cold?

    Mary Ellen- Wow, the pictures are breathtaking!! Definitely a lot of shoveling. Glad you are checking in with us.

    Glenn is feeling better this morning and we are headed out to a local diner for breakfast that his daughter recommended. I am keeping a close eye on him!

    I will add a picture of us below.

    Have a great Super Bowl. We will just be at home. Looking to cook healthy snacks and get a good walk in with Leslie!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, love the pic!

    Patti, I couldn't agree more.

    Pain not bad today so far. Going to take it easy and root for my Patriots. Pretty tired so will leave it at that. Back later. Hugs to all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - visit with my family including my mom went well yesterday. My brother and SIL brought mom here (about an hour from mom's, brother lives 20 minutes from her.) She was glad to be able to see Carrie since she hadn't seen her since before the accident. My son and his wife also finally got to tell her their big news, and I am now released from my vow of secrecy - they are expecting a baby! So I will be a first time grandma in early September! My mom will be a second time great grandma. I've known for a month - they told us earlier than planned (at about 7 weeks) because her mother guessed when they went to visit after Christmas.

    I did finish cleaning out my closet. I looked up Dress for Success and there is one in both DC and Baltimore - neither easy to get to but not horrible. However they do want the clothes to be recently dry cleaned, or laundered, so I will have to spend some money on dry cleaning. There is a Zips nearby, so about $2.19 per item.

    Lunch today was a bust - I had some TJ's Mac n cheese - I read the label and thought it was a reasonable 260 calories, then when I went to track it realized that the container theoretically contains *2* servings! I hate those misleading packages, but will be more careful from now on.

    Back later I hope - I have to attend a funeral this afternoon, then get ready for the big game.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! The dogs and I are having a lazy day. Dave's gone to the lake to work on the plumbing problems- poor guy! He likes doing a lot of handyman stuff, but not particularly plumbing, especially old, weird, mobile home plumbing. My cold is turning into a sinus infection, sweats, chills, headache and a virtual snot machine. Yuck! So, I'm watching Thunder basketball as a prelude to the super bowl. I don't give the furry crack of a rats behind about either team, so I'm already a winner.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Really quick stop as the game is about to start. I am exhausted and need a down day. We are have nachos for dinner, wil keep the chips to a minimum if I can and load up on veggies and beef.

    Karla, I love your hair that color. Great pic of you two.

    Suzi, so sorry about the nasty sinus infection, praying for Dave and his plumbing

    Diane, overjoyed for your impending grandchild. What did Carrie think. Maybe being an Aunt will be something she can really look forward to. I know I have always thought that being an aunt was one of my most important roles in life.

    Ok, gotta go
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Another beautful sunny day this morning! It's so nice to see the sun for a change. We had a great time in Chicago this weekend celebrating Dylan's birthday. I can't believe he's 8!

    Diane: I agree with your opinion of a personal trainer. I've been thinking about hiring one for a couple of workouts to see what different things I can do to not aggravate my back or my knee.

    Patti: So happy for your mom's progress.

    Karla: What a great picture of you and Glen!

    Have a great day, everyone! I'm off to church to help with ticket sales for the Murder Mystery Dinner Theater.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I'm sorry I was MIA this weekend- but I have great news- they want to see the book!!! So yesterday I had to write a synopsis and submit it along with a formal query. Two things I've never done. But I hit send early this morning and now the waiting game begins-

    Diane- My heart broke for you as you wrote about Carrie- I know some of what you're feeling. Meg too was suicidal for a while - but it was the medicine that was causing her distress, however Rick too was very close about 18 months ago and we are sliding back into the hole again in recent weeks. it is heartbreaking and I encourage you to talk with a professional. it has helped me tremendously. Rick also went through crisis when he was really bad. His paranoia and anxiety are part of his depression and his continued distrust of me is all wrapped up into the same illness. Yesterday when he was telling me our marriage is JUST like his previous marriage I asked him what the common denominator is- and then I told him if he never learns to trust me our marriage will fail. I said he has to trust until I break it- which I would never do- later he told me he wished he wasn't on this earth. SO hard.
    Patti- you sound relaxed and happy
    Karla- Yes I've talked with Meg but she's very sick. So I am encouraging her to rest as much as she can. Thank you for asking.
    Janet- Did you stay up for the game? I had one eye on the game from time to time but went to bed before the conclusion. At that point it had gone into OT and the outcome was inevitable.
    MaryLynn- beautiful pictures- thanks for sharing.
    Diane- forgot congratulate you on the baby- wonderful news.
    I overate yesterday but back on plan today-
    Keep good thoughts for the editor loving my book
    thinking of everyone who is struggling and sending hugs.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! Still fighting the sinus infection, but after lazing around all day yesterday, I've got to get up and move today. I'm going nuts. It's warm here today - already near 60 with potential for record high temp this afternoon. I've got a few yard chores to do, so the dogs and I can get outside and get them done before the wind picks up this afternoon. We're into fire weather season and under a red flag fire alert today due to dry conditions and high winds.

    My friend, Beverly, and I are continuing our tracking accountability plan and texting our trackers to each other daily. We both had scale victories last week. Yay!

    Cindy - congratulations on your pitch! Sounds like you knocked it out of the park. I'm very sorry you're going through such stress at home. It's so hard to watch someone go through it and be so powerless to do anything to help. He just has to do it for himself and it sounds like he's not really capable of doing what he needs to do to recover. (((HUGS)))

    Diane - CONGRATULATIONS on your pending "Grandmahood"!!! That's so exciting! I'm sooo looking forward to hearing that news myself. Jeana and Chris are trying and every time I talk to her, I wonder if it's the day she'll share the good news... Remembering back to when I first became an aunt, I was so very excited about it. Maybe that's just what Carrie needs???

    Janet - how's the pain level today? Are you over the moon with the Super Bowl results? I watched, but since I didn't have a dog in that fight, it doesn't mean as much as it would to a true Patriots fan.

    Karla - loved the pic of you and Glenn. Even if you didn't stay very late, I'm sure it did a world of good for you to have some good "just the two of you" time.

    Bert - the personal trainer sounds like just the ticket to figuring out a workout plan that doesn't further injure your knees and back. You're so worth it!

    Patti - what's on your schedule today? I LOVED hearing the doctors report on your Moms eyes!

    MaryLynn - thanks so much for sharing the snow pix. That's quite a workout to clear that much driveway!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    The sun is shining and I have the day off....a. Great combo! Loved Lady Gaga's halftime show. Pure entertainment with no political message. The game is another thing and I will not talk about it, lol. Actually I had not attachment to either team so cheered for the underdog. Records were going to be set no matter who won. Today I need to get to the grocery and do some laundry. My hands and feet really need a break today. Spent most of my shift organizing the gazillion shelves of flannel. Everything had to come of the shelves and then put back colorized. I got pink, orange, red, yellow, brown and most of the green done. Left blue, purple, black and white to be done. They are going to start training me on the register next week, so I will be working 5 days, only having Tuesday and Thursday off.

    Bert, a personal trainer sounds like a great investment. My TRX instructor is a personal trainer and I did 1 session with her. It was time well spent. She is also certified in nutrition and gave me some great advice about what and when to eat. I am FB friends with her, her husband and my other trainer that teaches Zumba, Pilates and circuit. They are always sharing exercise and nutritional tips with us.

    Janet, I know you loved the second half of that game! What a come back. It seemed like the Falcons left their defense in the locker room at half time. How is your cat sitter doing?

    Diane, I think cindy's advice is spot on. I hope you ar getting some counseling or help for you.

    Cindy, my heart breaks for Rick's paranoia and mistrust of you at the same time my heart is filled with such joy for you as you enter this next phase in your writing career. Do you think your success is a threat to him? No matter the cause never give up on you and your dream.

    Karla, hope Glenn is feeling better. When does he hope to retire? When will you start traveling. Have you looked into disability for your eye?

    Suzi, loved the pic of Ellis' new seating choice. Hope you are feeling better. How is Dave doing with the plumbing?

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Patti- in looking back at the beginning of our relationship, after we moved on from friends, i can now see his deep lack of trust. I was home about an hour late one night, shortly after we moved in together. It had been snowing hard and he met me at the door and accused me of being out at a bar have a drink with my then boss. I really took it that he was concerned about the road etc- but now hindsight is clear and it was an indication of this deep seated issue. in the last few months he has said things to me that he told me about his ex in those early months. When he brought that up yesterday, that this marriage is just like his first I asked him what is the common denominator? I left my comment at that and moved on.
    I will NOT let his issue color what I know to be my truth. So he figures out how to trust me or things will change. If this happens the failure of my marriage will rest with his inability to try and work towards change and become a better man.
    Though stuff- but in the long run I must love myself enough to be strong and not let him erode my self image.
    Sorry if this smacks of not being a supportive spouse. But there comes a time when I may have to take care of me first and let him go.
    Again- sorry for the vent- but I don't see my therapist until Wednesday :)
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, I think you are so wise. I know it hurts but you are absolutely corrects when you said "I must love myself enough to be strong and not let him erode my self image." You are not being an unsupportive spouse, if you supported his paranoia that would be the downfall of you. You cannot fix him, that is his job, if he chooses to accept it. Vent here as needed, that's what friends are for sometimes, a bridge to your next therapy session. Virtual (((((hugs)))))
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Massive congrats to Cindy on the book pitch and to Diane on impending grammahood. Great news all over!

    OF COURSE I watched the whole game and am still over the moon with my guys (the catch My Julian made will be replayed 50 years from now). My voice is raw still. What. A. Game!!!!!! And the guys in postgame interviews were smart and charming and talked about TEAM above all. The Patriots have a few stars but much of the team has been assembled from other teams' castoffs who were brought on to fight together and they really are brothers toward a common end.

    Suzi, hope you feel much better soon - sinus infections, especially the dizziness, are really disconcerting. Cindy, hope Meg is resting and recovering too.

    My pain isn't bad today. I know this rehab will become a bear because the whole leg has physically adapted to having a mis-aimed foot so there's work ahead but ...

    Going to have a nap - was up until after 2 watching postgame stuff, awake again from 3:30-6 and out of bed at 8.

    Hugs to all.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Janet- you'll rock PT- you have the fortitude of a 1000 people.
    When do you start????
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    It is a wintery mix in the north east - yuck.
    Well my knee is back to normal but my left hip has become very stiff, i think its coming from my lower back. I'm just a hot mess lately. Pulled something with a russian twist last week. lol
    Hurts to sleep on the said and when i get up have to let the muscles catch up with movement. Need to call the doctor to see if my old script of Flexiral is ok to take-
    The board is quiet or maybe I'm just active this week.
    Meg is talking about driving home this weekend to finish cleaning and packing- guess they didn't finish when they pulled out two weeks ago.
    Otherwise all is fine here-
    Diane- how's Carrie? Glad you found some place to donate the clothes- you'll make someone very happy.
    Suzi- are you feeling better?
    Karla- is Glenn ready for retirement and that was a great pic you posted.
    Bert- did you have fun with the kids?
    Patti- Rick is scared to be alone for any moment in time- he wants us to be the same person as it gives him comfort. At least this is all from therapist point of view. Anything that I do as an individual person, even shopping on some days is upsetting to him. But I know that I have to be my own person and care about my husband but he can't control my actions. Its a really long story but suffice it to say that for a while I fed his anxiety about his being alone by trying to help to much. If that makes any sense. Now that I'm morphing back into a strong me, which is what attracted him in the first place, he is terrified of losing me. Very very complicated stuff.
    But all will be fine.
    Need to run- but see you later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends. Off to work again this morning, then off tomorrow. We have storms this afternoon. Have you heard we have a serial murderer on the loose down here? He has killed three women, injured one critically, in ICU, and an intensive Manhunt is on. He is traveling with a woman too. Scary! Last seen over in the Pensacola area.

    Cindy- I am so very jubilant for you my dear. I feel like this is a real stepping stone for your career. As far as you and Rick, this fear and paranoia he has is very deep-seeded. He may not be able to overcome it. Like you said, he is the common denominator. My first husband saw his father cheat on his mother and always felt that this is what I would do to him. That never showed up until 18 years into our marriage. I never did, like you, but he always feared I did to the point where Rick is, and to the point, it ended our marriage. We went to counseling for over a year for it. Maybe you will be more fortunate than I. You are keeping a good head on your shoulders and keeping yourself busy, that is for sure!

    Patti- You do sound BONE TIRED lady. I admire your fortitude to do what you have to do. Is Edd still doing his mystery shopping? Glenn is looking at his leads now for his second mini career. He does want to work a couple more years after he retires from the shipyard. He spoke to a man that just retired from Lockheed Martin that said his position was still open. Plus he said he could always work part time for them. I think that is what Glenn needs.

    Janet - Are you still on Cloud Nine from your Patriot's big win? I bet you are. That was quite a game. First time in history the Super bowl went into over time I understand. I watched the end of the Secrets of the Six Wives of Henry the Eight. It was really, really good. I learned more about four of his wives.

    Diane - How is your exercise going? Is Carried playing her instruments on a regular basis now? I pray for you all daily.

    Bert - How is your hair style doing? I like my new cut.

    I need to get on the road. I want to leave before this rain sets in this afternoon. We are going over to Jason's to help Izzy get her bed frame set up and her mattresses on. We had order some adapters for the rails. She is so very excited.

    Have a great day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Oh my aching joints! It's raining this morning, and I think every joint in my body is throbbing... Today is a gym day for me. I'm looking forward to going. I plan to use the weight machines for my upper body and legs. I also plan to work in the kitchen and clean my cabinet doors as they are looking like they need attention.

    Cindy: So sorry for what you are going through with Rick. Depression is awful. You are right in the fact that if he continues not to trust you and compares your marriage to his first, things need to change. I know I couldn't endure that. We did have fun with the kids. Dylan loves Legos, and we bought him a big set for which he worked on most of Saturday. Penny loves art projects. Annie bought some things for her to do, so I helped her with a few of them. It was a fun weekend.

    Patti: I think I'm going to schedule a personal trainer for a couple of sessions. That way I can do certain exercises to help my back and knees. I plan to ask them nutritional questions as well. Thanks for your input.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! It's sunny and expected to be warm again today. I think today's big chore will be carpet cleaning....yuck.....but necessary.

    Cindy - thanks for asking, I'm feeling better but still fighting the sinus infection. I went through some similar stuff with my ex. He refused to get any help except marriage counseling and chose to self medicate with alcohol and illegal drugs. If he can be believed, he told me a year or so after the divorce, that he'd been diagnosed as bi-polar. Our marriage counselor, a retired minister, supported my decision to end the marriage because of the negative impact his behavior had on my girls. It was the best decision I ever made.

    Bert - sorry to hear about your aching joints. I have a solution. Just send that rain down my way; we really need it!

    Karla - hadn't heard about the serial killer. Stay safe! And have fun helping with Izzy's bedroom. She must be over the moon getting to have a new big girl bedroom.

    Diane - how's things in your corner of the world, Grandma?

    Patti - Dave got the tub faucet that was leaking into the wall fixed and has ordered the new toilet. He comes home this evening, but there will be another trip for toilet installation. Did you enjoy your day off? Are you now considered a permanent employee?

    MaryLynn - are you still buried in the snow?

    It's time to get to work.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is dreary here and that just makes me tired. On top of the fact that I couldn't get to sleep last night. Finally dropped off at 5:30 and got up at 9. Storms rolling through all night with lots of thunder and lightening. Hope I don't fall asleep on mom while we watch our shows. I am so excited to give Mom her early BD gift. I tried making a ham in my pressure cooker. After 90 minutes it didn't turn out the way I like my ham, so I slow cooked it for another 3 hours and it was much better. Luckily my pressure cooker is also a slow cooker, just pop the lid on, push a button and set the timer. This new cooker is really awesome.

    Karla, that is very scary about the serial killer. Not sure if I posted this or not but there were 2 guys arrested across the street from my grandson a couple of weeks ago. They had murdered two people about 2 weeks before their arrest. My grandson had never met them and was totally surprised when his street was cordoned off and covered in cops. He lives in a rather quiet subdivision.

    Bert, go slow and stretch at the gym. Hope you get a good trainer. When my grandson's were young I always gave a small gift to the non birthday boy. They are 4 years apart and their birthdays are 6 months apart, they told me later that they always looked forward to their non birthday gift because it made them feel special.

    Cindy, those Russian twists can really hurt if not done properly. Do you have a foam roller for your back? Or you can use a tennis sized ball to lie on and roll over. It helps release the tension in your muscles. Just make sure your muscles are warmed up before you do any roller therapy. Will you go over and help Meg when she comes this weekend? Is she going to have to bring her stepson? If not, it will be a great time for the two of you to talk.

    Well Mom is waiting, gotta run. Hope I have enough energy to get to and through TRX. I am not a napper, I just can't do them.
