OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Yea, we are quite a crew, I am fine, no polyps and just dealing with the queasy bubbly stomach now. Glenn has been quite the dear. We exchanged simple bags of joy. Just little tidbits of things we enjoy. A new Suduko book, his fav candies and some silk boxers for him. He bot me some SF candies, an Eifel tower jewelry holder, a gold necklace and such a beautiful loving card. He took me out to Cracker Barrel for Breakfast after the procedure since I was famished.

    Janet - Glad you are refreshed. Caleb is growing up too fast!!!

    Diane - My your family has been through the mill. Thank goodness you are available to be there for you and Carrie. Beef stew sound good and comfort foodish.

    Cindy- I will definitely go to your site and give my praise.

    Patti - I know you and your Mom had a grand time.

    We all need to get well!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    TRX got cancelled so I had extra time to spend with. My mom. I bought her some pretty pink and purple flowers to brighten her day. When I was in the store buying the flowers a young boy, about 6 came up to me, tapped my leg and said Happy Valentine's Day the. Handed me a little 3x3 card that was stamped with the sentiment and a few hearts. It punt a smile on my face that has lasted all day. Edd is off doing drywall duty until time for our shows. So dinner plans changed to whatever I want. I do have an Italian beef going in the pressure cooker, so he can have that for dinner later or we will have it tomorrow. Working 9-2 tomorrow and really need to get th grocery after work.

    Sounds like everyone is on the mend and so happy to hear that Karla's test was clear.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    We had a nice relaxed dinner for a change last night- I overate but concentrated on protein and veggies. It was delicious and not a place we go often.
    i started working on my website today- so I'll let you know when the grand unveiling happens. Stay tuned.
    Right now its super blah.
    Patti- the little boy has the right idea- so darn cute too
    Karla- glad all is fine with your innards now. :)
    Where is everyone today?
    I'm going with my friend who's husband just passed from ALS to an Indian place for dinner. Rick was invited by declined. She really is looking for something normal to do- so I'm happy to oblige, She is a sweet woman who still has to go through a hip replacement as before her hubby passed she fell and broke her hip and its never healed. Her surgery is 3/21
    but back to work
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sure is quiet here today. Strange work day. Few customers, so I spent most of my time learning the store. Translated that means putting things away that customers leave all over the place and seem to end up at the cutting counter. It was a good workout and now I know more about where to find things. Now doing a little housekeeping and have an easy dinner planned, Italian beef over baked potato with a sid of steamed broccoli.

    Cindy, my heart goes out to your friend, so happy you are providing her with some "normal"

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Tummies slowly getting back to normal at our house. DIL got IV fluids at the ER then they sent her home - still can't keep anything down. I took Carrie to Baltimore today and she got a new cast. Her old one had gotten very loose as the swelling went down. This time they had colors! She opted for purple. The healing of the surgical site looks good, but her foot around her toes is still swollen.

    I'm going to try going back to the gym tomorrow, then I have a lunch date with some of my old work friends, then an appointment to drop my clothes off at Dress for Success. So it will be a busy day of running around. Hopefully I'll get a few more steps - I've been only getting around 5k the last week (but still more than 20 flights while I run up and down for Carrie all day!).

    Cindy, have a good time with your friend. I know for my sister (divorce not death) finding friends to have a social life with made a huge difference for her. A church friend died from ALS not too long ago, and I know his widow went through the same thing.

    Karla, glad your results were so good. I remember the only thing I wanted after mine was real food!

    Patti, look at the putting away as more steps! I am thinking about what crafty thing I would like to get involved in. Wish there was a decent place here to take a few lessons in something.

    Janet, I must have cross posted with you when you were posting Caleb's photo. What a cutie! Can't believe how big he is already.

    Waving to Bert and MaryLynn.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Not much to say today - got maybe three hours of sleep (awake 3:15-7:30) so planning to take Advil PM or something this evening and hope to stay asleep. Doing a few small things here - there's a box delivered today I can't get inside so cat sitter can bring it in tomorrow. It's a few new glasses- double-walled, to keep things hot or cold without sweating - I ordered on sale.

    Cindy, so sorry about your friend's husband's passing. Indian food sounds wonderful. A good friend has had both hips replaced and though it's not fun, it's much less awfu than it was even a few years ago.

    Patti, nice to have some uncrowded time at the store to learn more and take time putting things away. Retail is an endless job of putting things back where they belong - so many customers don't respect the merchandise the way we would.

    Diane, glad things are settling down with everyone's digestive systems.

    Karla, hope your tummy is calm after the colonoscopy.

    Time to fix myself something and make a list so I can order things to pick up tomorrow. Hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies- it took me most of yesterday to get over that colon cleansing!! Geez that really made me weak! I could barely stand for for than five minutes even into the evening. I am all better today though.

    Diane- You are sounding more chipper. Carrie is picking bright colors. Your DIL received her some fluids, so maybe you all are on the mend. I'm bet you will enjoy seeing your old comrades.

    Patti- That was good news about the store working around your summer schedule.

    Janet - I'm so glad you have such wonderful helpers nearby. Definitely take you some sleep aid as you know it affect the healing process if you do not get enough sleep.

    Cindy- You are such a great friend. Have you been back to the counselor yet this year? What will Rick and you do about the camp site this year I wonder? Of course, that is a ways off. I pray he comes to his senses and sees what a prize he has.

    I am going to lay down and keep getting my rest. I worked for six hours today and that's about my quota. lol .


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    My friend and I had a nice time and we'll do it again. We talked for over 90 minutes and the time flew.
    Rick was quiet when I got home... so he goes to therapy today - hopefully she can make him see things in a different light.
    I am still going every other week which is good for me.
    We are still scheduled to open camp in May as we have the camper and spot reserved. I take each day as it comes.
    If we end up going in separate directions - it will be what will be. If that makes any sense. I love my husband but I can't fix his issues and when he is unkind and mean it breaks my heart. So many sad stories but I took my vows seriously and it may come to where I have to say I just can't continue. I don't believe we're put on this earth to be treated poorly by our spouse. It is about respect and love, all the rest should follow. As my therapist said if he had cancer he would get treatment to get better- is he doing that with my mental illness? I thought it was a good point to ponder.
    Glad everyone seems to be on the mend.
    Need to run- hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just back from the gym, a kick butt session that just proves I need to be more consistent with my workouts. TRX tonight, hoping she doesn't cancel again. Car is still in the shop. Currently at the Mercedes dealer. They said that they cannot program the main computer if we didn't buy it from them, which is total bunk. My mechanic is looking into other options. But, unfortunately, his mother passed away on Monday. The shop is a family business so they will be closing to go to Youngstown for the services and family time. So everything is on hold until Monday at the earliest. Just a delay in paying the bill in. Y mind. Still hopeful it won't break my piggy bank. Thankful we have a backup car. If we didn't I would have to borrow mom's.

    Cindy, what a great therapist you have. Her analogy is spot on. I also agree that you can love someone with all your heart but letting them hurt you is not healthy for you or the relationship. I pray he finds a way to grow to trust you and work on his inner demons too.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hello, friends!

    Cindy, your therapist is wise. I tried a similar analogy with Tony when he steadfastly refused to even try therapy or medication. You treat high blood pressure or thyroid stuff and mental conditions are no different. Never worked on him (from me or his folks) but maybe something will turn the light bulb on in Rick's head. If he loses you, he loses a treasure. But you WILL not only survive but thrive, however things turn out.

    Patti, sorry about your car woes - hope it's all fixed by convertible season (which is next week!) and doesn't cost a fortune.

    Karla, glad you're past the rumbly grumblies from the colonoscopy.

    Bert, loved the photo of you and Mike - you look beautiful and happy.

    Suzi, how are the pups getting along now? Has Dinky made his peace with his wacky baby brother?

    Diane, your camellias are confused - but beautiful. What a lovely, delicate color.

    MaryLynn, has the shoveling stopped? Myra, how's that smile doing this week?

    Made my first solo trip out since my surgery this morning. Did the order online/pick up at store grocery run at Walmart and it worked marvelously. Not a big Walmart fan but my Kroger doesn't have that service yet. I'll be getting my groceries this way for the next few months. So now I have a ton of fresh produce so I can get back on track. Yay!!!

    I also went to the DMV and got my handicap placard. Two men who were just leaving there were kind enough to help me get my scooter out of the car (I collapsed the handle and pulled it in to rie shotgun) and others were kind enough to hold the door. A tiny girl with her dad was fascinated with the whole deal. So now I'm officially an old lady with a handicap placard, which feels a bit weird but it will be a real help. Also hit the bank and brought black bean soup and half a sandwich home from Panera to have for dinner & got pain pill prescription filled.

    Wrestling the scooter in and out of the car isn't the easiest thing in the world, but I did it, twice. I won't be going too many places where I have to get out of the car but know I can drive myself to the doc from now on and can get food, cash, etc. When I need gas I will drive to Costco and ask the attendant to help. People are kind - not all of them, but every bit of simple human decency I received today made me grateful. It's small stuff, but important small stuff.

    Going to take it easy - needed Percocet when I got home but that's OK. Hugs to all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Another busy in retirement day here. I went back to the gym after almost a week layoff. Then I drove to DC and donated my professional clothes at a Dress for Success location. Very nice people there, and hopefully my donation will be of use. Then met a friend from work for lunch. He says my replacement is looking like a deer in the headlights. I had two major programs to run, and this friend was my deputy on one of them. He (friend) is doing most of the work and all the briefings, because my replacement is not up to speed and spends about 90% of his time on the other program. Oh well - I guess maybe now they might begin to appreciate me, now that it is too late. :).

    Came home and picked up a prescription, then worked on a quilt my MIL had about 3/4 done before her death. I am not a quilter but I can sew, so I am learning as I go. She had all the pieces cut and marked, so I am just assembling. It is a Trip Around the World pattern which is pretty easy, four inch blocks, queen bed sized. Once I get the top finished I don't know what I will do. It isn't really my colors, but I hated to waste all the work she had put in. I already finished one of my half-done projects this week.

    This Sunday to Monday we are going to leave Carrie alone for the first time, for about 24 hours. My cousin has a house rented for the night in Harper's Ferry, and Carrie doesn't want to go. If we get her set up, she can get up and down the stairs by herself, and can microwave her meals. We will just need to have someone on standby in case she needs help. Janet, I admire you for going through this recovery solo.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, I'm assuming your surgery was on your left foot since you are driving. So glad there are still some helpful people in this world! I remember when I broke my leg I was getting my wheelchair in and out of my then-minivan by myself! I would use the crutches to get to the back lift gate, then get the wheelchair out (and reverse the process upon returning). I couldn't crutch from the parking garage at work to my desk - just too far.

    Patti, too bad about your car, good you have an alternate. I'm sure your mechanic will get it done sooner or later, and I do like using the independent guys in business for themselves.

    Cindy, hugs. Not much more I can do or say - sounds like you and your therapist are on the same page, and there isn't much more to say. Hopefully Rick will make some progress.

    Karla, wow that procedure really knocked you for a loop! Hope your day is much better today. I know it is your fun season there with Mardi Gras coming up fast. Will there be a lot going on this weekend?

    Waving to everyone - hope you all check in soon.

    My weight loss from being sick didn't hold, but it does appear like I may get a loss tomorrow on WI. Of course, going out to lunch today didn't help that!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane - yes on left foot, of course. I can't use crutches because I am a klutz and because hopping on the replaced knee isn't a great idea. I'm sure Carrie will be fine. I do what I have to do because I have to do it! Still have cat sitter coming daily - am going to work on a method to scoop litter. I can put food and water down if need be (though it is difficult). Will still need someone to wheel trash to the curb every Sunday until I can walk but hoping not to have to pay for seven visits a week soon. It's worth it now but cost adds up. Went to mailbox once on scooter - driveway has just enough slope to make it daunting. But I can always back the car out to get mail if I choose.

    If it had been my right foot, I'd be sunk! Thank heaven for small favors.

    Very tired so going to take a couple of magazines into the bedroom and try to relax. G'night, everyone!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    thank you for the support. I hate to dump but I feel safe here. So thank you for that.
    Janet- you must feel like a million bucks to know you are independent for most things. That is wonderful.
    Diane- glad you dropped off the business clothes - it will make a world of difference to someone.
    Karla- all back to you being you again?
    Patti- I can't understand why everyone is giving you a hard time on the baby with 4 wheels- you have more patience than I do.
    Suzi- what's new pussycat.
    MaryLynn and Myra- hope you are both doing well.
    I'm finally back on track with food and will refocus on WW- when I was sick I just couldn't deal with tracking and made a few poor choices but still ate lots of fruit- but also juice- which typically I don't drink. But needed the extra Vitamin C-
    Meg is coming home tonight just for a quick visit and to clean her apartment- we're having B-day dinner Saturday and last night she called to ask for ALL her favorite foods for the few short meals we will have together. But we're all looking forward to it and I think she needs a good dose of Mom and Emily.
    Need to run-
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm looking forward to a fabulous warm day today. I have a visit this afternoon, and then I plan to come home and walk through the neighborhood. My eating has been pretty good, but no movement on the scale! Oh well, I have more energy which is important.

    My PT workout was a good one. I wrote down what we did and will practice the exercises for a few weeks. The exercises centered around core strength. I have another session scheduled in a few weeks that will focus on legs.

    Diane: I had the stomach flu when I was pregnant with Dan. They admitted me for a couple of days.

    Karla: Mike got me a card and a box of Chocolate Covered Cherries (HIS FAVORITE)! He ate most of them. :smiley: Glad your test results were good.

    Patti: Sometimes it's a blessing when classes/events are cancelled. It gave you time with your mom.

    Janet: Hang in there. You've been through the wringer!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and ain't wonderful to have another beautiful day!

    Bert, core strength is my weakness, lol. Even though Pilates and TRX are basically core workouts I still seem to struggle. Glad you got a good PT.

    Cindy, I know you will be overjoyed to have Meg home, no matter how briefly. Savor every minute. Thanks for commiserations on my poor car. The downfall of having a Mercedes is the high cost of repairs. And with the computers, everything seems to be proprietary, thus the dealers wanting to charge an arm and a leg for less than 5 minutes of their time to program the new brain. I have faith my mechanic will find the answer. The upside to this car is that it rarely breaks. It is a 1998 with 120K miles and this is the first motor problem. So praying once fixed we are good to go for many years.

    Janet, your day must have been exhausting and praying you got some good sleep. I bow to you, you remain my hero in so many ways. None of the groceries near me have the order and pick up, our neighborhood is too poor I guess. My GF started using Krogers pickup when she was undergoing her treatment and was so pleased that she just continued it. It costs her $3 and I think it is well worth it. Glad there is one for you. A shower and going out alone.....quite a week for you!

    Karla, hope you are all recovered. Do you have Mardi Gras activities with the kids this weekend?

    Suzi, where are you? Hope things are going well in OK.

    Mary Lynn, always miss your insightful musings.

    Myra, hope you stop by soon, missing your smile.

    Gym this morning, then short grocery trip and then working 3-8pm. Not off again until Tuesday. Hoping to find time to preschool for next weekends employee appreciation sale.

    Have a glorious day. Be happy
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Quick, quick, check in. Had the crud the last two days, but better now. Going to get Izzy, because now Angelique has it.

    I'll check back later with personals.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Well, scale was down 1# today. It seems to be creeping very slowly down. Sure wish I could get a couple big losses to motivate me! Gym this morning was the aqua instructor I don't like as well - she is more of a drill sergeant. But it does seem to be a good workout!

    Karla, take care. Our stomach crud took several days to get over.

    Patti, they are lucky to have you. Hope you get some time to scope out what you want to get for yourself!

    Cindi, enjoy your time with Meg. I'm sure this will be a tough transition on her if she knows nobody there.

    Bert, sounds like your session with the trainer was helpful! Core strength is my weakness too. I've spoken to the instructor at my weight training class on how to modify things with such a weak core, and she is helpful.

    Janet, hope you got a good night's sleep. We use one of those tall rubbermaid tubs for a litter box. Picking it up doesn't require bending down quite so far. You might want to give that a try - if you have a surface you could set it on to scrape the box, then set it back down on the floor.

    Tomorrow and Sunday are supposed to be warm and delightful here. I'm hoping to get back outside tomorrow and do some more early spring yard work. Need to clean the leaves out of the frog pond. John and a friend are going to take down some dead trees.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Got five hours of sleep, which was progress. Had a fairly quiet day and did my best to support two friends having difficulties, one of which is very complex, distressing and potentially very costly. All I can do is listen and make her feel heard, suggest a few small things. It hurts to hear the pain in her voice particularly because it was a family member who let her down in a way that will reverberate in her life for at least a year. Sigh.

    Hoping for a quiet weekend here. Will stay in and try to relax.

    Karla, feel better - hope Angelique bounces back quickly. I know today is your mom's birthday and how much you miss her. Hugs.

    Diane, a tall thing might prove difficult for two 14-year-old cats, one of whom is extremely tiny (hyperthyroid). I will be paying cat sitter tomorrow for a month and that's going to hurt. Next week I work on litter technique and try to get visits down to 2-3 per week. Frankly, it would be nice to have some days just to myself. Is that awful?

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Happy Saturday! I've been up early this morning; however, I went to bed very early last night. Today is to be another gorgeous day. I'm so happy I don't have to be anywhere I can do what I want to do on my own schedule.

    Diane: Congratulations on your 1#. I would be happy to have a 1# loss!

    Janet: I'm with you. A day to myself would be awesome. I'm always doing things for others before I take time for myself.

    Greg and Jillian went to a Father Daughter dance last night. He sent pictures. I've already sent them to Walgreens to get prints made for frames! I'll pick them up today.ri4thyx55bbm.jpg

    Have a great day, everyone!
