OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Hope your Fridays have been as productive as mine! Got the whole house cleaned (John did floors, vacuumed and mopped), got the last of the groceries I need for the weekend. Now just have to figure out how to keep the surprise until at least one friend arrives. Carrie knows her friend from NY is coming but that from end always takes the train and C wants to in when we need to pick her up at the station That friend is actually riding with another friend from NH so we don't need to pick her up. I don't know what time they are arriving. Three from Richmond (about 2.5 hours away) are supposed to be arriving around 1:30. And one who has to work tomorrow won't be here until around 6:30. So excited for her!

    We also cleaned up from trees taken down last week- loaded what wood was worth keeping onto The log pile and the rest (rotten stuff) onto the truck to go to the dump tomorrow. I am tired tonight! That was all on top of my aqua aerobics this morning.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet I hate computer stuff! We went from a PC to a Mac last fall and I'm still not sure I have everything. I know I have but can't find all my pictures. MAc doesn't like you to organize them in a file and folder structure. It wants to do it its own way.

    Cindy sorry for the bad sleep. I'm sure it is stress. Hope your counseling session was fruitful. Were you able to get some writing done today?

    Patti you are so busy these days! Any word on your car yet? I've thought about trying a Pilates class but I don't like the times they are offered.

    Bert too bad the audiologist can't just wave her magic wand and make all better. That's always what I hope for from the doctor but it never seems to work that way

    Karla are you still having nice weather? I bet you will be busy watching parades this weekend!

    Suzi waving hi. I'm betting you are off somewhere with the dogs.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I got a chapter written yesterday and I think its pretty good stuff. This morning will be another good morning of writing in about ten minutes. I think Rick will be home early so that will shorten the day.
    We are giving our marriage one more month- but in all honesty he's looking at apartments and he wants me to be someone who sits on the couch with him and doesn't have a life without him involved in every iota of existence. He hates my job, unhappy with my writing, very upset when I have dinner with y girlfriend who just lost her husband- and the list go on.
    This is all link to his depression, paranoia and anxiety. I think I finally understand there was nothing I could do to fix it- he's had it so long I don't think he even knows what he would feel like without whatever rages in his head. Was a tough afternoon and evening yesterday.
    Sorry for the dump but I don't want to share this with anyone in my family yet until we have made some final decisions and the date is solidified.
    I'll be strong but it is very sad.
    Glad you all are having positive things going on in your life.
    Have a great day.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I can't believe it's snowing! Oh well, it is February. My friend and I went to a play last night at the college where I work. It was funny, but there were definitely scenes I didn't feel were appropriate for a Catholic College. I'm wondering what the nuns thought as there were several in attendance. :) The play was "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change". We had a great time, and tickets were free due to my status at the college. You can't beat that! This weekend will be filled with preparing for my trip to NC to visit my brother. He said that he had appointments scheduled, so I so hoping it will be a productive trip.

    Janet: I have both a PC and Mac (purchased from the school when I taught). I'm interested in how you store your passwords. Currently, I have a spiral notebook!

    Diane: You can create Albums on a Mac and drag your photos into the albums. I've done this with my photos when my grandchildren were born. I plan to make a CD of my photos on both computers. I need to get my Mac fixed as I feel it is more user friendly.

    Cindy: Pardon me for my opinion, but it would be impossible for me to be the wife Rick wants. It sounds like he's wanting to control the relationship. My divorce from my first husband was a great opening door and has helped make me the woman I am today. It was very difficult while the marriage was failing, but now, I can just reflect on how I have changed. Mike knows that I'm an independent woman, and knew that when we married. You are a strong and creative woman, and you shouldn't have to succumb to a different type of life. God will take you where you are and lead you to the path He wants you to take. Take care.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning.

    Cindy, you did not cause & cannot fix Rick's issues. I remember what it was like for me - and we were in different states most of the time. When we were together it ratcheted up, so the constancy of your situation and your grace in handling it boggles me. Glad you are taking some financial steps as well - as icky as it may be, it's important. Big hugs - glad you have your writing and the girls - did Meg make it back to OH all right?

    Bert, I have protection from Norton on my PC and its Identity Safe feature stores my passwords. It works differently but I can access them (online chat guy was great help). Am going to write them down though - project for another day. I like the Mac, especially the seamless access to my calendar and texts, but there's enough different from PC that adapting continues. Am just grateful that I have been able to get stuff off the old one - haven't booted it up today to see what it will let me do.

    Diane, congrats on a productive day - know you will love seeing Carrie's face and watching everyone having fun together! You are a GREAT mom.

    Ran errands this morning - picked up groceries, drove to Costco to get gas because they have attendants. The guy was super nice and told me they'll be glad to pump gas for me whenever. Bonus - it being Costco, gas was 37 cents a gallon cheaper than the Thornton's station closest to the house. Left home a bit after 7:30 and was home, with groceries put away by 10. Have a fair amount of foot & back pain but took something and will do nothing that might tweak things further.

    Weather here is loony, as Bert and Patti are no doubt experiencing. It got to 82 & muggy yesterday - hottest day EVER in February. Three rounds of fairly brief but intense storms last night, one with blueberry-sized hail. Then it got below freezing last night and was 35 when I got home - even saw a few very tiny, light snow flurries. Bizarro World!

    Have a lovely day, everyone!!!!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, would love to be a fly on the wall when all the girls get there. I know Carrie will just be so delighted. Hope you find some time to rest but with a house full of gilrls I bet you will be hopping.

    Cindy, my heart goes out to you but I know you are probably stronger than you think. I truly believe LR is your saving grace. His demons have been with him far longer than you have and they are not yours to tame. I know it is sad for you because you love him sand much but you have to love yourself more, always, it is not optional. It is imperative for your health and survival. We are always here for you, never apologize for letting it all out. You have to for your sanity.

    Janet, you have been a busy bee and I am so happy you are finding those services to assist you. I do not envy your computer tasks, I know I will be facing the same thing soon, my laptop is dying a slow death. I saw a post from 2010 when I killed my last computer by spilling coffee with cream on the keyboard.

    Bert, your evening sounds like fun, even if the play was a tad inappropriate for the venue. It sounds like Mike is a true gem in your life.

    Weather here has been very weird. High 70's yesterday and they had the heat on at work, thought I would get heat stroke! Storms last night, but not until I got home, yeah. Left for work this morning in snow flurries and came home home in freezing temps with lots of wind. Found the perfect apron pattern for the Snow White costume plus got all the fabric I think I need to make it and picked up some good watercolor paper all for $14. Calling that a successful day. Work was busy but not awful and had extra time to help some customers with their projects, that is when I feel like I have to earned my pay. Now a night out with Edd, something we rarely seem to have time for these days. Will also be hanging with son and DIL, plus lots of friends, so calling today awesome!

    See you all tomorrow
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Back home from the lake so out of cell hell. I did well with my fruit and veggie week last week! Haven't weighed myself, but will in the morning.

    Cindy - let me put on my banker hat for a minute. If you're even considering separating, and haven't already done so, open a separate checking account first thing Monday and transfer your half (or whatever is appropriate portion) of joint funds immediately. Do NOT wait for any reason. Almost universally one spouse who is trying to do the right thing winds up getting shafted when their trusted partner cleans out the bank account. If he's already having trust issues, it's doubly important you do it. I'm not suggesting you take everything, and I do advocate telling him what you've done afterwards, but you're the one who will need to make those decisions. Please just don't wait to do it.

    Diane - thanks for the suggestion about spending the night in the driveway with Dinky. We may just try that.

    Ellis is doing great at obedience training! He's very eager to please, in addition to being high entertainment. Right now he's sitting in my lap giving me kisses.

    More later, I just wanted to check in and also wanted to be sure and give Cindy my best banker advice.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Quick check in. Operation surprise was a total success! She was wanting us to leave for the train station when first Sam and then Megan walked in the door. She was so surprised Megan was here! (Was expecting Sam only). They were up in her bedroom when Mitch, Joe and Lindsey arrived. I heard her squeal of delight. They were all playing a card game at the kitchen table and laughing away when Kaitlyn showed up last, and she got all the way in and next to Carrie while she was looking at her cards. Another delightful noise. This was just what she needed. We are spending the night in the RV in the driveway so they can have the house to themselves, stay up late and make as much noise as they want.

    Feeling blessed tonight.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, thank you for sharing, I will go to bed with the biggest smile on my face and in my heart for Carrie. I know it will never compare to how you are feeling, camping in the driveway still counts, lol.

    Had a great time at the fish fry. Added bonus of spending time with my granddaughter and her BF, sharing my best grandmother advice (she is 20 and really needs some right now, lol).

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be spent getting things in order before my trip tomorrow to visit my brother for a week. I'm going through my freezer to inform Mike of food he can heat up for his dinners. I'll also make a quick trip to the store for him.

    Janet: Sorry you are having computer problems, but it's a great reminder for me to get my act in gear to back up photos on my MAC before I have serious problems. I never thought I would need files I created on my MAC while teaching, but have actually shared them with my college students, so I definitely want to back them up as well.

    Cindy: I agree....take care and protect yourself. When I was going through my divorce, I was struggling with the emotional side. My friends and my lawyer helped protect my interests for the future. Stay strong and stand up for yourself.

    Diane: So glad the surprise went well.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Sunday morning, and Happy Joe Cain Day!! I had sad news from one of my good friends here in Mobile last evening. Her 45yo daughter was found dead by her boyfriend up in Indiana. Of course she is devastated. The boyfriend is not a favorable person and claims he could not wake her up. My heart bleeds for her. I have several friends that have lost their sons, another one exactly like this!! I will try to put them together at some point for help.

    Diane- I started a post last evening and my tablet died. I said the same thing. I had a huge smile on my face reading your post. My heart swelled reading the squealing and delight with Carrie's delight. I know it warmed your mother's heart too. As far as my vertigo is concerned, the doctor thought it was related to my continued sinus drainage and I am on Zyrtec and flow-nase for it now.

    Patti- I see we concur on Carrie. Glad you had some fun times with all your work lately.

    Cindy- You are getting some excellent advise here on our board of friends.

    Suzi- You are a great banker, friend and mother to Ellis.

    I need to run. We are trying to decide if we are going to Joe Cain day. With he sad news of our friend that cancels four of our friends coming. Plus my friend Monica is still suffering from her car injury is not coming. I didn't get Izzy last night because we were at the car dealership so long. Which, by the way, we purchased a new car. Glenn bought his new retirement present. A 2016 Toyota Avalon. Very nice car. Has everything. Cobalt blue. He deserves it.

    Later my friends,

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! It's a beautiful, sunny but kinda chilly day here in OK. Dave has spaded the vegetable garden so we can plant onions, lettuce, spinach and peas later after a trip out to the farm.

    Diane - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE hearing about Carrie's surprise!

    Karla - is Joe Cain day a big parade day?

    Patti - your granddaughter is so lucky to have a cool, level-headed grandma like you to give her advice.

    Bert - be inspired and get those files back up!

    Janet - hope you're able to recover all you need to on the old computer.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, huge grins here every time I think about Operation Surprise. What a special thing to do for Carrie and make memories for her whole group. That's what love is - for all of you.

    Bert, my heart goes with you to see your brother. Hoping you can get hi motivated and organized and cheered up.

    Patti, glad you had some Wise Woman time - loved the conversations I had with my nieces when they were that age.

    Karla, how was Joe Cain Day?

    Suzi, what have the OK gardeners and the pups been up to?

    Cindy, bet Meg will love the blog post. Happy anniversary of becoming a mom!

    Quiet here - cat sitter came & rolled trash can out & tossed treats. Hoping for no madhouse conversation juggling today. Time to look at the paper. Hugs to all.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon.

    Janet - We did not go to Joe Cain today due to circumstances with my friend, and with Glenn's son cancelling too. I took food over to my friend's family and sat with her while she grieved and spoke of her daughter. It is so sad that so many of my friends have lost their adult children. It really saddens me, and rightly so.

    Bert - I hope that you have time to sit and have a decent conversation with your brother while you are there. You are such a caring and loving person.

    Suzi- Joe Cain was a Indian that revived Mardi Gras in Mobile after the Civil War devastation. It is a fun parade of several groups and not the big organizations. I missed seeing you this year.

    I'm tired as I stayed up late last night watching ID television investigation into the OJ Simpson case, 23 years later, suspecting that his son, Jason Simpson was actually involved in the killing. It was a series. Very interesting as I had just watched the mini series on Netflix with John Travolta.

    I hope this is a good week. I have to get this car tag registered. The insurance instated, go to UAB on Thursday and work, work, work too...

    What about you?


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Back from a very beautiful baby shower. Mimosas, Italian food and cake! So many cute baby outfits, lots of laughter and really enjoyed seeing some old friends from my hospital days. Best of all was seeing the mom to be looking so radiant and cutely pregnant. She is due the end of April.
    Now getting ready to cut so,e fabric and then maybe do some sewing or painting. Whatever mood strikes me.

    Bert, enjoy your visit with your brother, hope all goes well.

    Janet, hope you are having a relaxing day.

    Karla, yeah for Glenn's new retirement present.

    Cindy, lol bed your blog today and I am sure you made Meg's day.

    Suzi, you are getting your garden started early.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up very early as today is my traveling day. There are many things to do. Breakfast is tracked Have a great day everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    First and foremost THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!
    I am very logical and am taking steps to take care of me- I own the house and all the contents- and I am financially sound- so all good things and I will be opening a personal checking which I already told him I was doing and transferring half of savings to his account. Which is fair.
    I am strong and you have no idea what reading your postings do for me - so thank you again.
    Diane- so happy to hear Carrie enjoyed the SURPRISE.
    I need to run but I really just needed to say again, each and every one of you mean the world to me.
    I am so blessed.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before I get my day in full gear. Happy to have the day off. Got the apron cut out, now need to do some rearranging in the craft room so I can get out the sewing machine. It is a small room so I can't keep everything set up at the same time. Working on my grocery list and will do that this afternoon. Mom's birthday is Friday so I want to make her a special card today too.

    Cindy, I so admire your strength but I am glad you know we are here for you when you need it, anytime! I only wish I could just pop over and give you a big hug.

    Karla, so sad about your friend's daughter. It is hard enough when a parent dies, but a child, no matter the age, is beyond comprehension and there are just no words. We are just not supposed to outlive our children. Big hugs and prayers for her and her family.

    Hi to the rest of ya'll. Back later
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hi all. Trying to get back to the routine after an exhausting weekend. Carrie had a wonderful time with her friends. We did a lot of cooking and otherwise tried to stay out of their way. Today was water aerobics this morning then dentist for Carrie and errands this afternoon, with laundry mixed in. Tomorrowvshe has a doctor appointment to see if she can start bearing some weight yet.

    Cindy my heart goes out to you. Yes you can come here and blow off steam, or shriek, or cry, or whatever you need.

    Karla so sorry about your friend's daughter. But excited about Glenn's new car!

    Patti my craft room is small too but the sewing machine is almost always out. I do more of that than anything else.

    Bert safe travels!

    Suzi I can't believe it is planting time already! Do you start things indoors or are you already planting out?

    Janet hope your day yesterday was restful.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, my heart aches for your friend. One of my friends, a guy my age, lost one of his daughters to a domestic-violence murder when she was just 19. It's unfathomable. I know you'll both enjoy the new car.

    Diane, you must be exhausted - but a good tired. Fingers crossed for Carrie's progress report.

    Cindy, your strength is admirable. Hope work was tolerable today.

    Bert, how was your visit?

    Suzi, growing your own salad fixings is so smart. I may try a few herb pots on my deck but more than that is unlikely here - no appropriate spot for it.

    Had several good conversations yesterday and today have had a choppy but OK day here. Hoping for a couple of quiet days ahead to do things.