OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi to all - my first day all to myself trying to get a few things done but a bit behind. Moving/carrying stuff is limiting but I can do some stuff.

    Just wanted to say hi. Onward!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was filled with student problems, tracking down assignments, getting evaluations completed for a couple of students who finish up on Friday, etc. I'm hoping today will be smoother. I have two visits today and one tomorrow. I don't know why students wait until the last minute to get things done, and then whine about having to do so much. Drives me crazy. It's foggy this morning. My visit is at 9:00 unless the school corporation has a two hour delay.

    I found out yesterday that my cousin is not doing well. I don't understand my family at times. My cousin and her daughter and I used to be close, but it was always me who made contact (and it still is) and always drove to Indy for visits. Her daughter (my 2nd cousin?) confides more in her friends than her family. My brother does, too. My cousin has dementia and had a seizure the other day. Of course, I find out about in on FB rather than a phone call. I've told her daughter to keep me informed and that I am always here for her and will help out in anyway. I can't worry about it, as it's out of my hands. I'm not sure of the course of her dementia, but am told that seizures occur at the last stages. The don't want to give her meds for the seizures unless they are life threatening as it speeds up the dementia. She has rapidly declined in the last year. Sorry for the ranting. I feel helpless.

    On a lighter side, Greg and Jillian's pictures are in frames on the wall! They had a great time. Greg took a video of Jillian dancing. She definitely has some moves!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, so sorry to near about your cousins nd even feel worse that you found out about it on FB.

    Having lunch with my Yayas and then work 5-10. I need to bake a pie to take to work as it is national pie day. Luckily I have a frozen peach pie filling in the freezer. Just need to make the crust, pop it in and bake. The biggest problem will be keeping Edd out of it. Mom and I had a wonderful gabfest, lunch and DVR day.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all, we are getting pretty slim on the board the last two days. My doctor visit went well. My cholesterol is down to 124!! All other labs normal. BP 120/73, not on any meds for it. She did say I had to step back into my exercise as I admitted I had fallen off it.

    My son is out of town and I got to talk to him. He is doing well and will be home in May.

    Izzy and I went to the huge Library yesterday, today we are at Chick Fil A and will go to our West Mobile library one, which is rather large too. Fun times.

    Tomorrow I want to work outside and put some bedding plants in the cement flower pots out by the pool .. plus start working on the front flowerbeds. I have three flower pots on my front porch to fix up too. I love spring. My Rose of Sharon bushes are already starting to bud.

    Diane- Where are you my friend? I love your posts! How is Carrie doing after her solo time? Still practicing her instruments? I pray for you all.

    Patti- I never found your post to share on Facebook you spoke of. You seem to be getting lots of hours. I love my ITT lamp.

    Bert- I know it is frustrating not getting first hand information. You let them know you care and that is what you can do, you are available.The branch had been extended.

    Cindy- hello back to you my friend. I read your blog. Yes, you are a business woman, as well as a writer. The full package! Is your website ready? Please send me the link.

    I can't wait for Glenn face to see his old cronies show up on the 12th for his birthday bash. I ordered his cake and some crawfish calzones yesterday, as well as chicken wings and a veggie tray. So fun. I wish you all could be here.

    Janet- I hope you are also progressing along on your recovery.

    Izzy is such a sweetheart! We do have fun together.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello Ladies-
    Very hectic couple of days at work- but all is well here.
    The website isn't done yet- very slowly as I have to learn how to "code" it- as Meg calls it.
    Basically its just learning new software. A graphic designer friend has some great ideas but I can't really focus on that until tomorrow. Just no time to really study what she has created.
    Still haven't heard from the editor- but not really fretting about it- what will be will be. Either way it will be published.
    Patti- so sorry about the family you mentioned.
    Janet- did Amazon deliver yet? :)
    Diane- so glad you were able to get out and Carrie seemed to do ok-
    Karla- great lab results- you're doing great overall and we're all here with you. What are crawfish calzones- sounds interesting.
    Need to wrap up the day- I have my review bright and early tomorrow and my office is a disaster zone.
    All the result of a busy two days.
    See you all tomorrow.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Sorry I have been MIA. I've been quite busy - I don't know how I ever had time to work! Well, I know what I was doing - not doing anything for me, and not getting enough sleep.

    Today NOT a good eating day. I told myself this morning I was going to be REALLY on track today, but that just fell apart. I NEED to figure out how to get my mind back in the mode of eating mindfully. I did a Zumba class this morning and I'm sure I burned a lot of calories there, but not enough!

    Six of Carrie's friends are coming for the weekend on Saturday-Sunday, as a surprise. She knows one of them is coming, but not the whole crew. I need to figure out what to feed them. One is vegan, and another is allergic to nuts. I got some tofurkey Italian sausages, and thought I would try those in our sausage and pepper pasta recipe, leaving the cheese to be sprinkled on top. Not sure what to have with it, and not sure about breakfast either. I don't know how long they are staying - if through lunch I will make a veggie black bean chili, I think.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, so sorry for your cousin's troubles, and for the sting of how you found out. (FB is how I found out my niece who lives in OR was in MI last summer - so wrong.)

    Cindy, the long-handled scoop arrived and I think it will work just fine. Thanks for the smart thinking!

    Patti, you are a busy bee indeed. Hope the customers are kind this evening.

    Karla, glad doc went well.

    Very warm here - have a couple of windows open and the fresh air is lovely. Yes, I'd prefer it cooler - it IS February - but oh well. Cats have been listening to birds and other sounds.

    BIG computer issues here - my old Win7 computer, without warning, started making weird beeps and typing random characters. Hit Backspace, get a 4 or ". Can't even get to Computer to back up files. It's old and not worth fixing but I may see if someone can back the documents, pictures, music files, etc. up, which I haven't done in too long. Dumb move, Janet! Nothing horrible, but annoying, Have even tried dropping it onto the rug a few times. Going to let it run down but not trying anything today. Well, at least I have the newer MacBook and will now use it full-time.

    House got cleaned - hardwoods hadn't been done in for weeks and they look great again. Am managing well, then heaven!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, I loved the pic of your son and granddaughter. The love rom your son really shines through, and the fact that he matched his tie to her dress just made it so sweet!

    Cindy, keeping my fingers crossed that you get feedback from the editor soon.

    Karla, you are getting some real quality Izzy time! Great report from your doctor, but did they have any clue on the dizziness?

    Janet, sounds like you are working out how to do some things yourself. Don't overdo! I left Carrie for a couple of hours today too - she needs to start trying to do more for herself also. She did get her shower but waited until I got home to get her something to eat, rather than coming downstairs by herself.

    Patti, I know you had fun with your yayas! They sound like a great bunch.

    Suzi, I think taking Dinky along on some short rides in the RV is a great idea. Have you tried just sleeping out in it in the driveway with him? That might give him the idea. Sorry about the treats at the workshop - hopefully your plan to focus on fruits and veggies is faring better than mine this week!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another quick stop. Work was slow, probably ththe slowest night ever but I managed to logged 14K steps by putting things away one at a time, lol. My feet are aching. Had a great lunch with my girls, quick Costco run and went to work a bit early to do some shopping. Got the paint brushes and palette I have been eyeing. With my discount and 2 40% off coupons it wasn't so bad. Now to find time to do some painting!

    Sweet dreams dear, if dreams there be....
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello Ladies-
    Welcome to a warm and sunny Thursday in the Berkshires- the temps may hit 60 today for us. Feels like spring but we may still get hit with winter weather- we're not really out of the danger zone until April 1.
    Diane- Its wonderful news the friends are coming to surprise Carrie- Veggie chili and the sausage and pepper dish sounds like just the ticket. I often wonder if I'll get bored in retirement and you've answered that question- :)
    Janet- Happy scooping-sorry about the computer woes I didn't realize you hadn't completely migrated to your Mac yet.
    Patti- 14K that's great. Move it baby- so happy you got some new supplies too. Happy painting.
    Today is review day- think good thoughts.
    Tomorrow is LR day- yeah so time to get the writing flowing for book 7.
    Until later.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have another visit today and it will probably take most of the day. I'm having my hearing checked this morning. I'm having trouble hearing out of my left ear. I went to the doctor to have my ears cleaned out as I have crooked ear canals. Then, it's off to my visit.

    Janet: I took my old computer in and they were able to find and recover files I needed. I was able to copy them to a jump drive. Come to find out, there was a virus on it which was preventing me from opening anything up. Good Luck. I just backed up pictures, educational files, and church files on my new computer. I need to to that on my laptop that I purchase at my school several years ago. It's starting to act up.

    Diane: I'm sure the matching outfits were Carrie's doing and not Greg's. She did a great job and it made a wonderful photogenic moment.

    Time to run. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all,

    Dragging this morning but pushing myself to hit the gym. Then off to the grocery for a few items. I also need to do laundry and some housework before going back to the gym this evening. This is how I spend my day off. I am working Friday and Saturday then off until 5pm on Wednesday. Fish fry Saturday night to benefit the motorcycle club my son belongs to, think racing not chains and gangs, lol. Sunday I am going to a baby shower that is being held at Bravos, one of my very favorite restaurants, so happy to be celebrating this event for a very lovely, sweet social worker with a huge heart. Missed her wedding so don't want to miss this event!

    Karla, awesome news on your dr visit. What was said about the vertigo? Izzy is so lucky to have such a devoted grandma, not all little girls are as fortunate.

    Diane, so excited for Carrie's surprise slumber party. You are an awesome mom. Your weekend get away looked and sounded perfect and probably just the break you and John needed.

    Cindy, you will ace your review and then you can carry that feeling into LR day. With a few days off I am really hoping to get some time to try my hand at painting. I may take my supplies with me on vacation since we will be visiting the friend who taught me to watercolor.

    Janet, yeah for technology (scooper) and boo for tech problems. The one thing I have always done is put all my pics on CDs after loading them into my computer. I also have them backed up on an external hard drive. I hope you get everything retrieved successfully.

    Suzi, loved Diane's suggestion to sleep in the driveway. Ellis seems to really be adjusting to whatever you throw at him.

    Bert, hope the hearing issue can easily be fixed with a cleaning.

    Guess I better get moving, coffee doesn't seem to be kicking in much so hope exercise gets my blood pumping for the day.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - just a quick check in to put myself on account. I am GOING to eat clean and stay off the computer games for just one day. I sit down and get sucked in. And then I want to nibble. Maybe combining the two ideas will make a difference. I'm only here to log my breakfast (egg mug and cheese stick), post workout snack (half a smoothie- Carrie is enjoying the other half) and exercise (morning body weight and abs class - really worked the arms today!) Waiting for her PT to come and I have some little chores around the house to do, then this afternoon to the consignment place to see if they will take some of my MILs stuff that I don't want and couldn't just trash or donate.

    Back TONIGHT but no sooner!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Thursday morning all,

    Izzy and I dropped Millie off at Petsmart grooming this morning. We then went to Lowes and picked out some bedding plants to work on the pots at home.

    Diane- You are a very special Mom.

    Cindy- You will excel at your review, of course.

    Patti- I admire your loyalty to your gym. I am still struggle to get back in the groove.

    Janet- I detest computer woes also.

    Bert- Do you get a salary for your services of the mentoring? You are such an asset!

    I better get going. Beautiful sunny day in the mid 70's.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - Cloudy but warm here - two windows remain open.

    Old computer worked long enough for me to get docs off but still need to get pictures and music (from all the CDs I ripped to it). Doing what I can but may have to call the guy who helped with my printer & new router. I can't take it anywhere right now. Had stayed with the old one because it's set up so well - just need to bite the bullet and make the shift.

    Diane, Carrie is so lucky to have you and John. My house is a ranch because of my orthopedic issues - Carrie having to deal with stairs has to be daunting.

    Cindy, how I hated Review Day - but know yours was stellar. The scoop works - thanks again for the idea! Enjoy LR day tomorrow.

    Karla, how is your vertigo? Did the doc opine? You are getting so much Izzy time these days - makes me smile.

    Bert, you give so much to your work, family and church. Do make time for yourself, and for you & Mike as a couple.

    Suzi, glad Ellis & Dinky are so cute together.

    Patti, how are your feet holding up?

    Hello to

    Thinking I may need a little nap. Watching stuff on DVR today and dealing with computer crazies as a full-time gig.

    Take care, all - hugging everyone!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Accomplished everything on my list. Both gym classes were brutal but I survived to talk about it, lol. Neither was "the same old workout" with more cardio and more weights. So I think I earned my pasta with turkey sausage, bacon, sundried tomatoes and mushrooms in a sauce made with skim milk and Laughing Cow Asiago cheese wedges and garlic..... Yum.

    Janet, I admire you getting as far as you did with getting your files off. I had a really hard time moving my music from one computer to the next and had to call in some help too. I wish you luck.

    Now I am going to relax
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is to be the last warm day for a few days. A cold front is approaching and the high for tomorrow will only be 38. I know that's more normal for this time of year, but it will be a drastic change.

    Karla: Yes, I get paid; however, it's not much for the amount of work I do. But, that's ok. To hear a student say she would like me to continue being her supervisor or I'm the first one who has really helped her out is payment enough for me. I look at it as a ministry.

    Patti: There is a discrepancy between the left and right ear. The audiologist is suggesting I see an Ear, Nose, Throat doctor for more clarification. She said it wasn't bad enough for a hearing aid which is what I wanted to know. I'm taking Lipoflavinoid for my ringing. She said it can take up to 3 months for it to work.

    Janet: Good luck with your computer issues. I need to take my Mac laptop to a repairman to see what the problem is. I'm definitely backing up my files and pictures on it too.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I didn't sleep well last night so slept in the morning. Talked to a friend on the phone over coffee and decided to check in first before starting LR and I have counseling at 1- groceries and the bank. I'm opening an individual checking account today.
    Review went fine and we're getting a nice bonus at work this year. So it was good news yesterday.
    Janet- glad the scooper works well.
    Bert- I know the cool front is coming our way from you too- but at least we had a touch of spring.
    Patti- two classes in one day- I'm impressed.
    Karla- I can't wait to get plants for outside.:)
    Diane- I hate it when the computer sucks me into something- lol stay strong today and have fun with the girls.
    Need to get moving- words must get on the page today.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    So wanted to skip the gym and sleep in but I pushed through and glad I did. She did 20 minutes of Zumba just to get our heart rate up and our muscles warm. Then 40 minutes of Pilates, which I sorely needed. Now all stretched out and feeling got. Work 2-7 tonight, 10-3 tomorrow and then fun time. I may delve into my painting supplies tonight to relax. I am going to pick up some good watercolor paper with my 50% off coupon and my 30% discount. If we are not too busy I will see if I can find the pattern and material for the Snow White apron.

    Cindy, sorry for the no sleep. Bet things are just running wild in your mind right now. Congrats on the review and bonus. I know you have worked hard for both.

    Bert, I know what you mean about getting the appreciation from your students. When I was a case manager, it meant everything when a patient or family acknowledged my efforts to help them.

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your spring while you can. Janet, winter is returning for your enjoyment for a bit

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, my best friend came up with a name for the last hour of sleep you get after being awake for hours in the middle of the night: re-sleep. That's me last night, with nightmares during re-sleep. But I'm here and about to fetch the mail (with the car, which I need to move back a foot or so to get to the freezer). Going to make taco meat (I ue lean ground turkey) for salads. Hope I have salsa ... Hmmm ...

    I think I'm getting stuff off the old computer but can't type - went to rename a file of photos, typed "Ph" and computer put "Q-" - so it's pretty messed up. Once all is off, will wipe it.

    One stroke of luck - was using old computer partly because of passwords stored in Norton Identity Safe, which does not work on Macs. But did an online chat last night with Norton and the guy gave me a link that lets me pull the logins up on my Mac (it won't autoflll but I can look them up as needed and store in Safari). Hoping my TurboTax will transfer past stuff over.Many hours of work ahead but will be on the MacBook full-time now. Just need to acclimate to the changes. It's good, productive activity.

    Hot and windy here, storms this evening. Picking up groceries early tomorrow - just thought of a few things to add.

    See you all later - wishing everyone a lovely weekend.