OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, no words. Deepest sympathy on the loss of your niece and her mother.

    Still sick here but wanted to say hi.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    So, checking in after dinner. I had 1503 calories today. I have myself set for 1450. (1200 is definitely not enough for me!) No specific exercise today so no added calories. Of course I started actually tracking everything on a day I had a date for breakfast out! Our church ladies do a breakfast out once a month and I joined them today. I had a Mexican frittata (open faced omelet, basically), an English muffin and about one bite of breakfast potatoes. Hard to track, but I looked up Mexican omelets in the database and took one that was about average on calories. I thought that was pretty good for a meal out. I had plenty of water, but was high on my sodium.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I did well with breakfast and lunch, but overdid it at dinner. Mike and I went out for dinner before choir practice. MFP has 1490 daily calories. I went 100 over, but am within the nutritional guidelines. I also got 8,700 steps yesteday.

    Tonight we are hosting our church card group. Mike went to work today of which he (and I :) ) are happy. So, today I'll be straightening up the house and preparing for our group.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! I decided to drive home yesterday evening rather than stay overnight in AR. It made for a
    really long day, but I'm home and feel like I've gained today back.

    There was good news and bad news on my "performance" toward my planned weekly goals yesterday. Good news: no snacking in the car except the healthy options I took with me. This is a REALLY BIG victory for me! Bad news: chose to have dessert at lunch with a colleague. In my defense, the place we had lunch is regionally acclaimed, home cookin', family-owned, scratch-made, known for their desserts in particular. And, in a typical, ostrich with my head in the sand justification, I had a very healthy salad for my entree. That'll balance out the chocolate cheesecake, won't it??
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, we're not meant to live a life of total deprivation. When traveling, you can't be faulted for trying their specialties - especially since you moderated other choices. Sometimes it's worth it to push through to sleep in your own bed. I'm the same way.

    Bert, enjoy card club. My parents played bridge with several groups. Mom played for more than 40 years with three of her friends - they were all honorary aunts and I loved them all to pieces.

    Diane, love frittatas - not something you make for one but they are yummy.

    My eustachian tubes are nearly clear now so I am stating to feel human, with less brain fog. Going to lie low today and medicate heavily. Am down to two yogurts so will place an online grocery order for pickup tomorrow - at least I feel competent to get into the car again (have been too woozy to contemplate it for the last several days).

    Time to get on with my day. Hugs to everyone.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's cloudy today, but the temperatures are good. I'm hoping to get a walk in today, but rain percentages will dictate the outcome. I'm baking a birthday cake for Greg today. His choices for dinner are grilling out or pizza. I think pizza will be served as the weather is too iffy.

    Yesterday's progress: 8600 steps, all meals tracked (snacks at cards not pretty!), within my cholesterol limits, scales are steady.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Nice day here as well. Head continues to clear, albeit slowly. Have been out on a drive-thru tour of my area - got groceries, cash, my third thyroid med, & picked up half a sandwich & half a salad at Panera for later. Groceries are put away and I'm sitting with coffee now.

    Just wanted to wave a cheery hello to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I bought a new charcoal grill. Mike had most of it put together until he realized he put a side on backwards, so he has to take the whole thing apart and start again. :) So that's in his plan for today.

    Have a great day. 6400 steps yesterday. Eating wasn't the best. :/

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, Bert - Mike has a project, which is a good thing. Enjoy "supervising."

    Did OK here yesterday but far from perfect. Rainy day here, so head is still clogged. Lots of basketball and other things to watch. Cat sitter will come to take trash out & do a few things that are difficult for me. Making it a PJ day.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! I had a really fund day yesterday with my oldest DD, Jeana. We went to the home & garden show, did some shopping, had both breakfast and lunch out. Also got lots of steps, although not quite to my 10,000 minimum, and consumed the majority of my WPA. My focus for the coming week will remain the same - to stay within my daily allotment + WPA and to get 100 FP's for the week. We're headed to the lake following this afternoon's Thunder game and have both some chores and some good fishing weather to look forward to. I'll need to focus hard on getting an adequate number of steps each day.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Bert - does the new grill mean that burgers are on the menu after all for the birthday celebration?

    Janet - soak up all the basketball you can. The end of the college season is nearly here!

    Karla - if you check in, know your family is in our prayers here in OK.

    Patti - hope you're vacationing up a storm!

    Diane - saw pix of the lambs and jealous horse on FB. It looked like you were all having fun.

    Cindy - hugs
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Girls-
    I've had a good weekend- two days in a row I've exercised and really thought about what i was putting in my mouth. Also the LR time has been extremely productive. I listened to a podcast today specifically about growing my fan base- things to start doing. My 5 year goal is to be a full time writer and financially able to so and thrive.
    Meg is on board with a business I've been working on- as another part of my author life. A small press. I'm driven to be successful and making a plan to make it.
    Also I'm going to do audio books as a compliment to the published books and today, drum roll please.... cover shoot for Fall with Me-
    Emily and Jim are the models and he's cooking dinner- I'm in charge of dessert. Strawberry shortcake.

    Karla- I'm not sure if you're checking in but my heart is with you and the family.
    Diane- the journey for our good health is one step moving forward, both literally and figuratively- together we have tremendous support.
    Janet- so glad you're doing better- when do you go back for the foot- two more weeks?
    Bert- I tried to put a grill together once- now it's worth it for me to have it already put together.- LOL
    Patti- how vacation is a blast

    Hugs to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm watching Jillian and Cole today. It will be a fun day.

    Suzi: Burgers are in store for tonight. I grilled steaks last night after Mike took the grill apart and reassembled it!

    Cindy: Congrats on your writer goal. You're on the move. I agree that purchasing a grill already assembled would be the way to go for me, but it was a challenge for Mike.

    Have a great day, everyone! I need to get energized for my busy day! One cup of coffee is complete, and I'm working on the 2nd/3rd one!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay, so I'm not doing so well on either of my objectives - checking in with all of you daily or tracking everything. Today is another new start. But I cut my index finger yesterday, so my typing is seriously handicapped!

    We had lunch at Chipotle today, and I thought I was making good choices. And the calories were low for a very filling meal, but the sodium was so high! Even things like the pico, which is the mild tomato salsa, has something like 350 mg sodium! I do a bowl with just half a scoop of brown rice, fajita veggies, chicken and toppings, no sour cream or guac.

    We spent the weekend at our son's house. WIth the baby on the way, he is motivated to get everything finished! The previous weekend I helped him paint the master bedroom and closet (which they have not yet moved into, almost three years into living in the house!) This weekend we put in closet shelves and bars in both the master and the baby's room closets. That was a big job. He still needs to do window trim, then the only thing left for both rooms is carpet. Meanwhile, John finished the cabinets for the mudroom and got those installed.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, enjoy that new grill! We grill out a lot year round, and it certainly is a healthy way to cook. I love shish kabobs and grilled veggies!

    Cindy, sounds like you are really moving out and moving forward on your writing career. I admire you. I can write a fine technical report, but never in my life have I been able to write fiction. I used to hate having to do that in school.

    Suzi, what a fun sounding day you had with your daughter. I try for 10,000 steps every day too, but I haven't been getting it lately. Today I am at only about 6K, and most of my moving around for the day is done.

    Janet, hope your cold is better. You have really had a time, medically. So glad you are at least able to drive and do the drive-throughs!

    Karla, I'm guessing you are still out of town with your brother. Such a tragic time.

    Hope Patti is having a terrific time and no more car trouble!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - just a quick pop-in. Still fighting this dumb head stuff. Oh well. I see surgeon April 10 - it will be ten weeks Sind surgery tomorrow. Having both feet on the floor will be weird by so good!

    Have a bit of a headache so no personals today. See everyone tomorrow. Gotta get back on track in a big way here too!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I've had a good tracking day, but already hungry so it's a small bowl of cereal and milk for my "dessert" in about an hour. Hopefully that will take care of the "sweet" that I'm looking and the milk will help me feel satiated.
    Diane- sorry about the finger- what the heck sodium in salsa? It shouldn't have any.
    Bert- hope you have fun with the kids
    Janet- feel better soon
    Need to run- I have a free giveaway on goodreads for the week- giving away two signed copies of Lost and Found. It ends Monday.
    See you all tomorrow
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, Carrie sees her surgeon on April 11. Hoping she will get to put both feet on the ground and bear weight too! She has at least been in a removable boot the last 4 weeks, so is working on flexibility and stretching (and lotion on her scars!)
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Grueling weekend with the funeral and the struggling shape of my brother. They buried my niece in the same casket as her mother, which I thought was sweet as they will be together in eternity. But, heartbreaking at the same time. Thank you for your prayers and kind words. I am going to return to the grief class I went to after my mother passed next week. My friend that recently lost her daughter is going too.

    Diane- Such a cute picture of John on Facebook with the jealous horse. Lol. Are you vokuteering at the park? Tracking sure makes us aware of those nutrients!

    Suzi- I will send you my tracker this evening or in the morning. I have not been eating much of anything. No appetite. Yesterday all I ate was a Chick Fil A sandich and an ice cream home at home. Today I am starting with an egg white omelet and making myself eat three meals. Thanks for your support.

    Cindy- Yea for becoming a full time writer and developing your following. You are embracing your dream and making it a reality.

    Janet- That nasty cold sure is hanging on!! Thank you for your support.

    I'm going to get my Garmin reset today and start getting my 10k steps. But first in going to do me a DVD just to jumpstart my return to Project Me.

    TT- What measures help you turn your bus around when life events derail your healthy lifestyle? Is your bus on track or on the side on the road?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We had a fun day with the kids yesterday, but were very tired last night. Molly slept until 7 this morning, which is unheard of! Today I was to travel to Indy to have lunch with my cousin and her daughter (not sure of the relationship: 2nd cousin?); however, it is cancelled as her daughter couldn't attend. My cousin has dementia which has been progressing quickly. I haven't seen her in a while as the road doesn't travel the other direction. It's always me doing the traveling. It's always been that way even when my cousin was healthy. Oh family is so small, and it's important to me to stay close even though they don't have time for us. Sorry for the ranting.

    So, I'll go to the gym today. I haven't been there in quite a while. I'm looking forward to going and doing something for myself.

    TT: The measures that help me turn my bus around is this fabulous OMG group! Your understanding and encouragement are what I need.

    Have a great day, everyone!
