OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, I will be watching tonight - it's been a terrific tournament. Your "backseat driver" remarks brought happy memories of my dad. When he wasn't driving, he was a horrible backseat driver to everyone - except me. Nobody understood that, least of all me, but he'd tell me what a good driver I was (with the unfortunately sexist "You're a good driver, honey - you drive like a man." Whatever THAT meant.) But I'd just smile & tell him "Well, I learned from the best."

    Patti, welcome home. You sure lucked out in every way possible with the breakdown. I would've flipped out.

    Karla, continuing to think of you.

    Bert, hope Mike is having a terrific day at Augusta National.

    Diane, you brought tears to my eyes.

    Cindy, your blog post about spring was lovely. My peonies are a month ahead of schedule with shoots a foot high already.

    I am back on my commitment to tracking - good, bad, ugly. Have had a good day so far and working on small stuff. Need to place a grocery order for pickup tomorrow or Wednesday. Party on!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening all.

    Patti- So glad to have you back in the fold. Sorry you have such car issues my dear. Good luck, though, with the friend coming and the shop.

    My home is so different without my sweet Brutus. He had allergies for many years, and therefore he was on Prednisone, which is what wore down his kidneys over the years. They had just come out with a new allergy med that is not as harsh on their kidneys, which I immediately switched him to, but too late for my sweet boy. Thank you for all your kind words, poems and rainbow links. Over fourteen years in a long life with his given condition, but could have been longer had he not had it. I did the very best I could for him. I just wish he was still here.

    QOTD: I am trying to increase my water this week for my mini Goal.

    Cindy- You rock with that three pound loss!

    I did manage to drop a full pound myself!

    We had some horrific weather this morning. They closed the schools today. I went out a couple hours and then went to my BFF Monica's house and we hung out and watched Netflix. We both needed it.

    Still trying to get my steps today, but, we all know that fitness alone will not work on getting our desired result. As the saying goes, get fit in gym, lose weight in the kitchen. So why do so many of us focus on the physical side instead of the food side? Is it easier? It's me through and through, although I've had a time doing both my life has been in such turmoil. I did get my Garmin reset and it has made me more aware, and I did two DVD workouts ast week. Plus I tracked six days in a row. With all that I managed to lose one pound. I'm not disappointed though, I do have some tweaking to do. I know 1200 calories is the recommended amount for medium activity level, but I just don't lose weight at that high. Opinion?

    QOTD for tomorrow- What tweaking do you need to do to your regime to see a loss of inches or pounds?


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Well, I tracked everything honestly yesterday and stayed within my limit, and I also met all nutrient goals - hooray. Just need to commit to that every day. That and food choices are my tweaks.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is coming home today. Greg got home last night after flight delays due to weather conditions. He will be very tired today, I'm sure. Today, I'm heading to the gym and to the grocery store.

    QOTD: It's the old saying of losing weight, calories in = calories out. I'm good with the calories in part! :o) I just can't seem to balance it out. I'm doing better with water intake, but have a long "weigh" to go.

    Patti: What a great story about your car and how things worked out. I know that the car problems were tough, but look what happened as a result. Amazing.

    Karla: I think Molly has allergies, too. I give her a Benadryl once in a while to help her, but will need to ask the vet about side effects. My Brutus was 15 and had congestive heart failure. I think about him every day. I couldn't bury him, so he's with us on the book shelf. Some day, maybe. It's been 5 1/2 years.

    Janet: I do ok with my nutrient goals. I just don't make good choices, I guess.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, dreary looking day but since I will be with mom it will feel more like sunshine. No TRX this week. I will be working on one of my son's rentals. Ripping out carpet and cleaning. My understanding is that it is really nasty. Got my fridge filled with wonderful choices yesterday and had a delicious salad with grilled chicken last night. So day one a success. On to day 2. Mom made split pea soup for lunch today and then she is making carrot cake which she will insist I take half of to take home. Give me strength! I am going to figure out the calories and track honestly when I have some. She makes it in an angel food cake pan. I have the same recipe so should be easy to figure it out. I will cut my half into 12 slices and freeze. We don't put any frosting on it.

    So nice to be back in the swing here and see that we are all working on moving forward toward a healthier version of ourselves.

    Cindy, it was so nice to get an email from Meg and I really look forward to meeting her soon.

    Sorry no personals, need to run.

    AOTD: not sure I can answer this yet since I am only 1 day on plan. Right now I am focusing on cutting carbs. I do well with water, exercise and protein. Never have difficulty with oils either. So carbs are it for now


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, with you on carbs. I do enjoy sweets too but if i had to choose, a carb/fat combo would be my chosen poison!

    This is so cool - we are all rededicating at the same time and because we have each other, increase out chances of success. Have tracked my day so far and just need to make myself keep doing it. When I do, I'm better able to tell myself "you're done for the day." Weird but true.

    We all know WHAT to do and HOW to do it. Also WHY we want to. It's just the dozens of decision points we hit during the course of every single day that sometimes wear us down and we choose an easy, suboptimal path. But if we was together we are more successful and also have a heck of a lot more fun! I do love you ladies.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Janet - I LOVE this. "We all know WHAT to do and HOW to do it. Also WHY we want to. It's just the dozens of decision points we hit during the course of every single day that sometimes wear us down". When I don't take time for careful consideration at those decision points is when I get myself in trouble.

    Patti - so glad to have you back and it's great to hear that you're "in the groove".

    Currently sitting out a hail storm in the barn with the dogs while Dave is putting the finishing touches on a Tulip project. Good thing Landon, my farm tenant doesn't currently have the barn full of hay or equipment. There was room to pull Dave's car in behind our pickup that lives in the barn with Tulip.

    I'm doing good so far today. Staying in my eating plan, although not much exercise yet. We worked some on the sailboat bottom this morning, and are now to the point of needing to put her in a lift to finish. With storms the past week or so, the lake level, which was approaching critically dry, has risen about 4 feet and everyone is scrambling to get their boats ready to put in so races can begin. Since we don't race anymore and are retired, we'll wait to let others get their work done first.

    I'm still waiting to find the color of petunias I want to finish my flower planting but with the weather this afternoon no plant shopping today!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike got home safely. I'm glad to have him home. I did well eating yesterday. I made baked cod and Birds Eye protein vegetables for lunch. I had a turkey sandwich last night for dinner as Mike didn't get home until dinner time, so I didn't plan to make anything. I went to the gym and did exercises for my back with PT. I decided to have her once a month to show me exercise options. Low carb and good protein, but not low fat, breakfast is tracked and eaten. Eggs and one piece of sausage. I'll finish off my fish for lunch.

    Patti: I'm trying to focus on carbs as well.

    I'm off to get ready to take Molly for a heartworm check and then I have a visit at noon. I'm not looking forward to this one as she has not submitted 3/4 of her assignments as required by the university. I've emailed and texted her numerous times. The thing is that I've had her two other times, and she knows how I operate. Oh well, this course is on her, not me.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sunshine and smiles here. Today is lunch with my GFs, quick Walmart run if there is time before my hair appointment at 2. Then head to the mall to get gift certificate for mani-pedi for my DIL, her birthday is tomorrow. If I have time I will shop for new walking shoes before I go to work at 5. Tomorrow is gym and then working on the rental. Carpet needs pulled up, cleaning and painting (not all tomorrow, lol). Day 2 in the books successfully.

    Suzi, hope all is safe in your corner of the world. I didn't realize you use to race your boat, what fun. I have had limited sailing experience but I did thoroughly enjoy it. We "sailed" from LA harbor to Catalina but there was no wind to speak of so we basically motored over and back.

    Janet, less than a week and hopefully you will start some weight bearing. I know you are more than ready to give your foot a whirl.

    Bert, it is always nice to have some alone time but much nicer when our man gets home. I think a monthly session with a personal trainer is a great idea. Keeps you from getting bored and also makes sure you are doing the right things for your body.

    Big hugs and hellos to the rest of the crew
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello- I must say I feel drained today, and frustrated with Glenn. I won't bore you with the details. His postoperative visit went well and now will be setting up an EGD and Colonoscopy before he retires. He told me last night he is scared about retiring and I guess that is what has got him acting all weirded out.

    Patti- Wow, work, gym and tearing out carpet.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, men are just weird about stuff, especially medical. My dear guy friend in SC had his second surgery yesterday and has been hurting - have done my best to keep him occupied via text and phone as needed. He's doing pretty well tonight but will have a few rough days ahead. And I think men weird out more about retirement because they tend to define themselves more than women by what they do. Luckily that was the least of my concerns when I walked away from The Dark Tower. EGD? (maybe autocorrect for EKG?)

    Bert, what are Protein Vegetables? Sounds interesting - I don't buy a lot of frozen veggies but that sounds interesting. Seems like this student is stubborn in a bad way, or a major procrastinator, either of which does not bode well for her as a teacher. They are among the most naturally organized people I know!

    Patti, hope you got your shoes - read today the this is a good month to buy walking/running shoes. If you find a pair you like after you wear them, you might snag a deal on backups. You are the busiest of bees!

    Suzi, what petunia color? My guess is that really vibrant, rich magenta.

    Diane, how is Carrie doing? Bet she's looking forward to her doc appointment next week as much as I am. Do you know how thrilled I will be for a REAL shower when I have no cast cover and necessary contortions? Fingers crossed for us both.

    This is literally the first time I've been available to say hi! Got up this morning to straighten up for the cleaner. She texted about 10 because she forgot and had double-booked. Our schedule of alternate Wednesdays got messed with a couple of times when she was sick, so she thought it was next week. Which it will be now - we just agreed to next week and every two weeks thereafter. But she is such a gem that after doing a clean in my neighborhood, she offered to come over, bring in my mail and scoop my litter, and we had a nice visit.

    Was supporting two dear friends simultaneously by text all morning and the world's nicest cable guy was here from 2:15-4:30. The box in my bedroom became possessed two nights in a row - suddenly flashing menus on and off and running channel list at the bottom of my screen, all on its own. And the remote wouldn't work while that was happening. Had to unplug & replug box and reboot takes 15=20 minutes. He tweaked the outside wiring and replaced the box for my peace of mind - had no idea why that happened. What a nice guy though - enjoyed chatting with him.

    Two days of eating back on plan. Didn't even have a chance to order groceries yet so will do that for pickup Friday (weather tomorrow is supposed to be dicey = after severe thunderstorms here early evening). Temp will go from high 70s today to low 40s tomorrow. Sinus heck!

    OK - going to chill now and watch basketball. My major age-inappropriate crush is playing (Suzi, it's the Cats' Kevin Love, who not only looks like a Greek statue but is also the nephew of the Beach Boys' Mike Love. Hoping for a bit more time to do stuff tomorrow! Hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. Tracking going well and did well with carbs today. For some reason my stomach is hurting tonight. I have my sweet Izzy. We are going to see Beauty and The Beast tomorrow.

    Bert- Did you find a short sleeved sweater or shrug? I found a lovely yellow one to go with my dress for the wedding for this weekend. I got it at Steinmart. I also bought a cute yellow striped purse that really completes the outfit.

    Janet- No, I meant EGD, it's an upper GI scope test. Glenn's father passed of stomach cancer and he always has that area checked.

    I sure miss my Brutus. Izzy says it just doesn't feel right around here without him walking around.

    TT: What is the last Disney movie you have seen? Either at a theatre or on tv?


  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Just home from a girls night out with Jessi, her 2 besties and one of the other girl's Mom. We had Mexican food and saw Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest at the theatre. I had very few chips, almost no cheese and had a chicken & vegetable dish.

    It's been super busy today and will be another busy day tomorrow. I'm babysitting Dean (great nephew), who you've seen pix of and his baby sister Amelia who is 6-months old.

    Janet - sigh.....Kevin Love.....he's sooooo pretty.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I got it all done! Lunch with the girls at Cheddars was tasty and was able to find it in the tracker. Janet and I had lunch there a while back and it was less than stellar. Glad I gave them a second chance. My hair is now officially cut in a bob and we added some auburn to the color mix without getting "hot roots". Got recommendation for nail salon for my DIL's mani-pedi and it is across the street from where I work. So BD present bought. Did not find shoes yet but have a 30% off coupon for Kohl's and hope to find some there. Work was brutal. They are under on sales for the week so they are cutting back on staff. Which means I was running all over the place. Cutting counter, cashier, returns and putting away fabric and trim. 14K steps for the day. Will be skipping the gym tomorrow as I have a full day working on the rental. Have to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday and will work on rental as needed.

    Janet, you are such a sweet and loving friend, hope they appreciate you as much as we do.

    Karla, it is so hard for some men to retire. It is that "what will I do with myself" question that scares them most. Funny, few women rarely have that thought cross their mind. We are so busy thinking of all the things we will do when we retire or have the time. We always wear so many more hats than they do we don't mind hanging one of them up. He will figure it out, it just takes time. I know you will help him through it.

    Ok, officially done for the day and it was an on plan one too. I think it's 3 days in a row


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Another rainy day and another visit today before we leave for LA in the morning. I'm not looking forward to a 12 hour drive, but we are attending Mike's neice's wedding, so it's necessary. I'm very frustrated with this visit today as this student has done absolutely no written work as required.

    Karla: Mike was like Glenn with retirement. He seems to be doing ok now, but wants to continue to work part time. They call him for advice at times which makes him happy.

    Janet: The vegetables were lentils, snow peas, quinoa. They weren't bad. My frustration with this student is she acts like she's working on assignments, but makes no attempt to send me anything to preview. I've had it, so she will get what she gets. My visit today is going to be the same; no assignments completed. Where do you order groceries? I might suggest that to my brother.

    Karla: My BFF and I saw Beauty and the Beast. It was great! I found a sweater. Actually, I have two sweaters; one is white, and I found a floral one yesterday. However, when I got home and put it up against my dress, the flowers were more blue than purple. Oh well, I can wear it with something else. I went to SteinMart as well, but didn't see anything.

    Suzi: Enjoy your babysitting.

    Patti: I like Cheddars' grilled tilapia.

    Breakfast is tracked: GNC protein shake and banana.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Where has this week gone? Totally forgot I needed to get tax stuff together, but got it done this morning and Edd will take to our tax people shortly. I am headed to Kohl's then off to the rental for some mind numbing and backbreaking work, hence skipping the gym today, lol.

    Bert, so sad that the student is not doing her best, it will be her that pays the price. Too bad she doesn't realize what a great mentor she has in you. Her loss. Can't wait to see Beauty and the Beast with my GFs. They say it in 3D and said it was too overwhelming. One went back and saw it again on regular screen and said it was much better and more enjoyable. They are both going to go see it with me, such great friends! You may need to google search where your brother lives for grocery stores that have order on line. We have Krogers and Walmart here plus a local gourmet grocery. My GF started using Krogers when she was undergoing treatment for her breast cancer and liked it so well she still uses it. It only costs $3 per order. Well worth it I would think. Of course, none of these stores are near me. Probably a good thing as I am already lazy enough and have no excuse to not do my own shopping!

    Better get a move on if I am going to get my work done.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Thursday morning. It is cold and breezy here today. I heard it was going to cool off after the storms went through this week. It is sunny and 63 degrees, but feels much cooler.

    Bert - The Steinmart down here had boo-koos of short sleeved sweaters and shrugs. I need to get back over there for a new pair of black capri's for the rehearsal dinner for tomorrow night. So sorry about the slack student teacher. It is sad that she will be teaching our young people, as that will be what they receive too. I wouldn't be too kind with her if I was you, let her know that is not what is expected of her. Just my opinion.

    Patti- Glad you are getting all your chores, hair and work caught in. Plus, kudos on getting back on tracking and eating routine so fast!!

    Izzy and I are going to see Beauty and the Beast here shortly. We are so excited.

    Tracking and calories are going well, but weight is at a crawl. Geez!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Karla, glad you have Izzy - I know this is a very tough week for you.

    Patti, hope Kohl's had great shoe bargains - once got my niece a pair of jeans that fit her perfectly for $1.97 plus tax. Your hair sounds really cute - MUST get mine done as soon as I'm able to walk into the salon. Because i lost most of my hair, I'm really limited on what he can do with it but he's really an incredible colorist and cutter who teaches young salon associates (I've been watched by sweet young things while he demos a blunt bob on me).

    Bert, those veggie sound good - will have to look for them. I keep both lentils and quinoa in the house (no pasta or bread, beyond high-fiber, low-carb tortillas). How frustrating to deal with such a recalcitrant student. And I'm guessing she's a budding math teacher, which makes it all the more perplexing. Hope you have good conditions for your drive.

    Suzi, North by Northwest on a big screen is sooooo much fun. Crop duster! Mt. Rushmore! Oh yeah - Cary Grant too. Knew you would fully appreciate the magnificence of Mr. Love. My cable guy yesterday told me that when he lived in Philly, he did the cable setup at Andre Iguodala's house - was really impressed with his brains and humor.

    Hi to Cindy, Diane, MaryLynn, Myra and anyone else who's lurking.

    I'm on my fourth day of SERIOUS recommitment - need to catch up to all the success you all seem to be having!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening from an officially tired puppy. Did not find any shoes at Kohl's. They had a choice of 3 walking shoes, all of them awful. Running shoes were unlimited, how annoying. Not all of us are runners. In fact I would venture to say there are more walkers than runners in this world. Just need to find where they buy their shoes, lol. Found the cutest sundress for my DI for her BD and she loved it. Worked at the rental for 3 1/2 hours. Tore out all the carpet upstairs: 2 bedrooms, playroom, hall and stairs. Then washed down the walls and cleaned the baseboards in the living and dining rooms. Tomorrow I will fill the holes in the walls and clean the kitchen before I go to work at 5pm. Hope my feet hold out. Day 4 on plan. Baked cod with fresh green beans and corn on the cob, yum.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up very early this morning preparing for our quick trip to Louisiana for our neice's wedding. I'll catch up with everyone in a few days. Have a great day, everyone!
