OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Great news from the eye Dr for Mom. No swelling or hemorrhage, eyes back to baseline and stable. Will monitor every 2 months for a while but no injection! Mom's form of macular degeneration is a bit different than is usually seen. Hers was a dramatic sudden onset, not gradual as is the most common presentation. She has had no bleeding or swelling in the past 4 months. She checks her eye grid daily and will report any changes. She can now get an eye exam and get glasses. She is so excited. Taking her next Thursday to the original opthamologist that referred her to the retinal specialist. I told her the exam would only take 1/2 as long and her glasses should be 1/2 price since she is bling in her right eye. She is not just legally blind in that eye, she is totally blind due to the undetected detached retina and the scar tissue has occluded the optic nerve. TRX tonight. Gym in the morning and then no plans until work on Saturday. Which translates to no excuse for not doing housework,lol.

    Janet, glad you have your Percocet stash for these rough days. You will feel more like yourself after your manicure and hair appointment. I agree with Diane about admiring your courage. I know you have your tears and down times, but you so rarely complain. Almost wish you would more often so we could show you more love and support. Hope you never feel like you can't whine to us when needed.

    Karla, such good news from you today about you time with your dad and brothers. Sorry to hear you had a tiff with Glenn but know all will work out because you love each other so much.

    Cindy, I admire you so much for how much you are giving to your marriage, especially when you have so many other stressors in your life at the moment. I hope and pray Rick sees this and realizes he must work equally hard. But NEVER sacrifice you for him. I bet Meg is over the moon to have grandma for Easter. How sweet of your mom to make the trip.

    Diane, you work so hard in all you do. When and how do you ever relax and just enjoy you time?

    Bert, I imagine you are busy with church functions and activities....and enjoying the weather.

    Final shoe note (was going to do this as a footnote but that seemed too easy, lol), I got my Brooks Adrenaline shoes, made for flat footed over pronators with a 12mm offset, and wore them last night. My feet hurt some at the end of the 5 1/2 hour shift, 13K steps, but no knee pain and they did not hurt this morning. Sketchers went back to the store and I am closing this chapter. I know you are all relieved, lol.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    On the footwear saga - I went to the podiatrist yesterday for my plantar fasciitis. HE recommended custom inserts, which cost an arm and a leg. He also recommended I get new shoes, and sent me to a running store in town. I just got home from spending $160! on new shoes. I went with the Saucony Redeemers Patti. The Brooks Adrenaline were the runner up. And of course my foot is wide, which limits even more the shoes that will work for me.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, I love sauconys. Let me know what you think. I am glad you went to a running store for the fitting. I can't find one anywhere near me. I got fitted with my first ones at a running store in Birmingham
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    When will shoe manufacturers get that many of us have wider feet?

    Nails (which are total stubs at the moment) are the palest lavender and hair has been cut and colored. I do feel more human. Succumbed to one scoop of lower-sugar ice cream while I was out and tracked it. Will be able to stay within my limit.

    Tired - may try to go to bed early tonight, after I place grocery order.

    Cindy, thinking of you this evening.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I am exhausted. Spread mulch for 4 1/2 hours today and barely made a dent. My feet are killing me. Of course I am wearing my old, worn out shoes for yard work! Over 20k steps

    Church tonight for Maundy Thursday, and again tomorrow for Good Friday. Then Sunday there is a brunch at church and I invited family over for dinner. And there is still this mound of mulch! I will have to get some help to finish it by Sunday.

    Janet so glad you were able to do the hair and nails! I'm sure you feel more like you. Carrie says her foot is quite swollen with the exercise she is giving it. Hope your pain is manageable tonight.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's another gorgeous day today. I plan to do some work in my flower gardens again today. Yesterday I washed my living room windows. O my, how dirty they were! My curtains (sheers) are going to need ironed. :( So, that's in my plan this morning and then I'll head outside. Cole's birthday party is this evening, he turned 4 last weekend.

    I did well eating and drinking water yesterday. The scale was definitely my motivator. I think I'm gaining what Patti lost! Not happy, so am definitely focused!

    Patti: I love my Brooks. I bought them last year when visiting with Dan and family. He took me to a running store and they did a complete foot analysis. Dan buys all of his running gear there. I walked on a treadmill and they videoed my walking to determine what type of shoes I needed. I also got an insert shaped from my foot mold. I haven't regretted spending the money as they are quite pricey.

    Diane: I tried on Saucony, Nike, and Brooks. I've worn Saucony before, but really liked how the Brooks fit my feet.

    Janet: So glad you got your nails and hair done. I always feel better when I get my hair done. I haven't had a pedicure or manicure in a long time.

    Our cantata is Sunday. It will be a different type of cantata as actors will be incorporated into it. I'm excited to be part of the cantata. Our director is amazing, and always does a wonderful job. There were only about 10 people who showed up for our Maundy Thursday service. I feel this is an important service to attend. It is the most intimate service we have. I don't know why people don't attend. Many people who came were choir members as we had rehearsal after it.

    Have a great day, everyone! Breakfast is tracked. GNC protein shake and a pear.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Girls-
    Last night was no picnic and it didn't start out that great- but Rick is working and i have the day off so i'm hoping some time for him to think about what I said will make a positive difference. He complains each time we go I knock him back into his depression depths- but I know he just doesn't want to hear what I say. He likes to tell the therapist "we had great week" Then I speak- and he agrees and so she knows the real story. I said it was going to take a long time for me to trust that the changes he did this week are long lasting and not temporary. He got beet red for that part of the hour. But its honest and I was kind when I said it. I have spent the last few months preparing to be alone as he wasn't willing to make changes and it will take time to trust again. It was honest and I don't believe that telling the truth is the wrong thing to do - thats why we're there.
    But today is a new day and I'm trying to get into a romance writers book fair in June- which from what a woman told me today- there should be space. SO maybe I've found a nitch to sell more books in person.
    I'm ordering coffee mugs and travel mugs with an LR logo along with some pretty pens. If someone buys a set of books they have their chose or if someone just wants to buy a mug they'll be able to- just need to figure out how to set that up on the website and cost of shipping.
    Food is going pretty good- I had a good day yesterday.
    Need to start writing - book 7
    I'll touch base later.
    Hugs to all
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert I agree on the services this week. I started attending them about 15 years ago when I joined the choir, and now wouldn't miss them for any reason. If anything, I find Maundy Thursday and Good Friday more meaningful even than Easter Sunday. The church tradition I grew up in didn't have these services so I never knew what I was missing.

    The scale went down some today. I recorded it as my Friday WI but I'm not sure how much I trust the number to stay there. I've been bouncing up and down on a daily basis.

    I brought Carrie to PT this morning, ran a few errands and am waiting for her to finish. Then back to the mulch!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! It's been a busy work week and all but one evening spent hanging with coworker buddies. Food has been a total disaster and nothing tracked. I've had terrible insomnia most of the week, but finally slept well last night when I got home. Only good news is 2 really high step-count days. It's good to be home with Dave and the pups.

    After reading through all I've missed, WOW! So much going on with everyone! Janet and Carrie both now able to do weight-bearing exercise. Janet, that shower must have felt absolutely fantastic!

    Diane - the prescription orthotics I have are very well worth the money and they last a very long time. I'm on my second pair, they're still in really good shape and this spring marks 20 years since I got the first pair.

    Patti - great news on your Mom's eyes! ^5 on the WL!!

    Cindy - holy crap! How much more stuff are you going to have piled on you!?! During a similar period of my life, someone told me, "God never gives you more than you can handle." I replied, "Then I wish he didn't trust me so dang much!"

    Karla - glad you were able to get away to see your Dad. I chuckled when you said you were there because you'd had a tiff with Glenn. Our good friends Jim and Ruthie, travel buddies and Dave's fishing buddy are the same way. Every so often Jim will call Dave and say, "Ruthie says it's time for me to go fishing..."

    Bert - loved seeing the wedding pix. Enjoy your church services this weekend. Will there be a big family Easter dinner at your house?

    Gotta get some work done.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Gym was close for Good Friday and work asked if I would come in and help stock. So I worked 7a-12. I am not a morning person so I may need a nap today, something I never do. It was nice to get off so early. Tomorrow I work 10-3 as cashier.....I really don't like that job but I like the girl I will be working with. Yesterday was a day of bad choices with food, back on track today. It happens and that is just how it is sometimes. My challenge is to keep it to one meal instead of a whole day of bad choices.

    Cindy, honesty is the only way to make sure if you stay together it is for real. You deserve honesty too. Protect yourself at all costs. I want a coffee mug, that way I can have my morning coffee with you on a regular basis.

    Janet, hope you are taking it easy today after your day of glamor yesterday.

    Suzi, welcome back home and to your plan.

    Bert and Diane, you both have so much in common you should be related, lol. Between church, family and your yard work you two are dynamos.

    Karla,,are you home safe and sound in the loving arms of your sweet Glenn? Bet he missed you and is sorry you quarreled.

    I need to move, getting sleepy sitting here.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Saturday morning. Happy holiday weekend! We died eggs yesterday and hid them in the house since they were real eggs. I will make the ugly deviled eggs tomorrow to go with out Easter dinner. lol

    Patti - yes I made it back Thursdsy and Glenn was so glad to see me. Fondness

    Diane- you are a whirlwind.

    Suzi- I will be back on track me Scarlett.

    Janet- shower hair and nails!! Yeaaa

    Cindy- good luck my friend, you have your eye wide open..

    Gotta run

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Spent the morning riveted to April the giraffe and watched labor, birth, first steps, falls, exemplary motherhood and nursing live. It was magical.

    Been a very busy week and the next few are shaping up to be crazy as well, so trying for a fairly quiet day here, working on tax stuff for starters (have sent extension forms & checks to feds and state - fed check has already cleared). Still hoping to get them done by end of April though.

    Going to a friend's for dinner tomorrow - and of course the NBA playoffs start this afternoon. Yay!

    Hugs to all. Those of you who are celebrating Easter with little ones have special joys in store.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, I missed the birth by a few minutes. Legs were part way out when I left for work and it was all over by the time I got there. Ended my shift on a sour note when a customer was rude to me and another customer was rude to the lady I was working with. Glad to be home. The only little ones I will be sharing Easter with are my son's 3 Maltipoos, lol.

    Now to decompress
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I did something at WW today for only the second time in 10 years - took a WI pass. Well, kinda anyway. My leader talked me into stepping on the scale and she put the sticker in my book, then covered it up with a plain sticker so I couldn't see it. This way, the computer will know what I've lost next week and I don't have to face that horrible number I saw on my home scale this morning.

    I have to do better next week when I'm on my own in AR again for an entire week! My plan is to not be stupid and to do lots of walking. Two days I'll be teaching in Bentonville very near the entrance to my favorite walking trails. I'll take my gear with me those days and walk as soon as class is over, before even going back to the hotel. I'm taking some fruit, baby carrots, Greek yogurt and 1 pt string cheese with me to have my go to safe snacks at hand. Should be easier to pull off a good week and sleep better this time since I'll be staying at the same hotel all week. I can take my pillows with me and plan a little more.

    More later,
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I've been working so hard the last few days that I've not had much time to snack! When I come in I'm thirsty rather than hungry. I have tracked pretty faithfully - I've been eating 300-400 calories more than my "budget," but with adding in the exercise I am way under what MFP would allow me. And the scale is inching down - now I just need to sustain that for a week!

    Tomorrow will be an indulgence day - brunch at church and while I'll try to make smart choices and limit my portions, there is no way to track that. Dinner here should be relatively okay as long as I limit portions. Appetizer is fresh veggies and a yogurt based dip, and nothing else. Appetizers is where I frequently get into trouble, so this will keep me safe. And dessert will be off the scale, but sooo worth it. I made a strawberry tart, with the crust made of graham cracker and shortbread cookie crumbs, filling of dark chocolate melted with heavy cream then set, and topped with fresh strawberries. Yummy, and so worth it. There will be eight for dinner, so the tart will be gone and not left over to tempt me into a second piece.

    No little ones here tomorrow - next year! Two of my cousins are coming, son and his wife, and her dad.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Suzi, don't beat yourself up. It's over, own it, and move on. On the WW board we used to have a saying for that, but I don't remember it. Smart move to take your walking stuff with you and not go back to the hotel first. It seems like if I go back to the hotel, I can come up with too many excuses not to go exercise.

    Patti, I'm sorry you had to face those rude customers. I'm not sure I could ever keep a retail job, because I would probably blow up at them and get fired on the spot!

    Karla, we don't dye eggs anymore. I miss it. But I don't miss having 1-2 dozen hard boiled eggs to deal with! I never felt I could just throw them away, but I don't like egg salad and get tired of just eating hard boiled eggs after 2 or 3. We always hid the plastic eggs. Even when we used to go camping on Easter, we would take the plastic eggs and hide them in the camper. I had forgotten that until just now!

    Janet, I knew you would be watching April! Did you know that the Baltimore zoo had a baby giraffe back in February? Her name is Willow. (Mom is Juma.) Hope you got to enjoy your relax day. Have you started any exercising yet? John finished Carrie's barre, and she has been doing standing, shifting her weight, and some attempts at releve and plie. (Can't figure out how to put the accent marks there!)

    Cindy, did you have a good writing day? You need the escape into your fictional world for a day!

    Bert, you'll have to let us know tomorrow how the cantata went. We are only doing one anthem. Our choir director likes these medleys of songs, which I am not wild about. The anthem for tomorrow has three sections - I forget which song the first one is from, but the middle is an arrangement of "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" and the ending is the Hallelujah Chorus.

    Happy Easter to all - I probably won't check in until late if at all tomorrow, and I am not tracking! I may put something in just to keep my streak alive, but I'm not going to even try to get it all down.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited April 2017
    Happy Easter everyone. He has Risen!! Quiet day here after returning from church. Izzy will be over later. She is our only little one this year. No set times, they are just dropping by. We made a day trip to visit Jason in Montgomery yesterday, JJ went and we all had a great time. This job end June 6, and he comes back to Mobile. We are so happy.

    Suzi- We all take an hiatus from our routine, the term Diane was remembering was BAM! Wasn't it? Can't remember what the B meant, but A was accept or acknowledge and M was move on! How about I rejoin you on sharing our trackers tomorrow and we make a walking challenge for the week? A minimum of 8k steps a day? You on?

    Janet- So glad you saw April's baby born. I know she was glad to stretch her legs!! Of course I don't recall if it was a girl or boy. Good luck on your taxes. I saw where I have until Tuesday to mail my Alabama State tax payment.

    Diane- You have been on a mission with both your church and your mulch! You humble me with your fortitude to accomplish so much. Your tart sounds to die for, and yes so worth it. I made sugar cookies Friday with butter cream frosting for Izzy to decorate in Easter pastel colors.

    Patti- Geez, rude customers or co-workers should not be allowed! You are another one that is on the go between work at Joannes, the rental, your YaYas and your Mom's. Plus. Your gym classes in between. I must get me a workout in today. My first thing after church is though, to go through my closet and get my cruise wardrobe together. We leave next Saturday!

    Cindy - How was cooking for Rick's family today? I know they are blessed to have you still in their fold. I bet Meh is over the moon with your mom with her today. How is Lucinda these days?

    I still haven't started on the new bone building medication. I had a 6% loss on my bone density test. They want me to start on Actonel. Have any of you been on it? It is in the Fossamax family but not as harsh on your digestive system.

    I better run. Have a beautiful day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy Easter everyone, I am going to see my daughter today for a bit and then going to start working on the other rental. It would be nice if I was done with it by the time my son gets back from California, which Is a week from Monday. Have to get Edd to help me move the painting supplies from the other rental. My daughter lives just down the street from where I will be working, so perfect opportunity to fit in a visit.

    Diane, I am right there with you on the appetizers, they are truly my downfall. You are making my mouth water with that tart! So glad it is not in my house, lol.

    Suzi, planning for success is the best way to be successful. I know you will do much better this week.

    Karla, I know you will be overjoyed to have Jason back home as will his kids. I forgot you were going on a cruise, so jealous.

    Cindy, keeping you and Lucinda close to my heart

    Janet, I pray you truly took a day of rest.

    Bert, I am sure the cantata was beautiful.

    Busy week ahead. Mom has appointment Thursday for glasses exam. Wednesday the girls and I are going to see Beauty and the Beast and have lunch. Working Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and my usual gym classes on Tuesday and Thursday, plus my weekly Tuesday with mom. And of course painting whenever I have a free moment.

    Wishing you all peace, joy and love
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy Easter! My "quiet day" turned into a driven mission to get my taxes done, even though I had sent extension forms and checks. I have to start paying estimated taxes to KY, which is a bummer - but put reminders into my phone, including where the slips are. Idiotproofing myself is a full-time job.

    Have been looking at Easter pics of Caleb and Cady on Lifecake - love those two so much!

    Karla, the giraffe is a boy and he's 5'9" - imagine giving birth to that! Glad Jason's job will bring him home in less than two months - I know he loves it when you all go visit him.

    Cindy, thinking of how gracious you are being today (and every day). Hope it doesn't take an undue toll on your heart. Hugs.

    Bert, we always did a cantata or similar too. My favorites were Shaw's "The Redeemer" and the year we did Schubert's Mass in G (with small string orchestra).

    Patti, glad your mom is cleared for new glasses - she'll find some she loves.

    Diane, BAM is "Breathe. Accept. Move on." (I'll be doing that after this weekend too!) I will call the PT place tomorrow morning - have been doing some movement here. Having a lot of swelling and pain with weight bearing but all part of the healing process. Kinda wishing I'd been given something stronger than Norco this time - it doesn't help me much. Oh well - will muddle through.

    Suzi, I hope to be home from my friend's house by the Thunder game. But I will have to miss most of my Warriors - grrrrr. DVR set though.

    Better start figuring out what to wear and get ready. Back tomorrow.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited April 2017
    BAM - Breathe, Accept, Move On. That's exactly what I'm doing. Thank you all for the reminder.

    Janet - I'm watching the W's for you, but since you're DVR'ing the game, I won't post any updates.

    Diane - enjoy your company and that delicious tart! I'm hoping to help eliminate excuses and reinforce the commitment to walk by taking my stuff with me those 2 days. Not sure whether taking my stuff will work on Thursday or not, but will probably have it with me just in case.

    Patti - have a good visit with your Susie and don't work too hard!

    Karla - have fun hunting Easter eggs with Izzy.

    Bert - I bet your cantata was wonderful!

    We're just having a quiet day at home. Rain is predicted, but other than a little spitting, hasn't arrived at our house yet. We took the dogs for a walk through the neighborhood to work on their skills from obedience class. They have their test Tuesday night and since I'll be out of town all week, Jessi is standing in to take Dinky through his paces. Time for more basketball.
