OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, I am glad your therapist spoke up and pray you really do stay down a bit this weekend. Hope you slept better last night. Have you ever tried the essential oil diffusers? I know people who swear they have really helped with their insomnia.

    So happy my back seems to be healed. No pain on arising. We did a very intense workout last night using a new piece of equipment on the TRX. It was a weighted 6 foot bar attached to a heavy bungee cord that is then attached to the upright frame of the TRX. You grab the bar and step back to extend the bungee then squat, row, chest press etc. It was challenging and fun and best of all I could do it all. Heading to the gym shortly, then need to pick up the rest of mom's prescriptions. They added something new so I always like to stay with her for a bit after taking a new med to be sure she does not react adversely. Then working tonight.

    Had a blue dot day yesterday and hoping/planning for another today.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! It's the morning after for me. I managed to escape the Arts Festival with a few WPA left in the bank. Whew! It was tougher than I thought it would be because we had more free walk around time than I thought we would. We had about every other hour free. I had a good time and got to see some local OKC co-workers that I hadn't seen in a long while. The money counting we were doing took place behind locked doors, of course, and to get out to the main plaza where the art was located, you had to run the gauntlet of the food court. I picked out 3 things I wanted to have, over the course of the day, that fit my points and stuck to that plan. I was tempted to have more, but forced myself to look up the points first and when they wouldn't fit the budget, just said, "No!" The best news is I got in over 14,000 steps, so my friend and I who were teamed up used our free time well. So, not a blue dot day, and I knew it wouldn't be. If I stick to today's plan, though, I'll meet this week's OMG of 5 blue dot days.

    Cindy - we all enjoy hearing about the publishing process, so keep right on sharing it with us, please

    Janet - I hope you're able to find a way to rest your foot more and ease your way into more regular activity. It must be so hard to do, though, after the extended, forced convalescence! Yay for good news on bloodwork!!

    Patti - how does Edd feel about his upcoming surgery? Is he a typical man about such things or will he mind doctor's orders post-surgery? Weren't you a surgical nurse? He may have his work cut out for him if he tries to do too much too soon with you on duty!

    Karla - glad to hear you had such a good time on the cruise. I think I have Dave talked into going on one in October with Kelly and Ray and some of Kelly's other cousins. That trip and my 40th class reunion this summer are boosting my ability to focus on weight loss!

    Diane - did you get the mowing done between rains? We had 2 1/2" last Friday, that I was driving in on my way home from AR, and another 2+ Tuesday, with another 2 - 4 predicted this weekend. We're under a flood watch through Sunday morning. Hopefully we avoid flooding because we need to bank all the moisture we can while we have a chance. Farm ground around here has been in near-drought conditions for several months. When is the next big RV trip and where will you be going?

    Time for me to get busy and get around. Dave just left for a week of fishing with his 2 best buddies and oldest friends. He's known both of them since grade school. I have lunch with my BFF today and want to do some more plant shopping. I have a couple more containers to pot up and haven't yet found exactly what I want to put in them. Jessi's BD is Sunday and she's requested a coconut cake that takes 3 days to make so I have to get started on it too. Not hard, it just rests overnight between steps. I'll have one piece and the cake will go home with her and Stephanie!

    Later gang,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! Yes, I plan to heed my therapist's orders this weekend. I will do therapy exercises and stretching but keep foot up most of the time and walk less - even with the cane, it stresses things. Will place a pickup order for yogurt and a few other things I need but otherwise plan to stick close to home, Haven't been more than 25-30 miles from my house yet this year and am chafing to be on the road a bit, just not yet - too much investment of time, pain & inconvenience to mess anything up. The cats are grateful for the company and are milking it with extra cuteness for extra treats.

    Have ground turkey thawed in fridge to make taco meat for salads. Have been craving protein lately, which is a good thing. Need to thaw a bag of cooked shrimp for the weekend too.

    I've been finding some great online sales for cute tops lately - want to work toward wearing something beyond just a basic tee, even on ordinary days. As long as it's machine washable and a soft fabric ... trying to make peace with my least favorite season by adding pretty prints that will let me look more pulled together, even if I'm just running to Target. Because my leg/foot situation ain't never gonna be pretty, I focus on tops I can wear with neutral pants. I've gotten very good at quickly returning what doesn't work. Yesterday I ordered a couple of tops from Macy's (extra 30% off sale stuff!), each in two sizes because they looked really cute and I'll return whatever doesn't work.

    Going to look for the Advil TENS unit online - want to try it on my back, especially after Patti's report!

    Have a great weekend, everyone - sending you all a big hug and lots of smiles.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I had to come in just now from planting flowers. It is now raining and is a cold rain. My students finally turned in their assignments today after I emailed their advisors yesterday. Not happy with them.

    I'm hoping to know if any in this group knows about computers. We have a wireless printer. The printer says it's connected to the modem/computer, but when I try to print, the computer says it's offline. I'm thinking it might be a defective printer cable. Any suggestions?

    My eating is ok, great, but ok. I did lower my calories on MFP. I wish the activities for MFP exercises were better rather than things associated with the gym. They do have housework on there and gardening, but nothing for other activities I do. I know I can create my own, so I just might do that.

    Have a great day, everyone, regardless of the weather! :o)

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I just finished planting flowers and some perennials. I need to go to the store for some more pots to finish planting things for the deck. The pots we had were plastic but two years made them get so brittle they cracked when I picked them up. I guess I will have to deal with the inconvenience of emptying the pots every fall so the ceramic ones don't crack. Next up, grocery shopping and that trip for pots and maybe a few more plants. I know we aren't going to be here for the whole summer, but I can certainly enjoy them for the next couple of months.

    Point for discussion: I like Suzi's idea of tracking "blue dot days" and aiming for 5 of 7 each week. But for those of us not on WW, how would you define a blue dot day? I'm thinking it first means you tracked absolutely everything. Then it means staying within at least your calorie limits. Does that include any exercise calories you earned? Any other criteria, such as meeting your own personal step goal or meeting some of the GHG we all learned on WW to make it a blue dot day?
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, I use the FitBit app to calculate my exercise calories, because it is ALWAYS lower than MFP. You can adjust the calories in MFP when you enter an activity, or enter custom ones. What kind of activities aren't in the tracker that you do? I can look them up in the FitBit app and see if they are there, and give you an idea what it says for calories burned.

    Janet, definitely take a slow day or two! Funny, I got a mani/pedi yesterday too, and my fingers and toes are a bright turquoise! Carrie is struggling with putting weight on her foot - says it just really hurts. Therapist this week had her walking with just one crutch - she can only manage 2-4 steps that way :(.

    Patti, glad the TENS unit helped out. I am going to look and see if my gym chain offers TRX anywhere in the area. It sounds like such an interesting workout.

    Suzi, we had all our rain (1 1/2 inches) earlier in the week when we were camping. It did rain a bit last evening, but the rest of the weekend is supposed to be HOT and HUMID - more like July weather than the end of April! Haven't planned the next short RV trip yet - I offered to Carrie that if she wanted to visit her friends in Richmond for a weekend, we could drive her there and find some things to keep ourselves busy nearby. Good luck on the cake - I always like it when the request is for something that is not my favorite so I am not tempted.

    Karla, sounds like the cruise with friends was just what you needed. How did you manage your eating while on board? The one cruise we took the food was so fantastic but not low cal!

    Cindy, your author experiences sound like you are just really taking off, between your upcoming conference and your new release coming up. How exciting a time for you.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Yesterday did NOT turn out to be a blue dot day for me. I had forgotten that I was taking Carrie to Art Feast last night (painting night.) We went and had a great time, but the "feast" is whatever people bring, and it is mostly snacks. We have to leave so early to get there (around DC during rush hour) that whatever is there is dinner. I took a veggie tray and did go heavy on that and fruit, but the only protein was corn dogs (I ate about half of one) and I had a few chips with guacamole, and then succumbed to two Samoas and two chocolate chip cookies :(. Afterwards we went to my sister's and had a glass of wine. I tracked all as well as I could, and ended about 250 calories over my allowance. If I count the exercise calories for mowing I'm okay, but that was a MFP estimate and I think it is too many calories for the work I did. Also probably didn't quite make 4 fruits/veg for the day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, Walmart carries the Aleve TENS unit, maybe you can just add it to your grocery order. It should be about $50.

    Suzi, I am am blessed that Edd is a near perfect patient. He does pretty much what he is told and always heals well. The best part is he is not a big baby and doesn't require constant attention. He breezed through his knee replacements, following his exercise plan as prescribed both pre and post op. He was upset that all the time with his shirt off in Florida will go to waste, lol. He asked about the restrictions and I will ask about when he will be allowed to ride his bike again, that is more important than lifting to him.

    Diane, I am calling it a blue dot day if I stay within my calorie limits and meet my stated mini goals. Guess we can each decide what a blue dot day would be for us. What does everyone else think.

    Bert, sorry about your printer woes. I have never used a wireless printer so I am of no help.

    Have made 3 trips to the pharmacy to get mom's meds straightened out, I am going to find her a new Dr. She was rude to Mom and I don't think she even read her chart this time. Just glad I was able to get it straight so she understands what to take. She is going to start keeping a record of her BP daily. Hoping the new antihistamine helps with her blurry, watery eyes!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    A hectic day but thank heavens its Friday and I have two days off- I really miss my LR days already funny how easy it was to get into that 4 day work week even though the days are long.
    I think Blue Dot days= sticking within calories, drinking water and if possible exercise. Depending on what we can each do as an individual.
    Makes sense?
    I had a blue dot yesterday- and on track for today. But the day ain't over yet. :)
    Need finish up the work day- I'll be back when I can.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    For WW purposes, a blue dot day is when you hold points to within 3 below or 7 above your daily allowance. That's the only thing considered - points. So, in my "world according to Suzi" opinion, I think staying within daily calorie allotment + exercise calories earned would be a pretty good comparison.

    An old WW thread I used to post with before blue dots had a definition of an in plan day as staying within points including WPA and defined a perfect day as within daily points (no WPA) and meeting all GHG's.

    If we wanted to, we could also have a perfect day definition.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay, I agree that a blue dot day might be different for each of us. For example, I am going to define mine as tracking everything, staying within calories plus exercise calories as measured by Fitbit app not MFP. A perfect day would be those plus meeting my OMG and getting my 10k steps in.

    Now I just have to figure out a good way to keep track of those days! Today was a perfect day by those definitions.

    I made an interesting meal for dinner from the eMeals app I signed up for. Lean ground beef sautéed with chopped onion then thoroughly drained. Add chopped zucchini and black beans and cook for a few minutes. Then add salsa verde, baby spinach and a little water and simmer covered for a few more minutes, stir in some feta cheese and let sit for five minutes before serving with more salsa verde. About 400 calories a serving but really tasty and filling. Both Carrie and John said it looked like mud but tasted good.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good evening girls. Still a dragging pup here. Picked up both Izzy and JJ today. JJ got out of school early. We went shopping and came home and I have been parked on the couch since! I did make an interesting chicken casserole for dinner though.

    Diane- Yum, your casserole sounds good. I love feta cheese and salsa Verde. I agree, each should define their blue dot day and number of which they desire to meet weekly. We all are striving to be the best we can. We can modify any time we desire too.

    Janet- I know you are itching to get out of town, but are sensible enough to wait out your medical restraints. Sounds like some yummy food choices you have there.

    Suzi and Cindy- I have texted you my tracker. Getting back in the groove here. Not perfect, but I tracked.

    Bert- I have had a wireless printer for years. Have you tried turning the printer off, waiting a couple minutes, and then back on? This will usually reset it.

    Patti- Geez on your mother's RX issues. You say you want to change her doctor? They were rude ? Dang that is ridiculous. Sorry about Edd's surgery, but I know he will do well.

    I'm going to continue to chill out. I'm slowly getting my land legs

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining again today, and my joints are screaming! Nothing I can do about it. I think we are watching Cole and Jillian today as both Greg and Carrie are not feeling well. It should be a fun day.

    Karla: I did get my printer to work. I tried all the ways to get it to work and then called the Help Center. After an hour with them, I went back and researched myself. I clicked a different icon in the Control Panel and selected it to be the default printer, and it worked! Go figure!

    Have a great day, everyone! I need to get my energy level up for the day ahead! :)

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good rainy, stormy morning in Ohio. Wish I could stay home and play in my craft room but work calls. Another blue dot day for me yesterday. I also logged 16+K steps. We weren't too busy yesterday and that is when I seem to get more steps. Putting random items left at the counter away, walking with customers to find what they need instead of just pointing to where they can find stuff. Plus the "child" I work with needs constant help and supervision. I close with her on a regular basis and it is wearing me out, lol. Decided that I am going to put stickers on my wall calendar for my blue dot days. Hope the visual positive reinforcement helps me stay on track.

    Karla, hope the kids let you rest a bit. Glad you had such a great time.

    Bert, enjoy the kids but sorry to hear the parents are sick. Hope they don't pass anything on to ou and Mike. Yeah on your printer success.

    Time to lace up my shoes and face the rain.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Bert, had a similar problem with my printer - needed a guy to come install new router and he got it set for me. We take our devices for granted until they show us who's boss!

    Diane, I agree about each of us needing to define blue-dot days for ourselves. For me, a blue-dot day will mean staying within my calorie limit AND getting at least five servings of veggies (drinking enough is a given for me and the E word is not my jam).

    Karla, glad you have grandkid time and couch time. I know this will be a great weekend for you. And because I am a giver, you are welcome to ALL my feta! I love most cheeses but feta and swiss are not my faves. Yes, I'm stocked on good-for-me stuff.

    Patti, I just ordered the Advil TENS device from Target - with replacement pads, I'll get a $10 gift card so a break on price. I haven't gone inside Walmart in over three months - do the grocery pickup and tried to get the TENS unit with my order but it wouldn't come up as an option. Oh well. Did your mom do OK with her new meds? Good thing she has Nurse Patti to watch over her. How is you sister doing?

    Cindy, please take YOU time to refresh your body, mind & spirit this weekend.

    Big hugs to all. It's been an emotional week for me, for many reasons. So glad you are all in my life!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Fun day here with the grands. Slow morning watching tv and watching izzy play. Izzy and I went to a birthday party and Glenn and JJ worked on trimming the hedges. Now back on the couch. Lol . I am over 7400 steps, so I have been active. Trying to get Izzy in the bath and get her to bed early or back home. Glenn did get my plumeria plants out of the green house too. They are all blooming and so fragrant. They can use a good rain on them, as they have not had water since last November. They are dormant for the winter months. Being tropical plants, they need very little water.

    Janet- I'm sorry you have had an emotional week. I wish I could take these away from you and replace them with joyous days. I hope you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel and can plan your escape. I hope you know my door is always open and I would be honored with your presence. I know you have many friends that feel this exact way about you too. I'm proud to be included. Oh what fun we could have. Please remember this.

    Suzi- where are you? Out on Tulip? The lake?

    Patti- You stay on the go my friend. I'm glad your back if better.

    Bert- Good the printer if fixed and hope you didn't catch the crud.

    I better go check on Izzy and then finish my tracking.


  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! It's been a lazy, rainy, stormy day here in OK. Things relatively calm at my house but some areas of town had very high winds early this morning. I was down 2# today at WI, so. Y blue dot days are doing me good! I've done well with food today, but have no exercise. The dogs have been quite cuddly while we've watched some DVR'd movies.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another work day for me. The rains quit just as I left for work yesterday and people were shopping like they had been housebound for weeks. It only rain d for one day, sheesh! The time flew and most customers were reasonable and not too impatient. There are always a few. Another blue dot day for me. Which means I tracked, stayed within my calorie goal and drank 8 ounces of water before eating anything.
    We are leaving early next Thursday for our BMW rally in MS. The bike we would normally take is still not fixed so we are driving and taking our pop up motorcycle camper instead of a tent. This way Frankie gets to come along. She is the perfect traveler and loves everyone. It is also good that she does not bark and is very well behaved. She will be 8 later this month so I told her the trip is her birthday present, lol.


    Janet: as soon as you are able lets do lunch. I know you need to get out of town but maybe that will be able start.

    Karla, good job getting back on track so quickly after your cruise.

    Waving hi to the rest of the troops, need to get going. Will stop by after work
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    RATS - long post didn't post!

    Suzi, way to go on the big loss. You are ON this, girl. Cuddling with puppies is always a good thing to do.

    Patti, let's compare schedules. I may be in no-eating-out mode for a couple of weeks after oncologist on 5/8. Would love to see you!

    Karla, glad Glenn got your plumeria out - I imagine them smelling sweet, like honeysuckle. Am I close? Have never lived near them. We've had a ton of rain with more coming - things are very green & lush here and my new baby maple tree is leafing out for the first time.

    Bert, hope Greg & Carrie are feeling better - what did you end up doing with the kids?

    Diane, how's Carrie? That meal sounds tasty (I'd swap feta out for something else). Made my taco meat yesterday for salads this week and plan to caramelize onions for soup, etc.

    Cindy, I remember making May Day baskets as a kid. I'd be a disaster at the "ring & run" now.

    Thanks to all of you for helping me get through an emotionally difficult week. Working on getting my nutrition mojo and self-esteem back after this rough patch but know I'll make it - thanks in no small part to you!

    Wishing everyone a happy May Day, a glorious start to the month and week.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies. It has been raining again today. We went to church and then home after eating with the Lunch Bunch group. I had Grilled Lemon Chicken with rice and quinoa at Applebees. It was very good. So tonight will be a light dinner. I'll probably make a salad.

    All of my evaluations are done. Woo Hoo! As I figured, the 3 students I've been having difficulty with turned in average/below average work. I don't have to turn in grades for a week, so I'm going to wait until they are finished with finals. I need to ponder on what type of grade to give. This has definitely been a learning experience for me to let students know up front what weight the assignments SMWC require for the class will have on their course grade. I'll be working on that this summer. Course requirements are already listed for them, but doesn't address assignment weight. I haven't had students who wait until the last minute to do things and not submit things to me during the semester.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
