OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Thanks, Suzi - really thought I had gained at least ten, so this is a motivator for sure!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - a late check in for me after a busy day. Ran a few errands this morning, dentist for a cleaning, then to my son's house for some painting. They are pushing to get carpet installed in the two bedrooms they have never used yet this Friday, so I am finishing the trim paint and the touching up. Tomorrow we have some errands in the morning, a meeting with our financial guy, then I'll go back to finish the touching up and paint the bedroom floor. (He wants to seal it before they get carpet down - still suspect some leftover odor from the previous owner.) Saturday we move the furniture into those two bedrooms and take up the nasty old carpet from the other two, scrape up the (probably) asbestos-containing tile underneath, and paint those floors to seal them, all while the mom-to-be is away for the weekend. My knee is still bothering me after my fall on that hike last week, so no exercise this week.

    NOT a blue dot today. I had Chick Fil A for lunch between the dentist and son's house, then they invited us for dinner and I wasn't going to say no. Only about 300 calories over for the day because NO SNACKS (yay) and no adult beverages. But I need to do better tomorrow.

    Patti, you and I must have been posting the same time yesterday morning because I didn't see your post about the accident you drove past until very late last night. Yikes! Scary indeed. I'll be at our local Joann's tomorrow because I have a coupon for 20% off my entire purchase since I am over 55, and now that we know the baby is a girl I'm starting to make some things.

    Janet, thanks for asking about Carrie. She went both UP and DOWN the stairs yesterday! And several times today. It is such a pleasure for her, even though she says down is kind of scary. It is nice for us too, because I don't have to set a chair and footstool in the doorway of our bedroom, and don't have to worry whether I remembered to do that when I leave the house. She was going to go upstairs at son's house this evening, but didn't when she realized they have no railing at all. We have one on one side only, but she needs that! Also, congrats on the WI. I think that is a victory too, with all you have been through this year.

    Suzi, how is the gardening going? I have enjoyed being able to spend so much time in the yard this spring - I always want to but never had the time before. Hopefully it won't go to heck while we are traveling. Spring is the important time. I love the ground covers, and wish I were there to transplant what you are taking out! We have vinca on our whole side yard where there is no sun and grass never did grow.

    Cindy, ouch on the job stress! Another friend of mine (computer type) has been laid off from 4 companies over the last ten years as their businesses downsized. Another friend of mine was laid off, claimed age discrimination and won her suit, but in the meantime reinvented herself and is now a successful storyteller. So maybe this could be your big break.

    Karla, your few days away with GFs sounds like a lot of fun for you. You are right - I was wondering today how I ever had time to work and commute. (I know how - I didn't get any me time and didn't get my home stuff done!)

    Bert, I'm struggling too. I feel like I am getting nowhere on MFP. I think I just don't have the discipline without a plan and rules. I am seriously considering going back to WW.

    Tomorrow WILL be a better day - hope I can earn a blue dot.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's quite chilly this morning and is supposed to rain heavily this afternoon all the way through Thursday morning. Hmmmmmm. We are having trouble with our pool water. It is producing a foam on top, so I called the pool shop and they said to flock it with two bottles of flock. I'm wondering if I should wait until the rain quits but really need to get the algae under control. Any suggestions?

    I helped setting up and pricing items for our church rummage sale and then came home and walked in the neighborhood. I'm proud to report I got 13K steps yesterday.

    Diane: I'm not going to return to WW. I just need to be more disciplined with tracking and eating more veggies. I'm not getting the regular exercise I once did either, so I'm trying to focus more on that. If I hold myself accountable, it doesn't matter if I'm on WW, MFP, or the Evans plan......good luck with your choice.

    Cindy: I taught elementary school for 28 years and concentrated on teaching math for the last ten years. I also taught music and Title I reading for 7 years. I was also Principal Designee for 5 years while at the elementary school.

    Janet: I'm wanting to lose 20 lbs. At the rate I'm going, it's going to take forever!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, it is sunny and chilly here. The skies are so clear and bright, just makes me smile. Have my lunch picked out at Cheddars, plus will order a bowl of chicken tortilla soup (only 111 calories) to take for my 15 minute dinner break. I think I have everything ready to go for our trip. Edd will have it all packed, except my toiletries and the cooler. Plan to be on the road by 5am so we will be there by dinner time. It will be a very laid back trip. Lots of sitting, talking and laughing. The average age of the folks at this rally is 70 with me being the youngest. Since I don't sit much lately and will not have time to sit when I get back I am going to enjoy it. I have a painting job waiting for me when I get back and Edd has surgery on Wednesday. Will be glad when the season at cabin starts Memorial Day weekend. I won't be any less busy, just a different and more enjoyable kind of busy. Will be happy to cut back to 2 days at Joanns.
    Another Blue Dot day yesterday and planning for another one today, except I forgot to drink my water before my coffee. I know that I will not be collecting any blue dots while I am gone but will be mindful.

    Janet, that is really awesome to have only gained 2 pounds. I am happy for you and glad you decided to check. It has to make you feel proud of yourself, especially since you were expecting more. Did you get your TENS yet?

    Diane, great news on Carrie's increased vertical mobility. Sounds like she is really working hard and it is paying off. You put me to shame with all you do. Hope your efforts got the smell taken care of in your son's house. If not, let me know, I have the name of some really good odor remover (especially pet smells) my son uses on his rentals. It is expensive but worth it. Look really bad cat smell out of wood floors.

    Karla, enjoy your gf weekend, they are the best.

    Bert, be kind to yourself. Do you think you are truly 20 pounds overweight? What does your Dr want your ideal weight to be? How is your brother doing? Is he still thinking of relocating.

    Suzi, I thank again for suggesting the TENS. I have not had a bit of pain in days and was able to do all my exercises in TRX last night without modification. I was very cautious but pleased that all went well.

    Cindy, hope your plate does not have to hold more and pray that your business takes off so you can stop worrying on that front.

    Time to scoot. Back sometime but unsure when. The area I will be in is spotting on service so it may not be until Monday. I will be the best I can be, wanting to report back that I made good choices. Will keep you all on my shoulder to guide me.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi y'all! Another day, another weather pattern. We're back to cold and wet and I've got a pickup bed full of mulch to be spread. Luckily, Dave's car is in the body shop so we could put the pickup in the garage and keep the mulch dry. Yoga class kicked my butt this morning after 6+ hours of flowerbed work yesterday, but I definitely needed the stretch.

    Yesterday's report: blue dot day, but fell short on my OMG of 12,000 steps - only had 9,000 and change.

    Janet - that reminds me, since you expressed an interest in Patty's TRX class the other day, have you considered yoga? I bet classes are available at your local Y and if yours is anything like ours is, if you go in the morning, the classes are primarily "folks of a certain age" who tend to be pretty welcoming. They also probably have water aerobics classes and I can pretty much guaranty you'd be the hottest bod in the class!

    Diane - I wish you were close enough to take this groundcover I'm taking up, too. It would do a lot more good in your yard than in my garbage cart. I'm not opposed to ground cover, just don't want the HUGE flower bed that should be the showpiece of our backyard to be all groundcover, which is where it was headed.

    Patti - so glad the TENS helped your back! Have fun on your trip and we'll be here when you get back. Suggestion: since you'll be in cell hell, you might consider just writing down what you eat. Even if you're not counting calories or points, it really does help you stay reined in. It worked really well for me last summer when we spent 3 weeks of cell hell in the mountains in Wyoming.

    Bert - sorry, but I can't help at all with your pool woes. I've never had one.

    Waving hi to Cindy and Karla. I need to sign onto the computer and work a while. Maybe it'll be dry enough to spread mulch when I get done and maybe Dave will be done napping so I can rope him into helping me!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi, all - had a blue dot Tuesday and determined to have one today. Have deliberately put myself in the way of temptation (i.e., snacks at the gas station) to flex my "NO" muscles. So far, so good - just need to do the hard work of reminding myself that I don't need that stuff - will likely never convince myself I don't WANT it.

    I have to say that from photos several of you have posted on FB that you seem to be beating yourselves up too much - none of you looks particularly big, and you all look lovely.

    Wish I could send you all this week's weather (so far) - my idea of glorious - not hot, not humid, but sunny and with a light breeze. Even running a few dumb errands (CVS, bank, Panera to get a free You Pick Two I've earned) was sheer pleasure - drove out into the country just to see the green and some horses. Moon roof open, tunes loud - went back and forth between Broadway and Soul Town on XM. Give me seven months of this, two months in the 70s and three of cold weather and I'd be happy. Yes, I'm weird.

    Diane, hooray for Carrie! That's a big step (sorry - bad pun) and I can speak from years of experience as an orthopedic stair-phobic that up is always easier and less scary, partly because looking down reminds you where you could fall. Don't sweat 300 over on one day - you are so active and had a lot of good behaviors yesterday.

    Bert, I'd like to lose 20-25 too and it will take time, Still need to get to and find a SUSTAINABLE weight for me - with over a dozen surgeries in the past five years, I still don't know what that is in the real world. No idea about pool foam, but it sounds yucky.

    Patti, it's nice to be the young'un sometimes (happens rarely!). And with Frankie by your side, you'll be a people magnet. Sounds like a relaxing trip, which you can use. Glad your TENS unit is helping - supposed to arrive today.

    Suzi, have you seen the articles about mulch being a problem around trees? My horticulturalist friend posted it and he knows more about trees that I can ever hope to. I love the idea of learning yoga - but getting down to the floor and back up is kind of a big deal for me (sad, eh?). The only Y near me that has a pool is nearly 45 minutes away. Alas.

    Cindy, hope work isn't adding as much stress as we all fear. Do you have some downtime set for the weekend?

    Karla, enjoy feeling the sand between your toes!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay, dinner is done and I have 17 calories to spare! So the kitchen is closed for the night, except for a no-cal drink. I like the Lipton Diet citrus green tea - it is nice and refreshing. I get tired of plain water, and I'm trying to limit myself to one diet soda a day. Blue dot day here, even with no exercise calories to add to my budget. I could count two fruits and 2-3 veggies, so making progress on that goal too. I am near 10K steps and will probably do the house walk thing to get there. Lots of errands today then painting at my son's house, so not a lot of steps and nothing I could count for exercise. Still babying the knee.

    Janet, our weather here was the same today - high of no more than 65, clear and sunny, if a little too breezy! Tomorrow should be the same, then we get the horrendous thunderstorms Thursday night into Friday.

    Need to run pick up Carrie, so will have to do more personals tomorrow morning.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I've been down with either a medication reaction to the Actonel bone medicine or a stomach virus for two days. I have been on the toilet or in the bed!! Glenn has been a sweetheart! I wrote a long post with long personals earlier and poof! I have been sleeping a lot too.

    Monica is not going to the beach with me, bummer. She can't miss another week of physical therapy. Angelique and Izzy are going and my friend Sharon is coming. Plus my brother Keith will come out too.

    I will catch up more tomorrow

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Janet - I know not to put mulch all the way up to the tree when mulching around trees - to leave a gap between the tree trunk and the mulch. Is hat what you're talking about? If not, could you tag me in a comment to the article or something so it will show for me? Thanks!!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Should be in bed since we are getting up at 4:30 but need to unwind a bit and this is the best place to do it. After lunch I hit Costco, same parking lot. Then got my hair done. One more cut end of May and the will get a perm mid June. So ready for a change to a no work hairdo. Had some extra time so I spent and hour at the Christmas Tree shop that is next door to Joanns. Found some very cool stuff, all of which I NEEDED, lol. Th coolest thing was these ginormous wooden skewers for roasting marshmallows. The kids will love them. Today was the one year anniversary of my GFs first chemo. So happy she came through it so well and is cancer free.

    Suzi, thank you for reminding me that I can track on paper. Pulled out a little book to take with me.

    Today was a blue dotter for me
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    This is a weird (for me) streak I've got going. For the 4th time this week, I've finished the day at below my daily points target. Today I still had 8 points left after supper! I just drank a glass of milk to use some of that, but I'm still 5 under for the day. I've been concentrating on getting plenty of F/V's after the 2 weeks of work travel when I know I didn't get enough. Today I had a really hearty lunch and supper that had lots of veggies so were very satisfying. Even though it's not really "WW legal" to bank your daily points, I'm leaving them on the table because Friday may turn into a high point day. Jessi and I are going to a big antique fair where the only food will be food trucks.

    So, today was not a Blue Dot day because I was more than 3 below my daily points target. On the other hand, I exceeded my 12,000 step goal - even when I had to get on the treadmill before supper to do it.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, how awful! It bums me out that you will not be at full enjoyment at the beach. Too bad Nonica can't make it. Please relax - don't feel you need to be *doung^ every minute either. Sitting quietly and reading to Izzy can fill time and make memories.

    Suzi, you are being fat too hard in yourself! Three under is blue-dotcterritiry in my book. Emailed you link to the mulch volcano article, though it sounds like it's stuff you already knew. I am a gardening moron.

    Patti, safe and happy travels! Does Frankie stay in the back seat or dies she want to be the world's gangliest lap dog?

    Blue dot day here too, and all eating was fine between noon & 8 PM. That won't be feasible every day but is a good way for me to remind myself about a lot of habits I've slacked off on.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining again today! I'm heading to church this morning to finish helping to get things set up for tomorrow's rummage sale. I'm also picking up Jillian from school today as Greg has a doctor's appointment. I have to chuckle at the "procedure" for picking up children at the school. It reminds me of the Mister Mom show, where he gets reminded of the correct entrance. At least it's organized and there's not a traffic jam. I used to do "Walker Duty" when I taught. I had it down to an art. Fun memories.

    Patti: Yes, I do think I'm 20 lbs overweight. I haven't discussed it with my Dr. though. I only know I feel better at that weight. I don't have much energy, so I do need to get it off. What type of surgery is Edd having?

    I need to start getting ready. Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, what a terrible few days! I hope it was just a stomach virus and you are over it now. I'm sure you will still have a relaxing time at the beach even if it isn't with the full complement of BFFs.

    Janet, send the article my way too. I'm pretty sure the direction is to not mound mulch around tree trunks like you so often see. We end up with a few trees that are in beds that have some mulch around them, but not the mounds. It is bad to change their root depths, for one thing, and can lead to rot and encourage termites.

    Janet, I admire you for being able to limit your eating to between noon and 8. I am usually up at 7 even now that I am retired. While I could wait an hour or two, my schedule works better if I just have my yogurt and fruit right away. No way could I wait until noon to eat! I don't generally snack after dinner, so that is good.

    Bert, if you don't have energy like you did 20 pound lighter, then that is probably where you need to be. I need to lose at least 30, to get back to where I was my lowest on WW. I definitely had more energy and could do more things I like to do at that weight.

    Suzi, great job on the F/V! I'm really making an effort in that direction too. If I find a recipe that calls for a cup of veggies, I at least double it and leave everything else the same. It does seem to help fill me up. Last night I made a chicken/quinoa/broccoli one skillet meal, and I added about an extra cup of broccoli. Still not sure how to count a "serving" of veggies.

    Patti, by now you are off! Have fun, share Frankie with everyone, and update us when you get back.

    Cindy, I think you are the only one of us now working full time. (Suzi, I think you are down to part time, if I am not mistaken?!) I don't know how you manage that and all your writing. It certainly takes dedication on your part.

    Off to get my day really going - a number of shopping trips in my day. (not exciting - things like new pillows and a new hair dryer, since mine sparked this morning, and taking Carrie to return some things she ordered that didn't work out.)

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I had a fun day yesterday- twelve of us from work volunteered at the Special Olympics at the high school. It was cold and damp most of the time but so worthwhile and it reminded to how blessed I am the girls were born healthy. I've already signed up for next year.
    Been a rough week with Rick- I have no idea what is going on as he's shut down again- tonight is joint counseling so maybe he'll talk- who knows.
    Yes I'm working full time and squeezing in my LR days- one of which is tomorrow and whatever time I can on the weekends and lunch hour. Writing is my escape although right now I'm stressing about the cover since I have a deadline to release the book June 19-
    I'm trying to be mindful when I eat but I just can't track at this moment and weigh and measure- trying to eat lots of F/V and lean protein but all I can do is the best I can.
    As far as the job goes- I have faith that I will find the right path and I'm hoping its a financial sustainable writing career :)

    Patti- safe travels
    Janet- you've done well with a 2 pound gain. It will slip off in now time - you've got this
    Suzi- I agree eating a little less on one day can off set a higher day. WW used to have a swing thing- like a rotation diet to help keep the body guessing.
    Diane- glad Carrie going up and down stairs- and yes I'm still working full time.
    Bert- I'll be the children you taught over the years just love you.
    Karla- sorry you're not feeling 100%- do the brat diet, banana, rice, applesauce and tea- good for your insides.
    Back to the day job
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. I am BACK to the land of the living. Geez that was one rough tummy ache. I did watch the most interesting movie with a twist yesterday on Amazon. If you have it, give it a try, it's called "Lifted". It has Ruben Studdard in it from American Idol. It is about a family with issues and a little boy that enters a singing contest in Alabama. I really enjoyed it even though I poured the tears. Glenn came running in the bedroom when I exclaimed "OMG" at the twist, and said "I don't know why you watch these tearjerkers". LOL.

    We have had terrible rains down here, which we are famous for, with flooding and many car accidents. I'm having dinner tonight with an old work buddy that I am looking forward to. We have been friends since the 80's and she has been trying to get up with me for a few weeks. She has some juicy information for me that says will floor me about some coworkers of ours. People never cease to amaze me with the lows they will go to. I know her previous boss, which was our boss, many years ago, did not do her right. I look forward to seeing her.

    Cindy- You are such a sweetheart.

    Janet- I will still have a great time. Anytime you are facing an ocean can't be bad. Plus, I will have my sweet Izzy. Sharon and I have been friends since the early 70's and she is texting me everyday about coming out there. Fun times. I'm still trying to talk Monica into rescheduling her PT so she can come.

    Diane- Can you come do my yard please? lol. I still haven't gotten out there. Glenn said we are gong to do it this weekend. We are starting a BBQ supper club with the 3 other couples we went on the cruise with. Each month we will have an outside bbq at one of our houses. We all have pools. So fun!!

    Suzi- I sent you my tracker today. I haven't ate very well the last two days. I need to get on the scale! The good thing about stomach viruses is you lose weight!!

    I better go, I am at work.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi y'all! We were up and around early this morning. So far I have a dog walk and a couple hours of mulching under my belt. This afternoon it's bill paying, poison ivy eradication and weed pulling. My oh my the excitement!

    The big news of the day is that we pulled the trigger and booked our room to go on a cruise with Kelly, her husband Ray and some of her cousins from the other side of the family in October. So, I know have 2 upcoming events to really motivate me to stay on track with the weight loss - 40th class reunion and the cruise.

    Back later,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Suzi - Yippeee on the cruise. I love cruisin!! We had such a ball on ours. Which line are you going on and where?? I know you will enjoy yourselves no matter where!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Karla, glad you have rejoined the living - ever figure out what caused it?

    Diane, yes, the article was about the horrid effects of the "mulch volcano" and suggests keeping all mulch at least 5-6" from the trunk. I know my restriction of eating hours won't work for most people. It's an odd perk of living alone. As you know, I get and stay hungry the moment I eat anything, whether yogurt, egg, fruit, even a protein shake. So I find it easier to stay within my limits if I delay anything but black coffee and vitamins. It also helps me learn to sit with the hunger and remind myself I do NOT need to gratify every urge instantly. It's weird but does seem to help me.

    Cindy, thinking of you at counseling gives me a heartache. You amaze all of us. Glad you have the therapy of LR day tomorrow. You are doing MORE than the best you can - you're a marvel. Sounds like you're essentially doing Simply Filling (yeah, right - filling. Ha!) and the last thing you need to chastise yourself for right now is not tracking every morsel. Make good choices and don't sweat not documenting it all.

    Bert, you made me laugh with the "Mr. Mom" reference. It seemed radical at the time but I know my niece and her husband truly share parental duties and it makes me so happy to see Jake being a fabulous dad to Caleb and Cady. Hope the rummage sale is both fun and of great benefit to the church. You'll have to tell us what the oddest thing at the sale is.

    Suzi, having things to look forward to is always an excellent thing! I have a class reunion next year - have seen some of them at the informal gathering last year and there will likely be another in the fall. Will try to go to the reunion - my first ever. Was such an oddball/outcast in HS that I would not have felt welcome or comfortable. Thankfully, reconnecting with classmates on FB and at the dinner has taken care of that. Also a motivator for me - will need to have a KILLER outfit, on principle. And there will be good jewelry on my person, because. (Reminds me, I need to organize my jewelry and maybe donate some to Dress for Success.)

    Interesting day here - continued progress at PT. Rained lightly all day so had creaky joints but I don't mind a nice rainy day, nor the chill in the air that prompted me to put the fireplace on for half an hour this morning to warm up the living room. Why not?

    Another blue-dot day here. Got invited to a book-release party in Boston next month (a book about local TV history, written by a woman who was a local TV critic when I worked at the NBC station - we talked several times a week for a decade). LOTS of people will be there and it would be sheer joy to see nearly all of them. I think Tom Bergeron may even fly in for it - we knew him when, and the guy was a peach to work with and remains one of the nicest guys on the planet.

    Time to move toward the bedroom - my Golden State Warriors play at 10:30 and I hope to stay awake for the whole game.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the first day of the rummage sale. I can't believe the amount of stuff there is. Two families moved and many things from their houses were donated. I believe you can find most anything at this sale. Our members/workers have already purchased almost $700! Amazing.

    Janet: I believe the oddest thing in the sale is a kitchen utensil that none of us had a clue to what it was. I'll be surprised if it sells. Another item is a bra. I would not have the nerve to donate that!

    Have a great day, everyone!
