OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    just a quick hello-
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy Friday. As my time gets closer to my beach time, I am getting more and more excited! Izzy has wanted to have her mother at this resort. She has gone with me twice and has always said " I want Mommie to come here too" well I am making her dream come true. Memories in the making.

    I had a great visit with my girlfriend at dinner. She was able to get a lot off her mind and I think it made her feel better. Sheesh, the news she shared, I felt her pain about the betrayal of her friend and our mutual previous boss. It was surprising the depths of stupidity of a educated pharmacist to lose everything she had due to greed. Money, excessive money, really can be the root to all evil as the saying goes. My friend and I are going to plan more get togethers, especially since she feels she has lost her BFF unexpectedly due to the strange circumstance she shared with me last evening. We hugged and hugged.

    We have an Amusement Park opening in Foley in October that is going to be so awesome for my grandkids!! They just showed the progress in the news and are now taking applications. Izzy and Jakob will love this.

    Janet- My doctor called yesterday and said he didn't know for sure if it was the medicine or a stomach virus, so he recommended I try the medicine again next month. Oh fun if it does it again. You would love my temps this morning, it's only 56 and crisp! I have the back door open with brilliant fresh air coming in. Of course I thought of you.

    Bert - Have you found the Brighton flip flops yet? I hope to stop by that store in Destin on the way to Panama City. Good luck on your church sale. I am going to clean out closets and the garage and attic and have a garage sale over at Jason's in a couple weeks.

    I am taking Izzy to the environmental center tomorrow for their fundraiser. It is an a place I used to take Jason and my nieces when they were little.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, donating a bra to a church rummage sale is certainly, um, er, eh - (thinking) bold and unexpected. Diplomatic enough? Of course "weird" applies too. What does the utensil look like? I am a minor gadget savant.

    Planning an at-hme day and hoping to be productive after a marginal night. Coffee is my friend!

    Raining here - too bad because it's Oaks Day. The day before Derby is really big with the locals and the marquee race is The Oaks - strictly for fillies, and the winner gets a garland of lilies (rubrums or similar). It's also a day when Churchill Downs is decked in pink (Oaks jockeys of both genders will be wearing pink pants for the first time today). There is also an afternoon track walk by over 100 cancer survivors who were nominated by family and friends and there's NO way to keep a dry eye. Racing all day - catching up on DVR here but have races as an option. Because of the rain, hat feathers are wilting and the most coveted thing - even more than a mint julep - is a rain parka! Track will be muddy for tomorrow's Derby but rain is supposed to stop.

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!!!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Friday evening check-in - eating late but it will be another blue-dot day and my mind is starting to think that much less can be doable. Not fun, but getting reoriented, I hope. Just wanted to check in for accountability.

    Saw on FB that Paula's mom is in the hospital and not doing well, so please send up a prayer or two.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- I saw that and said a prayer. Paula looked like she had been doing good herself, health wise, and that was good. How did the day turn out for Athena Oaks? Such a rich tradition. I have felt really good today and have enjoyed a nice relaxing day.

    Izzy and I went shopping and she obtained a cute multicolored polka dotted beach coverup and I a sweet aqua two piece Catalina bathing suit. We are excited about the beach! I cooked a healthy Mexican casserole for Cinco de Mio (?) holiday. Glenn loved it. I then baked a Granny Apple cake for him. As you know, I am leaving him behind on Sunday. So, he is getting the royal treatment until I leave Sunday afternoon.

    Tomorrow we are taking Izzy to the Environmental Center as they are having a fun day their and their yearly fund raiser. It is almost a zoo with so many animals and right near my home. I took Jason and my nieces there when they were very young. Then it will be laundry and packing for the beach!

    I will check in tomorrow morning. I love my Friday's!!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    It's late so this will be short. Missed my blue dot by one point! Still really good though considering I had food truck food, including dessert for lunch. Also got in over 14,000 steps today. WW in the morning and I'm eager to see what results show up at the scale.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Sorry for not checking in. Neither Thursday nor Friday were blue dot days. Thursday we did lots of errands for Carrie and got home so late we went out for dinner- Mexican for Cinco de Mayo on the 4th! Then tonight was Mah Jong no get and I tried to be somewhat mindful but did not track. Only good thing is I made my 10k steps both days.

    Tomorrow also scheduled to be busy, helping son with his house. How did I ever find time to work?!? Having fri nds over for dinner tomorrow so it probably won't be a blue dot again.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Very busy Friday but I did ok eating - so for today that is a blue dot for me- no eating between meals. Hey- I think for now that will constitute as a blue dot. No mindless snacking. :) I saw my therapist yesterday and she agrees with all the stress keep my armor up and weather the storms- these too shall pass.
    I got some work done yesterday for LR but zero writing but all necessary things. So it was productive but today I'm home ALL day and it will be a highly productive day.
    With that said- need to run. I'll be driving to see Dad tomorrow so I might not check in- maybe late day and I'll try to come back for personals later.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    WOOOOO HOOOOO MEEEEE!!!!! Down 2.8 at today's weigh in!! That makes it 0.2 shy of 5 pounds in 2 weeks!! If I can keep this up, I'll be in a new decade by the end of the month. Dave and I took the dogs for another 2-mile walk at the park this morning, but I still need another good walk to get to 12,000 steps today.

    Janet - thinking of you while we're switching between the Derby and Bedlam softball.

    Waving at everyone else for now....

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, brava! So happy for you.

    Karla, have fun.

    Cindy, glad you saw your therapist - she gave you excellent advice.

    It was fun to watch The Oaks yesterday and the Derby today. Weather made it messy but everyone seemed to have fun anyone.

    Blue dot here. Tired - going to call it a night ...
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    We are home! It was a wonderful trip. Rained off and on all day Thursday for our drive, 11 hours, but no problems of any kind. Set up camp and then a whole group of us went to the local Mexican restaurant. The rest of the weekend passed with lots of sunshine, great friendship, too much good food, laugh term get the picture. We did have to replace the brake lines on th car. Edd noticed the brake pedal was "mushy" on the way home from dinner Thursday. So a bit of money and a couple of hours and we were good as new. So I am calling this a no incident trip, lol. Frankie was good as gold. Everyone loved meeting her and she loved meeting them. She rides in the back seat of the car, doesn't hang her head out the window when we drive. Mostly she sleeps. She loved the attention, but we are all happy to be home and back to our own beds.
    Tomorrow is u packing, cleaning the camper, grocery shopping and then meeting with a friend who wants me to paint the interior of her house. Tuesday is my Mom day and then I work 5-10. Edd is having his umbilical hernia repair with mesh, outpatient, on Wednesday morning. So no rest for the wicked.

    Have read all and am so impressed with all of you.
    Suzi, congrats on a great loss.

    Cindy, I was thinking that if Meg can make the OMG get together I would be so happy to pick her up and we could ride together. I will be checking in with her soon. Need to get through this week and see how Edd does with his surgery. .

    Sorry but that is all have for today. Need to chill and regroup.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - looks like a quiet day on the board.

    Today was a blue dot day! Not a perfect day because I didn't get my 10K steps, but did well on F/V, and I am still about 170cal short of my goal so that is good! Saturday was not - I didn't even track everything so I don't know how far over I was, but I'm not looking back now.

    I spent the day at son's house painting doors. Not my favorite thing, but it needs to be done and I am the only one with the patience to do it. Got five done today, six more to do in the next two days. Two coats each side, so it takes a while. They had carpet installed last Friday in the master and the nursery, so we moved furniture into those two rooms and out of the two they had been using. Yesterday the three of us (John, son and me) ripped the carpet out of the two bedrooms they had been using, took up the tile that was underneath it, took off all the trim (floor and window, plus around the horrible louvered closet doors), de-squeaked the floors and painted the floors to seal so they are ready for carpet. Also took out the (very poorly done) wire-coated closet systems, which left holes in the walls that had to be patched. Today son got the closets all patched up, and painted one of the two rooms. This week I will finish those doors, paint floor trim ahead of installing it in the two rooms that are now finished with carpet, and paint the closets in the rooms we were working. We also need to install new closet shelves/bars/ etc, which John will prep this week. Son has the carpet ordered for those two rooms plus the stairs, so we are sort of on a deadline to get them prepped.

    Suzi, YAY on the WL! You are on fire, and your whole attitude shows it.

    Cindy, you are doing what you can and don't need the added stress of trying to track.

    Karla, I think you are heading for the beach tomorrow? Have a great time. So great that Izzy wants to share it with her mother too.

    Patti, safe travels! I'm sure you are having a blast.

    Bert, how did the rummage sale go?

    Janet, your system works for you, and that is all that is needed. You seem like you are getting back in the groove too. I do think the refocus here has helped me. I missed the Derby - I had read a story about the one-eyed horse Patch and was sort of rooting for him, but it wasn't to be.

    Bed is calling my name. Good night all.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's chilly but sunny today.....I'll take it. It's amazing how sunshine changes how you feel. Our church made $3,000 from the rummage sale! That will definitely help to pay bills.

    Diane. Wow, you were certainly busy with the house. As much as you worked in the house, that made up for your steps!

    Patti: Glad you had a good time.

    Suzi: Congrats on your weight loss.

    Today, I'm tidying up the house and then will work on the pool to get all the algae out. It's looking pretty good, so I'm hopeful it will be only slight maintenance to keep the water clear. I'm heading to Chicago tomorrow to attend Penny's spring sing concert and Dylan's baseball game. Mike is staying here to take care of Molly and do jobs for the neighbor. We will both go up in a couple of weeks to attend Penny's dance recital. Have a great day, everyone.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello Girls-
    I drove up to see my dad yesterday and despite the COPD, Emphysema and two nodules in his lungs he was pretty darn good- amazing what O2 will do for a guy. I did have him "show" me the O2 sensor after he decided he needed to have a smoke- sans the oxygen tube- it dropped to 70- but then hooked up again and it went back up to 96. I did talk to him about the inhaler too- so i think he's thinking about it.
    Long, long day and basically zero water. But today is a new day- salad and fish for lunch, normal breakfast and lots of water planned.
    Patti- you're sweet to volunteer to snagged Meg for the OMG retreat. I know she's looking forward to meeting you when things in your neck of the woods calm down.
    Janet- you're doing wonderfully well
    Diane- How did you have time to work :)
    Suzi ^5 on the loss- you're amazing.
    Bert- Have fun getting the pool ready.
    Karla- safe travels and tons of fun in the sun- wear sunscreen and big hat and glasses.
    Bye for now
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    We are on the 20th floor. Sipping chai tea and reading a novel. Peaceful listening to the waves..

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Okay, my phone was about to die, so I am on my tablet now. This is so darn relaxing and beautiful. Izzy and Angelique are still asleep and I am in my bedroom with the door open to the balcony, sitting in front of a large picture window overlooking the beautiful water, listening to the soft, gentle sounds of the waves. One could get used to this.

    Yesterday Monica's first husband passed away while down in Boliva, which is where he was from. He was the father of her two daughters. He was was 66, a diabetic that refused to take proper care of himself. His sugar was over 500 when he checked in the hospital, had a wound on his foot, he went septic, and his organs shutdown. Please pray for this family. Monica has been my BFF for 28 years. Famines and Elizabeth are like Jason's sister, and my daughter's.

    Bert- If you ever have the opportunity to switch to a salt water pump on your pool, go for it. It's almost maintenance free. My pool stays crystal clear year round and the salt is $6.00 for a 40 pound bag.

    Diane- You are a marvel on your ability to work in the yard and do home rehab. I know your son must really appreciate it. Sounds like the home will be like brand new.

    Patti- I love that picture of you and your mother and sisters in the polka dotted dressed she made. Fabulous sentimental photo. Welcome back.

    Cindy- Funny you should say that about the hat! I bought a huge brim beach hat on the cruise that is awesome with me, and of course my Sun shades are big too. Lol. I will be styling! Good visit with your dad.

    Janet - How are doing? I watched the Derbyshire in your honor. So pretty the hats and roses. How is the foot and therapy coming along? Let's talk on the phone very soon! It's been too long.

    I'm heading over to pick up a few things this morning. Mainly my phone cord from my car and batteries for my mouse for my laptop.

    Doing good on food and got 8k steps yesterday.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, so grateful for a good nights sleep. Love my camper but tend to not sleep as well. Especially with a crowd around that all stay up late and get up early, lol. My camper is basically a tent on wheels off the ground, no insulation, lol.

    Karla, you sound completely relaxed already. You feel about the beach the way I feel about the mountains. So sorry for Monica's children's loss. What a sad thing for them with him so young.

    Cindy, my motives for offering to pick up Meg are partially selfish, I prefer to have company when I travel and hope she will say yes. Do not add tracking to your stress. You are handling enough!

    Bert, have fun in Chicago, hope your pool clears up and stays that way.

    Diane, wowzer you got so much done. Doors are tedious for sure. Do you take them down to paint or leave them up? The trim will go fast since you don't have to sit on the floor, lol. That is my least favorite part of painting, but I am a "cut in" pro and can do it without taping, so time saved there. When is the baby due?

    Janet, I waved on my way through Louisville yesterday. Did you enjoy the derby? What is this week going to be like for you?

    Suzi, what is next on your agenda? I am going to channel my inner Suzi to stay on track.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all -- have read all, & we are a busy, happy & motivated group! Today will be a blue-dot day (Suzi, this idea is really helping us all - you rock.)

    Got the best news possible at the oncologist this morning: "See you next year." NO ultrasound or radioactive iodine scan because bloodwork shows no indication of recurrence. Did a little retail therapy (a beautiful tunic I can dress up or down, and a pretty hoodie - white with floral embroidery) and ran errands. Hadn't been into a nice store since before Christmas!

    Tomorrow brings dentist at 8:30, then errands, and PT at 1. This week is going to keep me hopping - well, clunking around anyway.

    Sorry, but am too zonked for personals - have been nonstop since before 7 and have literally not had ten consecutive minutes to concentrate on anything since I got home. Need to eat something have a shower and (I hope) a few minutes of quiet until my Warriors play at 9.

    See you all mañana!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, that is awesome. You deserve a break from all the medical mayhem that has been your life. So very happy for you. Maybe that will make your trip to SC happen sooner than you thought.

    I got some great news too. My BFF (of all time) who lives in TX and I rarely see, is in town and she is coming to my house on Thursday for dinner and lots of talking. I am so excited. I bought some walleye at Costco today and she is a fish lover, so that will be going on the grill for our dinner. We have been besties since 1976. We met when we started working together on a cardiac unit and became fast friends. We were roommates and moved to CO together in 1983. She got married and moved to TX in 1984. Seems so long ago when I type it out, but feels like yesterday. We both turned 30 in Denver.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Another busy day. (Yes Cindy, when did I ever find time to work!?) When I got to son's house today, he had only hung the master bedroom and master closet doors - left the others to harden more overnight. So I had to hang those before I could get started! John came over with a repair piece for one of the ones I painted yesterday, and discovered that three more needed either repair or modifications in size so they would fit properly. So that slowed me down a little too. I did get five doors done, plus the trim around them. Patti, I take doors off to paint them. I am not a good enough painter to do them in place. These doors had never been painted, just the factory primer, so I did two coats each side. I am not a pro - I have to tape every bit of trim I do. Then PT for Carrie late this afternoon.

    My knee is still bothering me from when I twisted it hiking almost two weeks ago. Standing all day probably aggravated it. I did my water aerobics class this morning before I went to paint, but I am not doing my body weight class until the knee is better.

    I had PLANNED a good day, but when I stopped for lunch I let their dog out in the yard. I took my salad with chicken I had packed outside, set it on the table, went back in to get my dressing, took it outside, and realized I had left my drink inside to get it. When I came out the dog had gotten my salad off the table, dumped it on the ground and was eating at it! BAD DOG! He went straight back to his crate and didn't get to come out the rest of the afternoon while I was there. I got Chick Fil A sandwich and fries instead of my nice healthy salad. I was so mad at the dog! May still wind up being a blue dot for calories, because I had a big salad with protein for dinner instead, but not the F/V I had planned. I am out of fruit and need to go to the store.

    Patti, sounds like you had a great trip, and are already booked solid for the next couple of days! My BIL had hernia surgery very close to what you are describing. He said it hurt really bad for about 2-3 days (unexpected), then not too bad and he was up and active within about a week.

    Janet, yay for a clean oncologist report! You deserve it after the winter you have been through.

    Karla, your description of your morning _almost_ made me want to go to the beach lol. (I am distinctly NOT a beach person. Send me to the mountains with Patti!)

    Bert, wowza on the rummage sale total! That is amazing.

    Cindy, my mom is on oxygen, and has been for over ten years. Her COPD gets worse every time she gets a cold (which frequently turn into pneumonia.) :(

    Suzi, how's the garden coming?

    Bedtime - will check in tomorrow, between painting and appointments. Carrie is getting her waist length hair cut and colored tomorrow - she is thinking shoulder length!