OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    All is well in OKC. We've "weathered" this round with another predicted for tomorrow.

    I'm sorry, but I won't be able to attend the OMG reunion. We'll be on a Caribbean cruise at that time.

    Karla - I think you could drive to Pennsylvania as easily as you could Oklahoma City. I've done the Mobile to OKC trip multiple times and it can be done in one day, but it's about 14 hours one way. Not a good thing to be doing by yourself.

    Later y'all,

    Oh, I almost forgot. Blue dot day!!! I'm feeling like my old self again.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Another I forgot.

    Cindy - even though I can't be there I LOVE your blue polka dot idea!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. A small storm went through early this morning while I was taking Molly out. There was a loud clap of thunder/lightning just as she was heading for the door!

    Janet: Mike got in the pool last night as it was in the 90's here yesterday. He said it was chilly, but felt good due to the warm day.

    Cindy: The pool water looks pretty good. It think it's back to where I had it.

    I have much to do today. Have errands to run and things to prepare for friends who will be on Molly duty this weekend. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning all and TGIF. My Izzy and I had a great afternoon. We went to Chill frozen yogurt and it was yummy.

    Suzi- My geography is awful if Oklahoma is as far as Pennsylvania. I think I was thinking Arkansas for your location since you speak so much of it. . Glenn would never let me make a cross country drive by myself. He knows how navigational challenged I am. Lol. I had forgotten when your cruise date was.

    Bert- Glad the pool has cleared. Have a wonderful weekend.

    I am making a receiving blanket this morning for our impending new arrival. Little Braden was due Monday and still has not arrived!!

    I better get back to my blanket. It has rows of various colors of blue elephants on it. I'm putting a fancy blanket binding around it that is blue and white.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just got back from the gym, Zumba and Pilates. I need to add some home Pilates to my routine. I told the trainer that I will not be coming to the circuit class every Thursday morning. It will depend on my knee after working on Wednesday nites. I miss that class but have to treat my body right too. My plan is to start by adding 30 minutes of Pilates a week on either Monday or Wednesday morning and work up from there.

    Suzi, so happy to hear you are safe and hope the next round bypasses you as well.

    Karla, maybe you could check for resorts outside of Philly, maybe Gettysburg. That would keep the drive time for most of us around 10 hours and less for Cindy.

    Cindy, need your input on places for our retreat. Enjoy your LR time.

    Diane, I will be starting my whole house paint job next month. Hopefully you will be done with yours by then. Looks like your travel time is getting closer. So excited for you and I know Carrie is ready for some independence.

    Bert, enjoy your weekend. Glad the pool is swim ready.

    Chores then work. Blue dot day yesterday.
    Cindy, lol the blue polka dot idea!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Another day, another thunderstorm. That's just spring in Oklahoma. Nothing severe yet, so we're going to OU to watch softball NCAA regional tournament. Well, maybe we get delayed every time here's a lightning strike within 10 (I think it's 10) miles. So far they're 2 hours behind. If it gets much later, it'll be into severe storm time of day.

    More later,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi! Just wanted to say hi. Suzi, smart choice - have been thinking of you.

    Arrived safely in SC and got a big hug. Yesterday ended up a blue dot day. No dinner (unless a glass of Chardonnay counts - neither of us was hungry. It's quite warm here but a bit of a breeze and a fan on the covered patio means I get to sit outside with a book & a cold bottle of water.

    Sang to Broadway cast albums the whole way - started with "Hamilton," then several Sondheim shows. Saved several Sondheim gems & have several new cast recordings on tap for the trip home.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi everyone-
    Quick stop as its a busy day- 4 spots cut out at the demo but all stuff. I'd prefer we take the suspicious stuff now then let it fester.
    Check FB- Meg posted a page when Ellie see Pad for the first time- sigh.
    So much to do but on a great path- dot might not happen today - its wicked hot for MA and I'm dying for ice cream- maybe rick would want to go get a cone-
    I can look at options next week for OMG-
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I am sitting inside enjoying a raging thunderstorm outside - a little hail but not much, and it is breaking our heat wave. 95 earlier today, and already down to 64!

    Today is shaping up to be a blue dot day but not a "perfect" day. I'm well within my calories, had at least five servings of fruits and veggies (most of them veggies - a rarity for this fruit lover), have tracked everything. The only reason it isn't perfect is because my steps are low. Painting all day again, which doesn't get me very many steps. Dinner tonight was delicious - here is the recipe

    I used smaller chicken than this calls for - I like the thin cut chicken breasts, which are about 3-4 oz. each not 6 oz, and went a little heavy on the peppers.

    I got the last of the doors and door frames done, plus three of the front windows. Only the office window yet to do. Tomorrow John and son are going to try to frame out the last of the closets and install doors, which will make some more trim/doors to paint on Sunday or Monday. I will take tomorrow off of house chores and do some sewing, I think.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy, not sure what you meant about FB or the demo? Good job on the blue dot days.

    For OMG retreat, Karla could you get a suite somewhere at one of your resorts and have everyone chip in? Sounds like it will be 4 -5 of you without Suzi and I. Just a suggestion from the outside.

    Janet, I love Broadway. My daughter has been so into Musical Theater that it has introduced me to many new shows. Have a great weekend.

    Patti, sounds like you have a plan with your home Pilates. I should probably add that, because my core is definitely not as strong as it could/should be.

    Suzi, did they get the softball game in? Did you get there? We keep saying we are going to take time for fun things, but it keeps getting pushed off. We are both feeling an obligation to get certain things completed for our son before we leave on our trip.

    Bert have a great trip to Chicago. How long a drive is that for you? They only stay small for such a short time!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Well, it's been an interesting afternoon here. We had lunch at Dave's favorite Mexican place on the way down to OU. By the time we got there, the first game was in the top of the 6th inning, the wind was gusting to over 40 mph, and it was raining. We sat in the car to wait for OU's game that was due to start 30 minutes after the other was over. I turned the car to accessory mode and plugged in my bank phone long enough to send an email and get a reply - about 10 minutes. Afterward, it wouldn't start. Did I mention it was raining and the wind was blowing 40+???? Called AAA and they sent a tow truck. Luckily I just needed a jump and a new battery. After the tow truck driver jumped us, we went to Sams and got a new battery. They were just starting the OU game as we drove out of the Sams parking lot. Before we'd driven a mile, they had called that game on a lightning delay. We gave up and came home and I poured myself a LARGE adult beverage. The good news is that even with a Mexican food lunch and an adult beverage, it should still be a blue dot day. I'll also get in 10,000 steps. Other good news is that since it was rainy and cloudy all day, it never got hot enough for the storms to get really wrapped up and go tornadic.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Oh holy crap am I glad we came home! Tornado passed overhead very close to our little mobile home at the lake. Luckily no confirmed damage; it may not have actually touched down.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Suzi, what a day. I carry one of those instant start jumper boxes in all my vehicles. They can also charge cellphones, laptops and tablets. Pretty much anything with a USB. They have saved us many times. Less than $50, so well worth it. We always take them on the bike. They come in a nice little case with cords and jumper cables. About the size of a day planner.

    Work was busy, I was cashier but it is getting easier all the time. I learned 5 new things tonight. The girl that I thought was leaving is staying. Her sister (equally annoying) works as a cashier, took the job she had applied for at a GameStop. Pretty low and they were arguing about it at work tonight. One of the evening managers (that I like) quit and tonight was her last night. With the low wages turnover is rampant. Oh well, I just do my job and try to enjoy my few hours there. Really looking forward to just my 2 shifts, no weekends and enjoying the cabin this summer. Another blue dot day for me. I made a deal with my Dr to loose 20 pounds by my next visit in 6 months. Really hoping for 30 but want to keep it doable with summer coming. I told him to put it in my chart so he can hold me to it, lol.

    Time to relax.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early to get preparations done for our trip. So many things to do regardless if you're gone for a couple of days or couple of weeks.

    Suzi: Wow, hearing your story made me nervous! Hope there is no damage to your mobile home.

    Patti: Where can you get an instant start jumper box? That sounds like a great idea. I'm so wanting to lose 20 pounds. I know I would feel better. It's so hard for me. Please let us know your progress and any tips along the way to help shed those pounds. I'm exercising daily and also tracking. I know it's probably my eating routine, I'm working on it.

    Have a great day, everyone! I need to get going to be read to leave in 90 min.!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. My scale is starting to edge down, but I have got to get my carbs down. I keep my calories under 1200, but that alone will not get the weight off this body. I just can't seem to get back in the dvd mode.

    Patti- Good for you on making that commitment in writing with your physician. Your system is stubborn. With all your activity and gym, you would think the weight would just fall off. I am going to make some baked fish tonight. What is the meshy grill thingy you are talking about?

    Bert - I am with you on the stalling of weight loss. I know if I cut out the carbs it will work. That is what I did last spring and got down to 179 for my class reunion. What did I let myself roll back up to the 190's??? uggghhh.

    I got two blankets pinned with pretty double binding around them last night for the new baby in our midst. Expanding out my horizon's on m sewing. I picked up more material too Couldn't resist the pink for some new throws for the fall. lol.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Up a pound today at WW. Dang it! Surely the weight will catch up to the work one of these days.

    We're off to the softball tournament in a bit. It's a beautiful, sunny day today with much lighter winds. A great day for softball!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Info on jump starters for those that are interested: available at Walmart, Amazon and other online stores. What to look for: make sure it comes with a case and that it can be charged by both your lighter plug and a/c wall outlet. Also check for engine type. Some only start 3.0 and other charge all, including 6.0 and diesel. So pick what works for you. I used mine several times to rescue stranded motorists in parking lots as well as starting my own car. Come in all price ranges, we paid about $50 for ours. I helped out one of my workout buddies this winter and she went out and bought one for every one of her family members for Christmas.

    Janet, thinking of you and can see you on the porch, wine glass in hand, friend by your side and both of you enjoying companionable silence as you enjoy the sunset. My heart is warm with the vision.

    Karla, the fish messy thing is hard to describe but I will try. It is about 9x13 and very flexible,a very lightweight Teflon mesh and the edge looks like black Teflon tape. It was $3.50 and I love it. Going to go buy a few more while they have them. Don't know how many times it can be used before it falls apart but it seems pretty sturdy. I just season the fish, lay the mat on a preheated med/high grill, place the fish on (skin side down if it has skin) and cook about 7 minutes or until it starts to flake. Haven't tried skinless fish yet but the fish slides right off and it was perfect. You go girl on the sewing projects.

    I have had a great day. We made some beautiful cards, laughed a lot, had a wonderful salad at McAllisters, put in an appearance at the grad party (ate nothing) did some shopping, made a veggie pizza for my GFs 31 party tomorrow and now I am going to spend some time looking at my new Stampin Up catalog. Life is so good

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello again, seems I am all alone here but I know the rest of you are busy and will be back when you can. Thirty one part at my GFs and I spent too much but a girl always needs more totes. Plus I don't mind helping out a young mother start her business so she can spend more time at home with her daughter. Great special this month so I spent a bit more to get 2 of their large totes. Great for the boats. Will probably give one to my DIL if she wants it. Bought a cute backpack for the gym and a new wrist wallet that will hold everything I usually carry. I am one of those odd girls who carries the tiniest of purses. My purse is usually what others call a wallet, lol.
    Blue dot day yesterday and borderline for today.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Posted this morning but it's gone. Grrrr. Having a relaxing time. Ride along while he & his adult son played golf - great kid.

    Not going bonkers eating though not awarding blue dots because it's really hard to track but even with beverages I haven't been over 1,500 calories yet, and only that high one day.

    Hugs to all. I will drive home tomorrow or Tuesday, depending.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. No blue dot today but yesterday was probably pretty close. Today I left my fitbit in the pocket of the pants I wore to church when I changed, then threw them in the washer! I forgot until I was over at my son's house. I took it out and it appears to be working, amazingly enough!

    I think the painting is done for a while. Today I painted the last of the closet doors, they got all but that one hung, and I painted enough trim for my son to trim all three closet doors plus shelving and supports. John and son framed the doorways for the closets, hung two of the three doors, and installed the cabinets John made in the mudroom. We are making progress!

    Eating has been pretty good the last two days but I can't claim blue dots because I didn't track. However, the scale was quite friendly yesterday and today.

    Patti you aren't alone here - I just get busy at my son's house on the weekends. I carry a purse when I need to haul stuff, but also have a wallet on a shoulder strap that I carry much of the time. It fits everything I really need except my glasses case! I am one of those unusual people that only buy a purse every five years or so! I just don't like them much. My DIL, on the other hand, would buy a new purse every week if she could!

    Janet I've had posts disappear when I entered them from my phone too. I tend to keep it short when using the mobile app for that reason. Glad you are having a good time. Everyone needs a friend like that, that you can just hang with and not have to be doing all the time.

    Suzi, sorry about the WI. It is just so frustrating when you've been working the plan and don't get the results you are hoping for. I was stagnant for so long and now my scale is moving, and I don't feel like I'm doing much different!

    Guessing everyone else is out and about. We are leaving town Tuesday for five days in San Diego and Joshua Tree NP. John has a business trip there so I am tagging along, then we are extending it for much of the weekend. This is Commissioning Week in Annapolis, so a great time to get out of town!
