OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    At the dance rehearsal for her recital. Fun times.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    How can I get my pictures to post in the body of the post?
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    edited June 2017
    Karla this is actually the car seat blanket I made
    It is more for infants and toddlers. Here are the two I have made though I don't have a car seat to show them in. s4voexwgm5ox.jpg
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla - I just selected my picture from my phone and it showed up in the body of the post. I don't know why yours don't. But the pics of Izzy today are darling! And I will keep the link of the car ponchos you found for later - they look very cute!

    Patti, I would be totally Peached out. My mother makes the peach pie "pucks" too. Hope today is a little more restful for you. That may be why your planning isn't happening - you are just too tired and worn out!

    Bert, good luck with the bathroom remodel. I had definite ideas of what I wanted when we did ours, and my trouble was finding what I knew I wanted! That said, my son and DIL put rectangular sinks in their bathroom and it looks really good, very modern. They mount under the countertop.

    Suzi, I saw your boating pictures on FB. Looks like you are having a good time, Ellis is loving life, and Dinky is hanging in there :).

    Cindy, if they have chosen a name for the baby they haven't shared it. My DIL told me once they both liked Elise, but I told her not to tell ANYONE including us the name once they have finalized it. My nephew and niece-in law shared their baby's name ahead of time, and got all kinds of negative comments. Once the baby is here and officially named, hopefully nobody would do that! Those pesky pounds are probably from a few weeks ago, as Patti said. Or from salt - that definitely does bad things to my WI!

    Janet, hoping you are just having a quiet day today.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Really tough PT today - my back has been out of sorts all day. Oh well. Ran errands and have done a few small things. Sleep deprivation has me though, and I have to straighten up in the morning for my cleaner.

    Patti, Monday the 19th works for me - we can figure out time and place later, but it's in my phone!

    Diane, those car seat throws look adorable - you are going to be such a terrific gramma!

    Karla, love the Izzy pics today. Guessing it was Nana who tied that perfect knot on her rehearsal tee.

    Bert, did you get printer working in color? Printer woes are so annoying. But I have had overall good luck with HP, & their phone customer support has been excellent.

    Cindy, how is work treating you these days? Has the workload moderated any?

    Time to finally have a bit of salad and turn in. Tomorrow will be a long one - Thursday too.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane love your sweet car seat covers, recognized those days fabrics too. I agree with the not sharing of the baby's name for the very same reason.,I think naming a baby is so very personal.

    Suzi, loved the pics of your furry mates. Ellis seems to be in his element for sure.

    Karla, Izzy is darling as ever.

    My gf found an ever better and faster way to peel the peaches. Freeze solid then drop in hot water for about 3 seconds and the skins falls off in one piece. I was able to peel and slice 30 pounds in about an hour. My freezer is now full. Great day with mom, followed by a kick butt class at the gym. They just got new spin cycle bikes which we used as our warm up for TRX. She had a whole routine worked out. Hoping they offer classes at a time when I can go. However, 10 minutes was quite a workout and I doubt I could do a whole hour right now. Will need to work up to more time. My TRX trainer is checking into training as a spin instructor. Another day full of activity tomorrow. Lunch with my GFs, shopping and then work. Will be sealing the deck this weekend so need to gather my supplies. Fun times

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Work isnt' bad right now- the heavy trade show season is at a lull and I'm prepping for a summer intern. It's more of a biz training plan as we don't get tons of work done but I love helping these young adults see if corporate life is for them or not. Last year we hired my intern, the year before he decided to travel the world before working...
    I still believe September will bring significant change to our company- but if not I'll be traveling to Houston for a week. Oh well- hurricane season in Houston- fun times.
    Diane- the seat covers are adorable and I chuckled when I saw the teddy bear.
    Karla- Izzy is so precious- the memories you're making with her will be with her all her life.
    Patti- I wonder if the peeling method would work with tomatoes too?
    Janet- I think with PT- pain is a gain- you're back is getting back in line. Are you doing your at-home exercises too?
    Bert- House projects are fun to watch come together but I hate watching the cash leave my account.
    I downloaded a beginner arm workout- it starts with 3 exercises 3 times per week. I had to do one without the hand weights as I was struggling to get through them- but it was still a good feeling to take control of something. My SIL is doing a WL program through the hospital and has lost 33 pounds since January- she said for the first time she feels like she'll be able to keep it off for the rest of her life as she is making slow, permanent changes. I'm so proud of her. She said to be- "Believe in yourself and you will be able to do this too"
    I thought that was so sweet and it encouraged me to grab the one pound weights..
    I wrote an intro for book 7 this morning- edgy and providing a punch- I think. I'm editing that book now and really want to release it at the end of this year. Title- Magic in the Rain- don't you guys just love that I share all the fun details with you... Other than Em and Meg- you're the first to know.
    Alright- back to marketing queen.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is another errand day to hopefully make some decisions about cabinets, countertop, etc for the main bathroom. I'm like a deer in the headlights when it comes to this!

    Patti: What is Voltaren gel? Hope your body feels better today.

    Karla: I haven't figured out how to post a picture from my phone. I usually send the pic to my email and then attach it from my computer.

    Diane: Cute pics! I'm thinking about square or rectangular sinks as well. I just want something that is easy to clean. Right now, we have one sink in a hexagon shape, but it has "ridges" within the sink.....very annoying to keep clean. I just want something smooth. I'm thinking about a product called onyx that can have the bowls with it. I have something very similar to that in the 1/2 baths. I'd love quartz, but do like the look of just one color rather than the counter top and white sinks. My friend is a decorator, so I'll have her help me make a decision.

    Janet: I think the printer problem is solved. I printed something from the HP support person and it printed in color. I'll try to print my ticket ledger in a few minutes and will cross my fingers. As long as it prints in color, I don't care what the problem was! :o)

    I went to the gym yesterday, and it felt good to go. I need to get back in the routine of doing this on a regular basis. I tend to let other responsibilities get in the way.

    Have a great day, everyone! I weighed myself last night and was down a little. I so hope it continues to go down.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good and morning ladies and welcome to Wednesday.

    Cindy- I have always enjoyed mentoring young adults too. When previous staff of mine come back and tell me how well they do and they owe it to my thorough training, it thrills me. I look forward to reading your sneak peak for sure. I love your last blog.

    Bert - Kudos on going to the gym! I know your bathroom will be gorgeous when finished. Your decorator friend will be a big help also, even with the final touches.

    Patti- I'm glad you found an easier way with those peaches. I don't know how you keep running the way you do. Like Janet, I feel like a slug when I read your schedule.

    Janet - Let's pray for the end result to so be worth all this pain. My BFF, Monica, has had physical therapy for her whiplash for the last three months and it is always killing her the next day too. I call it physical torture therapy myself.

    Diane- I loved your blankets. So cute. I am a very novice seamstress, but I am gradually getting better. lol

    Izzy is still asleep. She wants to go to her friend's Benny's today and I will run by the podiatrist office for a little while. They have an auditor there and no room for us all.

    The rain is finally supposed to stop this afternoon. It has been awful down here.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Woo Hoo, it's printing color!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, it is a cool day after a light shower here this morning. Looking forward to lunch on my GFs beautiful porch surrounded by her gardens and bird feeders. She is really struggling and in so much pain with a probable torn rotator cuff and some back issues that are causing her hip and knee pain. She finally went on indefinite leave last week from her home care job. We are circling our wagons to make sure we are available to help her if she needs surgery. She is 70 and her husband is 81. Luckily he is fairly healthy but has diabetic neuropathies that limit him. The hardest thing is keeping her down. This has really knocked her for a loop. All prayers appreciated. My mom is such a joy. I ironed the ruffle on her new bedspread yesterday. So pretty with blue flowers and butterflies. Put a big smile on her face. Today she called to thank me again and to complain that I accidently dusted off the corner of her dresser so now she has to dust the rest of the room, lol.

    Cindy, I feel so special to be on the list of those getting first info on your books. Can't wait for the new book. I bet you are an awesome mentor to the interns. Yeah you starting with a workout routine. Not sure about the tomatoes but I think I might try it for making tomato sauce.

    Janet, 19th is on my schedule for us to have lunch. Will happily meet wherever you like, miss your sweet smile!

    Bert, how fortunate to have a decorator friend. Happy shopping and keep up the good work at the gym.

    Karla, you are definitely no slug. I know hanging with Izzy takes lots of energy.

    Hi to Diane and Suzi, gotta shake a leg.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, hooray!!! Nobody cares why, as long as it works. What a relief. Those solid, integrated sinks are so attractive and practical - nice that you have a friend who's a pro to help you. Can she help you get discounts on materials and/or help you find reliable, affordable installers?

    Patti, I'm a weirdo who doesn't peel peaches but love that idea if I were to make a pie and want to remove the skins. Thanks. I sure don't know how you do all the exercise you do. I have to do ten minutes on a seated stepper at the beginning of each PT session and I HATE IT. In less than two minutes, I am bored and angry. Literally the ONLY thing that keeps me on that infernal thing for ten minutes is music. Having people see me on that machine makes me want the earth to open and swallow me!

    Cindy, love the title for book #7. Take a moment to savor that - your SEVENTH BOOK!!! So proud of & happy for you. And yes - I do my stuff at home religiously. I now have a foam roller, a cheap towel and a latex band for various purposes. And I AM able to walk better and with less foot/ankle pain. It's never going to be whatever normal is, but there's clearly been progress already.

    Diane, my Julie & Jake kept name possibilities to themselves until the baby was born. This helped them head off well-intentioned "suggestions" & pressure from family members. The one thing we know for sure was that, in keeping with Jake's family tradition, Caleb's middle name would be Patterson. His middle name is his mother's maiden name.

    Karla, so happy you have had such intense Izzy time but imagine a bit of a breather while she plays with Benny will be welcome too. I remember when my dad's office had auditors - my mental picture was of a line of men in identical suits, carrying identical briefcases, marching in a single line. And of course your work is impeccable and they and the podiatrist will tell you how happy they were that you were in charge of the billing.

    Suzi, hope no more upset puppy tummies on your adventure.

    Getting back on track to make today a blue-dot day = was close yesterday but evening eating got me. It's actually a cool day here - have had door to deck open, getting fresh air through the screen door. But it's actually getting cool enough to need to close it too. Heck, might even turn the fireplace on, because it is going to be in the 90s again before the weekend is out, so I'm enjoying every non-hot/humid moment.

    Happy news here. A tiny kitten who looks like my Bella was found in my neighborhood, shot in three places, including her little head, with a BB gun. One is in her brain and cannot be removed. A guy in our neighborhood found her an got her to the Humane Society, where they name her Ziggy (because she could only walk in circles & zigzags) and did surgery on two legs. They are working with her and today they put up a video that shows her with a much less severe head tilt an able to walk better. She may have some lasting impairment but it now seems she's likely to pull through. Control & the police are actively investigating. An animal-loving member of our FB group for the subdivision suggested we collect donations to offer a reward, to be given through the Humane Society, withy extra donated to help pay for Ziggy's care. That kitten has no idea she has a big fan club of humans pulling for her!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hello from beautiful Lake Ouachita. It's a clear, sunny fabulous day with temps moderate enough this afternoon it's a bit cool sitting in the shade. Stay tuned to FB for today's installment of puppy camping adventures. I haven't taken any pix today, but there will be stories.

    We're at Crystal Springs campground where we can just put the boat in and then beach it just down from our campsite. Can't beach right in back of us because our site backs up to the swim beach. This is such a nice spot, we will come here again and again. As far as I'm concerned, this beats Prairie Creek campground at Beaver Lake near Rogers AR which had been our favorite up until now. There are also some nice hiking trails in the area, but we haven't tried them yet - just one more reason to come back!

    OMG retreat - yes, if it were a different time I could come. If we're rescheduling, I assume we want to aim for the spring??? If so, my only restriction is I would be out the last couple days of April and a good bit of May. We have a camping reservation for a week in the FL panhandle beginning May 2. After that, I want to go on to Amelia Island and St Augustine for a couple weeks before we head home. So, any time in March or most of April will work for me. Pick a date and I'll put it on the calendar. Don't know whether I'll fly or drive. It may depend on whether I bring someone with me. Dave and I might fit it into a Tulip trip or I might see if I can recruit Kelly to come with me.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    We are going to be working extra late to prepare for one of the biggest sales of the year, so have a 30 minute dinner break instead of the usual 15.

    Janet, I hate all of the stationary equipment. I also get bored and angry but it only takes me 5 minutes, lol. That is why I take classes. Something different every time I go. The spinning was done to music and there was an arm routine too. I finally got over my qualms about others looking at me at the gym when I realized they were far too self absorbed to notice me.

    Suzie, looking forward to more stories. A spring retreat sounds good. I am usually in FL the last week of march-1st week of April.

    Time to go back to work
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. Sadly, today was not a blue dot day. Some snacks got the better of me this morning. However, I have gotten in my five F/V, and most of them were vegetables, which is a switch for me. It has been a cool and misty day here, so I have been sewing and therefore have not gotten many steps either. Yesterday was a blue dot, and included LOTS of walking since I did a field trip (last of the season) and then a hike around the Sanctuary afterwards.

    I've been working on a mobile today. It has to all be hand sewn, so there is a lot of work there. There are five little felt safari animals plus some hearts. Patti, I never did find mint felt, so all the animals are pink and grey, and I got mint fleece to make hearts out of. The hearts will be interspersed with the animals. Today I finished the lion and half the giraffe - may yet finish him tonight.

    Suzi, sounds like a wonderful camp. I looked it up on line, and it really does look nice. Maybe next time you go you can get a site where you can pull the boat directly up behind. We always scope out the best sites for our next visit to somewhere we intend to come back to.

    Patti, your friend's peach idea sounds terrific, if you are going to freeze them anyway. Can you slice them after you peel them like this? I wouldn't want to freeze to peel, thaw to slice and refreeze!

    Janet, it is never evening eating that gets me. It is always mid-morning or mid-afternoon temptations that get to me, especially if I am just hanging around the house rather than out and about. I've had the house open all day too, but it is getting chilly and I need to go around closing the doors and windows.

    Bert, yay for getting the printer to work! Our problem is that every time our printer dies, we have stocked up on expensive ink and we never seem to get one that uses the same ink.

    Cindy, isn't it nice to have somewhere you can share things you are bursting to share but don't want to let the whole world know about? I like the name of the book too.

    Karla, I loved Janet's image of the auditors. I bet Glenn is getting really excited to take some time off. I know you said he will be going back as a contractor, but will he take a break first?

    All for tonight - I'm going to go call mom. Patti your days with your mom are to be treasured, as are mine.


  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Back from a boat ride and float. My personal chef is cooking supper and has banished me from the kitchen, so I can take time to get caught up on personals.

    Diane - we keep a campground map when we like somewhere like this and mark our favorite spots. We've already got a couple noted where we can park the boat and should also be able to get satellite.

    Patti - I'm pretty jealous of the time you have with your Mom. I really miss my Mama. So much so that it's a gut punch out of nowhere sometimes.

    Janet - it's so good to hear that you're already noticing a difference in how you walk. That's big stuff! It must seem like it's a long time coming, but it seems like significant progress in a relatively short timeframe from my vantage point.

    Bert - glad to hear your printer problems are solved. Printers are the bane of my existence- so infuriating.

    Karla - thanks for tracker sharing with me, too. It is such a help to know someone else is waiting to see your daily report.

    Cindy - you sound so joyful when you talk about your books. It's really good to hear.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. What a gorgeous day we had yesterday, and today is more of the same. Air conditioning is off! I'm having lunch today with my BFF's. It should be a fun day.

    Diane: I hear you on the printer ink. I just had purchased a pack of 2 blacks, and of course the new printer takes a different size! That's where they get you!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Janet my blood boiled when you posted about that kitten- someone should shoot the a**hole like he shot the poor fur baby- I'm glad it sounds like she'll be okay. Glad you're doing the required PT at home. It makes all the difference.
    Bert - sorry about the extra printer ink cartridges but glad you're up and running.
    Diane- please post pics of the mobile when complete- it sounds adorable.
    Suzi- glad to hear next year would work for you. If we can wait a few weeks to decide on a date I should know what is happening with my job...
    Patti- hope work wasn't too bad- but at least you got a longer dinner break. So glad you have this time with your Mom.

    Need to get back to the day job- but I'll see you all later
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A cool and sunny shiny day here in the valley. Looks like it may be the last of it's kind for a while. Have a dentist appointment shortly then need to hit Krogers, Costco and a quick trip to mom's to pick up her mail. She needs her TV guide! Then gym time. My feet and knee were killing me last night, woke me up in the middle of the night. But they don't hurt at all now. I think I am going to start icing my knee after work. So happy I am only working 2 days a week. They have hired several new girls but they are summer seasonal while they are out of school.

    Bert, the voltaren gel is equivalent to topical Advil. It works pretty well on hands and feet. Supposedly does not work on knees but it has helped me. It is prescription. Maybe you should ask your Dr about it. I have a friend who builds circuit boards for GE and she swears by it for her hands. I have another motorcycle friend who could not ride if he didn't use it on his hands.

    Janet, I felt the same as Cindy did about that poor kitty. Would be nice if the culprit was caught and shot the same way. I know who is the real animal in this story. So sick.

    Oops, gotta run. Back later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    geez, I see my post from this morning didn't post here. uggg.

    Lost .2 this week after all my efforts, I know I am whining, but really. lol.

    Patti- Are you sure you are not pushing your body too hard? Between work and gym you are on your knees and feet. I know work will be down to twice a week now, but will you slow down any? lol. Is your mother not able to go to the apartment mailbox on her own or are you picking up at the Post Office?

    Cindy- Yes, let us know when your time frame is open. The earlier the better for me to select a Wyndham room. You are most welcome to stay with me. You and Bert, as you are two that I have not met.

    Diane- There are so many neat things to make for a baby! I am doing a boy and you a girl. As far as Glenn is concerned, he has to be away from the shipyard for 60 days before he can come back as a contractor or work for a contracted company. That is when we will be taking that vacation to Nebraska, to visit his relatives, and Colorado to see the sites for fun.

    Janet - I heard the Warriors won. Yea, you.

    Suzi- Thanks for the words of encouragement on the .2. grrrrrr.

    Bert - As stated above, if you want to stay with me in my condo, I will try and see what room size I can get.

    Fun times for Izzy and her friend Benny. After my hair appointment tomorrow we are going to Gulf Shores Beach. I want to see how the new HUGE amusement park they are building is coming along. It is due to open next month. OWA in Foley.

    I'll check back later on,
