OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Jillian's recital was good. The show was Wizard of Oz and all the dances center around the show. Her dance was awesome! She was a lion and she was really the leader in her group. She knew all the choreography, was in the front row, and led the other group members throughout the entire dance. We were so proud of her.

    Today, I'm attending a graduation party for one of my former students. I taught with Skyler's mom as well. My friend is coming this morning to give ideas on how to renovate the main bathroom. It needs a complete overhaul. Hopefully, her ideas will be within our renovation budget.

    Have a great day, everyone! The scale still isn't budging!



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- Gorgeous pictures of you all! Izzy's recital is next Sunday.

    Glenn an I have been shopping to revamp our backyard oasis. We purchased a new deep seated conversation set for the back porch . They were already marked down! Very nice. He bought all his supplies to pressure wash the house and paint the shudders. I bought a spool holder for my thread to hang on the wall and more fabric. lol

    We leave tomorrow for a quick overnight trip to Destin. I had some points expiring. It is just a two hour trip. We are taking Izzy. She loves the vacation homes. Lol. She has not been to this one. There is a pirate festival going on over there that will be fun. I love the stores!

    I finished one throw yesterday that is for keeping in the Avalon. It turned out nicely and the solid side is blue, like the car.

    Have a great weekend in whatever you do.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! We've been busy getting Tulip ready for a camping trip next week to Lake Ouachita state park just outside Hot Springs, AR. Taking the dogs with us, of course, and dragging the boat. I've also been spending some time with Jessi and the coworker she's adopted as a little sister, Haley. Haley just kicked out the boy she'd been living with, who owned most of the furniture. We spent yesterday evening digging through family cast offs that have been stored out at the farm. We were able to give her all the furniture she needed except a mattress. Who would want a mattress that had been stored in the barn anyway??? Eeewwww, yuck! We also fixed her up with quite a few household goods she needed as well. Today after my monthly WW Tribe breakfast, Jessi, Haley and I garage saled our way all over OK County. Now it's down time and watching Women's College World Series on TV.

    I finished my WW week with 6 blue dot days in a row and a 1.2 loss. Also had a FANTASTIC NSV this week when I had to go bathing suit shopping.....Ugh.... I always take 2 sizes with me to the dressing room and always try on the bigger one first so I'm less likely to be disappointed. And we all know how disappointing and depressing bathing suit shopping can be..... well, I accidentally tried on the smaller one first, and it fit!!! It's a size I haven't worn in a looonnnggggg time.

    Bert - loved the grandkids pix as always.

    Karla - as many throws as I've heard about you making, I imagine a room completely filled with them!

    Janet - I keep meaning to ask, how the heck did you become such a big Warriors fan? That's not exactly your part of the country.

    Patti - enjoy your time at the cabin.

    Later y'all,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Sunday morning everyone. It is sunny at the moment and hope it stays that way a little bit so we can get on the beach when we get there. Waiting on Izzy to get here and we are off!!

    The backyard looks great!! The hammock chair we bought in Mexico on the cruise, looks great hanging on the back porch. I put two tropical floral thick cushions in it and Glenn loves sitting in it. I found him in it last night, just a chillin. lol. We moved the double chaise lounge out from under the gazebo and moved part of the old deep seated set there. We still have more work to do, but it looks wonderful from the pressure washing Glenn completed.

    Suzi- You rock!!! How sweet to help Jessi's friend. That is what life is all about. I am a firm believer that we get back what we put out there. I have enjoyed sharing our trackers. It has helped me to keep tracking.

    I am proud to report I made it over 10K steps yesterday. First time is a while. I am going to keep this going. I better sign off and get this packed up too.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies. It's pretty hot here. I'm working on Summer Musical tickets and was needing to print. My printer worked great on Friday, but now it won't print black. I just put new ink into it too and tried everything to get it to work. Tomorrow I'll go buy another one and Best Buy will recycle the old one. I'm also shopping for new bathroom ideas.

    Have a great evening!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Ok, so where did this weekend go? Can't believe it is Sunday night already. I did get all the decks, rails and steps oxycleaned and pressure washed. That is nearly 1500 square feet of wood I cleaned. We had a wonderful Friday night with one of the neighbor's down the road. His place sits high above the river and we had the most beautiful view. Saturday another neighbor had us for a steak dinner. The food and the company was great. Just got home about 20 minutes ago. Have unloaded and watered my plants and will admit I am beat. Tomorrow will be spent prepping the 50 pounds of peaches. Yep, they are all ripe, was hoping for another day or two. Going to find a way to do some of the work sitting down. My back is aching. So looks like I have my work cut out for me this week. Next weekend I will be applying the sealer to the deck so praying the weather is going to be dry, that is the prediction for now.

    Have read all the posts here but just too done in at the moment to respond. I will do better tomorrow....between batches of peaches.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Y'all are making me feel like a slug! Didn't do a lot today but got some small things done, then watched my Warriors, most of the game texting or talking with my friend who got me re-hooked on the NBA a few years ago. The poor cats spent most of the second half under the bed.

    Did better on food today, but not quite on track. New week, better choices.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My joints are hurting this morning although it's not supposed to rain. I have a doctor's appointment today to see if he will order tests to rule out gall bladder problems. I'm having pain in the upper right portion of my abdomen and also have an upset stomach every time I eat. (that should be an incentive not to eat! :o)) My mom had gall bladder problems, so I'm just wanting to rule out some things.

    I'm having an estimate today for a new bathroom. Then I'll shop for cabinets, fixtures, etc. I'm hoping to get it renovated by the end of the summer.

    Eating is not good. I've had a horrible sweet tooth this week. It's a new day, today.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies, it was a beautiful day on the beach yesterday. Destin is so gorgeous. I am going to an owner breakfast and gathering this morning and then we hit the beach and pool again. Izzy is having a ball. She always makes friends in the pool. Glenn is looking at the six resorts they have in Colorado as we plan our trip. I hope there are some room available, this is really close timing. I usually book 9-12 months out.

    I am proud to report I got 12,335 steps yesterday!! We went on a long walk last evening at sunset. I've been tracking and watching my food. If my weight would just go down!!

    Patti- fun times always go by fast. Guard your feet while working on peaches. Yum.

    Janet- You have good reason to be a slug dear.

    Cindy- I hope you had a nice week off and will fill us in soon.

    Bert- Put in some nice ceramic tile work with some special trivets. Plus, do granite around the sink. Will be awesome.

    I better run.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    I took a siesta from the computer for much of the week except for LR work- I'm fine with switching the dates for OMG retreat and I agree with Patti- let's pick a place where most of us can meet and set a date to make it happen.
    Bert- how far do you feel comfortable traveling?
    Suzi would you be able to join us if it was a different time frame?
    Everyone sounds wonderful and for that - it's a blue dot kind of day.
    I need to get to lunch so I can be LR again- I'll be back.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I've been back from our trip for a week - glancing in but not contributing, and not really tracking. No blue dot days for two weeks, and the scale is not budging. (At least it hasn't gone up!) Time to get serious again, and that only happens if I track and check in here religiously. So here we go again.

    I have Brunswick stew in the crockpot for dinner tonight. I just entered the recipe in the recipe builder, and it is about 300 cal per serving - very filling! I will make some corn muffins to go with it and limit myself to just one. Yesterday was an indulgent dinner since my sister and nephew were here, but I need to stop that!

    Saturday I went to NY city on the Mega bus with my cousin. We walked all day - I got about 17K steps. We rode the ferries and the subway and walked in central park, but also ate food that was not diet friendly. Thank goodness I am staying active or my weight WOULD be ballooning!

    We are getting serious about leaving at the end of June - trying to get some reservations made today, but that would be the week leading up to the 4th of July weekend, so struggling a little. The holiday is the only reason we want to have reservations - most of the time we will just be free and without definite plans. We both have long lists of things to get done in the next three weeks too!

    Carrie is doing better - walking without the crutch most of the time, and driving herself everywhere. But apparently Blue Cross only pays for 50 PT visits and after that we have a $30 copay each time. That will get expensive fast. Just another bill to add to our list!

    Back with personals shortly.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Diane- there is a great book for RV'er- I think its call- Just off the next exit
    Or something like that- tells you what is where- Just a thought.
    remember if push comes to shove and you're stuck- You can safely park in a Wal-Mart parking lot overnight. It's their policy.
    Off again.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Tracking ruthlessly again, starting today. Have enough for a big salad with some protein this evening. And as of tomorrow am getting back onto my time limits for eating because reminding myself I won't pass out from hunger is crucial.

    Diane, glad you had a fun day in NY. Sounds like Carrie is making wonderful progress - so happy to hear.

    Karla, bet you & Izzy got some serious retail therapy in, and hope you both went swimming in the gulf as well as the pool.

    Bert, we have achy-joint weather down here, so maybe there's enough in the atmosphere to bother you. Smart to rule out gall bladder stuff, given your symptoms.

    Cindy, knowing you are off to the (Lucinda) races makes me smile. Your refuge is our gain!

    Suzi, read about Ellis's traveling puppy tummy. Poor little guy - and poor you, having to clean him up, as well as yourself AND Tulip.

    Patti, what all will you do with your peaches? I picked a couple up over the weekend and will probably have some tonight. I can feel you slipping into your enjoyable summer routine. How's Edd's healing going? Is he still becorseted?

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon friends. On our way home, less than an hour now. We had a great mini trip. Glenn has been so patient stopping at all the shops we wanted to shop at on the way home. Izzy was a pure joy, as always.

    Cindy- Good to see you back here. You sound restful and restored. I read your blog, very nice, I like the home town theme of Nora Robert's book series. Plus the trip to her hometown sitting in the bookstore sounds divine. Your words put me right there. Gifted!!

    Diane- I feel your pain! My scale is not my friend with all my efforts. Six days of percfect eating are negated by one day of not. Takes such discipline. But, we trudge on!

    Patti- are you turning into a peach! Lol

    Need to call my dad, back again.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay, back at the end of the day. I had a few snacks that I shouldn't have had, but stayed within my calories for the day, tracked everything and got my 10K steps. I'll call that a blue dot day. Probably only got 3 F/V not five - need to work at that.

    I got another baby car seat blanket almost done - I have a little of the fiddly bit getting the binding on the slits for the car seat straps left to do, and don't want to tackle it tonight when I am tired. This one is fleece, which is very cute and cuddly but harder to work with than the flannel. Tomorrow is the last field trip of the spring season, so I'll be gone much of the day.

    Karla, sounds like you had a terrific little trip to Destin. How do you manage your eating when you go to these places? Do you fix meals in or do you eat out, or a combo? I am really bad about eating healthy when I eat out!

    Janet, I need to remind myself I can be hungry for a little while too. I tend to reach for a snack when I am hungry. How is the foot doing?

    Patti, a weekend at the river was just what you needed! How is the peach job going? I like eating them fresh, and will freeze some to put in smoothies, but I am not a peach pie fan, so I have no idea what I would do with that many!

    Cindy, yes we have spent the night in Walmart parking lots many times! Best thing for road days, where you just want to eat quick and go to sleep. We got an RV specific Garmin GPS, which includes things like truck stops with dump stations, etc. It is great!

    Suzi, I saw your post about both Dinky and Ellis - poor Ellis getting sick and poor Dinky cowering! Hope they are both doing better.

    Bert, printers are SO frustrating! Sometimes there is just no way to fix them. Hope your joints get some relief tomorrow.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sorry for no personals again today. Just too exhausted. I peeled and sliced about 60 peaches, which is about 1/3 of them. I made 4 pints of peach syrup from the pits and skins. I put approx 6 peaches in each quart bag and then freeze. I will premake peach pies. I make the filling the freeze it in the pie plates. Once frozen I put the "pie pucks" in ziplock bags and keep them in the freezer. If I want to make a pie I just put the crust in the pie plate, pop in a puck, the top with another crust and bake. Don't need to defrost the pie filling. I will make up a batch of peach jalapeño jam too. The peaches will all be frozen and then I can use them in smoothies, salsa, and one of my favorite things is to thaw slightly and the. Use my hand blender to make peach "sorbet", no sugar needed. I already have requests for peach cobbler. I will probably make some peach BBQ sausce and use them in glazes for pork. I will also give a lot to friends and family in various forms. Oh and there is always peach sangria!
    Work was a bear. One of the cashiers called in so that left 4 people working, including the manager. We walked in to an awful mess with the cutting counter nearly cover d with fabric that wasn't put away, all cart full of more fabric to be put away and a steady stream of customers, most of whom wanted more than 10 fabric cuts. Will really enjoy some down time with mom tomorrow, then gym and probably more peachin.

    Off to bed, so ver tired tonight
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    I jumped on the scale the last two days and what the heck- I have no idea where those pesky pounds came from. I was really good during vacation- waited until I was really hungry before eating and the dam scale inched up... jeez.
    Patti- you're in peach nirvana from the sounds of it and you made me crave peaches. LOL They're still terrible here.
    Karla- welcome home.
    Suzi- are the pups ok? How long are you out for this trip?
    Diane- the car seat blankets sounds cozy- have they chosen a name for the baby?
    Janet- You've done amazingly well with your WL efforts for these last years and despite the surgeries you've endured- you've got this! You are in control.
    Bert- Printers are the bane of my day at work- they either work, sort of, or not at all. Good Luck.
    Need to run- but I'll be back.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I am going to have tests for gall bladder on June 15th. It was pretty hectic at the doctor's office yesterday as they were switching to a new computer system that connects them to the hospital and also IU Medical. I can't believe how rude some people were as they had to wait. I heard someone complain to the nursing takes time to adjust as everyone is learning how to process the new system.

    I'm also shopping for new bathroom supplies; tub, countertop, cabinets, toilet, and floor. There are too many choices!

    Karla: I'm doing tile on the floor. I'm toying with onyx that looks like marble and quartz for the countertop. Fixtures (tub and toilet) will be white. I can't decide if I want white sinks or the same patterned sinks within the countertop. It all depends on price as we only have so much in our budget. We are also getting a new driveyway, front porch, and patio poured.

    Cindy: I'm pretty much a pansy when it comes to traveling by myself. I drive to Chicago as I know the way. Don't worry about my hangups. It all depends on where everyone wants to go. I'm sure there are airports in the vicinity.

    Diane: I bought a new printer as they said it would cost over $100 to fix it! I did get 15% off for bringing in my printer to recycle. I'm in business now and can print!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Tuesday. Today Izzy and I go downtown for her recital rehearsal. I'm going to take her to the Mardi Gras museum if it is not pouring. Fun times.

    Diane- you intrigued me with the car seat cover!! I looked them up on YouTube, my teacher, lol, and the lady gave the site,, that has free patterns. I love making baby items!! I'm just starting on doing the cording, so this will be another lesson for me. I do a combination of eating out and at the resort. Mostly at the resort. The resort provided us Ihop breakfast yesterday. I find when eating out the best thing to do is ask upfront when you food arrives, for the to-go box and just box up half of it, it you can. If not, stick to meat and veggies. I am repeating to myself over and over "you want to lose weight, you want to lose weight" to keep my from losing focus.

    Patti- I bet that jalapeno peach jam would be wonderful on the baked fish. hint, hint. LOL. I purchased some of those mats for the grill. Glenn actually found them first. You take care of yourself and rest too now.

    Bert - I am sure your bathroom will be lovely. You are having a lot done!! We are still working on our backyard, but it is coming along great. The new couch, chairs and coffee table set look very nice on the back porch. We still have to move the old metal bar and old grill and paint the shutters.

    I better get going. The house is ready for the housekeepers. Just a little prep as it was straightened up before we left.

    I will weight tomorrow to see how my increased activity and keeping my calories under 1250 are doing. Sometimes even if you calories are correct, it's the type of calories they are that get you!!

    Have a great day, it's all up to us, you know.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I slept like a rock and have had my breakfast. Heading to the grocery for mom and then off to spend the day with her. I will admit I am sore all over today. The deck cleaning, peach prepping and work are hitting me but good. Have my TENS unit on my back and going to take some Advil plus rub my foot with Voltaren gel. That should cover what ails me, lol.

    Cindy, sorry I forgot to take a pic cuter this weekend of the thermal. Promise to do that next weekend. Don't despair about the scale. Your weight could be up from something you did 2 weeks ago. Bet you see a good loss next week.

    Karla, you seem to have found the focus I have lost. My biggest downfall right now is that I am not planning very well. Just haven't spent the time and when I do have a bit of down time, menu planning is the last thing I want to do.

    Janet, you are my role model, I can only dream for your discipline especially during times of stress. How does Monday, June 19th look for us to have lunch together?

    Suzi, poor Ellis but really poor you. What a mess. Hope that is the last time that happens to you both. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    Diane, glad to have you back. I also do better when I check in. So excited for your big adventure.

    Bert, remodeling is so much fun, except the mess and disruption. The picking out new stuff is the best part.

    Better get my achy old body out the door. Mom has a few chores for me before we watch Nashville.
