OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    And here is the mobile:
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited June 2017
    Diane, you are a gifted creator! Are the booties crocheted? If so, wheee did you find the pattern? Glad Carrie had fun - hope her ankle calms down quickly.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Still feeling so very sheepish and guilty for forgetting my lunch with Janet. So not me and can't believe I missed out on something I was so looking forward to. I can apologize but cannot forgive myself for making Janet have to eat donuts and Diet Coke!

    Diane your creations are definite works of art. Sounds like Carrie had a fabulous time and the pain was worth it. Can't believe you will be leaving soon. Hope we get lots of pics and check ins. I will warn you that most of the national parks in the west only have Verizon service, so if you are on AT&T the booster may not help in those areas.

    Bert, being part of a blended family is difficult at times but I think you handle it with such class and grace. Plus it sounds like you have the best relationship with your kids. My gf's daughter refers to her stepmom as her bonus mom and it just puts a knife in my GFs heart every time she posts it. I so want to say something to her daughter (we are friends) but my GF would kill me.

    Karla, so much fun getting your oasis even more beautiful. Trust me, if I could have made it to lunch I would never have cancelled. I have been kicking myself all day.

    Suzi, you are such a good spokesperson for WW. I had a leader I loved but she quit and I just couldn't bond with her replacement. I never found my Tribe at that meeting either. I actually lost most of my weight before ever attending a meeting. I lost my focus after taking care of my nephew who diet of brain cancer. I was starting to pull it back together and then my friend died in a freak motorcycle accident. I am having trouble finding my motivation or reason to lose again.

    Janet let me know when you are willing to chance it again with me. I can usually do Monday, Wednesday or Thursday. I truly feel awful about today.

    Time to call it a night.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I will be traveling to Indy to visit my cousin/cousin's daughter and her family. (I'm not sure what relationship my cousin's daughter is: second cousin?) I usually meet them for lunch, but then I can only visit for an our or so. I'm spending the night this time at my cousin's daughter's house. My cousin is progressing very quickly with dementia and I want to visit before she is admitted to a full care facility. The last time I saw her was in April. She doesn't talk anymore which is so sad. Hopefully we can have a good visit with the family as my family is so small. Maybe her daughter can look to me as a mother figure.

    Karla: I didn't enjoy the meetings. I did get some new recipes, but that was about it. I did have initial success. With the help and support of this fabulous group, I'm hoping to be successful once again.

    Diane: The floor looks good. He's coming to grout today, then my other guy will return to do electrical, put in the tub surround, and put up dry wall. It's coming together! Cabinets won't be her for another 3 weeks though.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Sorry I didn't make it back yesterday- was an emotional day after seeing Dad on Sunday. I won't go into it now otherwise I'll need to fix my mascara again today.
    Diane everything you made is stunning- you could see these I'm sure- love the booties. It was good to hear Cari had a great time. How's her foot today?
    Janet- you're a very kind hearted lady.
    Karla- so glad the grill and swing are just what you wanted.
    Patti- forgive yourself - Janet does and there was a reason you don't know why you didn't remember- next time.
    Bert- I'm a step-mom and its a tough spot. But we have the opposite problem we're on the outside looking in and we're not invited to ANY celebration, birthdays, holiday- zip, nada, nothing. But I consider it their loss as I'm a lot of fun, great person and a great cook.... :) They can have all the getaways they want with the other side. Not my monkey or circus.
    I'm ready for the weekend and last week I sold a bunch of copies of the Last First Kiss- so things are turning the tide and yes Love in the Looking Glass is up and running- I was reading somewhere that I should keep the heat level the same for all books but I disagree- I'm mixing it up with sweet and a little spice- this one is sweet as Ellie finally falls in love... spoiler alert. Meg is jumping on a webinar for me at 1- about how to grown my audience so that shold be good- it's hosted by Writers Digest.
    I have two book fairs planned in King of Prussia in May and August next year- I'm on a wait list for Huntington WV for November both in 2017 and 2018- who knew. But getting in the loop.
    Anyway - need to be the marketing chick for now- I'll pop back in later.
    have a sparkling day.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I'm at my Arkansas home away from home, the Hampton Inn in Rogers. My scheduled time was yesterday and again tomorrow. Today I'll work some, but do more visiting than anything else. I have lots of coworkers I won't be seeing much anymore and want to see on this trip. Yesterday I worked with our associate peer group wrapping up the project I've been facilitating for them and let them know that the group goes on, but they will be receiving a new facilitator.

    Yesterday evening I had an early dinner because the salad I had at lunch didn't stick with me, then went walking on the grounds at Crystal Bridges art museum. It's so beautiful there and my absolute favorite place to walk when I'm here in NW AR.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Diane - we didn't have any service in Yellowstone at all and Patti may be right about Verizon. I talked to a lady while we were there and I don't remember what carrier she used, not AT&T like us, but she had great service. I will be interested to hear what your results are with the booster. Not sure that Dave will be willing to install a booster though, he thinks it's OK to go without cell service. My worry is that something will happen at home or there will be some emergency and we won't be able to get in touch or the kids won't be able to reach us when they really need to.

    Where are y'all headed this trip?

    Patti - what Cindy said. If Janet forgave you, you need to forgive yourself.

    Cindy - you've really got the writing machine cranking. It's so much fun to listen to your plans.

    Bert - the bathroom redo sounds very nice. I'm sure it will be even nicer when it's done!

    Karla - what's happening in the Deep South today?

    Janet - is today a PT day?

    Later y'all,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Today is a new day and hoping to start it on a better note. Had two delicious over easy farm fresh brown eggs and a slice of sugar free whole wheat toast with coffe. Will be going to Mom's shortly. TRX tonight and will grill some Cornish hens for dinner. They were previously pressure cooked and then frozen, so will see how it works out. Love experimental meals, lol.

    Suzi, gorgeous pics from your walk. I am sure everyone is sad to see you go.

    Thank you all for being so kind to me.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends.

    Oh Diane- your car seat cover and booties are just too adorable. I have not had the time to get back to my sewing! Now that Izzy is not in dance things will slow down. But, I have two pool parties the next two Saturdays. I hope this monsoon will be passed by Saturday.

    Cindy - I downloaded your book this morning from Amazon and the next things I knew I was on Chapter 8!! I am really hooked!! I will post a review for you as usual. My cup is now fading too, but still usable.

    I better get back at it. Like Diane I write things down, have a to-do list I check off and am extremely busy. Both m lunch dates have cancelled due to the weather.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Geez, post took off but at least it posted!!

    Next chore on the list is to bathe Mille. After that, paying bills. I love being home even if I am working.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Quick hello before I get dressed and head to PT. Have a couple of small errands but hoping to buckle down and do a few things here, starting with the Mound of Magazines! Just wanted to say hello.

    Patti, will look at my calendar this afternoon - we'll book a lunch!

    Cindy, if you get to WV, let me know - I might drive over and say hi if you have time.

    Suzi, loved the pics.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Suzi and Patti, we are playing it smart and have one phone with AT&T and one with Verizon. Their coverage areas are so different. John got a really sweet deal with AT&T so it actually costs less than adding a line to my Verizon plan.

    We are starting out on the UP of Michigan and going to Isle Royals in the middle of Lake Superior. Then a brief stop over July 4 with my sister near Madison WI, then off to the Dakotas on our way to Yellowstone. After that, Washington state and down the coast. Not many reservations or fixed dates! I fly home from Spokane for the baby shower on July 21.

    Doing errands today. Will stop in later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, love the UP. If you are in Madison area long enough I highly recommend The House on the Rock. So unique! The story, the buildings and the collections. So wise to have both cell carriers.

    Janet, await our next date!

    Cindy, going to download the book now.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All-
    Karla- great to hear your hooked- I'll add you to the replacement mug shipment ;) that will be next week due to hectic schedule and I'm currently running test to make sure the logo holds. Its been through the dishwasher once so far. Logo is holding steady. The company sent me another shipment free. They said it was improper curing.
    Patti- I hope you enjoy the book too
    Janet if I get into WV I'd LOVE to see you in person..... are you familiar with the area?
    Suzi- when are you officially done, done?
    Bert- what is the progress on the bathroom- I've decided I'm going to do an overhaul too at some point. I've done the kitchen since buying this house but other than paint I didn't do the bath- it will need it sooner than later.
    Diane- smart having the two carriers- you should always have some type of service.
    Can't wait for tales from the trails....
    I've been doing a lot of thinking about my WLJ and after this weekend I need to seriously retool my thinking and eating plan. Maybe starting to refocus on low glycemic foods- which are better for sugar spikes. My friend Yvette is doing and 8 week hypnosis program and it seems to be working with her- she's invited me to an open session so I might go- I need to get a handle on mindless eating when stressing. I'm good at meals its the snacking that does me in and I need to have the motivation to really move again.
    I'm not looking for the magic bullet but something that works for me- I'll let yo know how my head shakes out. LOL
    Have a great day everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, had a wonderful time with Mom. We laugh so much over the silliest of things. TRX was a great kick butt class. My trainer is having surgery on Monday and will be off until Sept. Her hubby will be taking over her class. He has a very different style, more military and rigid in his program. She tends to mix things up a bit more. I like both of them so much. They never stop motivating, encouraging, praising and making sure you are doing it properly. I will miss her but know we are in good hands while she is recovering. Lunch today at a new upscale Asian restaurant and then working tonight.

    Cindy, started the new book last night and, as usual, hooked me right away. I am with you in trying to find a way to get back to better eating and stop the snacking.

    Waving a happy hello to the rest of you all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies from a drenched, tornado warnings and flash flood beeping Karla!! This tropical storm Cindy is pouring 4-5 inches of rain a day. Tomorrow is supposed to be over six inches.

    My housekeepers came today and my home is pristine. I love coming home to such a squeaky clean home. They really go the extra mile.

    We have two tornados spotted on either side of me.

    Cindy- I am in love with this book. Your writing puts me right on the scene of every storyline. You are impeccable with descriptive depictions of what is happening. I can see a mini series made of this Loudan quant town and Carrie's family.

    I am going to go meaningful Glenn arrives home.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A pre-bed hi. Just a busy day here, though cleaner is sick & will come Monday. More tomorrow, after hair gets freshened. Hugs to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm home from visiting my cousin. She has dementia really bad. I think she recognized a familiar face, but didn't remember who I was. I wanted to visit before her husband makes the decision to admit her full time to the facility where she goes twice a week.

    I need to get ready before our contractor comes. Will return later. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    My sandals arrive and will be comfy and look great with the dress. Tonight is the final review of the display and then it's pictures and pack up - packing the car tomorrow night. Getting really excited.
    Karla- sorry that Cindy isn't being nice to you. Glad you're enjoying the book. Ellie is quite a young lady.
    Bert- I'm very sorry about your cousin, you're a special lady to visit with her. I'm sure somewhere deep in her mind she knew it was you
    Janet- 1:AM- you need your beauty sleep :) How are things today?
    Patti- what's new are you going to the cabin this weekend?
    Suzi- when do you hit the road again in Tulip? Do you take a car along with you?
    Diane- did you deliver the baby items yet? I'm sure they were a huge hit.
    All is status quo here.
    Need to have breakfast- we'll chat later.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Lovely lunch with the girls. New restaurant was a hit. Upscale Asian with lots of choices from sushi to Thai. Each plated with as much care and flare as it is prepared (didn't mean to rhyme, lol). The crab Rangoon appetizers we shared were served on a large plate with a small salad dressed with mango shreds and a miso mango dressing. Highlight of my day was being with such amazing women that I get to call friends. Then it was grocery shopping and a long, physical night at work. Today is up yearly inventory and the regional manager is there for oversight. He expects absolute perfection but does not allow any money for staffing. We were there until almost 11:30 last night. We also had to change almost every sign and put up new sale signs. Glad I am done until Monday. Going to rest today and then do TRX tonight. Will head to the cabin tomorrow. We are puppy sitting for my son's two little ones while they go to Cumberland on a houseboat trip. Hoping for a very quiet weekend but you never know.

    Karla, looks like you may get a short reprieve from your soaking bad weather tomorrow. Enjoy it while you can. We will have rain tomorrow, remnants of Cindy, but that looks like all sunshine after that.

    Cindy, so excited for this next book adventure. Hope you have time to enjoy Lake George. It is a pretty place. I am reading the book slowly so I can savor it. Actually, I only read when I go to bed and can only stay awake for about 30 minutes.

    Bert, so very sad about your cousin and I know it is heartbreaking for you and the rest of the family. I always believe that inside they recognize their loved ones, even if they can't outwardly express it.

    Janet, enjoy your refresh and hope you got some sleep.

    Diane, I suppose you are in high gear getting ready for departure.

    Suzi, where will your next adventure take you?
