OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. We are finally on the road! Today was mostly just a road day with a brief stop at Cuyahoga Valley NP in Ohio and then on to a state park up on Lake Erie for the night. tomorrow is another mostly road day up to Pictures Rocks national Lakeshore.

    Cindy glad you had a great of day with lots of networking even if you didn't sell too many books. I hate it when people drive who shouldn't!

    Janet glad the sun is out. We drove through some rain today though not as much as we had thought we would.

    Patti hope you had a great day with mom! Or is that tomorrow?

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Oops. Hit post before I was done.

    Karla I love seeing the pictures of all your grandkids. I want to be close to mine like you are to yours.

    Bert yes John made all the cabinets. 14 for the kitchen, 8 for the utility room and 3 for the mudroom. He figur d it is about $20k of cabinets. He spent about $5k on materials.

    Suzi I hope you are off having fun somewhere!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late check in. It has been a busy Monday. Returned some gifts from my DIL and then was on the hunt for seat cushions for my swing and glider. Both non standard sizes it seems. Will check the Christmas tree shop before work on Wednesday and the give up. Used some birthday money from mom to buy a vacuum sealer (wish I had it when I did the peaches). Work was interesting. The two "know nothings" that I work with had to man the cutting counter together as I was at the register. It was actually nice not to have to work with either of them for a change. I ran my legs off doing returns but that is a nice solitary job, lol.

    Diane, anxiously waiting for your travelogue and pictures.

    Janet, I can usually do most Monday's (when I am not brain dead and forget) Wednesday's and Thursday's. Let me know what days are good for you. Thanks for giving me a second chance and is can promise you I will remember this time!

    Cindy, so happy you enjoyed your weekend and made some connections.

    Bert, prayers for your friend, how scary for her. Hope the damage was minimal. Glad you are going to visit her.

    My BFF is having her rotator cuff surgery July 14th. I wish she didn't have to go through this but I will be there for whatever she needs. Her husband is 80 but healthy and can heat food and do dishes.

    Time to shut down
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Short, late check in to let you know I'm here and have been lurking, but not posting because I haven't managed to get here until late. Jessi and I are traveling in SW OK and will join Dave and the dogs tomorrow evening at the lake. Red letter day gang. I left burger on the plate and ice cream in the dish at a place famous for both tonight at supper!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi ladies-
    Very odd Monday and woke up just after midnight coughing - like an asthma cough- dug to find my inhaler and drank tea with honey but still didn't sleep well the rest of the night. So today- bone tired.
    Glad to see everyone check in.
    Patti- when do you hit the road to the cabin.
    Diane- so glad the trip is starting out finally. Enjoy each moment and take lots of pictures.
    Janet- hopefully the insurance will pay for your PT. How does the ankle feel? Do you see/feel a difference?
    Suzi- ^5 leaving ice cream and burger- I'm impressed.
    Bert- Enjoy the visit with your friend. Drive carefully.
    Karla- Is another storm headed your day? I see something brewing but didn't really catch all the details.
    Off to be marketing czarina-
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Tuesday. Glenn and I have been working on our road trip itinerary and not getting very far. I have to work on it again tonight and tomorrow. Plus I have the invitations to get out for his retirement gathering. But it's all good.

    It seems like Colorado is an outdoorsy kind of State with hiking and waterfalls and such. I am not into that sort of thing at this time, so I am trying to find a fit for us. lol. I do like waterfalls, but it will be hot in August, I presume, and Glenn and I are not in the best of physical shape, I am ashamed to say. So we have to play that by ear.

    Glenn had to cancel his colonoscopy for Thursday, as he has been taking aspirin for his tailbone injury. When I received the instructions on his prep, there that was listed, no aspirin for 10 days prior, and here we were 3 days until surgery. The nurse never mailed us the instructions two weeks ago like she said. I had her fax them yesterday. The good thing is, he is going to this same doctor for the tail bone injury tomorrow afternoon. He was sitting in the hammock chair we brought back from Mexico and it fell and he went straight down on his butt on the ceramic tile back porch. His poor butt!! It's been two weeks and it is still very sore, I'm glad he is getting it looked at.

    Diane- I am so very glad you are on the road to pure happiness. Unlike me, John and you are big hikers!! You will enjoy all the parks and canyons. Be safe and relax!! The cabinets were beautiful and he saved them a fortune.

    Bert - Keep us posted on your friend and your newest church musical.

    Patti- Please keep your next visit with Janet. LOL

    Cindy- I loved your table setup. So sweet and inviting. I'm sorry you had a bad evening. It makes for a bad day. Take it easy tonight.

    I'm searching out some events and trying to find some county fairs or festivals and even trying to get us a play along the way of our trip. Glenn loves us to go to plays, and so do I. We both sat for a couple hours last night researching Denver and Steamboat Springs, Colorado and then New Mexico. We are nervous to be gone during hurricane season from our house. Everyone is saying we think we will take a hit this year. This year is the re-using of the names from Katrina!!

    I better get going. Back to the podiatry office today and then home tomorrow. I am meeting a couple ladies this afternoon. One to pick up some shorts for Izzy and another to look at two designer purses for me. One is a Fossil purse and the other is a Neiman Marcus purse I am thinking I will like the Neiman Marcus purse, never had one of those!!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to the hospital this morning. My good friend and former principal was admitted last night. She is the one who has ovarian cancer. She's been through the ringer and may face surgery in her bowels. She also was in the hospital last week for pneumonia. Please pray for her,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Up and at em here. Going to Mom's. Her kitchen sink got stopped up on Friday and since the apartment doesn't consider that an emergency she had to wait until yesterday for them to take a look at it. Then they had to call a plumber and I haven't heard back from her. The bad thing is the water backed up into the dishwasher and then drained onto the floor. She didn't know it until she stepped into the kitchen, slipped and fell. Only bruised thank goodness. On a better note I think we have her meds adjusted correctly now for her blood pressure and she is feeling much better. Plus her eyes are clear most of the time without any drops.
    I wish I could get her to the cabin but she just doesn't want to go. Especially if there is a crowd. Too many people overwhelm her, especially when she is outside her comfort zone in an unfamiliar place. I think the two hour drive is too much for her too. I will ask again in the fall if she would like to go on a day when it is just us and no company, but will respect a no from her.

    Karla, I love Colorado but I am an outdoors person and agree that the best things to do there are outdoors. Choose where you will have the most fun. You need not worry about me making my next lunch date with Janet, I am still feeling horrible that I missed the last one so will not repeat that mistake!

    Cindy, hope your cough and poor sleep were a one time thing. My mom swears by mixing vinegar and honey as a cough medicine but hope you don't need any.

    Janet, hope your housecleaner is better. Can't imagine what a nice luxury that would be. I just can't justify spending the money when I am able to do it physically and have the time (when I feel like it, lol)

    Bert, special prayers for your friend. Such a rough time she is having.

    Suzi, thanks for stopping by. So proud of your leaving the burger and ice cream on the plate. Bet you enjoyed every bite before that. Safe travels and have lots of fun.

    Better get to Mom's.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - I know you feel bad about it, especially since she was all the way to Cinncinatti and had that bad turnaround experience, but things happen and you guys can reschedule. I meant it as a joke to you my dear. Sorry about your mom's fall, but great news on her eyes. Those injections really do help.

    Bert - So sorry about your friends. Two of them having such tough times. When our friends hurt, we hurt.

    I am so bored at work. I am working on a repetive project that is so very boring.

    We are having the first supper BBQ club at our house this Saturday with us four couples that went on the cruise. It's going to be so fun. Adult time!!

    I'm worried about JJ. They are testing him for diabetes as he is overweight. Jason went through an overweight time in his teens and wasn't, so I am praying for that.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Happy Hump Day- I guess it doesn't mean as much to those of you who are retired, but to this working chick I'm one day closer to some much needed time off. I'm in a slump and so tired of being at the office and dealing with the nonsense.
    I'm half way thru the edit on the new book.
    I've been able to make and enjoy salads for lunches and dinners for the last few days and cutting down the carbs so feeling good.
    How is everyone doing- everyone must be super busy these days as posts are light.
    Need to run- but I'll be back.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and yes, I still participate in the HUMP day my dear Cindy. I have a list in my mind, fixing to put on paper, of accomplishments I want to achieve today. Here they are in priority order:

    1. finish the Toy Story thorw that is already 3/4 complete.
    2. setup federal tax payments.
    3. setup state tax payments
    4. address at least 10 retirement notices to mail.
    5. make list of ingredients for Saturday's supper club bbq.
    6.. complete podiatry daily transmissions.
    7.. go to Post Office.
    8.. go to grocery store.
    9. work on road trip reservations.
    10. Be ready at 2;30 to go to the doctor with Glenn.

    It sounds like a lot but some items only take a couple minutes. I will get it all done. It is early and I am motivated.

    Janet - Your cleaning lady has some sore of permanent condition, doesn't she? Or was that the cat friend? I hope she can come today. I know you are like me in loving a pristine home.

    I better get going on my tasks. I love my days at home. Friday I will be going to get Brittany and Braden, the baby. He is up to 12 pounds now.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My friend is doing better. I visited her yesterday and it was very chaotic with the doctors. I think the problem is lack of knowledge of her cancer history. She was in last week for pneumonia and wasn't getting any better. She texted this morning and said she was doing better. They have moved her into a different room and the doctors are having a conference call with her cancer doctor. I feel so bad for her family as the ER doctors told them so many things, and one told them if she had to have surgery, she may not be strong enough to withstand it. I'm going to visit her this afternoon as well as visit my other friend who had a heart attack. What an emotional week!

    I'm taking a walk at some point today, but I will spend most of my time sanding the new door and casings to prepare to prime it and paint it. I'm also taking my first try at staining a door. Does anyone have any good tips?

    Karla: So sorry about Glen's tail bone. I've heard that is very painful.

    Patti: Sometimes it's nice to be away from co-workers. I ate by myself many times at school as I didn't want to be part of the "drama". I definitely stayed away from the teacher's lounge.

    Diane: My bathroom cabinets and countertop are almost $3K. Your're SO LUCKY that John can do all that.

    Eating has been ok, but not exactly on point. I'm trying....

    Waving at Cindy, Janet, and Suzi.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member

    I am a list maker too. I have a list of things to take to the cabin from home, a list for Christmas Tree shop, grocery list and list of meals for the long weekend all in front of me right now. I think they are nearly complete. Today will be another busy one. Lunch with the girls at a new to us restaurant called Bucket of Nails. New fashioned Old English pub style, lots of grilled and blackened fish and seafood choices along with the usual fish and chips. Then hair appointment for stripe removal and shaping of my new mop of curls. Followed by shopping before I go to work.
    Yesterday was delightful with Mom. She is so funny and smart, always on top of the news both locally and nationally. We always spend some time talking about memories of her childhood and mine. Have learned so much about her that I didn't know before. I was having a lot of knee pain yesterday and was tempted to skip TRX but really pushed myself to go. Groaned out loud when he announced it was a total lower body workout and was afraid I wouldn't make it. But I did it ALL and my knee actually felt better. Then we had a delicious dinner of lime pepper grilled shrimp, fresh steamed green beans and garlic brown rice with quinoa.

    Karla, hope all goes well for Glenn at his dr visit and that his tailbone is just bruised. Your BBQ supper club sounds like fun. Sort of like our communal meals at the cabin.

    Bert, on staining the door, less is more. Don't saturate your cloth, I use cotton rags, and use long strokes. Wipe excess with another cloth. Do not let it sit and soak in as this leads to blotchiness. You can always go over the same areas again if you want the color darker. Practice on a scrap of wood to see the actual color if you have one. Prayers continue for your friends, I am sure your visits bring them joy.

    Cindy, you are moving right along on the next book. I am so in love with the current book. Enjoy your LR time, you have earned it.

    Janet, hope you had your windows open yesterday, it was so pleasant here yesterday. Did your housekeeper make it today?

    Suzi and Diane, enjoy your travels and be safe.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Quick check in and update. Four things marked off my list and working on the envelopes next. Throw complete, Federal and State taxes done, and Podiatry billing just completed.

    Bert - I am so sorry about your friends. A good friend of mine once said we spend the first half of our lives saying hello to our friends, and the last half saying goodbye. I did not care for this saying. One of the sweetest nurses at my family practice clincs had a massive MI yesterday and is in critical condition. We are all praying for her. Geez, cabinets are so expensive. You almost paid as much for a few bathroom cabinets as John paid to make the whole kitchen, laundry and mud room.

    I've been meaning to ask what is a mud room? lol A utility room? work room?

    Patti- You sound like my father and I when we are together talking of old times. We laugh and wonder how we got through all the teenage years with four teenagers at one time. You really do push yourself. Do you go to lunch once a week with your friends? Seems like you go quite often. How fun. Glenn would love the new Pub place.

    I better get back on task,

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi - cleaner came today. She had a respiratory thing (not permanent) and I didn't have her do a full clean because she still isn't back full strength. Her regular day is next week, so no problem.

    Bert, praying for both of your friends. They are lucky to have such a caring friend and I know you are lucky to have them in your life too.

    Cindy, I still mentally mark days of the week, and weekends still mean something to me. When I was working, there was rarely a weekend when I didn't have to do several hours of work (in 34 years, I easily worked 50+ years with of "40-hour" weeks, no overtime pay ever - one reason I felt no guilt about walking early).

    Karla, your to-do list is always full but you've had a very productive day even early. Is the retirement party something the company is sponsoring or something you are doing for your beloved? Fingers crossed for JJ - is he experiencing any symptoms? Many kids go through a chunky phase the they grow out of (my brother did - I never did!). Prayers for your friend too.

    Yes, Colorado is an outdoorsy place but driving through the mountains in summer is sheer joy, especially with a picnic lunch. There are lovely resorts with spas and such - Wyndham must have several. I was there a zillion times when Tony and i were together and you know I'm no hiker or skier - but just seeing the

    Diane, you took Charly right through my home area - grew up in Toledo. Your adventures are just beginning.

    Suzi, how fun that you and Jessi get a trip. And a huge "Huzzah!!!!" for your restraint on both the burger and ice cream.

    Patti, how about Wednesday the 12th? I could probably also do Thursday the 13th but Wednesday is a bit better for me. If not then, we can check the week after. So happy you and your mom have such lively times together - any progress getting her to agree to at least some sitting' time at the cabin?

    My digestive system is a bit wonky again, so will have nothing but maybe yogurt and protein shakes today. I think stress is at play. I've been feeling pulled in many directions lately and rarely have even a full hour of quiet time. It shouldn't take me there hours to watch one TV show. I'll have quiet time in the car to/from my best friend's on the 3rd and 4th, and there will be little kids to hug and fireworks to watch. One good friend just lost her job of 30 years (downsizing) and I've been helping her tweak her resume and explore medical insurance options - she is lucky to have early access to a retiree health plan and will be paid through January.

    Tomorrow evening should be fun. I've recently been added as an admin on my subdivision's Facebook group (by a neighbor) and all the admins are getting together for dinner. I've only met one, but we all get along swimmingly online - a range of ages from one who just had a baby to grandmothers. They all seem kind, funny and smart so it'll be nice to giggle together. There was some big drama in the group last night so we're bonding over the "what do do" stuff. I'll try to make good choices.

    I've been having serious chats with myself about caving to whim and getting consistent again about better choices. (Sound familiar?) We can do this! Suzi, you're my role model these days.

    Hugs to all - pardon me i I am a bit quiet for a few days - this introvert is in need of a bit more downtime.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, a mud room is a northern thing, sort of a casual entryway, where there are often coathooks or pegs and where people leave their rain/snowboots.

    Most homes are too small to have one - it's an upscale phenomenon. You can find enviable pics if you Google.

    My system is settling down a bit but eating anything beyond a yogurt is not on my radar. It's probably a blessing in disguise!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late check in. New restaurant was just okay,nothing to rave about. I might give it another go and try something different. The clam chowder was too thick and had more potatoes than clams. I am very picky when it comes to chowder. The blackened whitefish Po boy was served on a chiabata roll.....seriously wrong.....topped with a tasteless finely grated slaw with an anemic slice of tomato! Karla, you would have cringed at the entire mess. It was as far from a Po boy as it is from here to NOLA, lol. Had an interesting conversation with the "do nothing" I work with every Wednesday. She asked me "How can you be so nice to everyone?". I explained why I am nice and how it makes me feel to make others happy. Then I asked her "Why aren't you nice to people?" (She did open the door for this) I won't bore you with the rest of the interchange but I did take this opportunity to let her know that her bad attitude and rude behavior is noticed by the customers. Don't think I made a difference but at least I said my piece and all at her behest. I felt better, lol.

    Karla, my GFs and I have been trying to meet every week for lunch since my one friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. Before that we met monthly. You did great on your to do list for sure. How did Glenn do at the Drs?

    Janet, how about Wed the 19th. The 12th is the last lunch with my GFs before one of them has rotator cuff surgery on the 14th and she wants to hit that wonderful Asian restaurant for her "last supper". I am an extreme extrovert but have moment when I would kill for some solitude. Do take yours!

    I had the best shopping trip at the Christmas Tree Shop. Spent the last of my birthday money from mom and got cushions for my swing and glider, cushioned floor matte for my kitchen and 2 really nice beach towels. Can't wait to call her in the morning and thank her for my gifts.

    Good night all

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, sorry - the 19th is out for me. What other days might work for you?
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I've made a decision. I have an appointment with a local hypnotherapist one on one- she isn't into pills or other stuff some like you to take but has successfully used hypnosis herself for WL and some other issues.
    It was hard to come to this decision but as you know I've been stress eating for a couple of years now and I need to learn how to deal with the stress and not cave to mindless eating. My regular therapist felt this was a good addition to what we are doing. My first appointment is on the 17th and will last two hours- the remaining 2/3 sessions are an hour each. I'm assuming if I need a refresher I can always go back. A friend is doing this at a center and I did go with her one evening but it was an hour away- 90 minutes there and an hour home. Just way too much time when I'm in the office at 7 AM. I'll let you know how it goes- I figure with all the money I spent at WW and others over the years this is a small investment and who knows I may gain clarity in other areas. It certainly can't hurt and at least I get to RELAX for from time to time. :)
    Janet- take what time you need. We're here when you return.
    Bert- How's your friend, better I hope.
    Patti- Glad you mom got you some lovely things for your bday- ;)
    Karla- You and dear Glenn will have a wonderful time- enjoy every moment of your trip
    Diane- I know you're on the road but wanted to say Have fun today.
    Suzi- are you tulip tripping soon?
    Need to zip along- Its the last day of work until the 10th- I'll have some quiet time as Rick has to work some OT during our vacation - he can't ever say No and I'm ok with that.
    Anyway- later gator girls
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Greg and Carrie's 15th Wedding anniversary. They've been together for 26 years! How time flies. My friend is so much better. I went to visit her yesterday and she is back to her old self. The ER gave her and all of us a huge scare. She may get to go home today. Her cancer numbers are good, too. My other friend, who had a heart attack last Friday, went home yesterday evening. God is good and definitely answered prayers.

    Janet: I wish we had a mud room. We enter our family room from the garage and the laundry facilties are in the garage. I've always wanted a laundry/mud room.

    I better get working on painting woodwork and trying my attempt at staining. Have a great day, everyone!
