OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, ladies. I've been MIA. We had a massive storm go through and we lost power for 48 hours. It finally came on last night. Need to run to get things ready for church and the show tonight. I'll check in later.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, wow. Glad power is back but there's never a good time for that to happen.

    Karla, how is Glenn's frame of mind? Loved the pic of JJ in the pool.

    Patti, prayers for your friend - unconscionable for the surgeon not to check in. I can empathize with her, based on my three days in rehab heck after my foot surgery. Hope she gets relief and her husband gives somebody an earful.

    Cindy, how was your LR day?

    Diane and Suzi, miss you both!

    Not much to report here. Staying way busy here and next week is full to the brim, starting with Monday's Patti lunch. Tuesday I have primary care visit, PT and manicure. House gets cleaned Wednesday and I think I may leave for SC early Friday for a few days. My friend's going through a very stressful patch (totally justified) and maybe I can make him laugh, with beneficial side effects of road trip and being away from feeling guilty about the house.

    OK, got get on with it. Hugs to all!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. Nice mellow day here. Cleaned up around the home, straightened Izzy's room mostly. Glenn, JJ and I played the new family feud board game. It was fun. I baked a pineapple upside down cake and took it over to my friend Linda, only to find out she was in ICU in the hospital! She had outpatient foot surgery yesterday morning and last night had breathing issues and was rushed in. Reaction to the anesthesia.

    JJ and I just watched a comedy special, so funny.

    I am proud to report I have been tracking and drinking water all day. I have to set an example for Glenn. He asked me this morning after I made his breakfast, aren't you eating? I replied " no, I'm unhappy with my appearance and my own reflux issues, so I am watching my intake and increasing my water". I noticed he isn't snacking so much either. I haven't hit 1000 calories yet and it is 9:50p. It seems like I am one extreme or the other. But I am not hungry.

    Patti- Prayers for your friend. You and Janet have fun.

    Janet- I hope you go to SC to visit your guy friend too. Good for the soul. When is he going to come visit you?

    Bert- Two days without power in this heat? Ouch! Glenn and I are worried that a storm may come up while we are traveling next month.

    Tomorrow I want to start back in the DVD world. I know Leslie Sansone has been missing me!! I also want to sew!

    This week I have dental cleaning and seeing my GYN doctor about my bone density, plus keeping grandkids two days. Plus I need to order my new glasses.

    Cindy- I got your two packages. Thank you. How is your weekend?

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sitting on my deck and enjoying a moment of peace. My friend was released yesterday morning and is doing very well. I Don't think she remembers anything about the agonizing pain she had in recovery. Versed is good for that! Waiting for to call me when she wakes up. Have been talking to her daughter who is staying with. I had a beautiful drive to the cabin yesterday afternoon. Mild temps, overcast skies make for the perfect top down ride. Then my DIL cut the end of her thumb off with her new mandolin slicer! So off to the er we went. The closest hospital is about 30 minutes away. Edd got her there in 15! They sewed it back on and we got back around 9pm. The neighbors, bless their souls, held dinner for us and it was super yummy! DIL was doing well, enjoying post dinner conversation and company when a pinch bug went down her shirt and bit her! Poor girl. She is doing much better this morning.

    So looking forward to lunch tomorrow with Janet. We are trying a new place called CoreLife. Healthy, organic, locally sourced. We will let you know. I am more excited about the company than the food though.

    Karla, I know Leslie will be so happy to see you again. Just start slow. 30 minutes 3 times a week and then add on. I am going to get back to clean eating. Cutting out sugar, processed foods and get back to tracking. My exercise will continue as it has but that is about strength not weight loss for me. We can do this, we just need to get back that focus we had when we started last time.
    Cindy, got my mug. I just love the black and purple.

    Waving hi to you all. Back to my birds
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and welcome to another great day around the Mitchell home. Glenn and I have had a slow morning of laying in bed watching movies. I just had my egg white omelet and am moving to the sewing room.

    Patti- You are correct. Start slow and get back to clean eating. It is the key. No processed foods is a must, and no sugar! I have got to get the weight off of Glenn also. We are making a grid to put on the wall by our treadmill and having some activity there also. He prefers that and I prefer the dvds. The focus and the determination is the hardest part. I did really well yesterday. Tracking and drinking the water. Yes!! My tummy is feeling great and no reflux! Yes, the company always makes the meal! Have fun.

    I best go, as JJ just got up and I need to get in the office/sewing room. We will play another game of Family Feud today too. It is really fun.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Update: Mission accomplished!! I did a 30 minute DVD Leslie Sansone workout!! Yes!! Very proud of myself indeed. Two days tracking, two days over 72 ounces of water and one day down of a dvd structured exercise. Thank you Jesus!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good job Karla!

    The hits just keep on coming in my neck of the woods. DIL in a lot of pain so I drove her and her dogs home so don could finish his projects at the cabin. Got home to find the neighbor's walnut tree fell on our back fence. Just lad it was not our huge maple cuz that would have not been pretty. It is always something, but nothing a chain saw can't fix. That and a new fence, lol.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Sorry about DIL and your fence.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, hope your DIL is doing better. My mandoline scares me a bit, for that reason. Glad Edd land-flew her to ER. Bummer about the fence, but at least no people or animals got hurt. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

    Karla, glad you had a more leisurely weekend. Is this version of Family Feud a video game or board game? Sounds fun.

    Bert, how did opening night go?

    Very little sleep last night but got a 90-minute nap. Watched "Loving" last night and recommend it highly. A quiet film, understated but with gorgeous performances, about something important. I feel shame that even in out lifetime, interracial marriage was against the law and some states fought to keep it that way.

    Tomorrow is absolute Back On It In A Major Way, No Excuses Day. Glad we're eating at a place where I can go produce-primary.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Monday and day Three of my back to reality of health eating and exercising. My body is feeling SOOOO much better and lighter already. LOL.

    I have a pain in my neck from sleeping incorrectly yesterday morning. Glenn massaged it last night, but still hurts this morning. I have to work today, but off the next two days with Jakob back over, Izzy and JJ. The city has reopened the new state of art playground, and I think will take them Wednesday with a picnic too. Rainy tomorrow. Fun times.

    Janet - It is so difficult to get that focus back completely. It has taken be quite a while, but I think I have it now. Maybe it was a wake up call when we got Glenn's test done, I don't know. Have fun today with Patti. I wish I lived close enough to meet you on a regular basis like that.

    My son will be back in town tomorrow. I have missed him so much. Have a great day and try and focus on what is good for you today.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Time with Mom was great-I was sorry to see her go- we both cried.
    I got Magic off to my GF for a beta read- so making good progress.
    I agree with everyone back to clean eating and moving how we each can to the best of our ability. I have the hypnosis tonight at 5:15- I'll give details tomorrow.
    Patti- you've had a bit of an uphevel lately- Hope DIL, fence and Friend all get on the mend and fast.
    Karla- prayers for Glenn- and don't borrow trouble regarding his dad's history. Say HI to Leslie for me... ;)
    Janet- a road trip sounds lovely AND enjoy lunch with Patti today- wish I was there too.
    Bert- 48 hours with no electric- yuck, how was the performance?
    Diane and Suzi- waving hello

    Busy Monday but I'll be back.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop, just got home from lunch with Janet. Time just flew and we never stopped talking, even after we were in our cars to leave. What a lovely way to start my day. The food was delicious and healthy, or at least it seemed so. Was more involved in my time with her. If you think she sounds gracious, smart, funny and charming here you she is even more so in person. Now time to think about getting ready for work Edd tried to guilt me in to helping with the tree trimming.....well not really but he did ask, lol. Will have a big old smile on my face that even the little idiots I work with cannot wipe off.

    Until later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Glad you had a good visit and lunch. Also glad you didn't cave in and help Edd when you have to work this evening after your drive. You are always on the run lady. How is your DIL?

    Day three going well, much rather be home with my grandkids than at work, but I like my mad money, lol. I have picked up some cute things on the resale site VarageSale. An awesome green purse with matching green shoes from JV Penneys, and a beautiful knited banket, sleeper and burping pad for my great nephew and some black Chico's sandals.

    I am at my doctors office now about my bone medicine and then going to order glasses.

    Then pick up Izzy for two days!! Yeaaa!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi - Lunch with Patti was great fun, as always. And i can tell you that her new perm looks spectacular - soft and chic. We talked our heads off, as she said, and laughed a LOT.

    We ate at a place called CoreLife - a small chain (mostly out east) specializing in healthy choices. We each had a tasty bowl. My only criticism of the food was the lack of lower-calorie dressing options an calorie-free beverages (water is fine but unsweetened iced tea would've been lovely, but my meal still came in under 450 calories and was filling.

    Patti, smart woman, letting Edd be the chainsaw king. So glad he's recovering well form his hernia surgery and is a perfectly compliant patient. It does make a difference.

    Karla, did your doc suggest something else for your osteopenia? IT sounds like you found some good bargains, and two days with Izzy will be nonstop joy. You're kind to buy baby stuff - I know the kids appreciate it, and you.

    Tomorrow's a busy day here primary care, PT, manicure will occupy most of the day. Still contemplating an SC trip to hang out with someone who knows me really well and loves me anyway. I am grateful every day for my friends!

    OK, time to do a few things here, like laundry. Have a great evening. Waving hello to Bert, Cindy, Suzi & Diane too.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening friends. Day three of healthy eating, drinking water and exercise. Even with in-site working. I completed the same Lesley Sansone DVD fast walk late this evening. Just felt like doing it. I ordered the most darling glasses today! I love them. They are big, round and colorful, designer glasses. They just got them in and even come with polarized clip on shades! How cool. They remind me of John Lennon, but larger and with speckled color. Especially turquoise and gold. Can't wait to get them. They were pricey, but we have the FSA card to pick up our portion. Then I went to the doctor about my osteopenia and we are going to do the Reclast infusion. They took blood today to ensure my calcium level is high enough, which it was when checked in March. You only have this done every two years and avoid the gastric issues.

    Prepping house for the cleaning ladies, but in good shape here.

    Grandkids all in from night swim and I'm setting up my new kindle. I bought three new kindles on Amazon prime day, lol. What a sale they had going.

    Janet and Patti- So glad you met and had a wonderful time.

    Be glad when out travelers are back, probably about the time I leave..

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi ladies-
    The hypnosis last night was very interesting- it took one hour of talking about "my plan" than an hour of the session- very relaxing and calming. I feel great today and looking forward to seeing how the day progresses. We also worked on building a "bubble" to avoid the stress I can deal with at home- last night it seemed to work.
    I go back in two weeks- this is a 3-4 visit thing and it will cost less than some of the other stuff I've done in the past few years. I'm in control of me.
    And I'm not clucking like a chicken... lol
    Patti and Janet- so glad you enjoyed lunch and time with each other.
    Janet- WE know you are worth so much more than most- share yourself with the world.
    Karla- the glasses sound perfect for you. Have fun with Izzy - how is Glenn feeling?
    Bert- How are your friends feeling- better I hope.
    Diane and Suzi- waving....
    Need to run- have to write a paper for the boss man.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, I really like the 3-4 visit thing. Might look into hypnosis here as well, for both food and stress. It did help some 25 years ago and might again.

    A quick hello from primary care office, waiting to get the second kind of pneumonia shot. Bloodwork all looks fine and they will draw a bit more so I can see a rheumatologist about my hands. An orthopedist says last year he's pretty sure I have it and I'm sure he's right. Autoimmune conditions are annoying! Up soon: bone density scan and mammogram. Also dermatologist, just because I last saw one in 1994.

    Blue dot yesterday. My brain feels better about saying no today - just need to keep working that muscle every day.

    OK, vampire time, PT later, then manicure, which I certainly will have earned by then!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies. It's been a busy weekend and beginning of the week. I took Molly to the vet yesterday as she developed a deep cough. As we suspected, it was probably due to the excessive panting from not air conditioning. She may have a touch of bronchitis, too. I also went to the grocery store yesterday to replenish fridge/freezer items. Spent quite a bit yesterday.

    The show has been a huge success. All three performances were sold out, and it looks like it's going to be the same this weekend. We are taking Jillian Friday night, so I'll have a chance to see it rather that working it!

    Today I had a temporary crown put in. I also cleaned the pool and it doesn't look too bad. That's a plus. The insurance adjustor was just here and said our roof was fine. What a relief. Our house is on an angle and is the brunt of many storms.

    Have a good evening, everyone.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, just got home from mom's and a lovely visit as always. Got a lot of paperwork done for her new dr visit next week. She has been having so much trouble with her blood pressure being low to the point of her nearly passing out. I had her stop her diuretic last week and so far so good. Will be so happy to have her with a good dr. Now to get my behind back to the gym. I have not gone in 2 weeks. Hope I can get through it, lol. I am sure my trainer will show no mercy!

    Cindy, got my book yesterday, thank you. Now my set is complete until the next one comes out. So excited for you and your hypnosis sessions, I just know they will work.

    Janet, good news on the blood work. So hoping you get that trip in to SC. I know how much good it will do for him and for you!

    Karla, retail queen! You will have to post a pic of you in your new glasses when you get them. Hope the recast is the answer for you.

    Bert, so excited for you to watch the production with Jillian. Seeing it through her eyes will be the way to do it.

    Waving a big hi and missing Suzi and Diane.

    My friend is doing so well. Little pain but therapy starts tomorrow. We will be going over on Thursday and taking lunch. I want to get a meatloaf made and some chicken enchiladas to take.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Friends-
    yesterday was the BEST day I've had on plan in MONTHS- I feel good about me when I woke up this morning I'm a little concerned lunch might be light on protein but I have a small pack of silvered almonds I can munch on during lunch to help keep be satiated for the afternoon- I had ZERO snacks- just 3 meals. Doing the happy dance.
    Patti- glad you got the book and hopefully you'll have book 7 by the end of the year. Don't forget to post a pic on social media with your coffee cu- maybe even have the book cover in the picture too ;)
    Janet- a girl across the hall from me at work, well her friend used it for smoking and after session 1 never smoked again. I think part of it is strong motivation to deal with our issues. Just gives an extra boost of support. Have you decided to do the road trip to SC?
    Bert- enjoy the show from the audience side of the curtain- time spent with your precious girl is wonderful.
    Karla- I've often wondered how close does Izzy live to you and is she your son's daughter? She looks so much like you. She's a mini Karla. How's Glenn?
    Waving to all who are peeking in.
    Have a fun day-

    Oh and my step-son and his wife will have their baby any day now. She's been having contractions and sees the doctor at 9 today- if nothing else a C-Section is scheduled for Monday.
    AND- Rick is done with marriage counseling. So I'm mulling on that I see my therapist today.
    Anyway, until later