OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, the plans sound great for the party. Such fun ideas.
    I hope you don't mind my 2 cents worth on the Reclast. I have done a lot of reading since you mentioned you were considering it. It is for the treatment of osteoporosis, not osteopenia. It has some very nasty side affects and there is no way to remove it from the body if you develop any of the side affects, worst being kidney disease. It stays in your body for at least a year and there is no way to check levels of reclast before another infusion is given. I am glad that they held off because of your creatinine. Anyway, the decision is yours I was just concerned that this treatment is being considered for your osteopenia. Nurse Patti out.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Good news on your mother's new doctor, you doctor too. Those injections will maintain her eye and keep the seepage down. My dad has them every three months now.

    Janet- His company did organize the luncheon today. He received a nice acrylic plaque, cup and hat also. Gone are the big fancy retirement parties from most companies. Did Humana cater you a big party when you left? I guess it varies per company. The Coast Guard did do my first husband a nice luncheon. I reason I wanted to do a separate dinner is for family and many already retired friends of his that couldn't go to the one today. I have 51 confirmed guests now.

    Tired and looking to watch Nashville and relax. Home tomorrow but many things I want to do. #1 is a pedicure!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is hair cut day. Then I'm going shopping for the first time in I don't know how long. I plan to enjoy my day. Church responsibilities, other than weekly Power Point service slides, are over for a while, so I'm able to breathe! It's supposed to be a nice weekend as well.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited July 2017
    Welcome to Friday! Going to the gym in a few for Zumba/Pilates then home to pack my clothes and the cooler. We are supposed to have beautiful weather but they are bringing the river level up by 3 or 4 feet. This might mean we have to take the docks out. Sure hope not. Baby shower on Sunday before we head back home. Good news for my son, he found out what was wrong with his boat and he and Edd got it fixed yesterday. He plans to put it on a very small lake that is up the street from us here in town and try it out before it goes back to the river. TRX last night was chock full of some new exercises and lots of kettle bells. I love it when he tries out new moves. I wish he taught more classes, his military style suits me and keeps me focused on proper form. He just completed his ACE certification which is a huge deal for anyone in the fitness world. He still works a full time job, some sort of accounting at the AF as a civilian.

    Karla, I am hoping we get to a maintenance schedule for Mom. She had 3 in a row then her eye was completely dry for 7 months so he did not give her any shots. This time the bleeding was in a different area so she has had 2 shots and we go back in a month.

    Janet, I know you are on the road but I am sending out safe vibes for your travel. I am so thrilled, as I know your friend is, that you are able to come back again. I know it will be the perfect mini vacay for you both.

    Cindy, happy LR day!

    Bert, enjoy your retail therapy. I haven't shopped for me in so long. Just hate buying clothes, other than t shirts and workout wear, at this weight. Too bad I'm not a clothes hound, maybe that would get me motivated to get this weight off.

    Suzi and Diane, am really enjoying all your photos from your travels. You are both great photographers. Diane I would love to have that photo of the Milky Way, any chance you would be willing to share. I can see it matted and framed in my house. I really think you have some photos that could be sold, I would gladly pay!

    Time to lace up the sneakers and go get my dance on.
    Wishing you all a spectacular weekend and beyond

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    It was a busy day-
    Em closed on her house and I'll be heading over there shortly to clean - she had to go to work for a few hours but its super cute. Rick's going to shampoo carpets for her tonight.
    Tomorrow is Rick's sister and hubby 50 year anniversary party. It should be really nice and then Sunday we're picking up the grands and taking them to the Emoji movie before she had back home to her Mom's then one week of work and a week off. Rough day at the office yesterday and I really needed today.
    Magic in the rain is with the copy editor and it should be ready for set by Sept 1- Im looking to release around Thanksgiving and the cover looks amazing.
    I've started writing a trilogy about three sisters and once I get those going I'm going to start writing the Crystal Lake series. I have so much I want to write and so few hours but I jam in what I can. As of today I have two chapter written in book on of the new series.
    Once I release Magic in the Rain I'm going to see if people think the series is unfinished so far one beta readers says it needs another book and the other thinks its wrapped up nicely- so I'm just not sure.
    food wise- doing great. I go back on Monday for another 1 hour session - I can tell you having my food plan in place in my head was a boon for this past almost two weeks of success.
    Janet - safe travels dear friend
    Patti- so glad Mom is well and I understand her being afraid of falling- I worry about my mom too.
    Bert- hope the new counter comes in soon. How's the haircut?
    Karla- the party sounds like a lot of fun and I hope you post pics of the upcoming trip. Tell Glenn congrats for me....
    Suzi and Diana- hope life on the road is a blast.
    OK- need to get this booty in gear.
    I'll touch base tomorrow as I'll have a few hours to write.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was a good day. I got a couple of towels for the bathroom (when it finally get finished) and spent time with Carrie, Jillian, and Cole. Today, I will get church worship slides done, and tonight is our monthly Euchre Club with church friends.

    Patti: I didn't shop for clothes for me.....I feel the same way you do. Hate to shop for clothes other than work out things. I did get a couple of bathing suit tops that were on sale.

    Cindy: I went to the shop for my 10:00 appointment, only to find out that my hairdresser quit two weeks ago! Needless to say, I wasn't happy, but did get a different hairdresser who did a nice job. All in all, it doesn't matter who my hairdresser is as long as I get a good cut. I did text my former hairdresser, but she didn't reply. Rude if you ask me.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be another beautiful morning today. I'll be helping Mike outside after church to burn the tree limbs lost from the storm a couple of weeks ago. I'll also get in the pool today! I'm looking forward to spending a day at home after going to church.

    I went to see my friend/principal yesterday. The cancer has spread and she will no longer be taking her monthly chemo pill. No one is sure how long she has. I'm simply devastated. I pray that they can find something else that will help her. She's fought for 3 1/2 years. :'(

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Greetings from the cabin. It has been a gorgeous weekend filled with friendship, good food and some adult beverages, lol. River is rising so we took the boats out last night before dinner. We are staying until tomorrow, when the river will crest, to keep the debris cleared off the dock. It is a constant battle- man vs mother nature and the corp of engineers!

    Will try to stop by before work tomorrow but depends on when we are able to get home.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello from the road! Today we arrived here n the Olympic peninsula. We spent the last five days in North Cascades and the surrounding National Forest, in a cellular black hole. I will post some pictures in my blog later tonight. We will ntend to stay here for a few days then on to Mount Rainier.

    Patti I hope the flooding isn't too bad. I saw some posts from home that we had around 4-6 inches of rain there. We haven't heard from Carrie if there were any problems.

    Bert so sorry about your friend. Sometimes the thing to do is to enjoy the time you have left. Sad as that may seem.

    Suzi I can't wait to catch up on FB and see how your travels are going!

    Karla you are so right that retirement luncheons aren't what they used to be. I'm glad you are having a nice dinner where friends and family can celebrate.

    Janet safe travels too!

    Cindy you are just full of books waiting to spill out.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I got some limbs and logs burned yesterday. So I feel like I got something done. Today, Molly has her annual shots. Not much else is going on today. I must say, I like that! Have a great day, everyone!

    Breakfast is tracked.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    Hectic weekend but overall a nice one-
    Em closed on her house and they slept there last night- so that is a double check mark.
    Started writing chapter four in new book- Cover for Magic is decided- and I should have the copy edit back mid August- which is just around the corner.
    Diane- nice to see you pop in- looking forward to more pictures
    Bert- I'm surprised you can burn logs- we can only do that type of burning from Jan- March. I am so sorry about your dear friend, take what precious time you have and enjoy it with her.
    Patti- hope all is well with the dock
    Karla- how are things?
    Janet- road trip queen- how was the trip?
    Suzi- I saw pictures- wonderful.
    Need to get back at it but wanted to check in
    Oh and tonight- next session with hypnosis- I'm doing really good.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Expected to get here sooner but didn't get off work until almost midnight. Regional manager is in for a few days and we have extra work every day, all of which has to be done after the store closes. So saying I am tired doesn't quite cover it but a good nights sleep will fix me,lol. Mom day tomorrow then TRX and I would really like just a few moments to spend in my craft room. My grandson and his wife (who is pregnant) are coming to the cabin next weekend. I am beyond thrilled. I think they need a get away as much as I need to spend time with them.

    Sorry no personals but will do better tomorrow. Just not able to remember what I wanted to say to each of you.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I must say I miss our chattiness but understand with summer we are all so busy -
    Patti- are you still enjoying the job at Joanne's- you seem to be so busy there all the time.
    Janet- hope you're having a great time with your friend.
    Bert- any news on the install of the counter top- are you going to mentor people again this fall?
    Karla- Having fun- how was the party?
    Suzi and Diane- I wonder if you are anywhere near each other? It would be fun to "bump' into each other along the highway.
    Had hypnosis last night. We reinforced what I have been doing- which is clean eating in the no seconds, snacks or sweets Mon-Fri but on weekends a little more leeway- but the funny thing is I have no burning desire to eat differently on the weekend - at least so far. I've been able to stop at a tiny piece of cake at the anniversary party, and it didn't even taste that good and on Sunday a mini cupcake and a few bites of a chocolate whoopie pie- I know you'll hear what I'm saying when I write- this NEVER happens to me - I felt in control and able to put it down. I do think that as I really want to be a healthier more in control person that she is reaching to my core and the swirl of stress around me stays outside the bubble she told me to keep around me when things get zany- I do think about it from time to time with many things. last night rick questioned me on who I had been texting in my office, when he knew it was Emily, and I said to him "you can believe what you want" and I dropped it- I didn't get drawn into his insecure issues. It was OUTSIDE my bubble of protection. I can tell you a couple of weeks ago I would have gotten all twisted up and sought solace in a pint of Ben and Jerry ice cream- but last night- I was good.
    So if nothing else I've gotten off the insane overeating due to my stress.
    But I do need to run now- having website issues at work that need my attention.
    Until later.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My housecleaner is coming today. I usually have her on Thursdays, but once again, she needed to cancel. She hasn't been here all summer, one time due to me cancelling as it was the day after the storm and we had no power. Other than that, she has taken vacations and rescheduled everyone's days. I'm happy she is coming today. Perhaps we can get a more regular schedule. I'll be working in the yard again today.

    I went to the doctor yesterday as I developed a UTI. She told me "as we age, we are more susceptible to them" That made me feel wonderful! :open_mouth:

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I agree with Cindy and miss the usual chatter I find here but that is what having separate and busy lives is all about. Love watching all the travel stories from Suzi and Diane and can see them enjoying their adventures. Also feel so very happy for Janet having her off the grid time with her soulmate friend. I know Karla is in her element with party plans, travel plans and enjoying getting ready for Glenn's retirement.

    Cindy, you are making my heart soar as you take control of every element of your life. I can just see the stories churning in your head waiting for you to release them to paper. Knowing your kids are doing well must be a big relief and endless source of joy for you.

    Bert, my heart breaks for your friend. Glad she is not facing it alone and that you are there for her. How is your brother doing? Hope you get your cleaning lady back on a regular schedule.

    Another fun day with Mom. Nice to just relax and enjoy each other's company with no appointments this week. She enjoyed it too. Time for TRX soon. Tomorrow I am meeting the girls for lunch at Longhorn and then expect another long night at work. Another huge sale starts on Thursday, plus we are doing a huge overhaul of all our quilt fabrics. Still learning where they moved everything else to get ready for this!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi, gang - Tired Woman here! Skimmed all, will read more carefully tomorrow. Home with 1,400 miles on my car (including side trips) after another lovely visit with my SC buddy. Geez - I've slept in SC eight of the last ten nights. The cats are happy to have me back.

    Rained all but the last hour of the trip over. After that, very humid & below-normal temps form Saturday on. We saw "Baby Driver" on Saturday and took a Sunday daytrip to Charleston (I had never been). We got a bit of a late start and lost another hour on the way to a big pileup (no ambulances though, whew). We finally arrived & drove around as he pointed out the sights, and then Miss I Hate Beaches went to the beach. Big hat + SPF 50 + long dress + white lightweight denim jacket. Gorgeous white sand, great people-watching - so many adorable little kids. Two families were having photoshoots, one with the men in white and the girls & women in white with colorful tutus. Just the sweetest.

    We walked a bit (sand gave me blisters, but oh well). I held my dress up and got wet up to my knees - water was very warm. We had a lovely dinner and got back just after 2 AM. Monday was a lazy day - he woke up feeling unwell, so we watched movies and were pretty sluggish because he was quite sick and completely miserable, poor guy. I did my best to take care of him. He still felt awful this morning when I left but tells me now that he may soon rejoin the living.

    Glad to be home but this unanticipated second trip was SO worth it.

    More tomorrow, after I've had some sleep. Cleaner will be here but I'll straighten stuff up in the morning & do laundry while she's here.

    Hugs to all - I've missed each of you!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, your trip sounds like just what you both needed, sans his illness! Hope he is feeling better today and that you got some sleep last night. I bet the kitties are keeping close and worried you will leave again. I have such a lovely picture of you in your big hat and glasses wading into the ocean. Very Audrey Hepburn! Welcome home. I have missed you here.

    Lunch and shopping before work.

    Hope you are all enjoying your day in your own special way.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    It is storming outside at this very moment- guess that's what happens with high humidity.
    Janet- so glad you had a great time with your dear friend. Where does he plan to move to? I'm sure you looked lovely at the beach soaking up the wonderful ocean air and salt on your lips.
    Patti- You're always such a whirlwind- did yo get the dock back in place safely?
    My life isn't too shabby overall- as with everyone we take the tough with the joyous. I think focusing on me and using the bubble when needed is a good tool.
    The girls are doing great-
    Yes Patt- my muse is in overdrive lately and I love it....
    Food wise doing well and feeling better- more energetic and less loogy if you know what I mean.
    Anyway- back at the day job. I'm going to be posting to facebook later today- well Megan is- feel free to share the post. I'm building a Street Team for my books.

    Also we do need to talk about 2018 and the first OMG Gathering. I thought I'd throw that out there. Enjoy ladies
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, good point!

    Patti, you were spying, except for the Audrey part ...dkgarkfpzz78.jpg
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. We have service in the campground for a change, so I thought I would check in. We are having an absolute blast and loving this outdoor life. Today we took a long walk/hike on the beach. Rocky and rugged intermixed with soft sand. Tomorrow we are moving to near Mount Rainier. I doubt we will have much cel service there.

    Janet I thought of you today while walking. I had on tennis shoes, long pants and a visor. Not quite your image! I loved the picture.

    Patti I saw the picture of the dock but I'm not sure what I was looking at. What was the blue thing? Where I live almost all the docks are in tidal waters so are design s to rise and fall with the water level.

    Karla I am so glad to hear that Glenn has retired. Especially if he was supervising, that is just so stressful. I know the people part of it was what was so hard for me.

    Bert I am sure you are glad to relax a bit with the heavy church responsibilities done for a while I hope.

    Cindy th hypnosis seems to have really put you in the right zone! Are you stayin away from the scale for a while too? Or is your newfound success also showing on the scale?

    I have no scale with me, but the way my clothes fit show me I am being successful in losing weight. That and the ability to do what I want to be able to do is really how I define success.

    Suzy how far are your travels taking you? Whoever said it was right - it would be fun if our paths crossed!

    All for now and we shall for how long. We are flying home in a week for a wedding so I will definitely have service then.
