OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The bathroom is almost done! Cabinets are in and the countertop will be installed today. I'm ready!

    Not much else to report. Eating has been far from great. I'm trying to get back on my plan. Now that the whirlwind has died down, I can have a better routine. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Its Tuesday and I had a great day yesterday with food- I struggled a bit but did some deep breathing and reminded myself I have 5 days before I can have something sweet and I can wait. LOL I did go to be slightly hungry but woke feeling good.
    Work was weird as usual- but its all good. Its a short week as I have an LR day Friday.
    Patti- sorry you had such a long day- enjoy your time with Mom. You have such a whirlwind life too.
    Waving to all.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Bert- so glad your bath is almost done...
    have a sparking day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Tuesday.

    I had a wonderful day with Izzy and Jakob yesterday. We went over to Gulf Shores. We were planning on going to the zoo, but it was flooded and closed. Plan B was an amusement park with bumper boats, go-carts, an arcade, swings and several little rides for Izzy. We had a blast. I rode the bumper boats too, holding Izzy. They were both so very good. We had to reschedule our OWA day and night trip for next week so that Glenn and Jason could go since they both had conflicts. I can't believe that Glenn wants to go to an amusement park, but he does. LOL. I have a two bedroom suite at a nearby hotel so we don't even have to rush back.

    Cindy - My girlfriend does not sew professionally. She is the administrator for her husband's office, and a Critical Care RN as well. She lost her eldest son 4 years ago and since then she keeps herself busy at all times. She says it keeps her from sitting there and crying over her loss. I called her afterwards and told her I felt like I would be sewing in the Ghetto after experiencing her machine. It self threads, self cuts and has over 1700 stitches. Some shaped in little hearts!

    Patti- I'm sure Acer has come a long way since I had the original laptop I purchased and it is perfect for Edd. I don't know how you keep up with your schedule, but it is like this when you are in the cabin swing, but this year you have added the fabric store job, plus your Mom in town, so you are super on the run!!

    Janet - Did you make it back? Did you go enjoy the movie together? I'm glad you got away for yourself, especially to a person and place that gives you such joy.

    Bert - Please post pictures of your bathroom when complete. I bet it is wonderful. I know you are ready for your pace to slow down.

    Back in 2001 I made a cookbook of my favorite, and family recipes. I printed it out this morning . I'm making a summer pineapple cheesecake for Glenn. He is really on the countdown for ending his career at Huntington-Ingall's Shipbuilding. The shipyard is throwing him a luncheon on Thursday. He wants me to come there, but don't I think I can make it due to missing so much work this week myself. It is over 45 minutes each way from my Podiatry office, and I need to work there on Thursday. We go to his surgeon for results of his biopsies tomorrow and I will be there. Plus I have to take JJ to the Dentist tomorrow also, as Jason is tied up with a doctor appointment himself.

    I better get going here. I just called my GYN office again, to get my blood results and clearance for Reclast. Geez, these offices are just not ran well.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Here is a poem Glen wrote to me back in 2005. He is cleaning out his work computer. I thought I'd share. I teared up this morning reading it again.

    Friend to the End

    I met a girl and Karla’s her name,
    The profiles were traded and found a lot the same.
    We talked and talked until the day came to an end,
    And both agreed to start as a friend.

    I prayed to God to help find me a mate,
    And he answered my prayers as if it was fate.
    Karla entered my life as an angel of blend,
    The life in my heart grew as I had a new friend.

    We started to date and get to know each other,
    And our feelings grew for one another.
    As the relationship-flourished with kindness without pretend,
    It was beginning to be obvious that Karla was more than a friend.

    My life as I new it was changed for the better,
    It started with a simple email letter.
    Karla had come into my life with my heart on the mend,
    She was now my lover and my best friend.

    Karla gave me life, a life I forgot I had,
    She gives me love, a love that makes me glad.
    The life I have now is setting a new trend,
    And I owe it all to Karla because she is a

    Written by Glenn A. Mitchell

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, thought I would check in before my day begins in earnest. Mostly shopping, but have to hit several stores, including some online shops. Then TRX and almost forgot I need to go across town as soon as I leave the gym for a Norwex party my DIL is hosting. It is one of those home party companies that sells the very best cleaning products. All natural and organic. DIL gave me their cloths for my birthday and I love their stuff. They make a paste that will literally clean anything. Like removing permanent marker from ceramic tile and even clothing. I am hoping it will shine my laminate counter tops and clean the porcelain on my antique stove. My eating is not where it should be and I will admit I am struggling trying to figure out how to get in the groove. I have not had the time to read Dr Storks book but know I really need to make it a priority.

    Bert, I know you will be so happy to have the construction done. I hope it is everything you dreamed it would be. Hope you have some time to sit back and relax.

    Cindy, you sound so motivated and positive. Need to get a bit of that enthusiasm for myself. Hope you saw my post on FB with the book and cup.

    Diane, what a busy trip home, so glad you were able to get the a/c fixed. How was the shower?

    Suzi, happy trails and post those pics. Especially the ones with mountains and Ellis!

    Janet, if you are traveling home today, be safe. I hope this trip was restorative for you both. Can't wait to hear you are home safe. You are always missed when you are away but I know how much this trip meant for both of you.

    Karla, your day with the kids sounded like a lot of fun. I miss those days with my grandkids. I know just how Glenn feels. That final walking away is a relief but bittersweet. So many adventures await you both. Hope he gets good results from his biopsies and you can plan your parties and trips without that hanging over your head.

    If I don't get started pretty soon I won't get my list done. So anxious for Mom to meet with her new physician tomorrow and pray that he listens and gets her on the correct meds.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Well, I'm throughly disappointed this afternoon. When my contractor opened up the countertop, it was BROKEN! I called and then "flew" to the place where is was ordered to express my displeasure! So, it will take another 1 - 2 weeks to get it in. Geez!

    Karla: Glen's poem brought a tear to my eye. You're a very lucky woman!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh goodness Bert - What bad luck. Tile and granite is so bad about cracking in delivery. Is the company making good on the cracked counter? I had to return several boxes of tiles to Home Depot years ago and they replaced all free of charge. Good luck.

    Patti- I hope all goes well and the new physician is caring and listens to you mother. It is important that the elderly have a good repor with their primary care physician. I love natural products that work. I am trying to get the chemicals out of most things I use.

    We go to Glenn's surgeon for his biopsy result. Please say a little prayer that all is good. I got the call finally from my GYN office and my creatinine is elevated slightly and they won't recommend the Reclast until I have it seen about. I have a call in but they didn't call me today. Geez. Always something.

    I'll let you all know how it goes.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi! Have read all but too tired for personals. Karla, fingers crossed. Bert, my vocabulary would've gotten pretty creative ... Cindy, SO impressed! Patti, hope your mom has a good rapport with the doc, that he Gets It & straightens out her meds. Diane, wow! Not surprised - you've been both virtuous & active. Suzi, love your pics, as always. Ellis is such a cute pup.

    Had a fabulous time, as I always do with my friend. We saw "Dunkirk" in IMAX - incredibly powerful (yet not gory, a big plus to me). So intense that we both felt exhausted after the experience, which is the director's intent. We also watched a classic screwball comedy ("Monkey Business," with Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers & Marilyn Monroe) & listened to music constantly. We watched the last two rounds of the a British Open golf too. I slept better there than at home, despite the AC being dead Sunday night. I did get dehydrated Saturday, despite drinking lots of water & nearly passed out. Slugged water all day Sunday & bounced back quickly, but I did give him a brief scare. Love him so much - we truly are platonic soulmates. When he moves elsewhere, which will likely be very soon, hope he might find a guy or two to introduce me to.

    My friend is going through a rough patch and asked this morning if I could possibly come back again this weekend. He is SO not the kind of guy to ask that if it weren't really important to him to have someone to hang out with. I think I can make it happen - just need to move a couple of things, may drive back over Friday, home Monday or Tuesday. It's a lot of driving, but this was light years from being an idle request & I'll do my best to make it happen.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Things on my mind and I can't sleep. So glad to came and here is our Janet checking in. Sounds like a great friendship you have indeed. Yes, it must be well needed for such a request of a return so quickly. Why not meet somewhere in between and just have a suite for a couple of days, split the cost? Maybe a change of scenery would be good for him also. Just ponderings.

    I better try and get back to sleep...

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    It's Wednesday and my LR day creeps closer- I got Magic in the Rain back from my GF and she loved it so we're two for two- and she would never say she liked it if she didn't. We have a saying Honest and Kind about our writing- she writes children's books and non-fiction while I veer into the romance of life.
    Patti- I saw the pic you posted in June but nothing else- can you take me as Lucinda Race or Cindy Kahlstrom Race? That would be awesome and thank you....
    Janet- so glad the trip was just what you needed. If yo are driving back try and get a good night's sleep before you hit the road again. You're a good friend.
    Karla- I hate to ask but I never saw your review on Amazon... if possible could you post one. I've read that I need to get like 50 to create a buzz. So I'm trying. LOL . I hope you fell back to sleep and prayers for Glenn and the poem was lovely.
    Bert- so sorry about the counter top but at least the end should be in site soon.
    Another good day under my eating belt. I'm starting to feel in control again-
    To our travlers Diane and Suzi- you're always present even when you're off the grid...
    Need to get back at it.
    Have a fun morning.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    A lovely morning, especially after reading Janet's post! Going to Moms soon. We will catch up on our shows, plus I need to make sure she eats something before we go to the Drs. Her appointment isn't until 1:40 but we need to be there by 1:10pm. She is seeing my Dr and his practice is fairly new and small, I have never had to wait and he is so very caring and kind, which she needs. I skipped the gym last night. My right knee and foot were so painful I decided they needed a rest especially since I have to work tonight. So glad I went to my DILs Norwex party, there was only one other guest, her SIL. They mostly sell cleaning cloths, mops, dusters, towels etc. all are made of very unique microfiber fabrics. The cleaning cloths have some sort of nearly microscopic silver threads that make them naturally anti microbial. Almost all require no cleaning products, just water. They do have this paste that is supposed to clean just about anything but brushed stainless steel and I am hopeful it will work on my antique stove. I can return it if I am not satisfied.

    Janet, what a scare you gave your friend. Glad you were able to fix the problem. Sorry you couldn't just stay the whole week but I am sure he will be so delighted that you are returning so soon. But when you are soul mates it just makes sense that you would have to go. Just be safe and drink your water, lol.

    Cindy, I see that you found the post and shared it. I tried to put it on your page or to tag you but just couldn't get my iPad to do what I wanted it to while at the cabin. I think I may just get myself an Acer like Edd's, it works great and would be so much easier for me to use, especially at the cabin. I want to take the stainless cup on the boat for my next picture so I will let you know when I do it.

    Karla, prays for good results today for Glenn.

    Bert, what an annoyance on the countertop. But at least they made good on replacing it, just hate that you are having to wait to get it!

    Time to scoot.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good news on Glenn! Mild reflux which would totally reside if he got his tummy/weight down. The doctor is making him an appointment with a gastro doctor in October, and return to him in December. He told Glenn he'd like to see some weight down by then, if he could. So, more motivation for me as Glenn and I are the same BMI.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Karla- great news!
    Patti- Hope your Mom loves your doctor.
    All is well here....
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, great news.

    Dr visit went very well. He stopped 2 of the meds Mom was on (one I had already had her stop taking over a month ago) and decreased the diuretic by 1/2. So she is only taking 2 pills instead of 4 and she is thrilled. We get her blood drawn in a month and then see the dr again in 5 weeks. Tomorrow we see the eye Dr. Mom is already worried it will be storming, in which case we will cancel and reschedule. It really freaks her out to go out in anything but sunshine. Off to work on a few.

    Have a great rest of your day.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Happy Thursday- another good day for my plan- feel good and looking forward to the scale in another 2 1/2 weeks- well I hope to be going strong in another 2 1/2 weeks and not falter. I have another session with Susan on Monday- last night I was physically hungry but not light headed so I stayed the course. I ate a little more fat with dinner thinking that might help- but it didn't. I'll continue to tweak-
    Patti- glad the doctor visit went well. I didn't realize your mom was worried when it stormed- did she have a bad experience in Texas?
    Janet- Have you hit the road again?
    Bert- did the supplier give you credit for the broken materials?
    Karla- whats on your schedule today?
    Suzi and Diane- happy trails.
    Off to the day job-
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My countertop will be replaced. It's not granite or tile, but nevertheless, it was broken. It was made all in one piece. They will pour another one, but who knows how long it will take. The girls at the office said 1-2 weeks; however, they had to fill out a complaint form, and have not heard from the company yet. VERY aggravating. At least it will be covered.

    Karla: You're right.....always something. I guess I've missed out on things recently. What is reclast? So glad Glenn's report was good.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Another day closer to my sweetheart being free of his 3:45am alarm clock. I have a fun ice-breaker game of smashing alarms clocks to quotes of things he won't be missing. It is going to be so fun. Can you believe I have 48 confirmed guests now? The hall/banquet room we are having it in is at a beautiful lake and campground. The restaurant is right in front of the lake, large porch with rocking chairs and swings. The banquet room has a huge stone fire place, of which I am decorating with a banner and retirement decor. We will have a memorabilia table with items from his company, pictures of him there and at that 40th Anniversary dinner. We will have a large dessert table with the cake I ordered, cookies, candies and a luscious pound cake sliced. When we do the clock smashing, we will have the guest draw and read the quote and the corresponding alarm clock will ring and have that particular time. So fun. The said clock will be put in a pillow case for the smashing. LOL. I have two of his manager set to give a little speech about him and both his sons, that both work at the shipyard. Then anyone else from the floor and stand up and tell a story or say something about him. Glenn laughed and said, "I hope it doesn't turn into a Dean Martin Roast"

    Cindy - You are sounding so calm and easy-going since you started your hypnosis. I'll have to tell you about the time I was the star person in a hypnosis show in Panama City. It was a hoot. To say I went under easily is an understatement. It was a nightclub, so I was partying and in my 30's.

    Bert - Are you now free of your church duties for awhile so you can chill out as you had mentioned you desired? I sure hope so. I know the bathroom is an annoyance right now, but soon you will be enjoying it's beauty.

    I am at work, so I will get back to that. I finally told the physician I will be out for 2.5 weeks when he came in a few minutes ago. As expected he freaked, lol. What about the money?? I have it all under control for him, but he knows I am his key person here. I can't wait to enjoy my honey's time at all those resorts!! It's going to be fun. We are going to do some outside activities in Colorado. I am looking at us going kayaking there. Then in Salt Lake City and Park City we are taking some tours, some walking. I have had so MANY people tell me how wonderful these two cities are. Of course I want to go to the Mormon Tabernacle Church on Sunday and listen to that infamous choir. I am so very excited about these two cities.

    I'll check back later on,, have a great and healthy day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, this week has really passed in a hurry. Work was very nice last night with an added bonus. The young lady I usually work with, and complain about so often, quit! Had enough time to give extra attention and advice to my customers. That is when I am the happiest there. Mom had to get another eye injection but this time they didn't dilate her first, so her vision is less impaired afterwards.

    Cindy, Mom didn't have any issues with storms in Texas, she just is so afraid of falling on slippery or wet pavement and refuses to go out in high winds for fear of being blown off balance. All wise precautions. I may just have to check into some hypnosis if I don't get this bus turned around soon. Not filtering any of my choices and just don't seem to have an inner voice any more.

    Few more chores to accomplish before we head back to the cabin. I have been requested to make chicken enchiladas for dinner tomorrow night. Chicken is ready, cheese is grated and all the ingredients are packed up. Just need to assemble and make the sauce when we get there tomorrow.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Quick stop - MUCH to do before hitting the road tomorrow = YAY!

    Karla, great news about Glenn. Sure hope his company is paying for this party - THEY should be organizing it, but good things you are around to do something you love for your beloved. The podiatrist will be fine - of course you'll have him covered.

    Patti, hooray for your mom'w new doc. Hope you got to eye guy - has to rough on you too when she is so skittish about leaving home, but fall res, is no joke

    Cindy, trying to channel your zen this week. So happy for your coping so well that you thrive amidst chaos elsewhere. Did Em's closing go OK?

    Bert, geez - they should be falling all over themselves to get the replacement to you ASAP. Deep breaths ...

    Suzi, how's Dinky doing with Jessi? Bet she's spoiling him rotten. Hope you had a perfect birthday.

    Diane, need to look to see where you two are now. How's Carrie feeling?

    Had a great chat with my female cousin in OH - she is still grieving deeply for her mom, but starting to do better (she is also a cancer survivor and had extensive surgery herself. We talked about the upcoming family wedding - that will be very relaxed & fun.

    GREAT news on my knee replacement - now five years out. Saw the surgeon today and he's so pleased that I needn't go back for five more years. And I no longer have to take antibiotics before any dental procedure.

    Leaving again in the morning - Karla, part of the joy of going there is to enjoy where he lives (but not for long). The little ranch is peaceful - we miss the horses, which his ex removed in January, but he has a great stereo and sitting on the porch watching sports or inside with a movie is relaxing in a way a hotel or resort could never be - not to mention way less costly!

    Need to veg a bit, as I've been up and moving since 6. But need to do laundry, unpack, repack & put stuff in car tonight, so I don't freak cats out in the morning. Cat sitter will come. I will return home probably Wednesday - will check in if able. Off-the-grid time is part of this, so don't worry about me! Hugs to all.