OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, good news on your brother. Being able to drive has to give him a moral boost.

    Cindy, was the day job return awful? Oh, the volume of e-mail one comes back to ...

    Karla, are you still in Branson?

    Suzi, when are you headed home to Dinky?

    Patti, may your day be less twisty.

    Diane, how was the wedding?

    Going to try to be productive today - wish me luck!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    The review went fine- as I suspected and life is status quo with the day job.
    Vacation was relaxing and I did some pleasure reading as well as writing the new wedding dress book 1- yesterday I got Magic back from the copy editor so now the real work begins.
    Em is settling into her new home and loving it- Meg started her new job and is feeling the pressure of home and work balance- I feel so bad for her. But there is nothing I can do except support her from Mass- I've asked her to attend a reader/author conference in October and I'm hoping she'll take me up on the invite. And in all honesty I'm a little nervous going by myself haven't done something like this yet as its an all weekend event- lots of mixing with readers etc and since I don't have a huge fan base not sure how many peeps will want to mix and mingle with yours truly.

    I won't need the special glasses since I'll be in the office all day- Janet enjoy it for me.
    Patti- the sale thing is frustrating- but glad you found your keys and had time with Suzie.
    Bert- I'll be your excited about the final touches on your bath-
    Diane- sorry I missed your fly-in how's life on the road- I'll bet a blast
    Karla- so glad Glenn is sliding into retirement with ease. Have a safe trip.
    Suzi- where are you now?

    I had a few indulgences last week but back on track completely yesterday and today too- I do think my personal hypnosis has helped me take care of me. I go again on Thursday.
    Well need to run but I'll be back
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, it is Mom day and I really need the down time! Not sure what I did to my back but I am back on the TENS unit and Aleve. I iced my knee last night so it doesn't hurt today but the feet are hurting worse than they have in a long time. The his too shall pass but it may be a no gym day for me.

    Bert, what great news about your brother!

    Janet, hope your day is as productive as you want it to b.

    Cindy, your vacation sounds like just what you needed. Hope Meg goes with you even if she can't I know you will make lots of new friends and grow your network. So excited for you just watching you grow.

    Safe travel and great adventures to our travelers. Wishing I was one!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all from the road!! We are in Nebraska now. My friend Trish joined us in Branson and we all had a fun time. We are staying with Glenn's cousins in Nebraska, so getting lots of visiting. Tomorrow evening we are going to Down The Hatch for taco night and have more relatives meeting us there. Then Thursday we are meeting another set of cousins for lunch and then heading to Denver. Glenn is having a great time, me however, had to go to Urgent Care today. I had twisted my hip at that amusement park and it has sprung back up, radiated now to my lower back. So, on Prednisone and pain pills. Getting in and out of this very low vehicle is what is agitating it. But, I have taken a down day today.

    Patti- I feel your pain! Your poor feet and knee, I'm sorry.

    Cindy- When will the book be ? I love your books so much.

    Janet - Yes, we left Branson yesterday and are in our visiting mode now. We went to the retirement home to see his Aunt Marge today. She had fell recently and her face was black and blue. How are you feeling? Recuperated from your two trips? Are you going again you say?

    Hi Diane and Suzi!! I'm out on my three week vacation now
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Getting ready to go meet the girls. We are going to a little "hippy" town 30 minutes from here for lunch and shopping. They have lots of little shops filled with local artisans fare. Dreading work as my back is still hurting, mostly when I have been still for too long so it shouldn't bother me tonight, lol.

    Karla, so nice to hear that Glenn is thoroughly enjoying his trip. Sorry about your hip pain, hoping it doesn't keep you down for long. Sit back and enjoy the company of his family while you give it a chance to heal. Can't wait to hear what you think of Denver and those gorgeous mountains.

    Time to kick it out the door.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited August 2017
    Karla, ouch! Glad you are in one place for a few days. I hear you on low cars - they're heck on knees, hips, backs. Aside from that big burp, sounds like a generally grand start to your adventure!

    Patti, sorry you're hurting so badly.

    Cindy, congrats on surviving the review process - always SO much fun, even when it' positive.

    Cleaner came today but I didn't do as much as hoped, but determined to hit it hard in the morning.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Such a nice day with my GFs. The town is "1.9 square miles surrounded by reality"! Like stepping back into the 60's. Cats in every store, incense and Zen music. I am not making this stuff up. My gf shar s some of her tomato bounty with me and I snagged a green one for mom to make fried green tomatoes. Work was fin, extra h lo but still worked until nearly 11. They are adding a 3rd shift to do cleaning and recovery, at least that is what I heard. Should take some of the work off the closers. They are really cracking down so that the store looks perfect for the start of each day, which means we don't get to leave until it looks that way. It amazes me the mess customers make and how much they expect of the store employees. It is not good enough to point them in the general direction of what they are looking for, they want you to walk them to the exact location and that us just the tip of the iceberg of their expectations. Maybe I was not meant for the retail world, as a nurse I was in charge, I was the expert and people appreciated me....well most of the time.

    Tomorrow is my dentist appointment, grocery shopping, and short stop at mom's before the gym. Then laundry and getting ready for the weekend.

    Be back tomorrow

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Happy Thursday- the cusp of the weekend. It is not an LR day tomorrow :( but Rick and his son are going to the Pocono raceway on Sunday so I do have the day to myself- guess what I'll be doing?? Meg is going with me to New Hampshire and wants to add a few extra days here - so happy. She is really struggling with everything and back on anti-depressants. At least she recognized she needed something.
    Karla- so sorry about the hip but glad you're having a great time with Glenn and all the extended family. Book 7- Magic in the Rain will be out in November. I'm not sure on timing yet.
    Janet- is your cleaning lady reliable- she seems to not always finish. but maybe I'm mis-reading something... Are you still in PT- and what great shopping accessory have you found lately. I always love hearing about your great finds.
    Patti- your girls lunch sounds interesting- retail does stink as people have very little respect anymore. Are you off the the river this weekend?
    Bert- is the bath complete? I was thrilled to read the news about your brother- he does seem to have turned a corner. I'm sure you're relieved. How is your girlfriend with the heart issue?

    Tonight is hypnosis again- I'm afraid to get on the scale so I'm not going to. But I think I'm seeing a difference in the mirror and some of my clothes. At least I have my snacking under control which is a bonus. I don't care how slowly the weight to come off- I just want it gone and if this turtle method works that is the end result I want. Feeling in control.
    Need to run- but I'll be back
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Jillian is 7 today! I can't believe she's 7! My, how time flies. My friend who had the heart attack is being moved today to a rehab facility to gain back her strength. She's very week, but the xrays look good. I'm praying for a quick recovery. Today is errand day. I went the the grocery store yesterday, so today is oil change, shopping for Jillian's birthday present, and looking for pictures for the bathroom.

    Karla: I hear ya about hip and back pain. It is definitely difficult riding and getting in and out of the car.

    Patti: Retail World can be frustrating. My dad was in retail all his life, and I spent many years straightening up the shelves, stocking them, and running the cash register. I also worked at the soda fountain in my younger days, mostly washing dishes; however, I did make great hot fudge sundaes!

    I'm ready to make my breakfast and track it. It seems that's the only healthy choice I make all day. Hmmmmmm.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! I need to stop channeling stress into eating - been a tough week. Really need to look into hypnosis for reinforcement. Right now, it's just hard to care a lot. Glad I'm getting away.

    Cindy, glad Meg is getting some mom time AND that she is aware of and working on her depression. My cleaner is very good but since she was here just last week, didn't need a full round. I do cut her slack because of family problems sometimes, but hope she gets on a more reliable schedule. She has a mean husband who drinks. And I'm a softhearted person - too softhearted sometimes.

    Bert & Patti, I've never understood why so many people disrespect both merchandise and retail workers. My retail experience was in a music store, so it never got truly awful, but there was always straightening and refiling to do.

    Karla, Suzi & Diane - you guys are making me want to do a road trip. Right now I can't be gone more than four nights because of Bella's meds (she won't reliably come out for anyone else).

    Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello sweet ladies. We are on the downslide of leaving Nebraska. We are meeting some of his cousins for lunch in York and then onward to Denver, where we are having dinner with two of his cousins from his dad's side. All the family in Lincoln are from his mothers side. We had a blast last night at Down The Hatch pub and more of his family met us there. It was Taco night too, 50 cent price for hard shell and $1.00 for soft shells.

    Cindy- Meg and you will have a great bonding mother daughter trip. So happy for you. You seem happy and in control.

    Patti- I think you may be pushing your body too hard with so much of it hurting. You don't appear to have any down time either. Do you really need to work at Joanne's? Those two days back to chill would do you good. Between your mom, job, gym, girlfriends and the cabin you are nonstop. My mom's friend Irene had a saying " you either slow down or the Good Lord will slap you in the face and slow you down". That's when you end up with a knee surgery or other ailment that makes you slow down. Just caring about you gf!

    Janet- I am much better today and am getting in the car a different way, which has made a big difference. Are you going back to South Carolina this weekend? I feel this man may have more of an interest in you that he is willing to admit.

    Bert- very good news on your brother for sure. Yes the time passes so fast as our grandchildren grow up on us. Pick out an eighteen doll for her with some clothes.

    I so excited to see beautiful Colorado!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Yes, Karla - SC again, for the eclipse. And there is never going to be a romantic connection between us and I'm good with that. We are often one brain & heart in two bodies and I've effectively become his third sister and one of his closest friends. No need to mess with success! He may stay here for a week or two after he leaves SC, before he spends time with family and then resettles in CA - hoping good employment will find him soon. He's ready. And maybe once he's resettled he might find a nice guy to fix me up with.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, dentist was not fun but at least that part is behind me. Permanent crown in3 weeks. Got my few groceries, mostly the BOGO items of shrimp, pork tenderloin and chuck roast. My freezer is stocked with meat for some time to come! Stopped by mom's with leftovers and a green tomato. We gabbed for about 2 hours. Love her so much and dread the day when she will no longer be with me, so treasuring every moment I can. My back did not bother me at work and my feet did better than expected. I work an old pair of shoes! I did wake with some back pain and decided to skip the gym (have to admit I felt very guilty). But I decided I would take this "found" time to make some peach jalapeño jam. Will also clean some corn and get it in the freezer if I can find the space.

    Karla, so glad you are doing better. Thanks for worrying about me. If I didn't do all that I do I would just find something else to do, lol. I will change my days for the winter. Will make myself available Friday evening thru Monday at 5pm. That will keep Tuesday thru Thursday free for Mom time, girl time, gym and appointments. I have considered quitting from time to time but I mostly like my job, the people I work with and the regular customers I am beginning to know.

    Janet, sorry to hear that you are under stress. So glad you are getting away from it all to share this event with your soulmate.

    Cindy, yeah for Meg joining you. She has certainly matured hasn't she. Realizing she needs her antidepressants is a huge step. I hope she finds her balance.

    Bert, happy birthday to your sweet a jillion. What did you find for her gift. They are so sweet at that age and so very easy to please. Praying your friend finds her energy again in rehab. Sh will just need to go slow and not be hard on herself when it takes longer than she thinks to get back to a semblance of her old self.

    Better get dinner on and laundry done. Planning to go to gym in the morning. I think the Pilates portion will be good for my back.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. This evening we are headed to Greg and Carrie's for dinner and a small birthday celebration for Jillian. Tomorrow is her "kids only" party. :smile: They are having a movie night. It sounds like fun for her. I got her an 18 "Journey Girl" doll with a couple of outfits. Carrie is great about sending me ideas. She sends the pictures and all I have to do is find them in the store. She has a room full of dolls, but what's one more!

    My $40 oil change turned into an expensive appointment. I needed other things fixed as well. :wink:

    Have a great day, everyone! I'm getting ready to straighten up the house while Mike is at work helping out the guys from where he retired.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and welcome to a lovely Friday, I have transferred myg jilt from yesterday to today. Class was cancelled last night and Edd wants to leave early today so I am skipping again today. I still have to finish laundry and pack. My peach jalapeño jam is more like a sauce. I think my pectin may have been too old, bought it last winter. I was going to try and fix it but I think it will work well like this. I can add it to BBQ sauce, use it to baste pork and chicken, pour over cream cream cheese and am thinking up other uses. It was very mild so I will try again and add more peppers, might even throw in some cayenne peppers I am drying, and use fresh pectin. I have tons of peaches in the freezer. My sons boat is fixed! Our old ski boat is almost, fingers crossed, fixed. Would love to be able to sell it before summers is over. It would pay for the carport we want to build to store our pontoon under.

    Bert, so nice to get gift ideas from the parents. A girl can never have too many dolls, just like a cook can never have too many gadgets, a quilter too much fabric or a woman too many purses!

    Janet, be safe and enjoy your trip and your time with your friend

    Waving hi to one and all.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I can see 4 o'clock and SO looking forward to being done with work for this week. It has been a hot mess.
    Hypnosis was good last night- I concentrated on exercise- starting with 15 minutes per day. It was late when I got home so it starts today. I'm thinking a walk at camp but its raining - Rick may not want to venture out. But feeling strong and in control.
    Patti- listen to your body- you'll know what's right for you. And NO guilt it is a useless emotion.
    Janet- enjoy your time with your dear friend
    Karla- happy trails - sounds like a great time for you and Glenn
    Bert- enjoy the birthday part
    I'll have an LR day on Sunday so I'll check in.
    Have a great evening and Saturday
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies. Great visit with Glenn's cousin last night in Denver. Off to meet another cousin for lunch and then to the federal mint tour.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    We are onward to Spring-boat Sorings shortly. Met with two of Glenn's first cousins on his dad's side and they were both lovely people. Went to the Federal Mint and bought me a beautiful coin necklace with turquoise around the coin. On a silver chain. Plus a couple coin sets for my dad for Christmas. Fun!

    Patti- didn't get to see much here but what we did see was awesome. I'll never forget that story you told of your roommate here and the man in her bed!! Lol.

    We roadie the train from our hotel into town and on the way back now. I want to go in one of the marijuana stores while we are here in Colorado! Lol. It's legal here.

    Post it's from the road. Over and out.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. There's not too much to report here today other than I'm putting the finishing touches in the bathroom. I looked for prints to purchase, but ended up printing some pictures I took of my flowers and trees several years in sepia tone. I bought silver frames for them and they look really nice! I'll send pics when I finally have the bathroom the way I want it.

    Karla: Your vacation sounds like so much fun!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Quick hello from SC - hoping the sky is clear tomorrow afternoon. Having a relaxing day here. Have read all. Karla, glad the mint had cool stuff. Hope your hip pain dies down soon. My arthritis is precisely why I drive a small SUV. So much easier entry/exit. Bert, did Jillian love her doll? Patti, peach/jalapeño anything sounds yummy. Cindy, love the puppy blog. Pet them both for me. I am going to look into hypnosis this fall.

    Will stop back when able - driving home Tuesday so it may not be until Wednesday. Hugs to all.