OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Welcome home Janet! I love that your friend will be with you for a while. Any chance you want to show him off at lunch while he is there? Would love to meet him.

    Had fun at the grocery. In the middle of shopping all the power went out. It was pitch black, but only for a few seconds, such a weird experience. The generators kicked in and all registers were working, most important. Hobby lobby still had my app from last November but suggested I submit another one to add to it. They start interviews in a coulee weeks and she said she goes back to the oldest apps. I also need to put one in at the other Hobby Lobby near me. They are both about 6 miles from my house so either will work. The pay is about $2.50 more than I make now. Need to start on my not do list. Have a pile of banana peppers I want to stuff and freeze.

    Karla, can't wait to hear how you enjoyed the choir. The experience was something I will never forget.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi sweet ladies. I'm happy to report my hip ache is hardly there today and just a little lower back pain. I went ahead and went to the Orthopedist and he was wonderful ful. Glenn was adamant for me to have X-rays. He said my hips then self were good and the pain was coming from inflammation and pinched nerve in my back. Got a rx for Mobic and am CVS getting it filled now. We are in Salt Lake City for the choir a little later. Can't wait. Glenn is looking for us a pub to enjoy first.

    Bert- Glenn just had an EGD in June. No prep for it like the colonoscopy anyway and very definitive for results. Sounds like you are back to real busy again.

    Janet- Glad you are safely back and you friend is coming to stay with you awhile.

    Cindy- We are having a great time. Now that I am on the mend, even more so.

    Patti- I hope you get the HL job. $2.50 is a great increase. Let's both channel our inner Cindy.

    Hurricane Harvey is threatening Texas and a possible 3 or 4 category. We won't be to San Antonio for a few more days as we are going to Las Vegas first and then New Mexico. It will probably be rainy while we are in San Antonio, which is fine as we have already done the Alamo and other historic sites.

    Can't wait to hear that choir.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's beautiful here! I finished painting yesterday and am putting my pictures back up this morning. Then it will be errand running this morning and working in my flower gardens this afternoon. I'm heading to Chicago in the morning.

    Wednesday night, I got stung on my face by something! I'm thinking it was a ground hornet. Whatever it was, it hurts and the area is swollen. I took an antihistamine to help. Any other suggestions? It is still somewhat swollen.

    Patti: Jalapeno jam make my stomach hurt just reading the words! :o I'll go through with all tests as I want to know what is causing my problem. It's no fun being constantly nauseous.

    Janet: No fears. I'll do whatever it takes to get to the root of the problem.

    Karla: Your trip sounds amazing!

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before we head to the cabin. I had 2 polyps, one small and one not so small. Both removed and sent for biopsy. Need to return in 6 months due to size of the one.

    Bert, you can take more antihistamines since it is still swollen.

    Karla, good news on the hip.

    Gotta run
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- Nauseous is the worst feeling, as well as back and hip pain. It feels so good to be pain free today. Your home sounds lovely.

    Patti - So sorry for the large polyp. Thank goodness it had not broke through the wall. I had my colonoscopy last December and was all clear. As you know my younger brother had colon cancer two years ago, so I go every five years. Prayers for a benign path report. Have fun at the cabin.

    The Mormon Tabernacle Choir was awesome last night. We went to a pub afterwards and this morning we went to the Winter Olympics Patk before we headed out. Las Vegas here we come! After that we are going to Las Caseus New Mexico for an overnight stop. Bad news for Texas with Hurricane Harvey. It will be a rainy San Antonio by the time we get there Sunday evening. It's a two night Wyndham there just to chill out. Prayers for Houston and all places impacted by this huge storm.

    I'll check in later. Car day today.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I got so much done today! The computer is at church, I think I found a tub drain plug that will work! (My new one broke already), communicated with my students, got the pictures on the wall, and pulled weeds in one of my flower gardens! I am woman; hear me roar!!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Geez, I hit post before I was done. I'll drive to our local store for fried chicken for dinner as I'm too tired to cook.

    Patti: I took another Benadryl this afternoon. It feels a little better.

    Have a good evening.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, hope the bite has gone down substantially by now.

    Karla, glad you have some rest built in before you head home. Friends in Austin - pretty far from the worst, but the wind and rain are crazy and getting worse. Hope your hotel has great room service! Good thing you've already seen the tourist sights of San Antonio.

    Cindy, how is Lucinda Race today? Hope you got lots done.

    Patti, bummer about the polyps - please let us know about the path report ASAP - bet it's fine, but six month return is yucky. Enjoy the cabin with this mild weather.

    Busy today and tonight; my friend arrives tomorrow. Guest bedroom and bath are all ready. Still have a fair amount to do but am pretty beat so may get up crazy early tomorrow. I may be sporadic here (or check in at odd hours) for the next week or so while he settles in, etc. and we see how the cats do.

    Wishing everyone a marvelous weekend!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- Wyndham called and had us cancel our San Antonio stay and our Houston hotel stay due to Hyrricane Harvey. We are in Vegas and had a nice dinner with Glenn's brother and nephew. Now we are back to the hotel trying to re-route our last leg of this journey.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to Chicago today. It will be a beautiful day for the drive up there. I'll stay until Monday morning. I'm looking forward to being with the kids as I haven't seen them since Memorial Day.

    Karla: Sorry about the cancellation, but glad you won't be in the middle of it.

    Janet: Enjoy your time with your company.

    Patti: Please keep us posted about your path report.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, have fun! Bet the kids have missed you lots.

    Karla, watching TV last night, I wasn't surprised they cancelked you. All resources in TX must go to the relief efforts - and it's really not safe.

    Going to make coffee and get to work around here shortly. Not sure when my friend will set out but he has to put his stuff into storage first, then drive over so it won't be until evening.

    Have a great day, everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning from a fully rested gal. 12 hours makes me feel like myself again. It is beautiful here on the porch with my birds and Frankie.

    Karla, no surprise on the cancellations. It is a wickedvstirm and best to be as far from it as you can. Did you check any of the placesbin Arkansas or Oklahoma that Suzi is always raving about? Might be a good alternate route home.

    Janet, I had no idea he was moving so soon. Had it in my mind that it was later this fall. Once the cats settle in I think you 2 will be too. Nice thing with him, it won't be like having a guest. More like a family member you like a lot. No stress, just wonderful companionship.

    Bert, you definitely ROAR! Enjoy your kid weekend

    Cindy, hope you are happily tucked away at camp and getting your OR on.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning dear friends. Our dinner last evening with family was awesome at an Urish Pub here in Vegas. We planned out trip back and have reservations at all. I love the Wyndham hotels app. We are having breakfast now and then head to Gallup, New Mexico for resting. Then onward to Amarillo, Texas and ending with two nights in the same luxurious Eyndham right on the river in Little Rick, Arkansas. We loved it there with tons of neat antique malls, restaurants and pubs. Excited!!

    Bert- You sound very happy. A beautiful updated home and family time. Enjoy!

    Patti- Yes, we are going back through Arkansas. Glad you got your needed rest.

    Janet- I know you and your pseudo brother will blend nicely in your gorgeous home. The cats, who knows! They can hide from each other. Lol

    Breakfast has arrived! Chow!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Dan is currently completing his triathlon. He just finished the swimming part and now he's on the bike. I'm so proud of him. Dylan, Penny, and I are going out for breakfast. I'm not sure what the rest of the day is in store, but that's what I like, no plans even though I'm a planner at heart. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Another wonderful day under our belt and a new one starting. Yesterday we stopped at the Meteor in Arizona, National Minument, and in infamous Winslow, Arizona. Eagles sing made this place famous. take It Easy.

    On to Oklahoma City,,for a stop.

    Pray for my granddaughter in Texas. They evacuated last night as their home was flooded.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, sending up all good wishes for your granddaughter. Hope everyone is safe and property loss minimal.

    Bert, unplanned days can be the best, especially since you have Penny & Dylan right there.

    Have gotten groceries and farmstead tomatoes. Picked up the Sunday New York Times (an occasional treat when I hit Starbucks on a Sunday). Going to read papers and get laundry all done today. My friend will drive over tomorrow - he has another chance to spend time with his adult son (who's also helping him get his stuff into storage). He'll be better equipped for the drive with another good night's sleep after the stress of packing, loading & unloading.

    Much healthy stuff here, and having someone else to cook for will be a good thing - he actually needs to gain a few pounds after his surgeries but he's not a junk-food guy, which is nice.

    Much love to you all today and all week.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, sending prayers for Karla's granddaughter and asking for some for my dearest friend in this world. She is in a northwest suburb of Houston. Her MIL fell and broke her hip a few days ago due to a cardiac event. She then had a hip replacement. Her FIL is staying with her as he cannot drive and needs assistance. So they could not leave. She said the gully behind her house is steadily rising and there are constant tornado warnings. I am so worried for her.

    Janet, so excited for your time with your friend. So many adventures for you both in the coming weeks. Soak it up.

    Karla, sounds like a great alternate travel plan. Hope you have safe travels and good weather for the rest of your trip.

    Bert, sounds like the perfect weekend. You need a bit of unstructured time.

    We are taking a long boat ride with some friends up the road. There is a festival going on in a small town about 20 miles downriver so we are going to head that way. They have restaurants on the river and we will see if we can get in for a late lunch. Should be a great way to spend this gorgeous day.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Dear ones-

    LR day was a bust. Rick had the day off and the pup needed a haircut so guess who did the running. I had about 90 minutes of LR time. Not very helpful since I had a full day planned. I didn't do anything on Saturday either and only about 45 minutes yesterday. I'm irritated but it is what it is. Currently he's in his "you're not going to make it as a writer" mood. Sigh- I have to come the realization that he's not going to get much better- his moods are more stable but his diagnosis is complicated and swings will always be a part of life. The second breakdown broke more than I realized.
    Karla- glad you're out of harms way on the trip home- Houston is still getting pummeled. Prayers for your family and Patti's friend.
    Janet- enjoy your visit with your dear one
    Bert- I'm glad your son has something he loves in the tri-atalons- so much to admire.
    I totally fell of the food truck yesterday. I bought candy corn- I thought I didn't like those - much. Well I got on the slippy orange peel and ate my way through the darn day. I was busy but mindless eating killed me.
    My stomach is NOT pleased with me today- way to much junk food. I'm focused today but forgot the protein for my salad so I'll have a few nuts if needed at the end of the day.
    I'm mad at myself but this is a journey not a one trick pony.
    OK- back to the day job.
    Hugs to all- glad everyone is safe and sound.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, sorry your LR time got usurped by having to be the adult. That stinks - went through a tiny fraction of that with Tony and it was draining.

    Patti, have you heard anything from your friend? Sending up prayers for her and her mom, as well as for the whole area affected by Harvey (the name of one of my first bosses, who's a really nice guy).

    Heading out for a few things I forgot to get yesterday, then home for some more cleaning, etc. - expecting my temporary roommate later today (and his cat - wish me luck with my two accepting another into the pack). Much love to all.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's traveling day today. I'm heading home after a fun weekend with the kids. They were a little more argumentative with each other than I'm used to, but that's what siblings do sometimes.

    I'm very sad to report that our daughter lost the twins today. The doctor couldn't find either heartbeat. I'm so sorry for her and Justin as this is her second miscarriage. I know they are both devastated. Please pray for them.

    Have a good day.
