OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Busy day on tap. Taking mom to the eye Dr first. Then need to get groceries and do laundry before hitting the gym. Sewer backed up in the basement again so praying they respond as quickly as they did on Friday. If not will do a bit of laundry at moms to get by. I found some walleye at Costco yesterday, so that is going on the grill after the gym. I did better with food yesterday but have not returned to tracking but know I have to do it. I think that is holding me back, I hate to track but know it is essential to my success. I canned 8 pints of peppers and made a hot banana pepper dipping mustard that will be shared at the pig roast.

    Bert, maybe your student is stepping up and will prove to be better than you thought. One can only hope.

    Janet, bet you are enjoying James' company as much as you are enjoying this cool weather. Me, not so much. Just not ready for summer to be over. I have been a bit cranky and blue lately and I think I am mourning summer already, lol.

    Cindy, hope your vacations is everything you hoped it would be.

    Karla, are you enjoying Glenn being home? Is he loving it?

    Times to go
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello Bert, Janet and Patti. I'll be glad when our group is back. I'm going to look for another chat group on here that is motivated to lose and has fun challenges. We all have got so much going we aren't focusing on losing anymore, me included!! But I need some more support. I'll let you know what I find. I have struggled this week just to do the basics.

    Cindy- You were focusing and working on you and that was very positive. Can't wait for you to get back!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Another beautiful day is in store for today. I'm working in my flower gardens today and will also take a walk.

    I know that walking is great exercise, but it doesn't give much of a calorie allowance on MFP. I find myself not going to the gym (and I'm still paying the dues each month) during good weather. I want to find exercises which help boost my calorie allowance as I know that the Calories In and Calories Out is the best solution for me.

    Karla: I'm trying so hard to focus on losing. My problem is eating out and portion control. I must admit that I did better when I was teaching. At least my lunches were prepared ahead of time and they were definitely portion controlled. I'm taking one day at a time and am still wanting to lose 20 lb.

    Patti: I track everyday, but my nutrition info goes over the limit on certain categories. I always lack protein. That's what I need to focus on; maintaining the balance of all categories.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Janet, Susi, and Diane. (hope I didn't miss anyone)

    Have a great day!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Packing up and heading to the river for our annual pig roast weekend. There will be about 10 at my cabin, all people I dearly and have missed seeing this summer. Plus it is my one chance all summer to get my dance on!

    Bert, I hear you. I struggle to get the gym in nice weather but am always happy with myself when I make it there. If you want to get the best calorie burn for your efforts weight lifting, no matter how small the weights, is the way to go. Can you meet with your personal trainer and have him give you a good start up routine you can do at home with 2-5 pound weights? You will be amazed the difference it can make. That is how I started and after 2 years of inconsistent use I am up to 10-20 pounds depending on the exercise and for some exercises I still use 5-8 pounds. Not only do you burn calories better with weights you burn longer. Aerobic exercise like walking is great for the heart, muscles and general wellbeing even if it has a lower calorie burn. I suggest you alternate between the two if you decide to pick up some weights,

    Karla, bring us what you find, I am ready for some changes and to get focused. We all seem to do better with support and the more support the stronger we seem to become. I am seriously considering the Ketogenic diet. Need to do some reading first. It is basically low carb but I want to go clean and natural. From what I have read so far it limits your carbs but doesn't totally cut them out which was the old Southbeach and Adtkins way. It does allow a lot of processed proteins but I plan to stay away from those. I need to do something totally different than I have always done. My gf with breast cancer is in a Beta study for what appears to be a form of a Ketogenic diet. The study group is using MFP for tracking and she loves it. Plus her weight is finally starting to move. She has lots of tips and recipes that she is going to share with me.

    Waving hi and big hugs to the rest and happy trails to our world wanderers

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hello from KY. Weather continues to be gorgeous - coffee on the deck again. Ate a bit too much yesterday but not out of control. It's slowly coming back.

    Seeing a rheumatologist this afternoon - despite bloodwork, two docs think I am showing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. My hands have been pretty bad and joints are doing the rheumatoid thing, so it's time to check it out. Hope there might be something to help diminish the symptoms.

    (Karla, about to go on Fosamax - some osteopenia in my hips, especially the left one (whole leg was affected over time because of the foot/ankle stuff).

    So much for the medical report! Have a great day, all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- there are quite a few Keto chat boards I saw yesterday for support, info, recipes,etc. check them out if you go that route. I found a Leslie Sansone board that post monthly miles you track and you set a monthly goal and check in how you are doing , like 35/90, meaning you have completed 35 miles of your 90 mile goal. Some fun lauded.

    Janet - Be careful on the Fossamax, very harsh on the digestive track. I've tried it twice seven years apart and had to quit right off both times.

    I have been very active with 40 minutes of walking this morning!

    Tracking is going fine too.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm making breakfast this morning and have it tracked. Only 3 carbs! Any suggestions on getting proteins in throughout the day without eating meat? I eat yogurt and cottage cheese, but am also trying to lower the sugar level as well.

    I worked in my flower gardens for 2 1/2 hours yesterday.I got a lot of activity points as well. I get more weeding the garden than walking! One bed is looking so much better. Today, I'm working in another bed. The original owner was a landscape artist and created beds on all four corners of the house! Sometimes, it's really a pain to take care of. One will be taken out when we get our new driveway poured. (don't know when that will be as Mike is in charge of hiring the contractor. Yikes!)

    Janet: So sorry about the rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis. I hope your get relief.

    Patti: I have weights, here at home. I think I will do what you suggested and get a start up routine. I did very well with my workout routine prior to my back surgeries. I just need to focus better on my own workout routine coming before serving others. That's what I struggle with. Walking helps me get away from doing household chores and not have to actually "go anywhere" outside my neighborhood. I just need to get the weights out and do the same thing at home. I enjoy going to the gym, it's just getting there is what I struggle with.

    Karla: I'd be interested in what you find. I'm so wanting to lose 20 lb.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am feeling so empowered! I walked 45 minutes yesterday and completed the 30 Minute Burn today. Yea!! As usual I did not eat enough yesterday at only 700 calories, but I wasn't hungry, so I didn't force myself.

    Bert- Losing weight is definitely tied to the eating/kitchen. Exercise makes us feel better and is great for shaping, but it alone will not have us lose weight. Look how much Janet lost on no exercise and others here exercise and go to the gym with no weight loss or even gains. Do you have a heart monitor? I just got mine out and was told we need to keep our heart rate up to a certain level for 20 minutes before you start burning calories. I also don't trust the calories on this app they give you for certain exercises.

    I researched today that 10,000 steps is 4-5 miles.

    Cindy I miss you terribly.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, home from a very fun and active weekend. Not as much dancing but lots of walking to and fro! Edd's brother came, which was unplanned but so welcomed. He drove his totally original and pristine, 1958 Corvette convertible. He was a hit with everyone at the party and even gave one of the ladies a ride when she asked. I did pretty good on portions and food choices but did indulge a bit today. Hit my 10K steps on Friday and Saturday. I will be doing some reading about Ketogenic diet and then decide if I want to try it. My nephew and his gf have done amazing on it and I have heard raves from several others but need to see if it is something I can live with.

    Karla, good job on getting back in the swing.

    Janet, sorry about the arthritis issues, hope your Dr has a good plan for pain relief and to keep you flexible.

    I have friends in Punts Gorda and Tallahassee, praying for their safety along with everyone in the path of this horrible storm.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm having my HIDA gall bladder scan/ test today. Need to get ready. Have a great day.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, good luck - keep us posted. Tofu and some beans have complete proteins. Dairy too.

    Patti, sounds like fun. Was the pig tasty?

    Karla, you go girl!

    Cindy, haven't had a chance to read your blog yet - hope the cape was a great escape.

    Suzi & Diane, miss you!!!!!

    Busy here. More when able. Hugs to all.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - we're getting half-hearted remnants of Hurricane Irma, which almost makes me feel guilty about getting so little rain when so millions have been more adversely affected. It's supposed to ramp up later, but still ...

    Bert, how did the test go?

    Yesterday James took me to Five Guys - had a small (?!) burger and several fries but ate almost nothing the rest of the day. Not good choices, but now I can ay I've had one. My system was rumbly all night, so I guess that's sort of a good thing because my body isn't used to that kind of food.

    Today's a new day and there will be salad!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I was up way too late watching my Broncos beat the Chargers. Way to start the season. A rookie head coach at the helm of each team made for some great football. Lots of new players proving why they were chosen to be starters. It is going to be a fun year. Work was work, sure wish I would get a call from HL. They seem to be better staffed. Finishing my coffe and then to Moms for the day. My biopsy results were negative for cancer but they are the type of polyps that have the ability to become cancerous so repeat in 6 months. My sister just had her colonoscopy and she has a huge one they could not remove because she wasn't cleaned out enough. She has to return in 4 weeks.

    Janet, I am finding that I tolerate beef and fried foods very poorly too. But in the moment I love a good burger, lol. My favorite after 5 Guys is Steak and Shake, love those skinny fries. Is it any wonder I struggle with my weight.

    Bert, did you get your results of the HIDA?

    Karla have you found any good challenges or groups? I am so ready to get back on track here. I have been reading on the Ketogenic diet and will give it a go next week I think.

    Cindy, can't wait to hear about your vacation. I know it is always tough returning to the real world and the day job.

    Suzi, we miss you. Hope you are at least dipping.

    Diane, where are you now. Haven't seen any pics in a while.

    Better go for now
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I've been swamped since I returned- so sorry I've been MIA-

    The Cape was wonderful. We had a good time- more like the old days. It was nice. But eating was off the charts- all that wonderful seafood and home made ice cream- OMG I am waddling.
    Janet- read the blog when you can. If I could share the video with you all I would of me feeding the seagulls- it was hysterical. But I don't want it on Youtube or FB-
    Patti- sounds like the cabin fun is still in full swing. Enjoy it all too soon it will be closing time.
    Karla- I'm back! Have you adjusted to working girl again? How is Glenn doing. Did you get any weather issues from the hurricanes?
    Bert- Hang in there- have you seen a nutritionist that specializes can give you a combo of exercise too?
    Diane and Suzi are still on the happy trail train-
    We've decided to sell the camper- if things work out for our marriage we want to buy a small cottage near the ocean- not water front but within a mile or two.
    I wish you guys were close to NH- I'm going to be there for an author event the weekend of the 13th- it is open to readers and 50 romance authors- should be a ton of fun. Meg is flying in to go with me.
    On that note- I'm going to beg a bit. If you've read some of my books but haven't reviewed them yet, and you'd want to give him at least a 4 start on Amazon, could you? The reason I ask is I'm trying to get more exposure- AKA paid advertising but they won't allow me to advertise unless i have 20 reviews on any one book. So if you can that would be awesome.
    If you have reviewed- a million thanks!
    Well need to run my office will be overrun with people soon looking for something -
    Hugs to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm having lunch with my retired teachers group today and then am picking up Jillian from school as Greg has a meeting today. I did get the results of my HIDA test. My gall bladder is working slower than normal in processing (whatever it processes), so my doctor wants me to eat a low fat diet to see if it helps. If not, then he will send me to a surgeon for his opinion. If I need to go that route, and I'm certainly hoping I won't have to, I have a doctor in mind. He is the husband of one of my former students and is highly respected in Indianapolis. He's also the doctor to said my neurosurgeon was the best.

    My cousin is now in a senior living residence now. It is so sad to know that she is there, but her husband just couldn't take care of her anymore. I'll visit her, but want her and the family to get adjusted first.

    Eating has been ok. I still need to focus on eating more veggies.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Wednesday and my day off FINALLY! I have resolved the computer issues at the Podiatry office, thank GOD! It was 10 days of being on the phone between two different IT reps and I was mentally wore out from it. Today I have two projects already going. 1- going through paperwork that came in while we were gone and paying bills and 2- I have brought out my different fleece fabric and going to match up the throws. I'm going to make the ladies that went on a cruise with us a blanket, as well as the three ladies at the Podiatry office. Not to mention the family that is still whining to me for theirs. LOL. Did I tell you I bought another sewing machine? Yes, I bought it from a friend. It's a Brother Disney sewing/embroidery machine!! She had it is storage and forgot about it and thought of me. I bought it for a song and am putting it in the shop for cleaning and any adjustments needed. Excited!! I can now embroider on my blankets with my name and the person's name. Fun. It has a computer in this machine with a nice sized display screen.

    Cindy - Yeaaa, you are back. I am your biggest fan, or one of, and missed you terribly. Yes, we got affected by Harvey on our way back from our trip. Wyndham called us and asked to reschedule San Antonio, so we diverted over back through Little Rock for the last two days of this 21 day trip. Funny you are selling your camper and we are going to buy one in January. I wish I lived closed enough to you, I could buy yours!! Plus be able to go to your author shows and just hang out with you. Glenn said we are planning an North Eastern trip for next year. He has relatives in Pennsylvania. You will be on that stopping list girlfriend. I will go back on Amazon and get that review to stick this time.

    Janet - Even Dr. Phil says if you are going to have a hamburger, Five Guys is the place to go. the use fresh, never frozen high quality beef. When you have a man around they do want to eat MAN FOOD and it is not WOMAN food. lol Sounds like you two are doing well. I'm glad.

    Patti - I love Steak and Shakes too! We have one over by that theatre we went to when you were here. Their burgers are always good and not so meaty. Good news on your polyp and glad they are keeping a close eye on you. Hmmmm, on your sister not cleaning out enough. How can you not if you follow those awful directions? lol. Angelique did the same thing and they couldn't do hers.

    I am LOSING weight. Yes, I am down 2.3 pounds from last week and even though that is a small amount, I can feel it in my tummy and my face is trimming down. Today I will do another Lesley Sansone dvd.

    Patti- Did you look at the community chat boards on here? There are plenty with that KETO diet, I didn't look in them, but I'm sure they probably have challenges there too. The two I joined was the Lesley Sansone Walk Off the Pounds one, where you set your monthly goal and update throughout the month. I am 11/90 now. I also joined the Over 50 to lose group. Some real nice ladies here and I have gotten two friends requests.

    Bert - Good luck on the low fat diet with the gallbladder. If you end up having it out, it is done by laser and recovery is short. Have fun today.

    Have a great day and if you wants results in your journey, you have to participate in the trip. LOL. Just as we gain when we don't watch our intake carefully, we also lose well if we can stay on a plan without cheating. It works both ways. LOL


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Cindy, read the blog - delightful, as always. A place near water is your destiny, regardless of what happens with your marriage. You are strong and smart, and I'll make sure I've reviewed all your books on Amazon - might have forgotten on Looking Glass. Oops!

    Bert, good luck with the gall bladder. Hope you adapt well to lower-fat eating. If you do eventually need surgery, you'll be in good hands, and contemporary techniques have made it easier on patients. Sorry about your cousin, but professional care will benefit her and her family in the long run. It's a tough adjustment psychologically. How is your brother doing?

    Karla, how is daily life again? So happy you have grandkids nearby - what a joy. How long will you keep the pool open down there? They've all closed here.

    Patti, how was Mom day? I smile when I think of you two hanging out every week and sometime more often.

    Ate pretty decently yesterday but fell to a couple of cookies and a few nuts late. Gotta get better at that - we eat dinner late and I still snack. We saw "Logan Lucky" yesterday - a wacky heist film which even has Daniel Craig (don't care for him as James Bond but he's fun in other roles) as a WV redneck prisoner safecracker. Good, silly fun.

    Cleaner comes today and I have my friend's retirement party this evening - nervous about seeing everyone but so many are people I like - just keep me away from a few idiots, please. No idea what I'll wear yet - will decide on the fly. It's at a nice Italian place (drinks and nibbles), so choices won't be the best. Will have a glass of wine and try to nibble wisely. Gotta get really serious again NOW - have fallen back into some stress eating and am really angry with myself, so I'm going to try to be kinder to me and treat myself as if I deserved it. Not feeling very good about myself right now - some odd family stuff and concern about my cats. Don't worry - I go through these phases of feeling like a total outsider and they pass once I acknowledge and work on them. I do love that I can share it honestly with all of you. And I promise to do a solo-time recharge when able - saving a few dollars to go away for a few days and be around nature and my thoughts & prayers, let others do the housework.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy - I put the review on Looking Glass and will check others also.

    Janet - Are your cats having a time adjusting to James and his cats? I hope that doesn't result in his early departure. They are just not used to having another animal there. I bet with time they will finally give up their behaviors they are showing right now. You need people there and if they have an animal too, yours cats are just going to have to adapt. Showing them your love and devotion will help them see you are still there for them. Cats are strange creatures sometimes. Don't be too hard on yourself Janet. You have come a long way from several years back. Look at pictures. As far as your family is concerned, it is what it is. Hurtful I know, but what can we do with other's choices? I miss my older brother, but he won't communicate with me at all.

    Glenn is working on the office clean-out as I do the bills and then we are going to go Christmas shopping.

    Egg white omelet and water.. the journey continues.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    How wonderful to come here and see all the comments. Amazing how much I miss the chatter when so many are away for periods of time.
    Mom and I had an awesome day. She made the best split pea soup for lunch and was beyond tickled that it turned out so well. She has been having a lot of cooking disasters and was about to give up. We had a day filled with laughter, mostly at my expense. It was so good to see her doubled over laughing. Today is lunch with the girls at our favorite Asian restaurant followed by grocery shopping and work. Our Vintage BMW rally is this weekend. It is looking like a small gathering but I will be prepared for any sized crowd. Then I have 2 free weekends before the YaYa weekend which is the final weekend event for the year.

    Janet, do be as kind and forgiving to yourself as you would be to your best friend. I know you need your solo time and hope it comes soon. I am sure you are enjoying the company but even with the best of friends it can be stressful to have another person and cat in the house. If you need to get away for lunch let me know. You just enjoy the retirement party. Are you taking James?

    Cindy, have sorely missed you but so happy to hear it was such a good time with Rick on vacation. Must have been a big decision to sell the camper but I am sure that it will relieve some weekend stress for you. I think I have reviewed each book but will double check. Welcome home and I know you will be back on plan in no time.

    Karla, congrats on the weight loss, impressive. I have not decided on the Ketogenic diet....or any other plan. Just seem to have so much going on that I can't focus. After this weekend I am going to make me a priority. In the meantime I am trying to be mindful. Best I can do at the moment. I am not sure I have time for more than one chat group at this point.

    Bert, praying low fat will be the ticket for you feeling better. You may just have a lot of sludge in your gallbladder that is slowing it down. Glad your cousin is in a safe environment and that her family can go back to being just family and not full time caregivers. I know they will feel guilt but they are doing what is best for her and them. I know it is heartbreaking to watch her decline for all of you.

    Lunch date get ready time is upon me
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I have the vampire doctor this morning for am semi annual check. I'm not concerned but I'm going to beg/bribe the nurse to NOT get on the scale. Still dealing with the few extra from vacation. LOL and I really don't want to face it.
    Janet- I echo Patti- treat yourself as you would treat your best friend or one of us. You do deserve it- not if you deserve it.... Hugs
    Karla- thank you for the review. I saw it. I'm working hard to grown my reader base and I believe some paid advertising will help. I've also submitted for a professional review I can post and I entered a Library of something contest for the national library system. I've passed the first round and it will be November before I hear the final results. Fingers crossed.
    You and Glenn will love camping. I would suggest a small motor home. Glamping ;)
    I just hope our camper sells quickly. I found out the reason Rick has been reluctant as it is the only thing we own together. The house is mine, I bought it in 2004-
    I understand why he feels that way but when we married I asked him if we should sell and buy something together and he said no. Some days I feel he has a partial foot out the door, others I don't. Who knows. But I'm fine.....
    Bert- maybe the sluggish gallbladder is why you are struggling so hard. The body is a funny thing. Hopefully the lowfat diet will kick things into gear.
    Patti- I'm thrilled you have this time with your Mom- it is precious. I agree about adding boards- just not enough hours in the day and take the weekend to enjoy the rally- make mindful choices - all we can each do every day is strive to be our best.
    I am developing a small What's Perkin cookbook and this week perfected a triple chocolate cookie- Romeos - Em stopped by and grabbed some and said they were the bomb. I have to have a couple of unique hooks for NH. Jim, the chef, said he would help me create some sandwich and soup recipes over the winter. I have all the breads, cookies and muffins done. Just one more thing to enhance the Loudon Series.
    Well gotta run- nine minutes before I head to the doctor.
    I'll be back again.
    I'm so glad I have each and everyone of you in my life- you are AMAZING.