OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Thanks, Patti. May make a big batch to take at Christmastime.

    Cold is starting to leave - had to take an antinausea pill yesterday & it zonked me for four hours. Needed that. Ate little, so am willing to take whatever small victory that may be. Am seeing a dermatologist today - it's been more than 20 years since I've been to one. Nervous because I am so self-conscious but making myself do it.

    We ate the last salad stuff in the house last night so there will be a grocery run today, & my cleaner is finally coming. I have to talk with her about being more reliable with schedule. She has big family problems and her car died, but it has gotten out of control. She's become sort of a friend, but her unreliability has already cost her at least one client and she has to get it together. Hope she does.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good mid day to everyone. Second day of cleaning on my dad's house. We, and I do mean "we", Glenn is helping bigtime, and he never has before. He is so relaxed and happy as a retiree!!!

    Janet- Sorry about your predicament with your housekeeper. I had to dismiss one a few years back for hitting on Glenn! lol , she had a bum of a boyfriend that didn't work and told me how great Glenn was and how I hit the goldmine with him. Then she kept wanting to schedule her time when I was out of town and Glenn was home! Be sure the dermatologist checks your back and legs thoroughly. If they don't ask to inspect your entire body, they aren't worth a dam!

    Cindy- Where are you my friend? We need to talk on the phone very soon. We are planning another long trip up the Northeast Coast. You are on the list to stop and meet. I hope we can work it out.

    Patti- We had a party for my dad yesterday. Not sure if you saw it on FB or not. His hearing and worsened but he refuses to get hearing aids. We had 10 people over counting him and Kerry. We are so lucky to still have them.

    I have an appointment Monday with Dr Shields who owns the Healthy Weight for Me clinic. When I saw my doctor before we left Tuesday she highly recommended this clinic when I brought it up. I just can't stick to anything. I had blood work ran to check my cholesterol and sugar. Wish me the best.

    I better finish up, this place is looking great!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, had a nice long lunch with the girls and got the menu set for the YaYa weekend. I buy all the food and they pay me. We will have a house full of talented cooks so it is going to be a food challenge for us all. We will laugh a bunch of calories off though. Stopped in 1/2 price books and scored the entire years worth of Cooking Light magazine for $.50 each. Got groceries for me and Mom plus a beautiful bunch of colored daisies for her to enjoy.. They are all primary colors and look like a bunch of party balloons. She was surprised and delighted. Gym tonight and tomorrow morning and then I am on my own for a few days. Going to make a to do list to keep myself from just being a total bum, which is what I could easily do if I am not careful.

    Janet, hope you are feeling better. The muffins freeze well. I would add more raisins or some cranberries, but I am a lover of them both.

    Karla, I know it makes your heart swell to have this time with your dad and you will go home knowing how much he enjoys his clean house. Hearing aids can be a great help or a giant nuisance and sometimes both. At his age he will decide which, lol. Good luck on your lab results.

    Cindy, hope all is well. I know you are getting ready for your NH book adventure.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was a travel day to visit my student teacher. She did ok.

    Janet: I have the same problem with my house cleaner. Her mom is my friend who had the heart attack and her sister is one of my good friends. Her mom and sister are also church family. I got her when I had back surgery and decided to keep her. She only comes for a couple of hours every other week, as I can't afford her doing the whole house. She's not as reliable as I would like as she cancels too much. She's a friend, too, which makes it difficult at times. I just need help with mopping the floor and vacuuming as it bothers my back. Bending over for long periods of time is NOT my friend. :/

    Waving hi to everyone! Have a great day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited September 2017
    TGIF! Boy did this week fly by. So happy I am not packing and leaving for the cabin. I do have to pack a few things for Edd. He is taking Frankie so I will be truly alone and am so looking forward to it. I love being with all my friends and family, but need alone time on a regular basis. My wise mother once told me, when I complained about being bored when I was alone, "if you are bored you must not like your own company very much. You need to figure it out because you have to live with yourself forever" I have never been bored with myself since, lol. She is one wise woman. Gym time this morning, have not made a Friday morning class in about a month and have missed it. Next month they are changing things up a bit. The Zumba/Pilates class will become a full hour of Pilates, yeah. They are thinking about adding a 30 minute class with weights and aerobic activity immediately before Pilates, double yeah.

    Back later, happy Friday
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited September 2017
    One happy great grandma here! My oldest grandson stopped by with my great granddaughter, 9 days old, Ariel Jade. Had a nice visit and lots of baby cuddles and kisses. Not questioning his sudden reappearance in our lives, just loving the fact that he came. It was heartwarming to hear him recount so many memories he has of his childhood that involve Edd and me. So guess we did something right.

    Color me content
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, what a lovely treat! You are rightly swelling with pride and joy.

    Karla, that story made me laugh. Glenn Mitchell, chick magnet! Your dad looked relaxed & happy at his party. How fun! The kids were cute too.

    Bert, cleaning and back stuff are natural enemies.

    Spoke with my cleaner and I will see whether her promise of greater reliability will hold - hope so, because she is a really good person. Today James wanted to play golf & asked me to tag along as chauffeur. It was fun but beastly hot. We picked up Panda Express, our only meal of the day.

    Dermatologist visit was good. Got a good explanation of a couple of things that are nothing and a small spot taken off my nose and another near my left eye. There's likely to be no issue but pathology will be run just to be safe. And got a message from the rheumatologist - there are signs of rheumatoid arthritis, so I will make an appointment to discuss what, if anything, we do about it.

    Time for bed - it's been a long but fun one.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to the gym today. I haven't been there is so long. It's going to be very hot today, so that will also be a good thing. I've been exercising with my weights at home, but I need a change of scenery.

    Patti: I enjoy my time alone on days that Mike works. We need that from time to time. Greg recounts many memories of his childhood as well, and they, too center around Mike and me. Not so much about his time with his dad. The boys' dad has always been there financially for them; however, memories made are times shared.

    Janet: I like to drive the cart. Yesterday was a scorcher! So sorry to hear of signs of rheumatoid arthritis.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! Just wanted to pop in to say I'm thinking of you all today. Let's all vow to say NO to something today when we're tempted, and to do the best we can with the day we've been given. Hugs all around.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning to you all, I went to bed early with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Up early and have already started on my long list of "to do's". Top of the list is to deep clean the kitchen and dining room. Also want to get the rest of the peppers made into jam, mustard and if any are left I will pickle them. Everyone has gone gaga over the peach/pepper jam so will make lots of that. Have already shared about 18 half pints with everyone asking for more. Then I will straighten my craft room and get my creative juices flowing while I binge on all the Netflix shows I have been saving for a year. Edd has work to do at the cabin but will be enjoying some boat time before he winterizes and puts the cover on it.

    Janet, you are a true friend to go out in this heat with James. Hope the path comes back negative. My hairdresser was diagnosed with rheumatoid in her early 40s. She was given a diet to follow that has made a huge difference. Hope that diet changes will be enough to help with yours.

    Bert, yeah you getting back to the gym. You are on a roll. I love my gym time. I may not be losing weight but I have more energy, strength and endurance. I keep telling everyone that under my protective layer of fat is the body of a warrior, lol! Do what you can and keep up the good work.

    Back to it

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be another hot one today. Jillian and Cole both have soccer games. I hope they don't get overheated. I'm definitely taking my umbrella again this week.

    Patti: What Netflix shows do you watch? I walked at the all yesterday while running errands. My goal is to get stronger at the gym. I did the weight machines and abs after walking.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Glorious Sunday and blessing to you all.

    Bert, so proud of you and the time you are spending on being a stronger and healthier you. Stay cool.

    I was so accomplished yesterday. I got the kitchen, living room, dining room and downstairs bath all sparkling clean except the vacuuming which will be done today. I also made 10 half pints of jam and 3 pints of jalapeños. That used up the last of the garden peppers. I did not get to my craft room but have an appointment in there today!

    Here are a few quotes to get us started on next week and a commitment to ourselves.

    The COMEBACK is always stronger than the SETBACK!

    And just for fun:

    I'm just a girl standing in front of a salad, asking it to be a donut!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, I will be watching Once Upon a Time, The Crown, Calling the Midwives, The Tudors, The Borgias, House of you can see I have lots I have not seen.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm having the upstairs carpet cleaned this morning and then the downstairs tomorrow morning. I''m also heading to the gym to work with a trainer to give me ideas on different exercises to do. I meet with her once a month. My goal is to get stronger!

    Patti: I watch The Crown, House of Cards, and Bloodline. I'm not sure what the rest of shows are about.

    Waving hi to everyone! Have a great day!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Lost a post yesterday - operator error.

    Patti, good quotes. I am starting to feel a stirring of readiness - baby steps right now while James is here (& he still needs to gain a few!) but having a yogurt for breakfast and going to work hard on portion control and minimal snacking this week. The last few weeks have been a mix of better and rotten eating days - yesterday was the latter. It was "feed a cold" day for sure. Been drinking lots of water though, trying to get rid of this lingering cold. It's on its way out but sure seems to be the last guest to leave the party.

    Bert, Netflix has lots of stuff - set time to browse. I still need to watch The Crown when I can savor it.

    Much to do but wanted to say hi to all. Hugs to everyone!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, hope all are well and have plans that include putting yourself first. I finally got to my craft room. Got it all straightened and it now is ready for me to get my creative self in there. My laptop died, not a surprise but I was hoping it would limp along a bit longer, so no Netflix for me last night. I do have a backup Dell that will work for now. I did have everything important backed up on an external hard drive and all my music is on my iPod. Plus all my pictures are also on DVDs. So not worried about getting a new one just now. Edd's truck broke down on the way home from the cabin last night. Luckily the son was following him. They left the truck in a gas station about 30 minutes from the cabin and Edd is heading down now with a trailer to pick it up. Pray this is the last of the repairs needed for a while. He will be leaving again Thursday for his trail riding trip to WV. He needs some recreation time. He did spend all day on the boat Saturday with Mike and Pam before pulling it out and winterizing. Our friend has offered sheltered storage again this year. Hoping to build our own covered boat shelter next year.

    Bert, having a trainer give you different exercises helps keep the boredom out of your workouts. You seem to be on a roll in that department.

    Janet, hope your lingering "guest" leaves soon. Summer cold seem so unfair! I know your good cooking is helping to fatten up James a bit but must make it a little difficult to stay on track for you.

    Missing Cindy, Karla, Susie and Diane but know life keeps us all away at times.

    Here is a quote for today: my new personal mantra

    When you believe in yourself more than you believe in food, you will stop using food as if it were your only chance at not falling apart.
    Geneen Roth

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Here is the nutritional info for the bran muffins

    122 cal
    2.9gm fat
    21.7gm carb
    3.6gm protein
    291 mg sodium
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies. Wish me success at the Healthy Weight for You clinic, I am here finally! I just can't stay focused and on any plan. My personal physician was familiar with this place and thinks it would be a good fit for me. I had blood work run last Tuesday. This clinic is ran by a GYN female doctor whom is board certified in Weight Loss. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Patti- Sounds like you are enjoying your alone time.

    Janet - It took me forever to get rid of my recent cold.

    Bert- I don't miss carpet in my home. Just too hard to keep clean and with pets, it even worst.

    My son's Timber Wolf had to be put down Saturday. He is heartbroken. He was crying like a baby when I went over there. She had pancreatic cancer that came on quickly and was already spread.

    I'll get back on later.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, so sorry about the pup - it's heartbreaking but when it's the only way to do right by them, you bear the pain in honor of the love. Want to hear about the clinic visit - hope we can learn something new through you!

    Cold still here this afternoon but am getting a bit more energy. Have been doing straightening while James golfed at a nearby course. He came back, inhaled some leftovers & plopped for a nap. I went into his room and petted his cat several times, took her a toy of her own.

    Amex card finally arrived - now that I don't have to wait for UPS guy, I can finally have a shower - whee! Am washing face just once a day right now while the little removal spots heal. Am seeing rheumatologist again Monday - will stop at hospital to pick up x-ray CD sometime this week. Hoping there will be things we can do without expensive meds, but I trust her so will proceed as she suggests.

    Had leftover pasta midday when stomach started to chew itself up and we'll probably have salad this evening, since James ate just an hour ago.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good morning all! I am so pleased with this doctor and her associates. I feel like I can have the support and treatment I need to get my stubborn system to stop gaining and let go of some weight. I met with the doctor over 45 minutes alone, then had my body composition analysis with another lady, and ending with 30 minutes with a nutritionist focused on weightloss. Everyone was so very nice and an expert in their area. They Were Very Impressed That I Had No Muscle Mass Loss And Was In The Highest Range of normal. I guess all my exercise has paid off over the years. I Have A Guideline to Get 20-30 G Of Protein Per Meal And Keep my carbs under 70 per day. They DO Not Stress exercise. I Asked the doctor about it and she said it is proven that it is not crucial for weight loss!! I've heard this over and over. She said the concentration is on your food intake. Duh!! I loved the compassion each staff member had. Also, this visit was totally covered by my insurance! I'm sure once I am not seeing the doctor it won't be, but even then it is very affordable. It is also up to you how often you come. No pressure, gimmicks, drugs or shots! She can order labs and meds if you need them though. I know I will lose weight at first, what I want to learn is how to stay with this lifestyle long term and adapt it to my lifestyle of grandchildren and traveling. Dr. Shields is a GYN physican, in her early 60's and is Board certified in weight loss. The only in our city. I told her if my back issues and my ortho doctor advising me to get the weight down. I know you all will support me too. The nutritionist got on my fitness pal app on my phone and tweaked my values for my plan. I am so excited.

    Patti- The nutritionist was very positive about our egg white omelets! But we have to up the protein in them to meet the 20-30 gm requirement. I had a yummy one this morning. I think lack of enough protein and too much carbs has been my issue. Come join me in this. Let's lose this weight again together.

    Janet- James seems right at home with you and your city. I am having the Reclast infusion for my bone density issues. I'm really trying to get all my health issues under control too. My back was hurting all day yesterday.I

    Cindy - How are you doing? How was the weekend?

    Bert - Good for you on the trainer advise. We have to put ourselves to the forefront for a little bit each day. Are you getting enough protein?

    I better get going. I have to go vote, pick up a copy of my lab results, buy a pair of supportive shoes and then go to work. Have any of you worn Vionic? A friend of mine says her sister whom is a nurse, raves over their orthopedic heel quality.

    Talk later,
