OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I'm back at the day job - Houston was a good time and very inspiring- if curious read my blog this week. Now that the food fest is over I'll be back in the groove again and most of the stress due to the upcoming travel is behind me- let the fun begin.
    I'll catch up with everyone later but really just wanted to say HI.
    Hugs all the way around
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. At work today as I am still trying to get caught up from my trip! I'm also set to see the doctor for an Unna Boot wrap as I have heel pain all week. Glenn wrapped it in an ace bandage yesterday but still limping today. I don't recall doing anything to it.

    Bert- A wonderful idea and much needed. I am feeling so good about my plan and realize now I was way over eating, even if some of it was healthy foods. Lol. I am trying to get towards 30 grams of protein at each meal. I've had to pump up my meat. I have had tuna and shrimp this week that was delicious and high in protein.

    Patti- I can text you my sample meal plans if you like. They have some yummy ideas on them. I'm going to post them here for everyone. Even if you pick one or two meals, it might help. I can't wait to weigh in on Tuesday! I hit a yard sale on the way to work and picked up my great nephew some cute clothes and me a laundry room sign. I just missed an awesome sewing basket full of notions!!

    I better get back to work.

    Looking forward to us getting focused and losing. Can we also report any inches or pounds lost?

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Here they are attached.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited September 2017
    Glenn made the Mediterranean Shrimp salad, which I think is on day two of the above plan. It is really good. Filled us both up. The feta cheese and red onions was yummy. We used grape tomatoes instead of cherry tomatoes, they are tiny and sweet. It made a dinner plate full of salad. I am proud of my first four days. I have been 100% on the plan, eating three meals a day and sticking to the recommended snacks.

    Not sure what we are up to this weekend. I really need to stay off this foot. I haven't seen Hidden Figures in Netflix yet and there is always sewing!

    Patti - Sounds like you are getting some good cleaning done. I hope you get in your craft room.

    Bert- I bet that car ride stirred your back up, I know it does mine. I hope you hit down some of my meals and give them a try. I picked up the Arnold sandwich thins tonight and will have the deli turkey, Sargento thin cheese slice with lettuce sandwich tomorrow. I like those. Maybe we can list our foods?

    I'm going to relax a bit.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked......15 g. of protein.....Nature Valley XL Protein Bar. Not much time for anything else as I'm heading to church this morning to help get things set up for the church rummage sale. I'll check in later.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, time to get my clean on so I can get crafty later. I was thinking about going to a local consignment shop that sells some of the coolest repurposed, up cycled and antique furniture as well as lots of one of a kind crafts, jewelry and art. It is called This Old Couch, isn't that cool. But I know it will distract me from my "prime objective" LOL. Tomorrow they have a farmers market there so I am going to make a deal with myself to stay in today and if I meet all my goals I can go tomorrow. Been looking at the Ketogenic diet but it has way too much meat. I am really having gut issues and meat seems to be a trigger. So maybe Dr Travis' diet is what I need. On my list to read today.

    Bert, hope your rummage sale is a huge success. Hope your grab and go breakfast holds you and that you find time for a healthy lunch. I know being busy and not eating well set me up for some very bad choices.

    Karla, thanks for sharing your sample diet plan. I am so happy you have found something that works. Did you talk to the podiatrist about your heel? Didhe suggest the Unna boot wrap? Could it be caused by your foot wear? I did some research on my chronic foot pain and am pretty sure I have arthritis in the long bones of my feet from years of walking on concrete and not having the proper footware. Not much I can do now except ice, anti inflammatories and finding the the right shoe. I have a new pair of Asics that seem to be better than anything I have tried so far. Hate that I spent $150 on my Brooks that were for my over pronation, they are the worst ever. They don't make the sauconys that I used to wear, they were the PERFECT shoe for me. Oh well, the search continues for me. Hope you find relief of your pain.

    Cindy, so glad you are back and hope you have some LR time in your weekend. I bet you are getting excited for your writers weekend next week, especially since Meg will be with you.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I did get a medicated wrap but not the boot. He said he wanted me to wear a shoe with a heel! I had to heel spurs and plantar fasciitis. I am to ice it too. It still hurts like hell when I walk!! Always something. I'm searching good shoes too. Didn't like the Viocins.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Eating a yummy Arnold sandwich thin Turkey and Stgento cheese sanwich with lettuce and Helmand olive oil mayo. Yum!!

    Patti- Remember how we used to use the sanwich thins? Do you still buy them?

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is a beautiful, Janet kind of day, here in the Ohio valley. Bright skies, cool and crisp outside. I got my cleaning done yesterday and spent time making cards. Attempted a water color but it was a disaster, so put it aside. I think I need more lessons. Make a pot of chicken stock with my rotisserie carcass. So tasty and very low sodium. Made 2 quarts, 1 pint and 8 ice cube trays worth out of one carcass! Love having the cubes to add to veggies and sauces. Adds that extra layer of flavor and depth, especially those that ate tomato based.

    Karla, have you checked out Kuru? They are shoes designed for foot problems. They have a 45 day free return policy. I am going to give them a try. They have lots of styles and colors and are no more expensive than the expensive running shoes I have tried. The last pair of which was a huge failure for me. I stopped eating the thins quite a while ago. I love soft bread and don't care for crusts and the thins seemed like all crust to me. I switched to aunt Millie's whole grain, 70 cal for 2 slices and 17gms of carb or Krogers Private selection sugar free whole wheat (without the crust) more calories, but only 15gms of carbs for 1 1/2 slices. The low carb tortillas are my go to more often.

    Time to shower and then back to my craft room. I am on a roll.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good morning. It is sunny and breezy here in the deep South on the Gulf of Mexico. It will be hot again though, as it was 92 yesterday. Ugghh. My neighbor had to get custody of her two young great granddaughters, 4 and 3 months due to bad mother conditions. Sad. Her four year old is precious, Gabby, and comes over to play with Izzy. She is here now. Talk about a real southern accent. LOL.

    Patti- I am following this plan to a T to lose this weight. I actually made this thought to myself this morning: "when I get this weight off I'm going to.." That is MONTUMENTAL"!! I am really devoted to this program. I have not had any BLT's either while cooking. I'm not making any excuses. The bread they recommend was the Nature's Own Light Honey Wheat. It is soft bread and is 80 cal for two slices. They give you the three types of bread usages. The wraps, the bread and the thins. I like the variety. This is the advise of a degreed nutritionist trained in weight loss, so who am I to argue? lol. The truth will be how I do LONG TERM on this plan. I am sure I will lose weight at first. What I need is the ability to stick with this long term to get fully down to the 155-160 range. I want to live a long healthy life and be able to hike and see the waterfalls, go kayaking with Glenn and mostly, not have this back and foot problems that are agitated by my weight. I have had to use crutches this weekend the foot has been so bad!! More than 2/3 of that 21 days of our trip I was down in my back.

    I watched a wonderful new movie on Netflix this morning. It was with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. The name of it is "Our Souls At Night". I also started watching the series "The Night Of.." on HBO last night. Its made by the BBC and was nominated for several Emmy's but didn't win. Very gripping.

    I'm going to schedule myself a consultation with Lancôme at our new Ulta beauty center in our West Mobile area. In their sale booklet you get a free sample of their Lifting and Firming moisturizer and free travel size of advanced fenifique serum plus a travel size of Renergie Lift Multi-action Eye cream with any purchase. My BFF uses this and loves it. I know Janet uses Lancôme too.

    I'm trying to see what I want for lunch before I go out today. Can't walk too much, but foot does seem better. I had a yummy Egg White omelet this morning. I can't lie that I haven't been hungry, but I haven't been stuffing myself like I was either. One of the snacks recommended is the P3 protein packs. I really like them too.

    I hope I am not talking too much about this and boring you all, but I am so stoked to be really focusing on my food and very proud to be six days on plan. I can feel my stomach going down. I pray for a positive result on Tuesday. I have gotten through this weekend really good so far!!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Monday. What an awful shooting in Las Vegas. Fifty people dead!! Why do people have to involve others in their own misery? Just awful. Prayers for all those involved.

    Day Seven on my plan and I am feeling good. This morning's omelet is a spinach and Feta Cheese with Turkey sausage and onions. YUM. Egg whites of course. One of my favorite snack combos this week has become the turkey pepperoni with the lite babybel cheese circle. YUM. You get 17 of the crispy pepperoni and I nibble the cheese along with them. I cooked some last night while watching my shows in my bedroom and Glenn came running in there and said what was that you cooked, it smell up the whole house, yum!! lol. He is trying to reduce down also and is keeping grapes and cheese sticks and pop corn for his go to snacks. I didn't realize until now, how much carbs that fruit have in them, the nutritionist pointed that out and said limit them to once a day.

    We thoroughly enjoyed Izzy this Saturday and Sunday. She wants back in dance, Hip Hop specifically, and I have missed her during the week, so I am registering her and signing her up for the either Wednesday or Thursday class. I will pick her up from school, have dinner with her and take her to her class and then pick her up. it will be our time during the week. I am so glad. This way is I am out of town on the weekend I don't go two week without seeing my precious.

    Patti- Sounds like you had another great alone weekend and very productive one. I saw your kitchen fail on facebook. Why not use plastic freezer containers? At least the wouldn't burst glass. I want to get into canning too. I have bought the nectar to make some jellies and I purchased a book on picante sauces in New Mexico.

    Janet - I hope you made or make if back safely and had a wonderful time.

    Cindy - I hope you were able to decompress and relax over the weekend.

    Bert - How was the rummage sale? I hit a couple yard sales and pick up my great nephew some clothes and a high chair stick on toy.

    Today I go out to my family practice to close their monthly books and then to the Podiatry office for a few hours. Afterwards Glenn and I are meeting at our bank to get him on our Safety deposit box, after that we are going to the Revenue Property tax office and paying our house taxes. We still have to go request our house deed from the tax office downtown, but that is for another day.

    I think today is when Bert wanted us to start naming our personal challenge and goal for the week and state how we were doing?

    Weekly goal: To accept whatever the scale brings tomorrow at the doctor's office and continue the program with a positive attitude. At least three meals a week have fish or shrimp.

    Have a great day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Here we are starting another week. Wish I could say I have picked a new diet plan. But am having great difficulty. Trying to dig deep inside to figure out why I am so resistant. I know I am overweight, I don't like how I look but I am so healthy otherwise, except for my constant foot pain but I have that at any weight. So what is my motivation? I am struggling to find it. It will have to come from within, no advice in the world will pinpoint it for me. I did read Dr Storks book. It has lots of good points but it is not a diet I would follow for the long term. I think for now my plan is to track, stay around 1200 calories by decreasing carbs and sugar and increasing protein.

    The tragedy in Las Vegas is beyond comprehension. Who does this sort of heinous thing? I pray for everyone involved and their families. Makes me want to never attend a public event again. I live within sight of the Airforce Base and often worry about our safety. But don't seem to give it much thought when at events. Our world is changing in ways I cannot fathom. So how do we deal with mad men? How do we feel safe in our world when things like this happen? Best we can do is love our friends and families well. Treat strangers with respect and give of ourselves to those in need whenever we can. In the words of Ellen "Be kind to one another"

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, you are definitely on a roll. Bet you get great results at the scale tomorrow. I love turkey pepperoni and have used it instead of the real thing for years on my tortilla pizzas. I freeze in jars all the time, just wasn't paying attention to how full I filled them this time. Still have lots of broth. I usually freeze in ziplock bags but my freezer was so full I didn't have room to lay them flat to freeze. I love the cubes of broth. Each one is 2tbsp so I have 14 cups worth in cubes.

    Leaving Thursday morning for the cabin. It will be a weekend filled with love, laughter and food. I will do my best but it still won't be good. So my mantra will be portion control, stay busy and away from the food, but enjoy every bite I do have. These ladies are my heart and soul and time with them is my lifeblood. They are the people I can be ME with, no excuses and no judgements. Just us being us.

    Welcome home to Janet and Cindy.

    Bert, how was the rummage sale?

    Be safe and know you are all in my heart

    My goal for this week: track
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I know you will have a great time with your pals. Maybe after this weekend you can focus on your eating, if you are so inclined. I could never stick to anything and I kept gaining and gaining. Then my back went out and my clothes are so tight, I had to do something. I do not like the way my face is bloated either. I am wayyyy out of Onederland too. I am ashamed to admit. I hope I will be back in in it very soon. I said I would never be out of it, yet, here I am, boom!! You can only be successful with weightloss when your mind is ready. We all know what a psychological journey this is.

    I miss everyone. This has been the Patti and Karla pony show for days.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Work was crazy today but I'll be back at this tomorrow- I've read all and so happy to see everyone.
    Until tomorrow
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello to all and welcome back, Cindy! Karla, bet you have a great result tomorrow. I'm almost ready to get seriously back on track - Patti, like you I am trying to find motivation.

    My goal this week is to cut back on carbs and snacking!

    My OH weekend was perfect. My cousin and his family are delightful and I was happily able to lend a hand at all sorts of things, from working on the flowers to driving the bride to the ceremony and driving her sister home from the reception. (The bride is 28 and her sister is 14.) We laughed all weekend and it was sheer delight. The wedding and reception were in a park with perfect weather and a lovely setting. When we all got home Saturday night after the wedding we decompressed by watching the two greatest Bugs/Elmer cartoons "What's Opera, Doc?" and "The Rabbit of Seville." Drove home yesterday with a smile all the way. I love them all so much, and they love & accept me completely.

    Went to the rheumatologist today. After looking at my x-rays she agreed there's rheumatoid arthritis, especially in my hands, and I'm going to start a DMARD (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug). She says it's generally well tolerated but takes about three months to kick in. I can be patient with it for the goal of some relief from the pain & swelling - made the cysts in my hands will go down some. They also offer classes on arthritis and related topics, and I will avail myself of whatever I can. This doc is just magnificent - board-certified n both Internal Medicine & Rheumatology. And she's extremely kind to boot - glad I chose her practice.

    James and I were going to watch the game together but he's snoring - was sore & needs to lie down so I plopped on his bed too, but when I knew he was OUT I left. I suspect I will be asleep by halftime too = had planned a nap, but you know how that goes ...

    Hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. Welcome back Cindy and Janet to the fold! You have been sorely missed!!

    Janet - Your weekend wedding sounds lovely. I love the cartoon watching!! Welcome back to the small group. I am so nervous about my appointment tomorrow. Please cross your fingers and toes for me. I have followed the plan with no spurgles, but you know how stubborn my system is. I say I have followed it to the T, but I was under the calorie requirement a couple days. I have got to work on that, I will meet with the nutritionist in the morning to let her know this is usually what happens to me. I eat too much, and then when I focus on losing, I eat too little. But I wasn't way, way off. So I hope I will be okay. We all know what a psychological game this is. If your mind isn't in it, you won't be successful or be able to stick with it. It seems like my friend Monica is where you and Patti are. She wanted to join this clinic, she had me send her my plans, told me she was going to give them a call, but now she is hesitating and I am not saying a word. You have to be the one to make your own choice. It's a struggle to take that first step!! I'm so glad I finally did it before it got even more out of control.

    Patti - Did you get my email about Poldark III?

    Cindy - It warmed my heart to see you on the board. I have truly missed you. Just one more month and your new book will be out. So glad!!

    I need to log my dinner. Glenn prepared a great big grilled chicken salad for us. He said he could eat these big salads 2-3 days a week. We both agreed we liked the grilled shrimp one the best.

    I will report in when I can on my status. Why am I so nervous about it????

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before I go to bed. Work was awful, I had to work the register and it was not pretty. It was a super busy night because if the 40% off your entire regular priced items coupon. Plus I hate being at the register. It is actually physically easier but I would rather work harder at something I like.

    Janet, oh so glad your weekend was so much fun for you. Put a big ole smile on my face to know you were so happy.

    Karla, you got this. I have had my calendar marked for weeks with the date of Poldarks return. Mom and I love this program. So funny to think we also equally enjoy Superstore!

    Cindy, I bet you were swamped after being gone all week.

    Mom and I I we getting our flu shots and getting her groceries tomorrow before we settle in to watch our programs.

    Beat I am am so off to bed
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Why am I so nervous about this first weigh in? I am feeling thinner, but how many times have we all felt this way to be disappointed when we step up on those scales? I will accept what I see, and is recorded, and know that these ladies are there to help me succeed and give me the tools I need to continue.

    Bert - Let' do this together!! We have time before the holidays hit to get a significant amount of weight off. Food is NOT that important! I keep reminding myself of this. Glenn and I have enjoyed some very delicious and healthy meals the last seven days. He has stayed away from his ice cream and limited his chips. I am so glad he has been supportive of me in this endeavor.

    Patti - I need to check my email for that coupon. Not that I need anything, I have four throws cut and pinned, ready to sew in my sewing room. I love the IT light I have. I know you and your Mom watch Poldark, was just being NICE by assuring you had the date. I'm sorry you are having to work under such horrid conditions that you dislike so much. I have been praying that you hear from Hobby Lobby soon. I have always kept in my mind, and used it when speaking with employees, a quote from a speaker from when I was in the Future Business Leaders of America Club in High School, "There is Nothing Worst Then Going To A Job You Hate". The actual quote said getting up every morning, but I know you don't do that.

    Janet - I hope you are catching up on your rest and getting back to your home routine. I know your kitties were very happy to see you, as well as James. I made an appointment at the Ulta Store yesterday with the Lancôme consultant for a session with their products. I need a new foundation. So looking forward to it as you and my BFF Monica use it. I purchased one of their eye liner is the prettiest blue.

    Cindy - I hope work isn't too brutal for you to catch up emails, regular mail, meetings and such. You have a fun weekend to look forward too How is Rick taking you being away and then the upcoming weekend?

    I better get going. Wish me luck!! I will report in once I get settled at the Podiatry office. Tomorrow I am finally having that Reclast infusion at the hospital. It takes a full hour to have it infused. I pray I don't have a reaction to it. Some feedback show people have flu like symptoms for a few days after.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a visit this morning. I'm happy it's a local visit as I've been on the road the past several days. Breakfast is eaten and tracked.....left over ham and cheese omelette.

    The rummage sale isn't until this weekend. I won't be participating this time as I'm busy with St. Mary's students and staff activities.

    My personal challenge and goal for the week: My challenge is drinking water (among many other things, but I'll choose one!), so my goal is to drink and track my water this week. Also, I want to stay positive even though I'm SO frustrated with my weight.

    Janet: I'm glad you had a great weekend.

    Patti: I worked at the register many years while growing up as my dad was a retail pharmacist and owned two stores. I have many good memories from that time, especially the soda fountain. Retail can be brutal at times. I'm going to get my flu shot very soon. I get the "senior" dose now! :D

    Karla: Good luck today!

    Have a great day, everyone! I'm tracking my water intake right now!
