OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, hoping the hurricane doesn't hit you too hard. Do you have Izzy & JJ this weekend?

    Ran errands this morning, now watching football but will soon have a shower and get comfy for the day. Not much to say but was thinking of you all and wanted to say hi.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet - We are honkered down here. So nice to have Glenn retired and able to work yesterday to secure the pool area and back yard. He primed the generator and it is ready and waiting if needed. We have foot and water. I do have Izzy. Her and I went to an early showing of the My Little Pony movie, and then to Target for a few staples, and a My Little Pony horse. LOL. All of our kids are prepared and ready. Tornado's are already reported in the area of our family in Mississippi, but they are safe. Izzy and I are playing board games. We painted a rock yesterday and today we enhanced it with glitter. Next we will head to the sewing room.

    I know Cindy is busy with her girls and the romantic book weekend, and Patti is having her YaYa weekend. Plus Bert is out of town. I don't know if Diane is ever going to come back home from her travels. I haven't seen her on Facebook in a while.

    Hurricane Nate is expected to hit about 1am I believe unless that changes. I sure won't sleep until it passes. I will keep you all posted, but we will be fine

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Evening. I finally made it to Chicago last night. I got a late start to yo meeting on campus and then stopping at the tire store to discover there was a screw in it (my light came on). Then there was a huge wreck on the interstate and 5:00 traffic. It added and extra hour to my trip. Very long day yesterday.

    I got to see Dylan's baseball and football games today. Dan and Annie are out this evening so I watched the kids. Both are in bed now and I'll be going soon. Very tired.

    Eating was good. I went over my carbs a little today but was good on protein.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Home from my favorite weekend of the year! There are not enough positive adjectives in the dictionary to describe how fun this weekend was for all of us. A 3 day pajama party extraordinaire. We watched nothing but Disney movies. Laughing was truly an aerobic activity. I feel renewed on every level and plane. I won't talk about the just wouldn't be fair to me or any of you, lol. So now it is back to the real world, of eating anyway. We never had the tv or news on so unaware of the hurricane hitting yet he gulf. Looks like Karla came thru safely.

    Janet, activity is good for RA. Hope your classes are informative and helpful. I know your history with "exercise shaming", don't let those negative voices be a roadblock to your health. You are stronger in every way than you were in those days. Walking is good for the mind, body and soul. I bet James is a good motivator.

    Bert,my you gave been one busy lady. How was lunch with your friend? How is she doing? Yeah for time with the grandkids.

    Speaking of grands, my youngest, Collin (26) just got a big promotion at his current job and then 2 weeks later got a great job offer from the AFB. He took the promotion until his base job starts in late November. He is expecting a baby boy in Jan, so perfect timing for him. So proud and excited for him.

    Time to chill, my sides hurt as if I have been doing sit-ups
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, a perfect weekend & great news about your grandson!

    Bert, at least the hassle of your travels was counterbalanced by those adorable kids.

    Karla, is your power back on to stay? How did your dad fare?

    Cindy, tell us about the weekend when you can.

    It's been a PJ day here with football. James has a headache (weather-related sinus stuff) and has been lying down periodically - at least it's not a migraine. I've had a couple of high-pain days and dare not take a norco (head one yesterday and now have 12 to last until January. Walking HURTS - not long before my back is in agony, but I'm trying. They E word still makes me want to cry at its mere mention. It's physically and emotionally a massive trigger for me, but I am trying to move as much as I can tolerate. Sorry - I try not to whine about it too much - James knows I sometimes hurt but has no idea how often or how bad it gets, but I don't want him to know.

    Busy week ahead, I think. House will get cleaned and I have various stuff to do - may or may not go a couple of places, and have dinner with a friend in town for work.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, you have come SO far without the benefit of the E word. No reason to mess with success and even less reason to cause yourself pain. Never forget what you have accomplished, celebrate it!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. I wrote a long post this morning and Izzy distracted me and I hit the upper done which we all know deletes it. I didn't have time to start over. Her and I spend all morning in my sewing room. We had a ball. She stands right beside me and grabs the pins as I sew. LOL. She helped organize a drawer today with my embroidery threads. The parts came in for my new to me Disney Embroidery/Sewing machine. Glenn went with me to the sewing store Friday and Susie put them in and it is ready to roll! I just have to have a day to sit and study the manual and learn to embroider with it. I sewed today with my other machine and made two small pet blankets. Now what I do is if I am making someone a throw and they have a cat or a dog, I make a pet throw with a cat or dog pattern. They are so darn cute!

    Patti- Welcome back!! I know you had a complete blast with your YaYa's. I know this is the end of your cabin season isn't it? Or do you go back down one more time before the snow sets in? It was pretty quiet here on the board with you and Cindy gone. We fared okay with just small branches and leaves down from Hurricane Nate. My dad got very little. Thank you for asking.

    Janet - Bless your heart for being sensitive and trying to walk with or for Mark. I confer with Patti, do not do it to your detriment. He cares for you and would only be hurt if he found out you were keeping from him the pain you were suffering to please him by doing it.

    Izzy and I have decorated the home for the fall season and Halloween. Both tables have fall tablecloths. There is a garland of pumpkins hung across the mantel, the large bowl on the coffee table has different size and colored pumpkins in it. We couldn't do the front porch due to the storm. Glenn and I will hang the light up pumpkins out there and the skeletons tomorrow, LOL.

    I am home tomorrow for a day of moving stuff out of my closet to the office/sewing room closet. Glenn has cleaned it out so now I can move all my Vera Bradley luggage in there and move some of my many designer purses up where it was and move some of my many shoes where my purses were. LOL.

    Cindy- Can't wait to hear all about your weekend and tomorrow with your girls. I am sure it was pretty sweet and awesome.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a beautiful morning, here in Chicago. I have my visit today and then will head home in the morning. My visit is this afternoon and I don't want to get into 5:00 traffic. The traffic is brutal at that time, no matter what route you take. Dan is going to the Cubs game today as his neighbor has two tickets and won't let his wife go. Every time she attends a game, they lose. So he says she's back luck with the Cubs. :smile:

    Eating wasn't the best yesterday as I was at the mercy of family's plans. We are having to eat out quite a bit as kitchen renovation is happening at Dan and Annie's house. I'll try to make good choices today.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and back to reality for me today. Already missing my morning coffee with the girls. One of the girls couldn't make it this year and she was sorely missed. We had one new YaYa this year and she is looking forward to returning. I will be winterizing the cabin next weekend. This means bringing home anything that will freeze and explode, turning off and cleaning the extra fridge, and basic cleaning of the entire place. We drain the water heater and all the pipes then pour antifreeze into the drains to keep the pipes from bursting. We still can go down anytime we want, just have to close all the drain pipes and turn the water on. Just have to rewinterize the pipes when we leave again. Only takes a minute or two. Takes longer to bring the cabin up to temperature but once warm it is super cozy. Edd will go down several times to go trail riding or to just get away. I will probably only go once or twice, but will spend New Years there for sure. Got my new shoes and had then on last night. They seem super comfy so am praying they are going to be good for work. They were expensive but I have a 45 day trial period and can return them postage free for a full refund if I don't like them. I would much prefer they work than to have to return them. They are Kurus and they say they are specifically made for flat feet. Work tonight will be the test.

    Karla, so glad you and your dad had minimal problems from the hurricane. I have a friend in Pensacola and have not heard yet how she did, she also has a condo on Orange Beach. Have fun with your new Disney machine. I really want to start sewing again. I think I will start with a new robe for me. We have some new Luxe flannel that I want to make it out of. My granddaughter in law wants me to make her some little felt animals for a mobile, but those are hand sewn.

    Janet, it looks like we are finally getting into your kind of weather. The trees are getting so beautiful around here and the drive home yesterday, even though it was raining, was just gorgeous. Are you going to take James to the jack o lantern display at Iraqouis park? I so want to find time to do that this year. Are you getting him fattened up any? Who is his favorite NFL team? I believe you are a Patriots fan aren't you?

    Bert, I don't blame you for skipping that aweful traffic. Cincinnati is bad but nothing like Chicago. You have packed a lot into this trip for sure.

    Cindy, picturing you with your two girls tonight. Heads together, laughing and talking while you enjoy your meal. Hope your weekend got you lots of exposure and that you made new connections. It won't be long and I will be deep into your new book. I try to pace myself so it will last longer but I generally get too them way to quickly.

    Need to get my chores done and fix my lunch.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good afternoon ladies. I turned in early last evening only to wake up at 3am thinking it was time to rise. LOL. I watched a little television and went back to sleep until 8a. Glenn has been working outside most of today. Putting the canvases back on the gazebo's trimming down broken branches and picking up down branches. Nothing major, but needing to be done. It's still wet outside so he hasn't been able to blow all the leaves off around the back patio or pool area and moved my plants back out of the greenhouse. I have been doing laundry, office work, and now I think I will watch a little TV and take a nap!!

    Patti- I don't think as far as Pensacola received anything except some higher waves. My dad didn't even get rain. I am excited to go weigh in tomorrow morning and see what a normal week will be like. I have kept my protein up over 85 all 7 days and carbs under 63!! Some days my carbs have only been in the 40's. My back has my legs tingling again today so it is a constant reminder that I have too much pressure on my body. My left ankle is hurting again and I have iced it last night and going to do it again now as I lay down. The Orthopedist told me in August we did not need extra weight on our bone structure, as if we didn't know. He was sweet about it.. LOL.

    Bert - You are a busy-Bert! I have only ate out once since I've been on this plan, which will be two weeks tomorrow. It was at Cracker Barrel, so it was easy to have grilled chicken strips and vegetables, no cornbread, boo! lol. I know sooner or later I will give in and have something not on plan, but I plan to hold out as long as I can.

    The musical charm just rang on my dryer, so I am off to retrieve my clothes. Have a great day.

    Let's all set NEW GOALS for this week.

    GOAL: Research the recipe sites the nutritionist recommended.

    PS ( also, the ladies on the 10 lbs by.. Facebook sight told me about an APP "Happy Scale" that helps you with trends as you log in it...of course not everyone on that board uses it, but they are all real open about where they are on their journey. I like that. They post their starting weight, SW, current weight, CW, and goal GW at the beginning of their daily posts. It is an eyeopener. I'm doing it too without embarrassment..or shame)
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    My goal for this week: keep carbs below 100, this is a huge challenge for me.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    The big weekend is this one coming up- this past weekend was closing camp and prepping for the big event. I've shopped- ready to pack and Meg is ready to fly.
    Sorry for the confusion - I'm so excited.

    Another very busy day but tomorrow should be better- I hope.
    Everyone sounds wonderful and happy. So glad and blessed.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, oops.....I knew you were busy, just got the wrong event in my head. Guess I was just excited for next weekend for you, lol.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy - I had the weekend incorrect also. Forgot about the close down of the camper. But we knew there was some reason we didn't hear from you.

    Patti - Good for you for tackling those carbs!! You go girl!

    Pretty much spent the whole day working on business stuff and not fun stuff. Boo-hoo. I can't wait to retire. I am getting envious of Glenn being off. But he is sure doing a lot of things that have not been done for years that have been needing attention.

    I will report in after my weigh-in, keep your pinkie fingers crossed for me.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! My eating so far this week has been less than stellar - it's hard getting a grip again but I'm working on it.

    Cindy, enjoy every second with the girls. Let us know how Meg is adjusting to Ohio. Hope you can create some downtime in the next few weeks.

    Karla, you're doing so well - happy for you.

    Patti, James loves football. Sadly, he's a Niners fan so his heart gets broken often. He also likes the Raiders and (like me) does not care for the Cowboys, but he tolerates the Evil Steelers far better than I do (I like some of their players but their QB is anathema to me as a human being). His color is better since he got here (six weeks in) and he's gone out for a walk or run.

    Bert, hope you have to deal with NO traffic for at least a week! How's the driveway coming?

    Been way busy with stuff - we may go see "Blade Runner 2049" later. So far so good on my rheumatoid med but it take three months to kick in, so am dealing with the pain as best I can. My back has been giving me fits lately and I wish I could make more alone time to continue doing my PT exercises more regularly - am WAY too shy around him to do most of them, but I do stretch often and move around as much as I can.

    Time to empty the dishwasher, have a shower and get on with my day!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Another busy day in the life of Cindy. I'm ready for the weekend and just looked at next years events in WV- Its in Huntington. I think it is pretty close to Patti and Janet. November 2/3 I think. If there is anyway you could pop over I'd love to see you guys... Just thought I'd drop a bug in your planner.
    eating hasn't been steller but I'll refocus again. I won't give up. I did splurge and bought new outfits for the weekend- great camouflage for the mid section.
    Karla- how as the WI- I'm sure you're shedding like crazy with your new determination
    Patti- how is your carb control planning coming along
    Bert- and you- how is your carb intake
    Janet- maybe you could do your PT when James is out for a run or walk. You need to take care of you and I'm sure he would hate to know you're not doing just that with him around. Please take care of yourself like you do us.
    I'm 21k into the new book and I've ordered the paperback proof of Magic today.
    If you know of anyone who is a reader I'm running a special- its posted on FB and just go to my website to shop- for my girls I'll throw in LFK too if you wanted any for someone on your holiday shopping list. BUT no pressure
    Need to run but big waves to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon!! First chance I've had to get here.

    Drum roll please!!! I lost 3.0 pounds this week.

    I am so pleased. That makes a total of 11.2. I do want to add activity when I can, but for now my back and feet, thats right, now the right ankle hurts.

    I picked up some Pepper Jack Crisps and pretzels that are LOW CARB to take with me to the SanDestin resort this weekend. We are leaving Thursday for my Dad's and then Friday for Destin for the Beer Fest. NO, I'm not drinking.

    Cindy- You take care of you when you can also. Two new outfits is a way to do that!! Glenn helped me with my closet yesterday and chastised me for having 45 purses and 55 pairs of shoes. LOL. Who's counting I said!!

    Janet - Same goes for you. Why are us women so vain? But we are, it is our upbringing. Thank your for your kind words, I am ecstatic over my loss. I know it will slow down, but for now I will enjoy. Onward I go.

    Patti- These Crisps are sold at Costco and Sam's and are crunchy and come in the Parmesan flavor you might light. You can use them on salads, fish and just to eat. Just a thought. I haven't tried this pepper Jack flavor yet, but the clinic said they weren't real spicy. But... I hope you are having a successful day.

    My hair came out darker than I wanted and not enough Auburn in it, so I am going back tomorrow for some Auburn highlights.

    Take care, and visit with you tonight.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi to all, tried to post this morning but my iPad was not working right. Anyway, spent my day with Mom and got her all caught up on the YaYa weekend. She has eye Dr appointment Thursday, so another chance to be with her this week. We are now addicted to The Good Dr, like we needed another show, lol. Happy to say that I am tracking and yesterday I met my goal. Came in way below my 100 carbs and got 70 gems of protein. Work was super busy, last day of a big sale and Columbus Day brought tons of people in to stock up on fleece and flannel. Didn't get out until almost midnight and we left lots undone. We even had extra help. Just overwhelmed with the volume of fabric we had to put away from our shift, day shift and the truck.

    Janet, go easy on yourself until the meds kick in. I am like you, shy about exercising in front of someone. The gym is different because they are involved with what they are doing, not me. Glad to hear James is thriving. Strange, it doesn't seem like he has been there 6 weeks already.

    Cindy, I shared your post so hopefully I can generate some sales from here. WV would be a nice trip, what town? New outfits to accentuate your beauty and make you feel confident are always a good idea. When is Meg getting in?

    Karla, congrats on another good loss. I know you are glowing to have your hard work pay off. I have tried the crisps, my problem is portion control so I am not sure they are on my list at the moment.

    Bert, hope you are home safe and sound. Hope your protein focus is working for you.

    TRX then date night. Dinner is planned and on plan for me.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good evening. I am so excited. My BFF Monica has an appointment Monday at the HW4M clinic. Her and I have been friends for 30 years and have probably joined 5 or different weight loss establishments together, She is excited though, and we areand here we go again. much older now.

    Tonight I made a recipe from the "e-Meals" print-out my nutritionist gave me last week. It was Honey Mustard pork chops. I also made the oven roasted Cauliflower with parm and cheddar cheese she suggested. They are so about low carb meals. I added green beans to the meal and Glenn and I loved it. I was apprehensive about the cauliflower, but since we both have liked the rice made with it in our stir-fry and burrito bowls, I thought I'd give it a try. The key I was told was to really roast the heck out of it to get it crispy and she was right! Glenn was shocked. His eyes went up and he said "it's good"!! LOL.

    Patti- I have been wanting to watch the Good Doctor also. I have heard great things about it. Any time spent with your mother is great time!! She is a treasure of a lady. I'm looking forward to seeing my dad this week too. Congrats on meeting your first day goal. I knew you could do it. I'm hoping to get back to some Leslie Sansone. My back is somewhat better today. I remember what fun we had doing the ONE dvd everyday back in 2011. LOL.

    Have a great evening, this is my favorite tv night too. NCIS, The Voice and This Is Us.
    Thank goodness for dvr!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am feeling so positive these days. It is funny how the starchy foods can have an effect on our moods and demeanor.

    Glenn made our omelets this morning for the first time and he did wonderful.

    I am working from home before I head back to the hairdresser. Glenn is outside going through and reorganizing my little greenhouse. He wants to make it the storage unit for the patio cushions and pool furnishings for the winter time. (all three months of it, lol) Yesterday he did the same thing with his tool shed. We will both tackle the double garage soon.

    Well, we booked a weekend getaway for his middle son and wife a few weeks ago over in Destin as a gift and they called yesterday and said they just didn't have the money to go. It is under the 14 days to cancel without losing the points, but, NO BIGGEE, Glenn and I will just go and take Izzy and Audrey! It will put us out of town two weekends in a row, but so what. Izzy has been chastising me since the 21 day trip for not taking her to a "vacation home" as she calls them. LOL. I am surprising her today when I pick her up at school for dance.

    Quotes of the Day:

    "Yes, you can! The road may be bumpy, but stay committed to the process."

    and for giggles-

    "Optimist: Someone who figured out that taking a step backward after taking a step forward isn't a disaster, it's more like a cha-cha."

    Have a "take care of me day".
