OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am off to weigh in. Please cross your fingers and toes. This is week four!!

    Bert - Maybe you can get some of the Premier shakes from Walmart. They have 23grams of protein and are not bad tasting. I keep them on hand just for that reason. I like the vanilla best. I tired the Strawberries and Cream also. Like Janet advised, there are the P3 snacks too, but I don't like the carbs in those.

    Patti- Sounds like you had a wonderful visit enjoyed by all parties. I saw your friend's response on Facebook. Us American's are all about food and drink when we get together. I'm going to pick up some ground turkey today and make the meatloaf. I need to add a little more variety for Glenn and I. I also hope the Shrimp man is back out.

    Gotta run,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited October 2017
    Slow start this morning. The weather is cold and rainy and that always seems to slow my go. Heading to Moms shortly and then TRX tonight. Girls lunch has been moved to Thursday so we can go to IKEA first. So will be making my menu and shopping list tonight and shop tomorrow. Since my cupboards are bare I can start from scratch on building a healthy meal plan for me and Edd. When I am focused on healthy eating, I am fortunate that I don't feel compelled to keep tempting food in the house for Edd. He will eat what is here or can eat his goodies elsewhere. He would benefit from cutting out some of treats.

    Karla, good luck today but you have been spot on so luck really doesn't enter into it. The beauty of my weekend with our friends is that there was very little focus on the food and drink and major focus on being together. The guys have known each other 47 years and had lots of stories to tell us. And they are both accomplished story tellers.

    Bert, you are getting your focus back, it will pay off.

    Cindy, sounds like your LR time was super productive. Can't wait to see what is in store with your new series of books.

    Janet, enjoy these cold days. I picture you and James companionably watching your favorite sports and listening to your favorite tunes as the the days get cooler. Enjoy every moment of his presence and friendship.

    Time to check with mom to see if she needs anything today.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Karla- thanks for the #'s and welcome back to Onederland.
    Patti- its cold and yuck here too. Guess its just that time of year- how was Mom?
    Bert- walking in the mall is a great way to get in some steps- way to go.
    Janet- what is going on in Kentucky?
    All is status quo in my world I had a banana and nuts for breakfast- kind of odd but trying to shake things up a bit. So we shall see.
    I made some turkey veggie soup for dinner last night and will enjoy it today for lunch.
    I'm really hungry already.. lol
    guess the nuts and banana didn't keep me tied over.
    But it's almost lunch so I'll need to heat up the lunch.
    So off to the microwave.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. It was a very special time at Izzy school today. She was so thrilled that Papa and Nana came and had lunch with her. We then took her to the book fair and purchased a cute dual set of book I will read to her. It came with a little "paw" ring and is about some girls that rescue animals.

    My loss this week drastically dropped. I lost .8 of a pound. Gulp. It is still a loss and a move in the right direction. I know I did everything correctly with no cheating, it will come off next week.

    Cindy- I didn't quite make it to Onederland. Next week I should be there. I must be patient as I didn't get there overnight. Turkey veggie soup sounds yummie. Our temps are dropping down to the 40's tonight!!

    Patti - You had mentioned Pizza the first night and grilled burgers the next night and I haven't had either of those in over a month, lol. I have realized that when you are trying to reduce you certainly cannot expect others to cut back around you. You can, however, silently, eat only the burger, not the bun. Eat the toppings off the pizza, not the crust. Little things like that help you participate in the same meal, but reduce it's fat/calorie/carb content. This is only if you are serious about reducing. You are doing a good job of not gaining anymore weight since you are still in Onederland. I'm hoping to be there next week. Geez.

    I have a call to take,


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Karla-
    My girl friend writes some great children's books- about horse rescue and therapy ponies.
    Izzy might like them- nice stories that have meaning.
    And the profits go back to the RVR Horse Rescue in Tampa Florida.

    Sorry about the small loss but its still great progress.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy - Yes, it's 15 pounds even since 9-26-17, so just under a month. That's the most I have done since 2012. I was just shocked it was under a pound, even though slightly under. But it is still progress and better than sitting on the couch not losing or gaining, right?

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy - oh, and thanks for the link. I have Kindle Unlimited so I can get this book for Izzy. Seh will love it. I hope they still pay the author, they would, wouldn't they?

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I woke feeling slightly hungry this morning so that's a good thing. Yesterday I had a weird breakfast and it seemed to work ok so I may try it again from time to time.
    Banana with a handful of nuts a while later- held me until about 11:30- might be a good way to shake things up and I've been told nuts are a good way to help my good cholesterol.
    Eating salad with protein for lunch so also good. I'm not back to eating the way I did when i Lost the 40+ pounds but working towards it. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is my eating plan.
    Need to run but Karla- congrats on the minus 15- its looking good on you. ;)
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, sounds like a great start.

    Karla, any loss is a loss! And after a few big ones, we all know it slows down, even though we don't want it to.

    Patti, did Frankie go nuts when you & Edd got home?

    Bert, hope you enjoyed your less-structured day. How were your baby teachers' assignments - are the laggards getting it together?

    Have been doing better on eating the last couple of days - nowhere near where I want to be, but ... refused bread last night and only had a bit of rice with my Chinese leftovers. Baby steps. We all KNOW how to do this - Karla is back in the groove and Cindy too. Hooray for all success, even the best intentions mean we are thinking about it. Now to DO.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, easing into my day since it will be a long one. Grocery shopping, a bit of laundry and then work. Found out yesterday my sis will be having surgery in the near future. I will call her today to get the details. I need to really give her a pep talk and make sure she gives it her all post op since her husband is not in good health. I have a feeling I will be called upon to assist at some point. My discussion with Mom last week about moving backfired in a way I had not anticipated. She thought I suggested a place with more services because I was getting tired of helping her. She even checked into getting someone to come in one day a week to help out. I think I assured her that my intent was to see if she was interested in a change and not that I didn't want to help out. I think we have it all straightened out. I hope I convinced her how much I love spending time with her and being able to help her with the things she cannot do, which are very few.

    Cindy, baby steps is so right. You are trying and have a plan. Great way to get back in the groove.

    Janet, we will get there with support and love. When we struggle we need the support even more. I agree I KNOW what needs to be done. It is just the DOING. Any positive changes are steps in the right direction. When it all falls into place, like it has for Karla, we will crush it and be in the losing column once again. In the meantime we just need to maintain and be as kind to ourselves as we are to others. Our time is just on the horizon, I feel it.

    Bert, keep up the good work with your protein and cutting your carbs, that is the hardest for us all. I know your busy schedule with all your visits to family and students makes it a challenge to get it all right.

    Karla, congrats on your loss.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Forgot two things,
    Bert, the shoes I got for my flat feet seem to really be doing a good job. They are an online only store, Kuru is the name, and they make shoes for other conditions like plantar fasciitis and heel spurs.

    Janet, Frankie went nuts when we got home, she always does. She doesn't know which one of us to go to first. Such unabashed love

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning dear friends.

    Yes, it is nice to see several of us re-focusing our efforts. I just couldn't do it for so long, I had one excuse after another, until I finally said enough.

    Cindy- Thank you for the kudos on my 15 pounds. I am proud of it. It has not been easy by any means, but I am already looking forward to wearing my slimmer jeans with another 10 pounds off. I can do it!

    Janet- You are making strides with choices one at a time. Glenn is back on the wagon with me and we made a delicious low carb recipe called Slaw Crack. Today Glenn is making a turkey meatloaf today. I'm going to see if he will run to the store and get some pork rinds to use instead of bread crumbs to make it low carb. I've read it's really good this way. If so, why not? The same either the low carb tortillas, I taste no difference.

    Bert- I hope your carpet stains came out.

    I better run. Have a great and positive day.

    Is anyone interested in answering the TT?

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends.

    Another on program day behind me. Today marks one month. I must be patient. I am not a patient person! Lol.

    Glenn made the SkinnyTaste turkey meat loaf and added half a pound of ground pork to it. It was wonderful. He is really moving up on his cooking. This is the first time he followed a printed recipe. I tracked the extra pork.

    Today's personal goal: count my ounces of water.

    Patti- Where are you my friend? I missed you yesterdsy.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's sunny today but still chilly. Breakfast is eaten and tracked.

    Janet: One of my procrastinators submitted her "final" copy of her assignment. I graded it and submitted it online, and she texted within 20 minutes asking what she could do to improve her score. Amazing that she looked as I haven't heard from her in weeks. She doesn't read my comments carefully, so it's on her, in my opinion.

    Patti: Sorry to hear of your mom's interpretation of your discussion. Hope things work out soon. I did well eating yesterday and was below my carb limit. I also had a PT session, so I'm going to the gym today as I don't have anything scheduled today except for picking up Jillian from school this afternoon. It feels good.

    Karla: My carpet stains did come up. I'm so happy he was able to get them out. Neither he nor I could figure out was the stains were. My GNC lean shake powder has 22 g. of protein. So, I try to have a shake for a snack. I purchased EAS Advant Edge Carb control shakes yesterday. They have 17 g. of protein and 2 net carbs. The problem is they are expensive and I only get 4 of them. I might look at Amazon to see if I can purchase them in quantity for a better price. They are good for a go to snack.

    Have a good day, everyone!

    Goal for Today: Track water and go to the gym to change my workout routine.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - Good to see you post. I had missed it. The elderly are so sensitive to being "helped". I know she realizes how much you are on the run and doesn't want to be a burden. They don't realize how much we want to do for them. At least yours is right there in town. I have to drive 350 miles round trip to do for my dad. You are so right, Janet and you will get your Mojo back on your own time. It took me forever and took quite a scale shock to get me off my butt to do it. I hate having to lose the same pounds over and over again, but it is what it is.!! I'm doing it!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Karla you're words counted have rung more true for me - I hate losing the same pounds AGAIN- Last week when i had the screening it was such a shock seeing most of what I had worked so hard to shed came back. I'm glad it didn't go above where I had been. I've had a decent week despite major stress at home- good news I'm strong like mighty oak with deep strong roots- I may bend but break- no way.
    I think we all seem to be in our groove- which is so wonderful.
    Karla- that Slaw Crack looked goo- how did it taste? What kind of low carb tortillas did you fine. All I could buy was the fiber one tortillas which are lower in carbs than the usual ones.
    I have no idea what I'm making for dinner tonight- guess I need to decide since it's 430 here.
    Need to wrap up the work day but thought of you and wanted to say HI.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening all, work was so busy and my "everything below the waist" hurts today. Went to IKEA with the girls for some retail therapy and then lunch at Smokey Bones. Succumbed to a few fried pickles, had a wonderful grilled chicken salad and refused the fried donuts then gave in and had a Kit Kat mini at my GFs house. She lured me into the house to look at a Chromebook she no longer used and there those danged Kit Kats were, begging to be eaten! She gave me a super deal on the Chromebook and I paid her more than she was asking because she is always way too generous and I don't ever want her to think I am taking advantage of her or our friendship. It was a very good day. I found the perfect work table for my craft room, just need to do some measuring of my space, figure out what to get rid of and how to set it up and then I will be back to buy it. It is perfect for paper crafting on one side and sewing on the other, with lots of storage in the middle. I really want to get back into sewing but have put it off because I don't have a comfortable table for sewing and no place to leave it set up. Edd will go back with me to get it when I make my decision.
    Skipping the gym because of the pain in my legs, feet, back and knee but will go in the morning for weights and pilates.

    Bert, so happy you are finally finding time for yourself. I used those carb advantage shakes in the past and liked them. I would add frozen peaches and some plain yogurt to make them a meal. Usually only used 1/2 the shake. The chocolate was good with the PB2 powder (5gms protein, 5 carbs for 2T)

    Cindy, seems we are all made of tough stuff it seems. Sorry you are having to deal with stress at home. we will find our way. I too hate relosing!

    Karla, I do feel so blessed that my Mom is so close. Too many years with her being 1800 miles away makes me extra happy now. I think we cleared the air about my intentions for suggesting a move. She knows that as long as she is safe to do so, she will be staying where she is and I will be her happy helper whenever she needs me.

    Need to figure out how to get all the stuff from my laptop to this Chromebook. Working on just going to my favorite sites, signing in and saving to my bookmarks.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon my pals.

    Patti - Oh goodness fried pickles, fried donuts and the mini Kit Kat!! Two out of three times you succumbed, but in only small portions. LOL. I just don't want to take a chance of a small treat leading to more. I promised myself I would give myself a treat of some sort when I get to 20 pounds off. But I must get to 20 pounds off. Its just five more pounds.

    That table sounds really nice. I like having my sewing table set up at all times. I bought three HUGE containers of material from a very sweet lady that mother passed. I was going to dig through them tonight and organize the material on my tall fabric shelf. I want to make Christmas pillows for my girlfriends this year. Congrats on the Chrome book. I'm sure your GF would never feel you were taking advantage.

    Cindy - I had a friend tell me she had lost 300 pounds. I laughed and said "no, you haven't ever been that big and she replied, " yep, the same 50 pounds six times!" It happens to a lot of people. That slaw crack was AWESOME and very easy and quick to make. You can use turkey meat also. Is Rick giving you a hard time again? Men are such babies sometimes. You hang tough my friend!!

    I am going to do my Leslie Sansone dvd right now. I already have my outfit and tennis shoes on. Time to take control of this body now. LOL.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Pals, I did it, I did the 30 Minute Burn dvd, Lesley Sansone told me she had really missed me.

    The Dietician at the clinic told me to only do the dvd once this week, but get as many steps a day that I wanted. As long as I was keeping my carbs and calories low to LOSE, she didn't want me to burn excessive calories too. She said the more burning exercise comes in is after you get to goal and are maintaining your weight with higher calories. She said if I did that now my body would go into the protection/starvation mode. I found that very interesting. That was probably a issue with me before when I was eating too little and doing the hour dvds more and more! It is such a juggle!

    I'm sure if I start wanting to eat bread, rice or potatoes I would be able to exercise more, hence, more carbs, but I will see what is recommended when my weight stalls. You all know how stubborn our bodies are!!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Girls-
    I'm going to try the Crack Slaw- sounds and looks really yummy.
    Yes- going through another bout of nonsense at home- writing is my salvation.
    Interesting what Karla's dietician said- something to think about.
    Patti- sorry the below the waist is hurting again- and you're mom loves you to the moon and back i'm deep in her heart she knows your concern comes from love-
    Janet- when does James head west? Will he be with you for the holidays?
    Bert- sounds like you're moving in a positive direction- so proud of you.
    Busy work day today- but I'm going to scoot out early I think- going to wash the walls in the kitchen and don't want to take up good writing time on house chores- priorities you know.
    Hugs to all