OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening ladies, mom and I had a wonderful day. She wanted pot pie from KFC, so that is what we had. Dinner will be pot roast, carrots and green beans so not a total bad day. Did go to the gym so calling it a success, ok on calories and up a bit on carbs but I can live with it. Tomorrow is lunch with the girls at Texas Roadhouse and my meal is picked out and on plan. Dinner will be leftover pot roast etc. it will be another hard night at work as there is a huge sale starting on Thursday, including 4 days of door busters, so double the signs to be put up. I do hope there is more help. My feet are doing much better with the new shoes, still hurt but not until the end of my shift and recovery time much shorter.

    Bert, glad you hit the gym, hope it worked out your frustrations of your day. Enjoy your trick or treaters, we don't get them here.

    Karla, awesome job. I know you will be riding high for a while on this one.

    Janet, every success is important, glad to hear you are having several a week and are proud of yourself for your efforts. The squash soup sounds perfect for this weather. Does he start with fresh or frozen squash? You are so lucky to have a cook in your midst.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. Yes, I am shocked with this large a loss five weeks in, but I truly believe some of it was from last week as I never believed that .8 was correct. Just didn't make sense. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing as it is working and is scientific based. A numbers game! Lol. I never realized what a culprit carbs really are. There are many tasteful alternatives if we just search them out and give them a try. I never would have thought I would be eating cauliflower rice and now it is a staple in our stir fry and other dishes. The same with the low carb tortillas, I taste no difference.

    My bff went back to the clinic today and met with the dietician. She spent an hour going over her food diary and tweaking her my fitness pal nutrient levels. She is so thrilled with what she is learning. She thanked me for turning her on to the place.

    Bert - what a frustrating day. Sounds like an intervention on this student teacher. I'm glad you got in all straightened out. We had tons of cute costumes tonight.

    Patti - I am sure your mom enjoyed your lunch together. Please dont overdo it with two jobs and all your activities. You cram so much in!

    i need to go dry my hair,

    Good Night,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Eating was good yesterday. Today I am on the road for a visit.

    Patti: What kind of shoes did you get? My dad was a retail pharmacist. His feet were always hurting him as he spent many hours on a concrete floor. My classroom was nothing but carpet over tiled floors.

    Karla: I love riced cauliflower. What brand of tortillas do you buy? The only kind I can find is Mission which has 6 carbs. They are also flour tortillas and I hear that corn tortillas are better for you. Who knows.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Karla so happy for you- and glad you've found something that works and Glenn is super supportive. Keep up the great progress. How many carbs per day for you?
    Janet- did you play golf? Are you walking a bit more with James? Great he is able to do some of the cooking too.
    Bert- Glad you had a good day of eating yesterday- strive for two!
    Patti- sounds like you're not really retired at the moment- LOL but glad its paying for somethings you really want. Was the potpie good?
    I forgot breakfast foods today but I have greek yogurt in my little fridge so I'll survive and I have nuts too. A slightly smaller meal certainly won't kill me. Black bean and turkey chili for lunch with some cheese- it will be delish.
    Need to run- but I'll be back
    Hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Rainy morning here but it npbeats the snow they were calling for. One of the girls cancelled lunch as she is getting ready to go out of town. Waiting to see if the other still wants to go, I could easily stay home until I go to work.

    Bert, I got Kuru shoes and they are making a difference. I still have lots of pain in my feet and knees by the time I get off work but it does not still hurt the next day. That is a vast improvement for me. I have only been able to find the mission low carb tortillas, but the wheat ones have only 4 gms. I have been using these for years and have never been able to tell any difference.

    Cindy, you are always the voice of wisdom. Have to remember that smaller meals won't kill me, lol.

    Karla, glad Monica is being successful with this clinic too. I don't care for rice so have been using the cauliflower rice since it came on the market, I used to make my own but it is too much of a mess. I also tried cauliflower mash but it is no substitute for potatoes. And I made cauliflower pizza crust......very labor intensive and so not worth it. Pasta and potatoes are my carbs of choice and there are no substitutes. So I am doing without. As I have been tracking I find that I really don't eat carbs once I cut out the summer junk food. Anything with salt and crunch is my undoing so I am keeping those things out of the house. Are you counting actual carbs or net carbs?

    Need to get a move on
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning pals.

    Wow, many questions for me. I'm flattered.

    Bert- I have used both Mission and the Ole'. I don't use the corn as I have not found them in low carb. I see no difference in taste in these like Patti said.

    Patti- I make sure what I track in MFP is net carbs. My dietician said to scan the foods is the best way to be accurate. Would your mother have been offended if you had eaten something else besides what she ate? I looked up the carbs on the fast food and before net carbs were 66. But if no other carbs for day, you were okay. My dad wanted BBQ sandwiches last time I was home, we stopped by our usual place. Their buns are huge. I got their BBQ chicken without bun. He ended up liking mine! Lol. I know you are concerned of her skipping meals and want her to eat well.

    Cindy- I am told to keep the carbs under 70 grams a day. Most days I am between 40-60. I also absolutely make sure my protein is over 80 grams. Plus you must drink the water everyday to flush the fat out. They really emphasized that too. The flushing out.

    We had a fun time with Izzy and all the kids in the neighborhood last night.

    Janet - I love a man cooking in the kitchen!

    My clothes sure are fitting so much better!! Especially my bras! Isn't it funny how we gain the weight and try and wear the same clothes? Lol!!

    I better run. Thanks for all the support.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, I looked up the nutritional info before I made my decision, plus I had prefigured my dinner so knew it was a lot but under 80 carbs for the day. At least I am paying attention and trying to make wiser choices. I am an avid label reader and check MFP for everything. I have been eating Kefir cups with cherry chocolate. It is high in protein, 7 net carbs and full of probiotics. It is also nearly lactose free and only 90 calories. It is a lot like yogurt but thicker. It does need a little sweeter but very yummy. I am hoping it will help with some digestive issues that always arise when I up my protein.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi, all - midweek check-in time. Had about 30 trick-or-treaters last night (fewer than usual). The kids were all very polite and nearly all said "thank you," but the odd thing I've noticed in KY is that few of them say "Trick or treat."

    Cindy, I don't play golf but I have learned to drive the cart! I could become the world's worst golfer but investment in clubs and fees far outweighs my interest in doing anything other than putting. I have generally been walking more but as you'll see below, that's off the table right now.

    Bert, glad you have Jillian & Cole to help you put the day's unpleasantness in the rearview mirror. I use the Ole XTreme Wellness tortillas Karla mentions (I get them at Walmart - 50 calories, lots of fiber, few net carbs). I don't know of low-carb corn ones.

    Patti, I need to look up those shoes - heaven knows I have Problem Feet too.

    Karla, sure is nice to have a housemate who also cooks - it's a first for me.

    Eating's not great but not awful today. I have a pretty ugly infected toe (cut from a clean dish I broke) - went to my nurse practitioner this morning because I knew I needed antibiotics. Got those, a few pain pills and a RX antibacterial ointment. Will stay mostly off my feet for a few days and update her Friday morning. James was really sweet and drove me there. Hadn't planned to tell him about it, but it was necessary. I'm not used to having someone to take care of me. He's going to insist I vegetate for a few days. Also went to eye doc for baseline measurement of my field of vision - a rare side effect of my rheumatoid arthritis med is shrinking field. It's normal now and we'll check it again in late April.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be an interesting day as we are meeting as a group on campus to discuss the future of one of my students. Yesterday's eating was good. I had my EAS shake and greek yogurt in the morning before I left for my visit. I didn't eat all day (not proud of that, just busy with no good on the road choices). I just wanted to get home as traffic was very heavy and it was raining. We ate chinese last night. I know it's full of sodium, but I chose cashew chicken as my protein choice as the chicken was not battered and fried.

    Patti: I've never heard of Kefir cups. Are they in the yogurt section? Where do you get them? I'm all for probiotics! I've looked up Kuru shoes. Do you get them in a store or purchase online? I'd like to try them on.

    Janet: Sorry to hear about your toe and your field of vision.

    Breakfast is tracked! Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Quick check-in as I have another conference call with the new software company. It is getting really hectic with the changing of vendors. I am going to have a "come to Jesus" meeting with the staff about missing work, dedication, surfing the internet on company equipment and on company time today too. I can't believe today's employees. I know you can Bert!!

    Bert - The clinic does not recommend those EAS shakes. They told Monica yesterday they do not have enough Protein in them for our system. They highly recommend the Premier shakes and one other I don't remember the name of. You can get the Premier shakes at Walmart and the Vanilla are really tasty. They have 30g of Protein I believe. I have only used them once as I prefer real food. LOL. I know what you mean about not pulling over when it is nasty and rainy!! I'm glad you are safe. Good luck on the intervention.

    I better get going. Another good day behind me yesterday. I rain into a really sweet lady at the grocery store yesterday. We talked for 20 minutes on yogurt, turkey pepperoni. She had lost 20 pounds and was very interested in my talk on yogurt. She was shocked in the carbs on the one she was eating and thought she was watching her carbs. I told her it was an eyeopener for me too. I have learned so much from this Dietician and so has Monica.

    Have a great day.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Yesterday was a bad candy day- the office has it at every turn and I think with not having the proper breakfast I just went down the rabbit hole and not in a good way at all.
    Janet- so sorry about the toe. But I'm thrilled you have James there to help you.
    Bert- Every good day starts with breakfast- I'm a firm believe b-fast sets us up for a good day. Follow the path you've begun.
    Patti- do tell about these Kefir cups?
    Karla- do you have a goal in mind for your WL program? You're doing so amazing. Keep it up.
    One more day and then two days of the bazaar- pray I sell a lot of books. I'll be exhausted but I plan on getting up normal time tomorrow so I can write for the first half of the day. Really need to put book one in the done pile and write book two before i go back to edit.
    There is a program running right no- write 1700 words per day for a total of 50k in a month. I didn't sign up but still trying to reach a weekly goal.
    Need to run- hugs to all
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Karla- is there a good yogurt for your plan?
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I am easing in to this day but will probably have to go pick Edd up from the car repair shop. Hoping they will fix it while he waits. Would love to just chill for a while. Work was much better and we were out of there before 11pm. Edd asked if I got fired or quit because I was home so early, lol.

    Bert, the shoes are online only but they have a free return policy. I find the ones for flat feet seem to be a bit wider in the toe box and forefoot and plan to order my next pair 1/2 size smaller. I like those EAS shakes too and with the Greek yogurt they have nearly the same amount of protein as the Premier ones. I go thru phases where I do shakes (usually in the summer) and that combo kept me full for several hours. I found the kefir cups at Kroger with the yogurt. The cups have a little side cup with flavorings. Kefir is similar to yogurt, just processed different with different types of cultures. It is a bit more sour but adding sweetener fixes that for me. It also comes purable in lots of flavored, just a bit higher in carbs. Just a little change from yogurt. Kudos for not snacking on the road. Hope the meeting with your student is productive.

    Cindy, sorry about the candy situation. Hope you have put that behind you. Your dedication to your writing is admirable, you continue to amaze me every day.

    Janet, bummer about the toe but so glad you knew to get those antibiotics. I have to watch Edd like a hawk for open wounds. Infected hardware is no joking matter. I bet James was happy to repay all your kindness in this small way. I know how hard it is for you to ask for help but so glad James was there for you. Now let him pamper you like you have done for him.

    Karla, you are becoming the walking spokesman for the clinic. Maybe they can have you do a commercial or testimonial for them. Their plan has certainly been successful for you.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Toe looks much better this morning - James is making me stay sitting with foot up. He'll go out for a few hours and I can get things done - nothing big. But I sure would like to sit and get caught up on magazines or a TV show - DVR keeps filling up because James doesn't like having the TV on during the day. I'd delete a bunch but OnDemand means you can't fast-forward. First-world problems ...

    Karla, reading labels is a great skill and it sure does open our eyes and make us realize some of our assumptions are flawed. People tend not to think of dairy as having carbs, but it does - doesn't have to be sugary or starchy to have them. I can just see you talking yogurt in the supermarket! Made me laugh.

    Bert, today's meeting will be tense - sounds like the rare case of a student teacher who may simply not be ready for the classroom - sad. I use both nonfat plain yogurt and Dannon Light & Fit. I prefer the EAS protein shakes because Premier has more calories than I should have, but it helps me get additional protein. Aside from adult beverages, those shakes are pretty much the only beverage calories I allow myself - the only juice I have is diet cranberry (10 calories or so). Choose what works best for you,

    Patti, I'll check out the Kuru shoes too - thanks! Our poor feet - as I said yesterday to my nurse practitioner and her student (already an RN but in a program to upgrade licensure to a doctorate/nurse practitioner) that my feet are truly horrid to behold, but at least they still work.

    Cindy, is this an LR week? Hope so - such a pretty time of year up there.

    Didn't eat much until evening - we got Panda Express takeout but chose lowest-calorie entrees and ate only half. James made an omelet-like thing during the ballgame and I had jut a few bites and no toast. Today it'll be yogurt for lunch and leftovers for dinner. As I try to recuperate I need to cut intake to account for less movement - wish me luck.

    It's an open-window day again and it's delightful - I will probably sit on the deck this afternoon, after a shower. Going to put comfy clothes on and not care about fashion since I'm staying in.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good evening friends. A tired Karla here. Hectic with the training, IT issues, picking up Izzy and not home until almost 7p. A high carb day for me today. Hit 65!!

    Janet - the Clinic recommends the Premier shakes as a full meal replacement, so therefore the calories are expected and acceptable under their guidelines. If you are using the EAS just to add additional protein to three meals, then that is more of a snack. Their recommendation is for you to have close to 30 grams per meal. There was another shake, but don't remember the name. Their system is science based and by physcicians. Interesting statement that "James" doesn't like the TV on during the day.

    Patti - I went to Joann's today and used the 20% coupon off my entire order. Spent $85. I bought me a glue gun and glue sticks, to insert pillows, some gift bags, birthday presents for a lady at work, a Christmas headband and some Christmas earrings.

    Bert - How did the meeting with the teacher go.

    I am going to put the hot mask on my eye. It has really been bothering me today.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, I use the shake as a meal. But am generally otherwise OK on protein and don’t need the extra calories. And the EAS are cheaper too.

    Ate little and we had leftover Chinese tonight so not a bad day, even with a couple of fun-size peppermint patties.

    Tired tonight but toe is improving and I am thankful. Will keep foot mostly up tomorrow - don’t want to tempt fate.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning ladies and TGIF!! What do we all have on the agenda for the weekend? Fun times I hope. My baby brother is coming to town today and finally seeing his five month old grandson! Tomorrow night we have our supper club and afterwards are going to the Hard Rock Casino for an Elton John and Billy Joel Tribute band concert. Fun times.

    Janet - You were very successful wth your method and I am being successful with this clinic and theirs. However, I don't even utilize these shakes hardly at all! lol I believe people need to eat food, unless in a pinch for time LOL. They check my food diaries and I need to show over 80grams of protein per day and under 70 grams of carbs a day to be successful. I am following these guidelines and that in a nutshell is why the weight is falling off me.

    Off to look at hair pictures as I am getting more red highlights today and a different cut!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Retail Therapy is in store today with my BFF. I'm looking forward to doing something I want to do (I have been going to the gym more regularly too). I'm not looking for anything special, and sometimes that can be the best shopping day. My student teacher will not be returning to her assignment. She was given options as to where to go from here, so it's all up to her.

    Breakfast is tracked GNC shake made with almond milk. 26 proteins.

    Janet: I ate the left over Chinese, too! It was good the second night as well. I know it's loaded with sodium, so I drank lots of water while eating.

    Karla: The concert sounds amazing. Have fun.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another wonderful day to be alive. We had Chinese last night but it was my homemade Chinese fish packets. Lots of veggies, no rice and a hoisin peanut sauce with 5 ounces of cod. Super quick, easy and tasty. Edd gets rice and a shriracha sauce. Off to the gym for Boom and Pilates, then quick grocery shop to spend $50 so I get my extra 200 fuel points, lol. Then work 2-7 and will probably come home and do laundry before going to bed. Working Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning and will be helping at the rentals. My son just viewed the second one that is empty and was furious. They left it filled with crap. Furniture, trash and everything in between. They also left a toilet running and they have been gone a week. That means a huge water bill for him to pay. He had evicted them and could not enter the premise until their move out date. While he was there the cops came looking for the couple. This will be a huge job. It is a two story with a basement apartment. The upstairs is a separate rental. So we basically have 2 units to clean, repair and paint. Looks like I will be busy, busy, busy

    Bert, sorry the student had to be let go but sounds like she was not mature enough or didn't really want it. Enjoy your day, you have earned it.

    Janet, keep that foot up and enjoy a little pampering. I know he loves doing it for you.

    Karla, enjoy all your fun activities.

    Cindy, I know you will do great at the festival. Enjoy your LR time.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning!

    Bert, hope the student considers everything carefully, up to & including whether teaching is the right career. It had to be pretty bad for removal from the assignment. You are a rock to deal with this honestly - only fair to all involved. You're so right - sometimes shopping with no agenda is when you find great stuff. Shopping under pressure can lead to suboptimal purchases. Enjoy every minute!

    Karla, glad your brother its finally coming to see the baby - enjoy having him around, and it sounds like a great weekend on tap.

    Patti, I've never understood how people could do that to the place they've been calling home - your son must've been shocked. Those two will get what's coming to them but the karma wheel can be frustratingly slow.

    Cindy, fingers crossed for an LR day today - I've lost track, sorry. Hope you have something joyous &/or relaxing planned for the weekend.

    My toe is far better than two days ago - whew! Will take the full ten days of antibiotic and continue to medicate, bandage & pamper it. Gee - after five months of having it up pretty much all the time this year, having to do it again is annoying. But far better than having a systemic infection take hold! There's plenty of stuff I can do to fill the time.

    OK, time to do a bit of online checking on accounts and such - after having Amex number (my computer just tried to correct that to "Sex number" - what the heck?) stolen I am even more vigilant. And it's the day to write the biggest check I write all year - real estate taxes. Gulp. Part of the privilege of owning my home though, and most of it goes to local school district. Still, writing checks that include a comma is daunting, by definition.

    Have a great day.