OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I had a great day with my BFF yesterday. I even bought tops for my grandaughters' Christmas, so I've officially started Christmas shopping. I also bought a copper coated skillet. I'm trying it out this morning with bacon and eggs. It's cooking pretty evenly. The only thing is that the handle gets warm as it's not coated, so I'll neeed to remember to use a pot holder.

    Janet: So glad your toe is getting better.

    Patti: What are fish packets? You will certainly be busy with your son's rentals. When one of our ministers was transferred, the parsonage was deplorable! We formed a team and called it the "Holy Rollers". We painted everything, ripped up carpet as it was so soiled from lack of care. I remember hearing a whining sound and we finally discovered that it was the water softener trying to work as it had filled up badly and couldn't regenerate. It was horrible.

    Karla: Hope you get the look you want for a new hair style.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I was hoping to sleep in a bit as this is the only morning I didn't need to be up with an alarm, but Edd set his! Oh well, laundry needs done since I didn't get to it yesterday. Mom needed some milk so I spent extra time with her instead and had more fun too. Edd is off working on the rental which is also flea infested! Work was a whirlwind yesterday and expect the same today, but I only work 4 hours, yippee. Next two days I will be stocking from 6-11am, at least then you just work at your assigned task with no interruptions from customers.
    Edd was so sweet and went to Bob Evans after I got home and picked us up some luscious salads. Exactly what I needed for an on plan day.

    Bert, the fish packets I make are super simple. Lay out a sheet of heavy foil or use double foil, spray with oil then layer pre cooked rice (I use the kind in the cups or make your own) in then throw on veggies cut for stir fry like carrot sticks, mushrooms, onions, broccoli slaw, frozen corn, frozen peas etc. top with a piece of frozen fish like cod (tilapia is too thin) then pour whatever stir fry sauce (any sauce really) you like over this, don't overdo the sauce or it will be soupy. Top with more sprayed foil. Put on a sheet pan and bake @ 425 for 25 minutes. I make individual packets for each of us. You can also do this with fresh chicken tenders (I think it works with frozen ones but will have to test it as I haven't used them in a while). I always have veggies cut up so this goes in the oven in about 5 minutes once I have gathered all the spices and supplies.
    Sounds like yesterday was just what you needed, BFF time and retail therapy. Nothing soothes my soul better.

    Janet, yeah on toe healing! Hope you made it thru your check writing without too much shuddering, lol. I hate those big ones with commas! Does James have a specialty that he cooks? Edd can use the microwave and can pick up from any restaurant of my desire, that is his claim to cooking fame, lol.

    Cindy, hope you sell all your books!

    Karla, are you going radically different on style?


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, the "Holy Roller Team" idea made me laugh out loud. One certainly doesn't expect a minister to disrespect the parsonage! Glad you had fun yesterday - always fun to find holiday stuff for the little ones too. My shopping has begun but needs to continue apace.

    Patti, please find time to sit down this weekend and put your feet up! You are a blur of motion and I admire you for that (among other things).

    Karla, what did your hair come out like? Always nice to have fresh hair for your holiday whirl.

    Cindy, hoping Rick has calmed down a bit. Just go about your life and make Cindy time when you can.

    Diane & Suzi, hope you are doing well - please pop in whenever you'd like. You are missed.

    Foot continues to heal. James is insistent that I keep it up - he's on the golf course this morning so I will do some low-impact things here (mostly with foot up). We're talking Great Excitement here - like filling my old-lady weekly pill containers (stuff I would be less likely to do when he's here). He is looking and feeling better than when he arrive two months ago and left me the sweetest note this morning. What a magnificent friend he is!

    Have a lovely weekend, one & all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I just did my midweek scale peek and I am at 195.6!! Another 1.4 off since Tuesday!! The downward trend continues. It is so amazing to me how this combination of low carbs and high protein is working. I am not exercising at all! I want to, but just haven't had the time and when I do my back ache kicks in. This makes my total loss at 20.7 pounds. Yippeee!! Of course the accountability of having to go weigh in someplace is a big factor for me too. I need that. At home, it's just you. It wasn't working for me.

    Bert - My hair style came out quite lovely. It has been too dark the last few months and we added red highlights last month and this time we added gold highlights and more of them. Then we layered the top. My niece, nephew and great nephew stopped by yesterday. They loved it. I'm too old for the dark hair! I have been Christmas shopping for two months!! With eleven grandchildren and four grown children I have to. Plus I buy for my three brothers and my dad. I have a big layaway at Walmart and a large box under my Rice bed full of goodies. I'm so glad you had such a good time with your BFF. Our girlfriends are so important to us.

    Janet - I wrote the big, gulp, estate check this past Tuesday myself. It's the joy of not having a mortgage.

    Patti - I love Joann's Fabric and put a gift card from them on my Christmas list for Glenn. Our store is huge and very well organized. But, I noticed the staff is not very friendly there either. I asked one of the ladies where some items where and she said at the quilting section and walked off, like I knew where the quilting section was. Geez. I used my 20% off coupon.
    That rental home sounds super nasty. The absolute nerve of people. Being from the military and having to leave the base housing so pristine, I can't imagine leaving a place like that. But, being evicted type of folks, they just don't care and were leaving a message.

    Cindy - I know you are busy in your life of Lucinda. I hope we can plan a meeting soon. I've got to sit down and plan our vacations for next year.

    I am off to a fun day. We are not going to the concert. We gifted the tickets to Glenn's middle son for a wedding gift since my brother Kevin is coming tonight, so we are staying at the supper club tonight and watching the game and enjoying our friends. Glenn is so happy because you know he doesn't like to miss an Alabama game.

    Have a great day and take care of your temple.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I’m going to try the fish packets. They sound delicious!

    Karla: congrats on another loss. My scale isn’t budging, so I’m probably doing something wrong.

    Janet: I’m glad your foot is doing better.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is supposed to be a stormy day in the afternnon and early evening. I hope it isn't as severe as they are predicting. So, it's off to church and then home.

    Breakfast is tracked. Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to "set the clocks back Sunday". I'm not sure if any of you are in a zone that don't move the clocks back or not.

    Bert - Pretty much you and I the last two days. LOL. I have some of the small corn tortillas in my fridge and I looked at them yesterday and they are 24 carbs for three. I think corn in itself is higher in carbs is why these are offered in the low carbs. The Ole Extreme Healthy carb ones are the lowest in calories too. Calories are not an issue with me. I am watching to try and get my calories up if anything. When you take the breads, potatoes, rice and sweets out of your diet that reduces so many calories by itself.

    We had a good time at the Supper Club last night. I took my cheese Crisp, Mio for my water and deviled eggs to be sure and have snack foods. She had a wonderful salad, grilled meats and I just skipped the grilled potatoes and bbq beans. Easy Peezy! It is all about choices!!

    Cindy - I hope you weekend at home wasn't stressful and Rick was more pleasant.

    Patti- I know you were working two jobs. I hope your poor feet held in there.

    Janet - I know you and James probably watched sports with your foot up.

    My brother got in later than usual last night so my nephew is bringing his grandson over shortly.

    Have a great day,


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello all, home from work and I am exhausted. Mostly I carried, lifted and hauled rolls of vinyl and upholstery fabric for the entire 5 hours! Tomorrow there is 180 boxes of fabric arriving and we will be trying to fit it all in. Then off Tuesday, yeah. Not working on the rentals at this point, just don't have the energy. Edd said they took over a ton of trash and garbage from the rental yesterday. DIL said that the evicted renter called and said they still had stuff they wanted to come get.....too late. Now I am going to relax and give my feet a break.

    Karla, Janet and I have been posting along with you and Bert too, so you are not alone here.

    Bert, hope the storms are not bad where you are. We are expecting some too. Just issued a tornado watch for my area?

    Janet, waving hi to you and James.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- MFP had changed pages so I did not see yours, nor Janet's post from yesterday. It just displayed the new post as Bert's. Do you think I would say that if I saw your posts? Really.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Figured you missed them and might want to read them, sorry!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We made it through the storms last night and didn't lose power! So thankful for that. I'm heading to the gym this morning and then to the mall. Toys R Us is having a sale on games, so I'll check it out for possible Christmas gifts. Breakfast is tracked and eaten. 45 g of protein!

    My goal for the day: drink more water......I don't do well with this!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    I tracked my entire day already- now to stick to my plan- I've upped my protein and reduced carbs- we shall see how I do.
    Karla- what is the best yogurt- I'm sure I've missed your post on that topic. Thanks
    Janet- let James pamper you a bit- you deserve it!
    Bert- drink lots of water... you can do it!
    Patti- you sure do get a good workout at work- :) Sorry about your son's apartments - some people stink.
    I had a good writing day- 6400 words on the new book- final details to wrap up before releasing Magic in The Rain- very excited and its bittersweet- my first series. Writing about new people is weird- its like making new friends- you're not sure if your going to love them, like them or tolerate them LOL
    Rick was an a** twice this weekend- said I don't know how to fold tee shirts correctly- i bit back with stop criticizing me - this is the way I fold clothes- and then he had the never to say that I'm shirking my motherly duties to write books- that my being an author has consumed me. WTF- sorry. What he's mad about really is every waking moment doesn't revolve around him like it did when he was in major crisis and I never knew if he was going to take his life or not. He doesn't understand its ok to have different interests and hobbies - not that my writing is a hobby.
    When I said I love writing and it makes me happy and I'm not going to stop he shut up. So as a recap this week he's attacked me for my clothes, wearing dresses to my bazaar- where I believe I should dress nicely as its part of my image, to my cleaning and laundry skills, to not being available for my kids and family, to not washing the windows in the kitchen when he thought I should. to spending to much time on FB- like when do I have the freaking time.
    Oh and I look just fine despite the fact i've regained a ton of weight- he said but you were heavy when i met you I don't understand your obsession with wanting to lost weight now.
    Sorry for the rant- its over.
    But I'm fine really- I got ticked off and moved on- he's not going to rain on my parade.
    Big hugs
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning Bert and Cindy.

    Bert you seem very motivated and high fives on the protein. I don't think I have ever had that much protein in one meal!! I am doing real well on my water. That statement from the physiologist that we must have the water to FLUSH the fat out that we are burning really stuck with me. You go lady!

    Cindy, Cindy - Geez, what a web Rick is weaving. He is just so jealous of the time you spend on any given thing. He just doesn't know what to do with himself. I'm not having that problem with Glenn yet since his retirement. He is still trying to do many things he never had time for. Plus he has several retired friends he plays golf with and helps with their projects. We did have a run in last week but we worked it out. The stress of this software conversion was wearing me out and I was just aggravated with it. I got on a gripping jag and he called me out on it. We worked it out and we had a nice day yesterday with my brother in town. He finally got to meet his grandson. I had made a crockpot pork tenderloin, hash brown casserole and two veggies. I made myself a wrap with the Ole' Extreme Healthy low carb wraps and had no hash brown casserole. Everybody raved about it though. lol. On the yogurt. The dietician recommended I eat the Dannon Light & Fit 5.3 oz and then get a large container of a plain low fat Greek yogurt and blend 2.7 ounces with the other to make one cup. This makes a bigger serving without adding much more carbs. I also add 4 cut strawberries and sometimes one tbsp. of walnuts. I usually a lot 225 calories for my break. fast. I'm over 20 pounds off now. My clothes, bras and pants are feeling so good.

    Patti - Sorry about that. Of course I wanted to read your post and went back and did that. thanks. I'm glad you are not killing yourself doing both jobs, the gym and your mom.

    My brother is not looking so good. I am concerned about his health. I had a talk with him last night. I am his mother figure now with my mother gone. Please say a prayer for him. I believe he has some serious issues he is in denial about.

    I'm not going in until later this morning. I have a conference call with the new software company at 11.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all! I am back in town. We had a FANTASTIC trip - I hope you followed our travels on my Facebook blog because I am not going to recount them here. Suffice to say we had a ball, and are ready to go again. We came back a week earlier than planned due to the cold weather closing in on Colorado, and many campgrounds closing. Over the weekend we went to the Maryland Scout Orienteering day and helped out, and I walked over ten miles! Yesterday was our big celebration at church with a combined service and then a luncheon, for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation (I'm Lutheran), the 70th anniversary of our congregation, and our Pastor's 30 anniversary of his ordination. Whew!

    Today started my full time job for the next seven weeks - daycare for my darling Elise. My son stayed here today too to help me through the first day. She has some digestive issues that require two medications, chamomile tea before each bottle, and feeding her sitting up tall with a special vented bottle. But I did almost all the care today, just handed her off for a few minutes a couple of times. My DIL will be dropping her off each day around 6:20, and my son will pick her up around 4:15.

    Eating this summer was not on any sort of plan, but I did manage to lose ten pounds until the last week. All that hiking! There were very few days when I didn't get at least my 10k steps and 15 flights. That last week we spent either just driving or with relatives, who of course all fed us! I put 4 of the ten back on! I'm starting to rein in my eating, and have good dinner meal plans for the entire week. The only snacks I had today were a cheese stick and a banana, up until after dinner when I gave in to the last handful of candy corn. There are no more sweets in the house, so I should be safe after this! Tomorrow I may start tracking again.

    I have read the last few pages of posts, so I am sort of up to date on what is going on with all of you. I will try to find time tomorrow for personals.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hellllooooo Diane!!!! I had seen on Facebook your Grandma babysitting duties comment. Good for you. I am sure Elise is a little beauty. I did read and admire your travels. Glenn is now fully retired and fully enjoying it! I have finally taken a handle on my weight and have lost 20.6 pounds and tomorrow morning will be my Tuesday home weigh in. Next Tuesday I will return to the clinic I am using for my biweekly weigh in there and counseling with the dietitian. Again welcome home!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning-
    A better day today but I think I'm fighting a cold. My throat was sore last night and I've developed a cough this morning. I pulled turkey soup from the freezer for lunch - lots of delicious and hot broth just what the doctor ordered :)
    Welcome back Diane- enjoy the baby-
    Karla- Hope the WI is positive and thanks for the yogurt tip- does that yogurt have artificial sweeteners? I'm trying to eat clean so maybe some greek yogurt - and fruit with nuts for me.
    Bert- how did everything go-
    Janet- is the foot better
    Patti- what is your current sewing project- your DIL Christmas gift or something else?
    off and running
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Diane, welcome home - your trip looked amazing and now you have Elise to cuddle. Best job possible!

    Cindy, hope the cold doesn't take root - soup is needed your friend, and this is the season for it. The Light & Fit does have some artificial sweetener but you could add some honey or all-fruit preserves to plain yogurt.

    Karla, fingers crossed for you to have another good week.

    Good eating day here - calories within plan, though light on protein. Foot is getting better - but it was, as I feared, a staph infection so very glad i knew it was important to get in, A few more days of antibiotics should finish it off.

    Waving to everyone - have an excellent day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies!! Good weigh in this morning. I am at 194.4!! I forgot what I weighed last Tuesday, so not sure of the exact loss. Wasn't it 197.00 even at the clinic last week? If so, I have lost 2.6 this week. I do not feel hungry at all anymore. For that, I am thankful. Glenn told me this morning how good I am looking. That makes me feel so good. I am at 21.9 pounds off now.

    Cindy- I hate colds of any kind. Turkey broth sounds so good. Have you tried the Cheese Whisps yet? I bet they would be good with soup. I used them with a shrimp cheeseball I made for our Sunday get together.

    Janet - Ew, staph infection. You are very astute at jumping on illnesses, you always have been. I remember the cornea tear. So glad you are healing.

    Diane - Again, so glad you are back with us.

    I better get back to work, but first, an egg white omelet!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I checked and it was 197.0 at the clinic last week, so one week later I am 2.6 pounds lighter!!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies. I attended a Chamber of Commerce breakfast this morning to honor one of St. Mary's faculty members who was nominated for a community award. I know him from participating in Community Theater and for directing and participating in our church musicals. It was a nice morning. Eating? not so much, so I'll have a salad for lunch. and have a light dinner. All that was served was probably high in calories/carbs, but it is what it is. I get so frustrated when the scale says the same thing every day.

    Cindy: You're a saint! I know I couldn't do what you do with Rick. Hope today is better for you.

    Karla: My water intake yesterday was ok, but I'm trying to drink more today. I was up 3 times during the night, so something was being "flushed" out. Congrats on your weight loss! It's definitely working for you.

    Janet: I'm glad you got the staph infection under eating is pretty good; however, my weakest time is dinner. Trying to cook for Mike (not on an eating plan) and then me sometimes gets overwhelming. So, my snacks, breakfast, and lunch are my healthiest times of day.

    Welcome Back, Diane!

    Have a great day, everyone!
