OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- No, I don't think Glenn is going back to work any time soon. It has made my life so much easier with him home. He shops for groceries, cooks dinner, picks up the grandkids and does all the man chores outside too. It is quite a load off me. He had been doing so many things that have been put off for years. Today he is playing golf with the two friends that helped him trim trees back in our yard on Tuesday. His monthly pension is quite nice without us touching his 401k. Plus, although I am only working part-time, I bring in a nice sum, mostly from home too. Glenn has actually made me stop going in as much and work from home. Lol.

    Sorry so long! 40 years is long is long enough for him to work.

    Has anyone heard from Patti?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Busy day ahead. I have two visits this morning. Need to run. Have a great day!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, hope your visits go well and the driving isn't too awful.

    Karla, I knew having Glenn home would be a blessing. And I'm not surprised he's not interested in going back I worked full-time for 34 years, averaging well over 50 hours a week (no OT pay) and that was capital-E Enough for me!

    Cindy, enjoy the LR time. Are you taking extra days at Thanksgiving?

    Diane, please kiss Elise's little head for me. I swear, if everyone got to kiss a baby's head every day, we'd have world peace.

    Lots of errands got done yesterday - we went in tandem, divided & conquered. Then we watched the ever-delightful "You Can't Take It With You" and loved every crazy second of it. Ordered us each a copy from Amazon (his will be for Christmas. Speaking of which, I'm way behind on my Christmas shopping!

    I'm getting better each day at portion control and saying "No, thanks." Day by day.

    Hugs to all, and TGIF.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and TGIF!!!!!

    Scale peek looking great!! 191.2, yipeee.... closer to the 180's.

    Bert - Be careful. All that travel would get tiring to me. They are lucky you are available for it. I am still waiting on the dietician/nutritionist to call me back. I know they must have them in your area. Maybe call your physician for a referral?

    Janet - Sounds like a delightful day. I know James is not going to want to ever leave your home. Why would he?

    Cindy- I know yesterday was your last day of work and I believe you stated you were off all of next week, correct? How are things going with Rick and you? Can you try and go see a movie or have a movie night with Hallmark at home in front of the fireplace? I am loving the Hallmark Christmas movies. I just watched a really good one at 4am this morning. Kept me interested until the very end. I am anxiously waiting for the Christmas Train a week from Saturday, that promises to be really special. Is it this weekend you have the book show?

    Izzy spent the night as there were some issues at my son's last evening, don't even get me started. She wants me to pick her up after school too. Tomorrow we are going to Biloxi and seeing Santa, as I mentioned earlier, and there is a live Reindeer for the kids. She is so excited about this. I love the decorations in the malls around here this time of year. Glenn is getting the Christmas trees down for me to start my inside décor this weekend. It's my favorite time of year!!

    Have a great and prosperous day!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- how did your doctor visit go? How is John enjoying his retirement? Glenn played golf yesterday and today he is over at a friend's house running electricity to his shed for him. He loves the freedom.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I'm off today with a craft fair tomorrow- today I've worked on the website and launch for Magic- this afternoon, after set up, I hope to write some in the new book. Its been a wonderful day. I work Monday and half day Tuesday and then off until the following Tuesday.
    I did hear from Patti- she is busier than normal with everything but she's doing well and says Hello-
    I need to get back to the website issue- my cart icon and navigation is giving me fits within the PayPal system.
    I figured out why if failed the last time - and I think its fixed.
    Oh- and I rode my exercise bike today for 22 minutes- its a start and I feel good.
    Need to run
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon.

    Hey Cindy - I thought you had some sort of show this weekend you were taking your books to. You have been one busy little writer there. Good for you on the exercise bike. So glad to hear that Patti is fine, I knew she probably was, but so unlike her not to drop by. I may go to Joann's or Hancock's over is Biloxi tomorrow. They both have Mega sales on right now. Good luck at the show!

    My bestie lost 2.7 pounds this week at the clinic. They are sending her for blood work and are changing her type of calcium. I like the fact that it is medically based. They take such good care of you. She is really happy with the nutritionist also.

    Having lunch now and then going to pick Izzy up. I am turning the corner, I think, on this crud. I do feel better. The nights and first thing in the morning are the worst.

    Have a great weekend,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining today. I'm going to put up the Christmas tree today as it's only 5 weeks until Christmas! I can't believe it.

    Janet: I, too, go day by day. I'm watching portion control as well as counting carbs and proteins.

    Karla: I'm still investigating weight loss nutritionist in my area. Calling my doctor is a good idea.

    Waving hi to Patti, Diane, and Cindy. Happy Saturday!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello all! Weather stunk yesterday (wind & rain) so we ran errands and postponed dinner out in favor of a quick Costco trip (for which I was overdressed!) and finishing up leftovers. So I had a decent eating day. Got manicure and picked up Panda Express today, left much of it for James.

    Need to do laundry and pack - up at 4:45 tomorrow morning, off to see my New England friends, who really have made me a part of the extended family. Don't know whether I'll be able to check in, but will try. So HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL!

    p.s. - Cindy - SO cool that you got into that Albany article!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon. I've been having so much fun with my two young granddaughters. Now is the time to buckle down and go through my Christmas décor with Glenn and spread it out to other family members. lol.

    I bought the cutest little iron Christmas Dachshund at a Craft mall yesterday. I always like to add something new. Which is why I have so much! lol.

    Janet - Have a wonderful time with your extended family. They are blessed to have you.

    Hi to all that are lurking.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    I think I'm going to try and make one of these.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning ladies! It is another week, and another chance to try to get my MFP act together. The weekend was a busy one, with lots of socializing. Eating was not stellar but not horrible, except for wine last night! We had my sister (local) and her son (from out of town) plus us plus son and DIL and of course Elise over for dinner on Saturday, church work day ending with pizza lunch on Sunday, then over to a good friend's house for dinner on Sunday. I didn't snack much at all, but meals were not great. I had fixed pot roast, mashed potatoes and brussels sprouts for dinner Saturday, plus an apple-cinnamon cake that everyone really loves. It isn't too bad as desserts go - less than 200 calories for a slice but 24 carbs. Of course this week will also be filled with socializing - just need to make as smart of choices as I can.

    Right now Elise is already down for her morning nap, and I put a turkey breast in the oven to roast. We are not fixing Thanksgiving dinner, but are going to a friend's, so I will not have leftover turkey. I have a great turkey soup I am making for tomorrow. We are taking Elise and heading to my mother's for lunchtime, to see her and my other sister and BIL who are coming in from out of town.

    I've been trying for lower carbs, but I just don't think that is the right thing for me. I tried it once before, and I feel so deprived all the time that I just can't stick with it. I think watching the calories carefully is a better direction for me to go. I forgot to ask my new doctor about a nutritionist when I was there, but the MA suggested I send that it on the website as a request. So I will do that today.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, you are already in the full swing of Christmas! I don't do a thing about Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Well, Carrie and I went to a craft show on Friday, leaving Elise with John for the day (he did great). I picked up a few things for Christmas gifts. I don't know that I have it straight - are Audrey and Izzy sisters? Or just cousins? I hope the crud is gone by now.

    Janet, you are on the road by now. Drive safe and have fun! Portion control will be your friend.

    Cindy, I hope the craft fair went well, and you had a lot of Christmas shoppers looking for something new to read. This is the right time of year for fairs like that for sure.

    Bert, how did your weekend go with not as much traveling? I know I don't make as smart of choices when I am on the road trying to pick something up quickly. You are getting ahead of Christmas as well.

    Waving hi to Suzi and Patti if they are checking in.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Welcome to the week of Thanksgiving. We all have many blessings in our life to be thankful for.

    Diane- Great to see you. Happy Thanksgiving. Audrey and Izzy are cousins. Izzy is my son's daughter and Audrey is Glenn's daughter's daughter. Keeping carbs under 90 is not really considered low, but you cannot eat a lot of processed foods, breads and sweets. LOL. I rely on the Ole' Extreme Wellness wraps for my sandwiches and burritos. They have good fiber content also. I was trying the calorie counting for over 4 years and just wasn't getting anywhere. My weight had escalated up to 216!! I cannot lose on 1200 calories daily. You get in that juggling act of how many calories to eat versus how active you are. The nutritionist explained it to me that if you eat 1100 and burn 300, then you are not leaving yourself enough to feed your body. They recommend moderate to low exercise while you are in the losing stage. Concentrate mostly on your eating and do walking and not aerobics. Once you are at goal, that is when the higher exercise levels are needed to "maintain" your weight. I think that is what some of us were doing. Over-exercising and maintaining where our weight at gotten to, and then not losing anymore. We all have to find something that works for us. I pray I can hang in there long enough to get down to the 150's.

    I am still coughing when I lie down!! I am blowing my nose and can feel is loosening up. I may go back to the Urgent Care, but a different one!!

    I hope and wish all are happy and filled with love this holiday season. Many of us have special blessings of babies in our midst. My Braden, whom is almost six months old, and his parents are coming for dinner on Thursday. He is so eager to get down and get into everything. He has those hands our reaching and grabbing!!

    My home is making it's transformation into a Winter Wonderland. I typically don't start this early, but with our party on the 16th, we want to get a jump on this. I went on Pinterest last night and was looking at the latest trends for trees. Glenn and I pulled all our boxes down from the attic and stayed out in the garage over two hours going through all of them. I filtered out two boxes to pass on.

    Have a great day and be kind to yourself.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    I'm afraid to step on the scales. LOL
    But I'm having a good planned food day. Salad with hard boiled eggs for lunch.
    Fish for dinner with home made sweet potato fries and more salad.
    The weekend I had great sales- Karla you book is on its way via mail.
    Diane- craft fairs are a great way to connect with local people and build the relationship
    Janet- safe travels.
    Bert- how does the tree look?
    Waving to Patti if you're lurking....
    Have a sparkling Monday.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    M y cleaning ladies just left and the place smells so clean!! Although Glenn has taken over many chores, cleaning the bathrooms and dusting is not one of them. I am still too busy to stop and do it myself.

    It is so darn nippy today. We were in the high 30's!!

    Cindy - Happy Thanksgiving to you! I thought of you yesterday as I made my taco soup!! I made it with ground turkey meat this time and it was yummy. Oh my, I will be watching the mailbox for that book!! I better get all my decorations up so I can sit and read!!

    I'm trying to decide what type of topper to do on my tree. I have seen the snowman head, a friend of mine did a polar bear, and last year I did the candy spikes. I kind of like the elfs, but want something that makes a statement. I have watched some YouTube videos on putting on the ribbon. I have to do that first. Glenn and I just loaded up the regular décor, but I'm going to go to the Urgent Care and see if this is bronchitis, pneumonia or what! I'll keep you posted.

    Have a great day,

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    It's a Tuesday and the sun is shiny and bright- As of 11:30 today I have a hair appointment and then my time is all about the holidays until Tuesday 11/28- so darn excited. I'll get in some writing time and some down time for Hallmark movies.
    I've decided to submit the wedding dress storyline to Hallmark publishing- if they reject I have another one otherwise I'll release as an indie publisher again.
    Eating was better than it has been yesterday but not perfect- starting to feel in control and the holiday won't get to me- it'll be any unexpected stress-
    Karla- I'm an angel girl so never change the topper....
    Need to run but I'll check in tomorrow.
    Waving to all who follow
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and welcome to my weigh in day. Although I don't go to the clinic every Tuesday now, I still weigh in at home on the opposite Tuesday. Ta-daaaa, I dropped down again, I am now at 190.2. Just on the cusp of the new decade. I have been getting quite a bit of steps each day, almost 10k, with all the shopping.

    Cindy - I love a beautiful Angel at the top myself, but have succumbed to different types over the years. This year the trend seems to be a snowman, a Santa hat and a Elf with his legs coming out, shoes in the air. LOL. I even suggested an Angel this year and both the granddaughters, went, nooooo. LOL. Did you say you were going over to eat at relatives house this year?

    The Urgent Care I went to yesterday did confirm I have bronchitis. A chest xray was finally done. I feel so much better this morning on the Zpack, inhaler and Prednisone. Now I can start to heal. I was even able to sustain 7 hours of sleep. Yea!!

    Izzy is going over to play with her sister's half sister, lol, we call Avery her psedo sister. They are only 3 months apart. Avery's father is Izzy's sister Chloe's father, Izzy sister by Izzy's mother, lol. Got to love these blended families.

    I decided to just take the whole week off. Between this sickness and the holiday I just didn't want to keep pushing myself. lol.

    Wishing all my friends here love and time with their family this Thanksgiving week. If you go out for Black Friday, or are having to work in it, be careful!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Greetings from RI. Both flights were smooth & on time. Slept like a baby, as I do here, with dear friends around and the sounds of wind & waves. My friend made wonderful, healthy breakfast burritos with eggs & black beans.

    Gotta go but wanted to say hi. Hugs to all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Today we went on an expedition. My sister and BIL from Wisconsin are visiting my mom, so we (John, Carrie, Elise and I) went over for lunch. It is about an hour away with no traffic, but it is on the other side of the DC Beltway. There took 1:10, but back took almost two hours! Elise slept all the way both ways, even slept through her normal 3:00 bottle and waited until we got home at 4.

    Bad news though - she has hip dysplasia, and so must wear a harness for the next month (at least) It keeps her legs splayed in froggy position all the time. She can only have it off for diaper changes and baths. She didn't seem too uncomfortable today, but she was riding in her car seat a lot. I bet it will frustrate her on some days.

    Eating not too bad, since we were out of the house. I had made a turkey vegetable soup with tortellini, but my portion only had about 3 tortellini so not bad.

    Karla, yay on the loss again. I hope your meds kick in so you can enjoy the family on Thursday.

    Janet, enjoy your visit. I'm sure you'll be too busy to do much checking in.

    Cindy, a whole week off! That should help with the stress some.

    Bert, I think I saw today is one of your granddaughters' birthday. Hope you get to spend some time with her.

    Waving to Suzi and Patti.