OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Trying for a second day of tracking everything. Lunch today won't be as healthy because about the only thing in the house is some leftover spaghetti. Breakfast was a Dannon Light & Fit yogurt plus some raspberries and a cheese stick.

    Karla, I looked for your email and also don't have it! My email is I saw the pictures of your Beach tree - I have a friend who loves flamingos and does and ENTIRE tree of flamingo ornaments! She does another Elvis tree, and I don't know how many others. We only ever do one tree, but all the ornaments are either hand made or from our various travels.

    Bert, I just can't not eat fruit. I think the free fruit on WW is why it worked so well for me the second time around.

    Cindy, I struggle with getting protein too, but the yogurt/cheese stick combination is 19 grams of protein for only 9 carbs. I do like egg beaters omelets too but with Elise here I don't get around to making it in the morning.
    Waving to Janet, and Patti and Suzi if they are lurking!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- I just sent you the three pages of restaurant nutrients. My email is Be looking for it. It has Bonefish Grill Applebee's, Chick Fil A, McDonalds, Arby's, Friday's, Chili's, Taco Bell, Wendy'setc..

    Back later

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I did well on protein and carbs today. Thanks Karla! Applebee’s was on the list. I had grilled chicken ceaser salad and grilled veggies!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening. Long day here and can't decide on my curtains. Picked up a few more ornaments for my mermaid tree. Too cute.

    Glenn is burning himself out around the house decorating, but the backyard looks awesome the way he has it lit up with lights.

    Bert - I'm glad you were able to get the three pages for the restaurants.

    Diane - Same for you. These will be helpful. I used it tonight for Zaxby's for the Cobb salad. The lady at the clinic told me they were constantly updating it also.

    I'm going to get a shower and lay down, See y'all in the morning.

    Sweet dreams,

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends and welcome to Thursday. Today is Izzy's dance day. I will pick her up after the bus let's her off and take her to the dance studio. She has lessons from 4:00 until 5:30. Both Hip Hop and Tumbling. She loves these classes. She will have two recital routines in June. It is our special time together each week.

    We are going to dinner tonight with three other couples. Do any of you have a BJ's Brewhouse in your area? It is a chain. I know they have one in California. They have healthy options. I love their spicy Brussel sprouts. Then one of the couples and Glenn and I are going downtown and watching a band that was playing in Panama City last weekend. It will be a lot of fun. This band played old tunes from the early 20's and 30's and then ZZ Top! They played country tunes that my Mother would have loved. The band member were awesome in all their instruments too. Fun times.

    Those of you that are watching the carbs and protein, be sure and get all of your water in also. It is the combination of these three nutrients that rocks this program. The physiologist told me that the water is necessary to flush the fat out that is being burned from your system. That statement stuck with me and has made me more mindful of getting my water daily. Below is my water routine:

    Upon rising - One full glass of water - 16oz
    A mug of tea - 12 oz
    a 15oz bottled water with lunch
    a 15 oz bottled water with dinner or glass made from fridge
    a 15 oz bottled water watching tv or glass made from fridge
    this totals 73 ounces

    Sometimes I even have one in the mid afternoon while working or hanging in my craft room. I use the Mio water enhancers too for flavor.

    Have a great day everyone. I enjoy sharing any of my ideas and you are welcome to use them or ignore them. They are working for me. I have most of my recurring meals saved in my food diary, so tracking is very easy. I hope to hit the 170's by my birthday in January.

    See you later on. Remember, we only have one body, we need to take good care of it.

    Goal for today: Get on the treadmill for 30 minutes this evening.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to Toys R Us today to find the game Greedy Granny after returning the rental car as Amazon sent a notice that they could not deliver it. I certainly hope I can find it as it was on the top of Jillian's Christmas list for me.

    Karla: I've been to BJ Brewhouse....they have great food! I'll have to look at the healthy options next time I go. I can't resist their burgers! Thanks for the water routine. Getting in water is another one of my downfalls. I simply don't drink enough water.

    Need to run. I slept in this morning. What a wonderful feeling to have slept in. I'm normally up super early. Guess I needed the rest.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Cindy, only one more day in the salt mine until LR gets her day! Glad you had some quiet time with the pups and tree. I have the book and hope to make time to at least start it today.

    Karla, I'd love the restaurant list as well. There is a PJ's at the mall here but I've never been inside. Good to know they have decent options. If I grab a meal to take home it's often a Panera You Pick Two - they have nutrition info on their website and in the MFP food tracker.

    Diane, I like fruit too - this time of year I get a citrus jones big time, which is probably good because berries are out of season and they tend to be mediocre. My current weakness is satsuma mandarins, but they are small and make a nice snack for me.

    Bert, good luck - now I have to check out Greedy Granny! Am getting in touch with the nieces to see what they want and what I can get for the little ones - with two sets of grandparents, three aunts and an uncle, plus one great aunt (me), they get more than they can use, so I want to make are whatever I get them is wanted.

    Made a nice beef stew for us yesterday - only prepared ingredient was a can of mushroom soup. Other than that, beef, carrots, onions, a can of diced tomatoes and some mushrooms. I had very little pasta and no bread. Served it with a nice low-cal salad. Need to get produce restocked today. James got up and was hungry - he fixed himself a big breakfast but I held fat at one slice of whole-grain toast with a bit of farmstand three-berry jam.

    OK, time to move along with my day - make it a good one in every way, friends!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Happy Thursday all. I've been to the dentist and had my lunch - waiting for Elise to wake up for her noon bottle. Carrie watched her while I went to the dentist and she apparently didn't nap long enough so she cried for about half an hour non stop :(.

    Eating yesterday was not good. I got started on a snack after lunch and just couldn't quit :(. Didn't track it all either.

    But today is a new day! Just have to keep my hands busy and I won't eat out of boredom. Breakfast was wonderful and filling - an egg beaters omelet with sauteed mushrooms and feta. Lunch was leftover five-can soup from last night. Carrie cooked, and it is one of the few things she can cook. It is five cans of stuff - corn, black beans, Rotel tomatoes with green chilies, tomato and okra (or can of vegetables of your choice), and Progresso Minestrone. Good protein, low in calories, high in Fiber, but high in carbs, and way high in sodium too. I should see what it is without the corn. Dinner is planned, and I still have about 200 calories to play with for snacks.

    Back later - I think it is bottle time.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies, good to hear from everyone and what we are doing. I am at the car wash getting my nasty car cleaned inside and out. I hit Michaels first and purchased a grapevine wreathe to tear apart and put in my tree as a filler. I watched this on a you tube video. This is my larger tree I am working on now. I still need the other whit cotton looking garland she used next. I'm going back to Penney's to pick out the curtains. Then it's to Joann's as I have a 60% off coupon. I haven't even used my new embroidery machine yet! I want a sewing chair. They are $212 and I don't know if they have them. Does anyone know if Patti is still working there? Did she get the Hobby Lobby job?

    Bert- That sounds like a fun game. I may look into also. You are welcome for any of my tips. I am here to help in any way.

    Janet- I will forward you the three pages of the guide in just a minute. Your stew sounds yummy. It has been really warm down here.

    Diane- Fruit is a good thing to eat. If you want to keep your carb under 100 it is recommended you don't have fruit and bread on the same day, unless in small portions. But if you want in nice pirtions. Just have one or the other. That's what Brandi told me. If you have fruit, don't have bread. If you have bread, don't have fruit. Lol.

    Glenn's son has a huge Satsuma tree and gave us two large bags of them. They were as big as oranges.

    I'm running into Penney's now. I need a new top for Saturday night too.

    I'm buying a gorgeous Fossil purse tomorrow from the same lady I got the Brahmin from. Having to sneak them in the house. I have over 47 purses!!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    The clock is creeping around the dial- I'm so ready to be done with this week. All I want to do is finsh writing the first book- the middle sister is really knocking at my brain to get started. I'll get a lot done tomorrow and Rick is working a half day on Saturday so another chapter might get done. Then but Friday is a lot of hours to just immerse myself in writing.
    I may have stumbled on a 12 week program at the hospital in conjunction with Canyon Ranch. It is a nationally known spa and wellness retreat in 4 areas of the US. The better news- if I get in, its free.
    A blood and measurement workup to start, 12 weeks of 3 hours sessions, group, one on one and exercise and stress reduction. At the end of the 12 weeks, more measurements and then check back in a year later. They take 20 people per session and I've heard most are very successful. If I do get it I start the first week of January.
    I've changed my breakfast this week- and doing OK- not really focused on anything other than a change of pace. That's about all I can do right now- one minuscule goal. :smile:
    Janet- the stew sounds wonderful
    Diane- you'll find your groove
    Bert- keep trying to get your water in daily - its good for so many things in our bodies.
    Karla- you're making this happen- good for you.
    Patti if you're lurking- HELLO!!!
    Gotta run
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy- I will be praying you get in that program. It sounds very good. I like medically based programs. It makes a huge difference. My clinic has a doctor, is owned by that doctor, but is part of an organization that attends seminars and conventions that stays on top of current development in medical weight loss.

    Janet- Check your email.

    Running in Hobby Lobby while Izzy is in dance. I did pick out some curtains at Penney's in the grommet style. Hope they work.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm picking up Jillian from school today. I enjoy picking her up when I can. I found Greedy Granny! It was at Toys R Us. I wanted to get it early and during the week to avoid too many Christmas crowds. I'm so happy our store had it. Breakfast is tracked. I was craving fruit, so I had a small Honey Crisp apple and 2 tbs. peanut butter. I'm meeting a former colleague for lunch at Applebee's as she made a quilt out of tee shirts for my daughter to give her husband. She makes former teacher's quilts all the time, and she made my retirement quilt out of my own school shirts I accumulated over the years I was there. They are nice to have. I'll definitely use the restaurant guide again like I did on Wednesday.

    Karla: I've carried a Fossil purse for many many years. I'm not fond of carrying purses, but I do like them. It's the shape that I like and has an outside compartment for cards and cash (I never carry too much cash). Then I don't have to carry a wallet in my purse. I have purse specifications, and sometimes they are hard to find. Wow! 47! Please send a pic if you can.

    Cindy: I did well on water yesterday. I have almost 40 oz in already.

    Waving hi to Janet, Patti, and Diane.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and TGIF. A fun weekend in store and got it kicked off last night. I am receiving so many compliments now that it is quite obvious of my weight loss. We stayed out until after 1am! Did some dancing and listened to that wonderful band. The same four couples, including us, that went on the cruise, had dinner together. Fun times. I love that BJ's Brewhouse as they have such healthy options and post their calories on the menu. I had the Brussel sprouts, 220 calories and a shrimp bowl, 550 calories. I didn't eat all the Quinoa in my shrimp dish to lower the carbs, and am not that fond of it. It was all delish!! But the company made the meal, we all laughed and cracked up. My friend Linda is a hoot!

    Bert -I am so glad you are utilizing the restaurant guide. It is very helpful. Good for you on the water. I will post the picture of the Fossil purse. I love the quality of the pebbled leather and the side outside pockets also. I already have four fossil purses. LOL.

    I dug to the wayback of my closet last night and pulled out a pair of 14 blue jeans that I haven't worn in a few years. They were loose!! I better get back there again and pull out some more things I have saved that I wanted to "get back into"!! I will probably go through the 180's like I did the 190's.

    Have a great day and weekend if we don't touch base. I am picking JJ up this afternoon from school. We like having our personal time together. Hard to believe he is in High School. Geez, where does the time go??

    Goal for today- Get on that treadmill this afternoon.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I am finishing up my breakfast. It seems I do better through the day if I don't eat in a hurry before Elise arrives, but rather wait until she is down for her early nap. Today I fixed an Eggbeaters omelet with deli turkey and cheddar, and am now finishing up with two clementines. I have dinner planned and tracked but not lunch - I have some fresh spinach in the fridge that needs to be used so maybe I will make a salad with that. The fridge is full but it seems like there is nothing to eat! Partially that is because Carrie got used to having it to herself while we were gone, and she has it filled with a variety of beverages and some of the prepared food she likes to get from Trader Joe's to eat for lunches, and I try NOT to eat that because it is high in sodium and higher in calories and fat than I like to eat. I need to plans meals for the next week and see if I can get the grocery shopping done this afternoon. I do hate shopping on weekends anymore!

    Today I need to take stock of where I am Christmas shopping-wise. I think I am done with Elise except for finishing her Christmas stocking (and finding a few things to put in it!) I haven't started on John, but he does have a list. I need to consult with my son and see if he got him anything off his list. I probably should have done more Black Friday/ cyber Monday shopping for him - maybe this afternoon. And the three adult children I need to figure out where I am - I have some stuff for each but am probably not done.

    Karla - 47 purses!?! I have two. I use one until it is worn out (probably a couple years) then I get rid of it and get a new one. The second purse is a small black leather one for dressier occasions. I have a great wallet that has a shoulder strap, and I carry that whenever I just need money, cards and my phone. I also have just a men's wallet I can put in my pocket along with my phone if I am wearing jeans. I only use purses with cross body straps - I find my back hurts trying to keep a purse on one shoulder.

    Bert, my daughter wants to make a tee shirt quilt. Unfortunately, she cut all her shirts into different size patches! So the logo or whatever fills the patch. Now the trouble is trying to piece them together. I may tackle that for her in January. She will never get it done.

    Cindy, that sounds like a terrific program! How did you go about finding it? I would love something like that. I think I need to have the accountability to someone other than me. My doctor did send me a recommendation for a nutritionist - I need to check her out and see what the fees are and whether insurance will cover it.

    Janet, I love cold weather for the soups and stews. I think I'll put some on the dinner menu for next week. I like the crockpot chicken enchilada soup from - have you tried it? Karla, that might even fit in your plan - very filling and I just checked - 19.5 net carbs and 31 gms of protein per serving.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Was hungry and empty this morning so made steel-cut oatmeal, which i had with cinnamon and a few walnuts - a change-up day after a bad-tummy day yesterday (thanks, Fosamax). Much to do but wanted to check in.

    Diane, how is Carries recovery going? Hope she is totally back on her feet, literally. Hug sweet Elise for me!

    Cindy, or should I say Lucinda, hope the words flow today. How is your dad doing? Loved the photo of Jasper.

    Karla, you are the social queen. Hooray for getting back into stuff!

    Bert, the t-shirt quilt idea has always intrigued me - how nice that your friend makes them. What a lovely gift to others!

    Had a decent food day yesterday and ate lightly in the evening. I'll do some more cybershopping today - I pretty much have the OR folks taken care of and can take care of MI niece pretty much with gift cards ad a few things I have in hand. A couple of bets friends need attention and I'll speak with them this weekend - b0th also have late December birthdays!

    Have a lovely day and better weekend, all!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good morning my dear friends. I feel like a new person this morning with seven hours of sleep! I'm in my sewing room, sewing machine threaded and ready to sew my Flamingo throw together. My friend Connie is going to adore it!! Linda doesn't know it, but she is getting the beautiful cat one I just finished with the hot pink fur back!

    I know I am getting old, but, I am watching a new Amazon series with Glenn Close and I swear she looks like Cloris Leavhman! No offense to Cloris! Lol.

    Janet - you are being quite mindful on your eating my friend. It is not easy this time of year., yesterday at the Bontanical Garden's Christmas bazaar they had a bake sale table set up. I bought three bags of cookies and a little cup of melt away mints. I did have three of the little mints. They were to die for. Tell James hello for me. Why doesn't he just stay in the Louisville area?

    Cindy - I hope Lucinda was successful yesterday and you two didn't just giggle the day with fun talk. Lol. But then, if you did, so what, brainstorming and story plot planning is necessary. Lol. I know you love this time. What do you have on the agenda for this weekend? When will Meg be making her move back?

    Diane - Will you be making any of your cookies this year? You always impressed me with your wide array of selections. I especially liked your gingerbread men. Do hug Elise for me too!

    Bert- I saw where Amazon has the Greedy Granny game and it is $32.99, is that how much it is at ToysRus?

    I saw where Patti posted on Facebook that she got a new craft and sewing table at Akea. I posted a note to her but she never answers me. Not sure what is going on there or why she doesn't post here anymore. I tell her I miss her, but nothing back.

    I'm taking my niece and great nephew to Pascagoula this morning to get a new car seat and a Christmas tree. This evening we have two parties. My twin grandsons turned 16 this week, and immediately went and got their driver's licenses, lol. Hard to believe as they were three years old when Glenn and I got married and they were our ring bearers! So very cute then in their tuxedo's. So handsome now over 6'1"!!! Lol

    My BFF, Monica, has her annual family Christmas party tonight and Izzy and JJ are going with us and will play the kid's Dirty Santa, always fun.

    I better get back to my sewing.!

    Have a wonderful day. Just do the best you can!!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's another sunny day today and is supposed to be in the 50's. This week is supposed to get colder though. Mike and I are going to Community Theater tonight to see 9 to 5, the musical. I'm looking forward to it. I know several people in the cast as they participate in our church musicals. I'm battling my Christmas tree again this morning. It's a prelit tree, and 1/2 of the top strand isn't lighting. I've changed all the light bulbs that I can see, and it still won't light. I'm determined to win this battle!

    Diane: I'm with you on purses. I've carried the 1 fossil purse for many and sparkly tops on the other hand? Let's not go there! :D:smiley:

    Karla: Greedy Granny was $15 at Toys R Us. It's on sale this week. The problem with Amazon was that they had two Greedy Granny' that was Toys R Us exclusive and another one. I clicked the Toys R Us one and then got notified that my order could not be fulfilled. So I took a chance on the store. If you want it, I would advise getting it from the store as they said that is was a very popular game this year. Have fun at your parties. I love this time of year. I used the Applebee's suggestions again yesterday and had a 6 oz sirloin, grilled veggies, and a salad. Thanks for sending it.

    Janet: Gift cards are great. That way everyone can get what they really want. I've had to guess on options for Dylan and Penny. I know what they like, so I just went from there.

    Eating and water intake was good yesterday. I've already had 16 oz of water when I got up, and I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee (my norm). I'm making bacon and eggs for breakfast. Mike has a cold (pray for me.....a sick man!) ;) I'll have water with breakfast too.

    Have a great day, everyone! Waving hi to Cindy and Patti.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Home from some Christmas shopping and may have a nap shortly.

    Karla, have fun at your parties. Somehow I didn't realize you and Glenn had been married for 13 years - time flies!

    Bert, hope Mike's cold passes you by. "9 t 5" is a fun show = enjoy. For my nieces and their husbands, gift cards are the perfect "big gift." They got tons of great stuff for showers & weddings and I do not pick out clothes, purses or fragrance for anyone unless there's a very specific request. Julie & Jake like movie & restaurant cards. For Anne, a Nordstrom card and for her husband, dunno yet (probably Amazon).

    Cindy, hope your LR day was good.

    Diane, what are you getting sweet Elise for Christmas? So much fun to have tiny ones to buy for again. The gifts I most love buying are for Caleb, Cady, & my closest friends

    Have had only a few crackers when I got home, as my stomach was chewing itself up. Will have a nice dinner later and hope to stay inbounds.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- You may want to ask your physician about the Reclast infusion. I could not tolerate any of the bone building medications due to the gastrointestinal issues. I tried them all!! I finally had the infusion done a couple months ago and it bypasses the GI tract, plus, it's every two years!! Two years if you are Osteo-Pena and yearly is Osteoporosis. Either way, better than daily, weekly or monthly pills. I had tried Fosamax, Althelvia and Bonita, All burned up my esophagus and stomach.

    Great day with Brittany and Braden.

    Heading to our first party.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Glad you had fun with Brittany & Braden. We did discuss Recast but she feels it's the wrong thing for my very minor issues (this is more preventative than remedial). The side effects are not horrible and my insurance covers the Fosamax at no cost to me. So there you have it!