OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. I'm home from a true treat - lunch with Patti! She says hi - looks great and is extremely busy and also very happy these days. Her mom is doing well - eye doc visit was positive, and the rest of the family are all fine. She's been crafting when she's not working and she looks relaxed even though her time is more than fully occupied - I felt honored to snag a couple of hours on her day off. We laughed a lot - you were all there with us in spirit.

    Had a tiny adventure on my way home - no worries, all is well. My scary tire-pressure light came on a few miles into my drive. I used Siri to locate the nearest Hinda dealer, which turned out to be five minutes away. Went there and explained the situation; they got a service tech, who suggested he get all the tires to proper pressure and rest the indicator. He said he couldn't imagine I'd have a problem getting the rest of the way home. They did it without charge, too, so I called the service manager after i got past the Cinci traff-ick to say thank you.

    Diane, I use real butter now too, but we always used margarine )Mom called it oleo) when I was a kid. Having six varieties for Rossanne is a huge victory - hope she appreciates the effort and love you've put into ensuring she has safe treats.

    Tired here - been a long week. Hope to get at least a good start on christmas decorating tomorrow, and also have a much-needed manicure.

    See y'all tomorrow!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello Friends-
    I'm very happy its Friday- been a busy week as most are- eating has been pretty good and considering my stress levels I'll take the accomplishment- each day I feel slightly empty but not really super hungry until dinner when I fill up with a ton of veggies along with the protein and some sort of starch. I've incorporated a handful of nuts each day which I think is helping me.
    Janet- so glad you have time with Patti. I'm sure she knows how much she's missed but sometimes we all just need to become a turtle and peek our head back out when we're ready.
    Karla- How was wallyworld? You must have had a busy day yesterday with the car excitement. Glad you arrived home safely
    Diane- you are very sweet to bake the treats that will let Roseanne enjoy something special. Big hugs.
    Bert- I'll be you can find a new girl after the holidays who will come as arranged. Did you get your water in yesterday?
    I'll be out of pocket over the weekend- writing and doing some holiday stuff. Also I have a romance writer meeting Saturday afternoon at the library about 45 minutes again. I may go over early and sit in the space to absorb all the great writers :)
    Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to a cold and rainy Friday in the Gulf. The Mississippi Coast schools are closed today. It is only 35 degrees here!!

    We had a wonderful night out with friends for Linda's birthday. My niece-in-law, Brittany, lol, rocked the DMV yesterday and obtained her driver's license. Glenn and I took Izzy to her dance and did some more Christmas shopping. It was a great day and evening.

    SCALE PEEK; So excited!! My Friday peek showed 187.2!! Yep, I am continuing to drop, one ounce at a time. This is also after eating out twice yesterday. So I am stoked.

    Diane- I saw those beautiful, and an abundance, of decorated Christmas cookies. Please post a picture of your awesome Gingerbread cookies, as I love the way you do those scarves!! I also liked the comment you made earlier about how relaxed and out of touch you are with the goings on of business at the Navy yard with you being retired. We feel the same with the shipyard since Glenn retired. It is so much a part of your life when you are so engrossed when working there, but not, when you aren't. Life really moves on.

    Cindy - I know you are crazy busy. I appreciate that even on hectic days you stop in and say HELLO.

    Janet - Glad you had a great visit with Patti.

    Bert - What do you have on the agenda for this weekend? You have been the busy bee yourself with your church and friend activities. I love hearing about all the plays you are involved in with your church.

    Glenn is already up with me this morning. I am making us healthy omelets before I head out for some more training at the Podiatry office. Then I am going up to Citronelle to pick JJ and his cousin up to spend the weekend with us. Jason has both Saturday and Sunday off and told me he has a lot of running around to do since he has been working nonstop, soooo, I will be getting little Izzy too. She turns SIX on Wednesday. Wow, the time flies. I am also going to get my great-nephew tomorrow, Blagg, to join in the group for the day. LOL. He is my niece Heather's son. The grandson of my older brother, Kenny, whom lives outside of Dothan, Alabama. I haven't seen him or his daughter, Heather, the mother of Blagg, since my mother's funeral in 2012.

    Well, I have rattled on enough. Have a wonderful day everyone, and keep warm!!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited December 2017
    oh, and the best part of my scale peek is: .5 more off and I will be hitting 30 pounds off!!!!!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's very cold this morning, but sunny. I'll take it!

    Janet: So glad you had lunch with Patti. Glad all is well with her. I have a Honda, too. I panic when I see the tire light on. Most of the time for me, it's something in the tire; however, this last time ( a few weeks ago) only required air in the tires. My Honda doesn't indicate which tire is low as my car is a 2011. I'm glad you got to a nearby dealer.

    Cindy: I'll bet the writer meetings are inspiring. Yes, I got in my water. I'm doing much better with it but some days are more challenging than others.

    Karla: I'm so happy for you. This weekend is our choir lunch to make money for our cantata orchestra. Saturday evening we are watching Jillian and Cole. Today I'm working on church power point for the worship service and mailing peanut butter fudge to my brother for Christmas.

    Have a great day, everyone!!

    Waving hi to Diane and Patti.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I'm attaching a picture to show you all my lighter hair do. I have been having it highlighted in blonde and ligh red. I can't get my pictures to post on here, so will be attachment. Sorry.

    Bert- you are such a blessing to your congregation. Enjoy your grandkids.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh, it did it.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, the color looks lovely! Congrats on nearly reaching 30 - you'll be there very soon. Hard to believe Izzy is going to be 6. You'll have a busy house this weekend for sure!

    Bert, mine is also a 2011, so jut the one scary light as well. Not something you want to see on a busy interstate for sure. Haven't looked at the car yet this morning.

    Diane, the pics you posted of Elise are melting my heart!

    Cindy, you made me smile with the idea of soaking up the literary greats at the library - just the ind of thoughts I have sometimes - osmosis!

    Slept pretty well last night - having coffee now, plus an EAS protein shake, and hope to get a lot done today.

    Wishing everyone a terrific weekend.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Karla- hair looks great- cut and color. :)
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Thanks everyone. It is snowing down here!!! I am just North of Mobile picking JJ up and the cars ere that have been sitting are covered and the rain is freezing that is falling. It is only 34 degrees!! Very rare for us. Glenn has put a big crock pot of chili on for the kids.

    Janet - Did Patti say why she quit posting on the board?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm watching Jillian and Cole this evening. Greg's school Christmas party is tonight. Mike is going to the ISU basketball game and out to dinner with friends from his college days. We all will have fun this evening.

    I slept pretty well last night, for me. I usually toss and turn all night. I'm sure sleeping better last night will give me energy for my grandkids! :love:

    Breakfast is tracked.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all - hoping for a busy, productive day here.

    Karla, enjoy the snow. We didn't get any but I am seeing pics on Facebook from my southern friends. Love it (and envy them!). Patti and I talked only briefly about the board - we had so much to catch up on.

    Bert, have fun with the kiddies. Glad you slept well - as you said, you'll need the energy for Cole & Jillian!

    Hungry here - might be an oatmeal morning.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Fun times with the grandkids in the snow. It is a white Christmas in the South.

    Janet - I understand the position you are in. I won't ask again. I do hope one day she will feel comfortable enough to return because I do truly miss her.

    Bert - I know you will have a wonderful time as you are the grandmother extroidinairre!! Will you be baking and decorating cookies?

    I made the tooth fairy pillow last night and it came out so cute!! I had a little hitch with the ribbon, but it worked out.

    I am finishing the Flamingo throw and Glenn has cut and pinned the Florida Gator's throw for me next.

    Have a great day.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - it is snowing here too. Not much but the prediction is for more. We were supposed to go to a Christmas party tonight but it was rescheduled for next weekend. They were afraid of having someone slip and fall. It is not sticking to the roads, but is covering the driveway and sidewalks. My son and his wife are having their Christmas party tonight anyway - Carrie is going but we were not invited. No hard feelings - it is for their friends their age. I'm glad they included Carrie, and she is taking some cookies. I have six varieties finished. All are dairy/soy free except the shortbread cookies.

    Eating - I'm just trying to make smart choices, push the F/V, and drink lots of zero calorie beverages. I just can't get into tracking right now. I'm within a half pound of the weight I arrived home at six weeks ago. So not losing, but not gaining, with very limited exercise. I'll take it if I can just keep that through the holidays.

    Carrie and I found the perfect fleece for her to make one of those tie fleeces for Elise. Her palette seems to be (from all the clothes Rossanne dresses her in) mint, coral pink, gray and teal. And Rossanne is a dog person, while we are cat people. That is the genesis of the "my kitty is my favorite toy" posts on FB. So the two fleeces we found are a darker grey background with pink, mint and silver paw prints grouped into hearts, and a silver grey fleece with dark grey kitty outlines with pink cheeks. It will be perfect!

    A few pictures: 1sjfsukkkxij.jpg


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Sunday morning ladies.

    Oh Diane, what a gorgeous array of cookies. Once I dispurse all these kids I am heading to the store for all my ingredients and the cookie making will begin around here. I want to go ahead and make the sugar cookie mix and have it it the freezer and ready to defrost for Wednesday when my friends come over. We had a beautiful white amount of snow for one overnight and morning. it looked so pretty. The kids had a wonderful time in it. It was Izzy's first time seeing it.

    The kids are all having a ball. It's sunny and a little warmer today and they have been out in my big back yard riding the zip line and playing on the other swings. Then they were out front on the driveway with the scooters and bikes. Earlier it was the Wii game. No wonder they love it over here. I can't believe I braved taking four kids out to eat on my own. LOL. I thought of my dear mother taking us over to England going through multiple State and airports with 5 kids!!

    Today we are finally getting the family photo Glenn has been wanting from my son and his family of four kids. We purchased a large collage that says Family in the middle and holds for landscape 5x7 photo's. We have the one's from our other three families. Glenn is anxious to put this together. Glenn just told me he was ready for me to take them all home. lol.

    Cindy - I hope you have had the weekend you wanted and also got some rest before another crazy week starts.

    I am off to take the first kid, my great nephew home. One down and 3 to go!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello from a very Happy and Blessed Karla. My heart is full from the grandchildren, great nephews and family I am surrounded by. I have laughed myself silly at JJ's little cousin this weekend. He is absolutely hilarious and is only 8 years old. My great nephew, Blagg, had a great time with all the kids. We even had the 4yo girl next door over some and had five and one time. LOL.

    I had quite an awakening today. As the two boys and I were walking up to Walmart this afternoon I caught my shadow. At first I looked around, as I didn't think it was my shadow. Yes, my legs looked skinny and straight down!! I mean, I am no where near skinny yet, But my legs, I guess especially in the smaller sizes, looked very narrow in this shadow. I didn't say anything to my grandson or his cousin. But it sure brought a grin to my face. I told Glenn when I arrived home and he said "well baby, 30 pounds is a lot of weight to lose."

    It is quiet now, it's just us. Glenn is working on his collage and I just ate myself an egg white omelet. I found the Ole' wraps in a spinach and herb flavor, same net carbs. I'm thinking these will be great for my turkey cheese and cranberry pinwheels for my party. I bought several packs as I also think these will be my sandwich wraps too!!

    I have the Hallmark station on until Madame Secretary comes on at 9p.

    My brother Keith will be coming Thursday or Friday. I'm only working Monday and Tuesday, the rest of the week off. The 26th we will be leaving to go to Panama City and I have the condo on the beach.

    I need to go track my dinner. I'm doing good, but this month has been really tough and it's only the 10th!

    I'll check in sometime tomorrow.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breatkfast is tracked. Today is gift wrapping day after a visit to the gym. My students are finally submitting assignments (the end of the semester is Friday). I'm irrated at their neglect to hand in assignments in a timely manner. I understand they are taking other classes, but this sends would send a red flag to me if I were a potential employer.

    My gym workout will be focusing on arms and cardio. I do pretty well at the gym, but, like Patti, I'm not fond of the treadmill. It's too cold to walk outside, so I'm sucking it up and will walk to "nowhere". :D

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good Monday morning, and a good morning it is. My scale peek today before my official clinic weigh in tomorrow, showed 185.6!!! I know I was very careful over the weekend, no bite, licks or tastes when cooking. No nibbles on the kid's snacks. Only very healthy foods for me. This program really, really works.

    Have any of you heard of the new program that Weight Watchers just rolled out last week? My other board on Facebook is all talking about it. They have lowered everyone's points and made proteins free!! Finally getting onboard with proteins like Janet and I have always thought they should. Also dealing with carbs. Making breads, rice and pasta a high point value. They had already done this, as far as making sweets a high point value, with sweet on the last program change earlier this year. Some of the ladies really love it and some of the ladies are in shock with the lower points and trying to adapt. It actually is very similar to the Simply Filling program they have always had.

    Bert - These Student teachers don't know how lucky they have it with your mentoring. If only they would take fully advantage of it! You are rocking focusing on your health and eating. I plan on hitting my dvd's after the first of the year on a regular basis. I think my back is ready.

    I am straightening and decluttering my home this morning after a whirlwind of kids this weekend. I am picking up the beautiful Beach/shell wreath I ordered today after work. I can't wait to see how it pulls together the last of the décor in the back bay window area. I have been working on the lighted garland for the fireplace this morning. It was the last thing for the living room. Down to the wire here as Saturday is my party.

    Waving hi to Cindy, Janet and Diane.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good evening to a very slow board today.

    Just wanted to give a shout out to wish Diane a very Happy Birthday!!

    Glenn and I met after I got off work, a very short work day today. Walmart received another big chunk of our money, lol. I think I will take off tomorrow and do more decorating and get a jump on my cookies before the ladies come over Wednesday. I forgot Glenn had his recheck with his colon doctor on Wednesday morning, he will be fine to go alone. The weather forecast for Saturday is looking good.

    I'm going to go rest and watch the Voice.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    It is very hectic in MA the last few days. Rick has been really good lately. I hoping its more than a holiday high. He bought me a new exercise bike for Christmas, one I've been looking at. He wants to support my WL- again, not sure what has come over him. Maybe he finally sees the women in my family won't put up with BS forever. Meg is getting divorced - definitely and it is the best thing for her. She has turned herself inside out for her husband and step son and all they've done is be very unkind and she feels like she became less than nothing. Very long and sad story but she is strong and moving on.
    Magic is finally available on Amazon as a e-book. It got screwed up and it got thrown into pre-order. Have no idea why. But at least its live. I know to not release a book in December too. Sales have been off.
    Diane- your cookies look amazing- do you ship? LOL
    Need to run- but wishing everyone a magical kind of day.