OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My eating was pretty good yesterday. I made beef stroganoff with wheat flour and whole wheat pasta for dinner. Perhaps it's not on the 30 day challenge, but at least I was concious of whole wheat flour and pasta! :D

    Yesterday's workout was on core and back. I'll share some of the exercises I did. They can defintely be adapted to a home workout:
    1. Kettle Bell (20 lbs): Hold in one hand and bend to the side for 20 reps. Alternate to the other side. Inbetween sides, lift Kettle Bell up with both hands to chin level.
    2. Cable row (40 lb)
    3. Cable row while squatting (30 lb)
    4. Crunches: regular for 20 and alternate side crunches for 10 on each side.
    5. Hand weight: hold on with both hands and push forward
    6. Rowing machine for 5-8 minutes

      Karla: I'm on 1100 calories and am focusing on the carbs and proteins as well as cleaner eating. I honestly can't say I'm eating totally clean, but am definitely watching more closely.

      Patti: The guy is ok. My trainer said he called in to say he was ok. That was great news. My problem with cleaning the house is getting the floor clean. I just can't bend over for a long amount of time, and it really needs to be cleaned on your hands and knees from time to time. I also don't have much strength in my hands any more, but am still plugging away! So glad you shared your story. What a great compliment from you co-worker.

      Waving hi to Janet, Cindy, and Diane.

      Have a great day everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning from the frozen tundra of cyclone land.
    Storm is over and the sun should be out today. Our temps will be the lowest in years starting tonight thru Sunday. But January thaw is next week- mid 30's
    I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow first time since before the holidays so i have zero good choices at home. Other than cookies that is. They're delicious but lets face it not exactly good for the plan.
    Every day Jasper is improving and a week from today his stitches are removed. Still not kidding myself a very long haul.
    I will be happy to share what I learn from the program. They gave us a book this week to read- can't remember the title but I will read it over the weekend and if something of interest I'll share.
    The one thing I've gleaned so far- food and exercise is one tire, there are three other of equal importance to keep us at goal once we get there. Something to ponder as I work on shedding my emotional baggage.
    I hope you're all well and not dealing with illness any longer.
    I'll be back again soon
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Patti, you and your mom are such a joyous pair - lights up my heart. Glad you are feeling better, but don't push it. And you do NOT look remotely near your age - high praise, and maybe you'll get a bit more respect at work.

    Diane, I am appalled at the stocking thing. SO sorry that happened to you, but you can let it become a treasured part of Christmas at your home and I know Elise will cherish the stocking for herself and her own grandchildren someday.

    Cindy, glad Jasper gets stitches out - cone of shame will be history soon, I hope. I like the tire analogy too. And it's not always the right time for a big push on certain tires. That's where I am for the moment and am trying not to beat myself up about it. Balance?

    Bert, my cleaner has become a friend and we have similar stories. Floors, bathrooms, kitchen are my focus for her as well. I know my cleaner has lost clients and really needs the work, so I'm trying to hang in there with her through the next few months, at least. I may check out Planet Fitness after James leaves. Scares the bejeepers out of me, but ...

    Karla, you've had a buy week. What are you doing to wind down over the weekend? I know I'd LOVE to have a few days of quiet but that will happen while I cry when James leaves. It's great having him here - can even get a hug upon request, and that's a big thing for someone who lives alone, far from everyone she's close to.

    Didn't do great yesterday - snacks on the run, but a sensible dinner. I am going to have a meal-planning conversation today - have been craving more protein (fish, in particular) and more salads. Hoping James will get onboard and let me have a bit more control over our dinners.

    Much to do today, so better get going. Have a a great day and wonderful weekend. Bundle up when you need to, northerners!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, when I look at the bomb cyclone impact on the east coast I am loathe to complain about temps in single digits until Sunday. The long term effects will be major flooding at the cabin once the snow melts. Had a wonderful time with Mom yesterday. We had some tears over her loneliness and inability to get out by herself. What she misses most is Dad and volunteer work. I still have the sniffles and a stuffy head but grateful I have not felt sick, just inconvenienced, lol. Day 2 in the books and it was a success. I exercised my no muscle for the first time in quite a while. Really wanted some crackers and cheese but settled for just cheese. Baby steps.

    Cindy, I look forward to learning along with you. I think we will all gain something from what you share. Be safe out in the snow, I think you are more used to this weather than most. Jasper is one tough little dude. Love will get him better. Is Meg moving in this terrible weather? Next week we will be in the 40s.

    Karla, I know you will have a great WI today. You have been following your plan and it will pay off at the scale. Hope your cough is gone by now.

    Janet, I am glad you are taking some control over your meal planning. I know James will understand and would do anything to make you feel better about yourself. One thing for sure, you are a treasure as a friend to him.

    Bert, that was quite a workout! I love working with weights. We do a TRX class that includes weights and kettle bells. It is one of my favorites. We also do one that uses the battle ropes,medicine ball and the step.....not my favorite because it is really challenging and kicks my booty, lol. The beauty of any food plan is that we all get to makes choices and adapt the plan that works not only for weight loss but also that we will stick to long term. I think half the battle is just being aware of our choices. Keep up the good work.

    Waving to Diane and praying you all are safe from the storm.

    Working today 2-7 then have the weekend off and to myself. I am holing up in my craft room. I want to make a new robe and the fabric is just begging to get cut and sewn. I made a pile of microwave bowls for Christmas. Everyone loved them and I loved making them for all my loved ones.

    Stay warm my lovelies
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies. I love all the different ways we are learning from each other and working for a whole balanced person in ourselves. We rock!!

    Patti - Tomorrow I am going to tackle my Disney Embroidery Sewing machine! I'm going to read the manual over a cup of tea and then give it a spin! I've never used these big spools of thread or had a machine with a computer screen. I can't wait. I bet your robe will e comfy.

    Bert- My cleaning ladies came today and can't wait to get home to a sparkling home. I'm like you and Janet, my back can't take the floors or the bathrooms. My calories are usually between 950 and 1000.

    Cindy - My Sophie is already in my heart. Our fur babies are our children when our real ones move out!! Lol. I have to pay attention to Millie tonight and bathe her and put her pink jacket on. It got up to 53 today and supposed to hit 60 by Sunday evening, but with rain. I'll take anything except this 22 degree mornings! Do you go weekly to your program?

    I had my 45 minute anti-aging facial and then made a two-week appointment for a microdermabrasion. Then I went to Ulta and purchased me a new curling iron my hairdresser suggested. Thirdly I went to Starbucks and got a small tea and Izzy a cake pop. Finally some Karla time!

    I did lose one pound since my last weigh in at the clinic. One pound more than home since I had clothes on. I was happy as that was with Christmas, my party, New Years and the Sugar Bowl party.

    I'll check in tomorrow.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked: 27 proteins. Atkins Bar and EAS Advant Edge Carb Control shake. I'm eating light this morning as today is Seminar at SMWC. Lunch is at noon, so I don't want to be too full.

    Today for geneology research is the boys' dad's side of the family. I really don't care about his side anymore, but am doing it for the boys. It is interesting to discover the immigration part of his family. His grandparents on both sides immigrated from Italy.

    Karla: I try to stay within 1100 calories, but have trouble some days. I admire your calorie intake level, but don't know if that's feasible for me.

    Patti: I wish my mom were still here to be able to spend time with her. She's been gone for 22 years. I still feel her presence and researching the family tree brings me closer to her and my dad.

    Janet: Good luck on meal planning. That is one of my major problems as Mike doesn't want what I need to eat at dinner. I don't want to make two separate dinners every night, so I just try to limit my portions on what is served. Some days, it works.....other days, not so much.

    Cindy: Glad Jasper is improving.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Bert, same dilemma with meal planning. Genealogy research can be fascinating, from what I've heard. May take it up in a few years. My paternal grandmother came over from Switzerland, returned there and came back again. I have a few precious Swiss things - wooden napkin rings, cut-glass salt dips and some very old cookie cutters.

    Karla, glad you are taking care of yourself - you do so much for everyone else. Hoping I can budget this year for an occasional massage or facial but that's not in the cards right now. Congrats on losing a pound over the holidays. Like Patti, I am not in the frame of mind for the tyranny of the scale right now - you are brave and strong and have this! How is your brother doing now that he's in Mobile?

    Patti, your mom's grocery list reminded me that it's been a long time since I've had cottage cheese - need to put it on the list. I like it with pineapple (the kind packed in juice, which I save for sauces).

    Cindy, do you get your LR day next week? Hope so - also hope that MLK Day gives you a four-day break from the corporate grind. Pet Jasper and Griffin for me, please. I got to see some sweet dogs on my trip. My cats are napping in my room while James's cat, Itty, gets some roaming time. She is sweet but prickly and she and my babies are, sadly, not destined to coexist, so we try to give her time out of his room twice a day when mine are fed and sleepy.

    Diane, are you getting lovely outdoor time in the snow? Saw lots of pics of your general area and I bet it's beautiful right now. Hope your streets are cleared. Next year you can take Elise out to make snow angels!

    We got nearly all leftovers cleared out last night - James had the fajitas and rice, plus a bit of leftover meatloaf, and I had the last of the butternut soup with a low-carb tortilla. Did reasonably well again yesterday - the NO muscle is a bit flabby but it's still there!

    I hope to get to the fishmonger soon - been in the mood for some nice fresh salmon and will pick up tilapia for fish tacos as well. With the two of us here, grocery lit is longer and looks very different. I really think that after James heads west, it will be fairly easy to resume my normal shopping habits and have fewer not-great foods in the house.

    Have a sunny day, inside and out.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good morning. Yesterday was a good tracking day but I find myself eating a little more after my weigh in day. LOL. I was at 1054 calories, 77 carbs and 89 protein. I had a small bowl of cereal at 10p last night because Izzy had me make her one and it looked so good. LOL. Portion control was good though.

    Bert - Glenn made Shrimp pasta last night forgetting that I am limiting pasta and also made buttery rolls, forgetting I am limiting bread, but I had no choice but to eat in real small portions as he was heartbroken when I told him those were too heavy carb items he made. Stir fry or a salad would have been on plan and was what he was making before. Men want all the heavy laden foods. The more you eat the carbs the more you crave them, hence the cereal last night. Portion control is so not fair to us as if the foods were correct we could have a larger portion. But our foods are not fair to them in their eyes, so here we all are. LOL.

    I have taken down the last of the Christmas decorations this morning, the small aqua tree with the mermaid and seaside ornaments. It was so very ornate and captivating. Neither Glenn nor I can remember what regular décor we had were now that is time to put it back up!!

    My lips are so chapped from this cold weather. I keep a very good ointment on them from Dr. Murad, but they are still raw in one place. The facial I had yesterday was 90 minutes not 45, don't know what I was thinking. I was there from 3:30 until 5p. It was divine.

    Today we are going antique mall brousing. Glenn is determine to find me a sewing chair. We need to just bite the bullet and order the one from Joann's or the same one is the same price on Amazon. Just hate to fork out $210.00 for it right after Christmas.

    I have a load of laundry on and now will finish my tea and grab my embroidery machine manual and give it a read. Take care everyone and let's fordge forward onto a healthy and prosperous 2018!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I am so looking forward to spending time in my craft room today and tomorrow. Will have to do some household chores but will keep them to a minimum, lol. Day 3 in the books with a minor slip. Had 2 spoons of peanut butter late, when I should have just gone to bed. Oh well, owned it and am moving on. It was very slow at work so I mostly just put fabric back in its place. Helped a few customers with color choices for their quilting projects. I love having the time to give extra attention to our customers.

    Bert, you are doing great planning and starting your day off in the healthiest way. I am fortunate that Edd will eat whatever I fix, no matter how healthy it is, lol. He gets his indulgences when I am not looking or when he is out and about. He needs to drop some weight but that is a personal choice I cannot make for him. Hope you get some really enthusiastic students this go round.

    Janet, you are doing your best under the circumstances and I know James will leave in much better shape than he arrived. We both need to exercise our no muscle, it has been left dormant too long, lol. Mine is super flabby but am praying for muscle memory to show up soon. Small steps, good choices and forgiveness for the rest as we get it back in shape.

    Karla, I hope you get a chance to play with your machine. Sounds like fun just experimenting. I have a very comfy office/desk chair that works great for all my crafting. Edd bought it for me about 10 years ago and it has worked like a charm. Haven't seen the chair you are talking about, will have to look it up.

    Waving to Cindy and Diane.

    Stay safe and warm everyone.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good Sunday morning. I've got my exercise clothes on and Glenn has finally woke up so I can get to the bedroom, which is my gym, lol.

    Today we are supposed to get up to the upper 50's!! Yea!, then the rest of the week is 40's at night and 60's during the day, thank goodness. Out of the frozen tundra of the 20's. Not normal for us southerners.

    Today's paper had a review of several eating plans, Keto, Vegan, Whole30, Mediterranean and Vegetarian with some recipes. I guess mine is closet to Keto, but not quite as low carb as we do not get into ketosis. The recipe for it is nachos over a bed of grilled bell peppers. The Whole30 recipe is a Personal Sausage skillet with chicken sausage, purple sweet potato, butternut squash, Brussels sprouts cooked in coconut oil and coconut aminos. Sounds yummy. The author has a web site of , her daughter got a brain tumor and she turned to healthy cooking for her. Or if you do Instagram @guacmylife.

    I want to get my spiralizer out today too. I can tell I'm finally feeling better, I want to do things!

    Patti- That is what I have as my sewing chair now, an office chair on wheels, leather and nice. Works perfect, but, once I saw the cute sewing chairs in the pretty colors on wheels, I really want one. Lol. Did you check them out on They are only available online. We checked eBay and Amazon and same price there. Would just look so cute at my sewing table and the one with the green base would match my silk green curtain in that room. I'm sure Glenn will order me one or tell me to, he rarely denies me anything, lol.

    I better go get my exercise on. Ill check back later on.

    Have a great day, stick to your plan, whatever it may be, why? Because you are so worth it.

    Remember, as Cindy's program has emphasized, there are four tires of being balanced. Enjoy being peaceful. Read the paper, a book, go to your craft room, look through a magazine, let your cat, listen to some music, take a nap, take a Sunday drive, call a friend, go to a movie, watch a new Netflix original. It is your choice.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, I had a totally me day yesterday. Edd was on his own for meals. He spent the day relaxing in his chairman watching football and whatever else he could find on tv. He barely moved all day, a very rare thing for him. So we both had a winning day. I got my robe made and threw the old one in the trash. Today I will do some laundry and want to try my hand at the paint by number I got for Christmas. Starting day 5 on my Clean30 plan. Struggling a bit at night, when I tend to want crunchy, salty stuff. Mom is worried that I will not want to eat lunch with her because of my new plan. I assured her we would figure it out. She wants chicken pot pie from KFC so I will get grilled chicken and green beans. Our other favorite is Arby's grand turkey club, I will just take it off the bun since the bun is the only thing not on my plan. She eats better when someone eats with her so I will find a way to make it work.

    Karla, saw the chair, very cute but too expensive for me. Would make a nice birthday gift for you. I know Glenn likes to spoil you. Hope your first workout went well. I have not been to the gym since right before Christmas. Between the holiday closing shift and this cold I haven't been able to get there. But I am ready to go back Tuesday, just hope it doesn't kill me.

    Bert, how did the seminar go?

    Hi to Cindy, Diane and Janet
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I just pulled out about 12 purses to sell on the VarageSale site to justify the price of the chair. It is too pricey for me too. I have been working on my closet for over an hour and a half. Shameful for me to have this much clothes, shoes and purses crammed in there! I am taking out the Christmas sweaters and shirts and moving them back to the office/sewing room closet, which holds my off season clothes. Lol. Plus I am purging some shirts that are too large for me.i just hate to let go of the nice Chico’s no iron shirts, but they are too big for even over shirts now.

    This is so time consuming to go through all these clothes, but I know I’m not the only one that has to do it. I did get on the treadmill for twenty minutes but have not ventured to the stretching dvd yet. The day is going by and I’ve got to finish this closet so I can get to the checking account and the bills, before I can see! Okay, I’ll stop whining now. Lol.

    Glenn had not left to go to his dsughter’s and he cleaned out the linen closet for the spare bedroom and guest bathroom and pulled me in on his project. Lol.

    I’m back to my clothes now. See you all later on.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-

    The weekend fly by- much of it spent with Jasper on Saturday and yesterday afternoon I wrote 15 pages. There is never enough hours in the day to get everything done that i feel i must and i never had an opportunity to ride my bike. Rick left for the afternoon so I seized the chance to be LR- of course snarky comments ensued when he got home and he was picking at what i had made for dinner- so I snapped and said , if you don't like what I cook learn how to cook yourself. I'm not in the verbal deep freeze as he holds onto it forever....
    Sigh- I wasn't as kind to myself as I wanted to be. I was determine to not let his petty complaints get to me. If I heard it once I heard it 1000 times how he wants to live in Florida. He hates the cold etc.... All I said was I have NO intentions of moving to Florida and then I got sarcastic when he started saying again- I hate the cold.. - I said really you've never said that before... I thought I was super funny but he was NOT amused. Even now, I'm still chuckling.
    yes- I'm not perfect and not the best way to handle it but really if someone makes you a nice meal don't complain cuz the skin on the chicken isn't cripsy enough. Jeez
    Ok- rant over.
    I'm finding better balance today- that is my goal.
    Breakfast is planned, lunch is planned and dinner is planned. Now if i can keep the stress witch at bay I can stay out of the candy or cookie tins.
    Karla- congrats on the new chair. Have fun with the purge
    Patti- so glad you have Mom close and of course you'll make lunch work. Are there any nice ladies in her complex that she could visit with?
    Janet- Does James have a date when he is leaving? Big hugs.
    Bert- You seem to be in control - so proud of you
    Diane- Did I miss it- how was the hike?
    Oh- my program is every Wednesday from 430-730 and I need to read the book tonight...
    OK- need to run.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked. One egg + 1 egg white + Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage. The weather is not the best this morning. I'm waiting until it clears up before heading to church to organize for taking down the Christmas decorations.

    Saturday's seminar was interesting. We met our students before having a supervisor meeting. Everything seemed backwards. Then yesterday we got an email for daily alotments for meal expenditures. Allowances for meals is very low. I feel like I'm being treated like a kid; however, I'll stay within the guidelines. The students seem great, so that's what I'll focus on.

    Patti: I'm SO with you in the struggling department. I'm trying to eat clean and avoiding processed foods. I struggle with crunchy too. I add pine nuts and parmesan cheese chips to my salads to get the crunch. Dinner is my worst time, too.

    Cindy: You get the saint award from me.....I would not put up with what you're dealing with. Life is too short to be criticized like that. Thanks for the compliment of being in control. I'm defintely not in control in the dessert department. I've always loved sweets and am trying very hard to make healthy choices. Chocolate temps me way too often.

    Karla: I need to clean out my closet as well. I have tops that I haven't worn in years. They are not too big for me however! Someday, I'm hoping to finally shed the 20 lbs I want to get rid of and KEEP IT OFF.

    Waving hi to Janet and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Monday morning my dear friends.

    Wowzer, I truly completed many tasks, and in the lieu of doing so clocked over 11k steps on my Garmin. YooHoo!! I did get on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I went through my entire closet and organized the clothes in categories. Now all my shrugs are together, my tank tops, my blouses, my button up blouses, black trousers and blue jeans. Then on the end I organized my jackets and dresses. Up high on the two shelves I went through my purses and pulled out 10-12 of them to sell, made room at the end for my tiny cross body purses and dress purses. I also went through my shoes and got them setup nicely and matched. I had completed my laundry on Saturday, so all my clothes are clean and hung up. After my closet was my vanity where all my jewelry is. I went through all the drawers. I had my king size bed full of what was on this vanity and in the drawers. Geez, what a purge this was. It all looks so very good!! I still have more to do, but this is a very good dent. This afternoon I want to take down my curtains and wash them. I love my new washing machine.

    Cindy - I just don't know what you are going to do about Rick. He just seems so miserable. Appears he wants to steal you away from all you love. Do you designate a day or so a week that you give to just him? I know that Glenn get antsy if I don't give him some of my personal time. My brother was out of town this weekend and it sure enhanced us to have time to ourselves. We went out to eat and then played billiards on Saturday. Yesterday we both worked on the linen closets and ate all our meals together, just us. It was nice. I agree, we should always appreciate anytime someone cooks us a meal. Glenn made grilled shrimp salad last night for us.

    I am going into the office from 8:30a - 11:30a and then leaving for a dental appointment scheduled for noon for a replacement filling. I want to finish up my purge of my room and then list my purses on the resale site. Then it's the few bills I need to write checks for and on to the office/sewing room to get it organized. I didn't get to sew yesterday as my room took so long.

    It is rainy here today. Which takes away the cold. It will hit 70 on Wednesday!! Yes!!

    Patti- I found many of the beautiful cards you have sent me over the years. I read the notes you kindly wrote me back in 2012 when I was getting frustrated with the scale. Wow, so long ago. Here we are still working on our weight. I'm glad we have hung in there through the ups and down of this journey.

    Have a great and productive day in whatever you choose. Remember BALANCE!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Roadas are a bit slick here, schools on delay. So my cleaner will not come - not safe at this point. That's fine - I have plenty to do.

    Karla, you are a whirlwind - don't know how you can do that stuff with Glenn and your brother in the house! I need to do a BIG weed out & organization but that's solely for time when I'm on my own for several days to do it right because there will be piles everywhere. And a Netflix binge going ...

    Bert, why does chocolate have to taste so good? You're doing better than you give yourself credit for.

    Patti, you will figure lunch with your mom out. It's not easy when the person you're feeding or eating with needs to eat MORE!

    Cindy, you are the portrait of self=restraint. Just keep reminding yourself that it's RICK, not you. You've grown so good at not letting him push buttons and I admire you for that.

    Diane, hope you had a great weekend and got some Elise time. Amazing how instantly the tiny humans inhabit our hearts.

    Wishing everyone a great day - balance! And as for "still struggling," we were genetically programmed to carry a bit extra - just finding a reasonable way to live and balance what God gave us with the BS society tells us about women's bodies is the endless task for me.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Self indulgent weekend over and now back to the real world. Spent the day in my craft room again. Some straightening but most of the time I was working on my "painting". Working tonight and Wed night. 5 days on plan in the book. Anxious to get back to the gym tomorrow. Off to the grocery soon for me and Mom, with a quick stop at her place afterward to drop off her few meager wants.

    Cindy, I am afraid I would be packing Rick's bags for him with a one way ticket to Florida on top. Amazes me that he feels that it is ok to criticize you for anything. You should never apologize for sticking up for yourself. So proud of the strength you are gaining and hope you know we got your back. Rant away and say what you need both to Rick and here.

    Bert, you will get those pesky pounds off. Maybe just focus on 5 and once that goal is met, another 5. If I look at the total I want to lose I feel overwhelmed and defeated. I am hoping this 30day challenge gives me a 5 pound loss. It is tempting to step on the scale but I would be too upset if there was no change. So I am focusing on my choices, not my weight.

    Janet, you are so wise and supportive to us all. I am grateful that this whole weight loss journey has brought us together. I know having James there makes it more of a challenge but I also know that you care about yourself enough to not let his presence totally derail you.

    Karla, whew, you got thru a lot in your closet. My purge would take about an hour as I have very little in my closet. A few things that are too small but that is about to change. The things I need to purge are excess craft projects, lol. I need to start making cards again and now that the sewing frenzy is over for a bit I am looking forward to doing so at my new table. We start our monthly stamp group in a couple of weeks. The girl who leads the classes has asked me to help out. She is the one who recently opened her GF bakery and will have times when she is too busy there to design cards for the group. Of course I agreed. Now to come up with some new techniques to share.

    Time to get it in gear
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's been a busy morning. I've been working on student assignments. One of my students is really putting forth much effort. That's great. I'm getting ready in a few minutes and will head to the gym. Talk to you all later
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, can't believe I am the first to arrive. day six in the books, on to day 7. I bought some beautiful Boston lettuce and made turkey roll ups for my dinner last night. Filling, crunchy and delightful. I am going to find the recipe for PF Changs lettuce wraps. I also picked up some Cornish hens and will cook them in the air fryer for dinner tonight. I am loving this new gadget. Haven't tried fries yet, but have heard they come out great with no oil. Off to Moms shortly. Then it is return to the gym for me tonight. I have really missed my class, trainer and workout friends. Yesterday was the third anniversary of starting TRX. I remember my gf having to talk me into the class. I have come a long way since that first class.

    Have a great day everyone, that's my plan
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello friends, I typed a fairly long post this morning and lost it!!

    Bert- Glad to hear you have a good student in the mist. Good for you on the gym.

    Patti- congrats on your seven days!! Your food sounds yummy. I used to like the lettuce wraps at of Chang’s before they loaded them up with so many peanuts! Have fun at the gym.

    Things are getting better at the office with the new software.
