OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    My goodness but it is colder than a .........(fill in the blank)! My back door is frozen shut. I am staying in until time for the gym. The truck won't start, my car does not get driven in this and Edd has jobs to do so he needs the car. My Mom is fine and well stocked. May be going out to visit my gf and bring her lunch tomorrow, depends on how she feels and if I have a car to drive.

    Janet, how scary for your neighbor and for James. Hope he is not suffering any pain from that fall today. How nice of him to help her out. Glad you are inside with your fire, James and your fur babies. Love the idea of the placemats to make a tote bag.

    Bert, the Firestick is a thing you plug into your tv and gives you access to tons of tv shows, movies and some exclusive shows. I think it works like the smart tv. You can load Netflix, YouTube, etc on it. It is a one time charge. You can plug it in to any hdtv with an hdmi port, I plan to move it between my kitchen and craft room. I need to play with it more but I think I like it.

    Now I have the day ahead to do as I please. Actually I think I would be pleased to do laundry and clean the bathrooms......NOT, but that is on the list.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello All. Weather alert down here also with school closings and our office closing early. We are also delaying going in tomorrow.

    TT for yesterday- I am the mover, the shaker and the place where you go live when others have let you down. I am quite the type A personality in business in whatever I do, it needs to be right, as possibly close as it can. I have shown much love to my grandchildren, nieces and nephews. They all know my door is open, as well as my heart. I hope I am leading by example in my life in all aspects of Home and work. When I walked into that restaurant on Saturday and saw two long tables of old and new friends, plus my two younger brothers and my son and his clan, I teared up. I also know I can be very stern, straitlaced and stubborn!! Lol. Al in all I am proud of my conduct, my personality and how others are reflecting in me. They say your friends are shadows and reflect your own qualities. I have some wonderful pals, including all of you!!

    Diane - An organizer bag would be really nice. I don’t like those vinyl types either. Sounds like your eating is progressing nicely! Congrats!!

    Bert/ Stay away from that room with the scale. Lol. You are really focused. We are having shrimp stir fry tonight. Lots of veggies.

    Patti- I am so very proud of you first two weeks my friend!! You are focused and doing well. I know today you were to lunch with your mother if weather allows. How did that go?

    Janet - Poor neighbor and poor heroic James!! I hope she went and stayed inside after that. Sounds like your time with James is beneficial to all. I have been wanting to see that Churchill movie as well.

    I am heading into the hairdresser to get my grey stripe removed. I am so excited to use my gift cards I received at my party, but weather too nasty right now.

    Everyone be safe. I hope Cindy is okay, I’m going to drop her an email.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I know its been a week since I popped in- a lot going on.
    To answer a few questions- Meg is doing fine, adjusting to living alone and she can file for divorce which won't take long, around Feb 5- her soon to be ex is a jerk
    Rick has been up and down, more down at times. I'm still working through what my next steps are.
    My LE course is amazing- we still haven't talked about nutrition. Last week was about our center, core of self. Learning to work with relaxation techniques and sabatours in our lives. IN my case, you know who.
    We also talked about exercise and standing tall. She talked for about ten minutes just on the value to the body of good posture and reminded us about as a child walking with a book on your head for proper spinal alignment- everything she said makes perfect sense, even sitting be in alignment. Supports so many things.
    I went for one meeting today and I made 3 mini goals to start with change. Three times a week ride my exercise bike and I'm going to put a smiley face on the calendar when I do.
    I'm working on my stress level and the PT person will develop an exercise plan that will work with my limited time schedule.
    It has been a rough week and for those that pray - say a little one for me to have strength and find my path.
    Hugs to all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, you are never far from my thoughts. Glad you are working with professionals on YOU. There’s no way the sabotage will succeed. Hugs.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited January 2018
    Cindy- My vibes of concern for you were alerting me. Thank you for dropping in during such a trying time. I'm so glad you are attending that weekly hospital course to reiterate balance and self worth. Hugs to you and prayers non-stopping that your personal situation is improved as life changing decisions are upon your heart.

    We have sleet and ice coming down. I fell asleep earlier and was awoken with the ice tapping on my window. The schools are closed tomorrow and many businesses are delaying opening. I am working from home.

    My temporary crown came off this evening, so I will have to go to my dentist office. Luckily it is very close to my home.

    Good night my friends.


    Ps ( I am officially 60!!)
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's very cold this morning! I'm looking forward to the end of the week when it gets back to normal temperatures. I found out yesterday that I have a Field Student at my former school. I'm looking forward to visiting there in a different capacity other than retired teacher. I was up early this morning as I guess I feel asleep too early. Mike is working today, so I have the day to myself in the house. I'll get things tidied up and then will venture to the mall this afternoon to get my hair cut. I'll walk at the mall today. Yesterday was a gym day. Tomorrow is a meeting on campus with field students.

    I did well with water intake and with eating yesterday.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good morning. We have snowy looking yards down here this morning. I believe it is hard ice, but white.

    Bert - You are on fire with your eating and exercise. Be careful getting out this afternoon. Like you, I am tired of this cold weather. We will be at 70 this Saturday. Suck a contrast as we are below 20 this morning.

    My cleaning ladies are coming today. It is a couple days early but they asked and I said ok. Friday's are just too hard for them to get all their houses done. She has my favorite helper with her today too. She designs as well as cleans. LOL.

    I'll check in later on. Be safe there.


    Awww, Glenn just woke up carrying a gift bag in here..
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good morning, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KARLA! I'm sure you'll let us know what was in that gift bag - guessing something sparkly, like you.

    Bert, how cool to know you have yet another role at your former school - your student will be wowed at the reaction her mentor gets.

    Pretty good eating day yesterday with one medium slip but today's a new day. I started my day by breaking two of my three remaining glass espresso cups, so the kitchen counters and floor have been thoroughly cleaned and all the cat food/water dumped and replaced, food trays washed. Whee for my never-ending klutzitude! Just ordered replacements from Amazon. Ah well = no cats in the area when it happened, no injuries, so all is well.

    Today marks one year since my three-big-screws foot realignment surgery. I am so glad I had it done. Standing and walking will never not be painful for me, but this procedure has made a big difference in how I move and the pain in the foot itself is 90% better. Hooray for skilled docs and modern medicine!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARLA. Welcome to the fun decade. I know you will rock it! Hope it is not an omen that you are having freezing rain and snow, lol.

    Bert, how exciting to have a student at your old school. Be careful on the roads and enjoy your mall walk. I once walked 10 miles at the mall, preparing for a marathon. If I had not b even with my two partners in training I think I would have lost my mind, lol. We only did that once, concrete is just too hard on the joints.

    Cindy, I am glad you stopped in to share with us. I know this is such a difficult time for you but I pray you are able to keep YOU in the forefront and to continue to do what is best for you first. You don't need to find your path, you just need to walk the one that you know is best for you first, everyone else will follow. My prayers are always with you. Know that all forms of communication are open here for you.

    Having lunch at my GFs today. Big, tasty salad with chicken and fruit and a sherry Chardonnay dressing that I will use sparingly. Then grocery shopping, followed by work. We are having Christmas this weekend at the cabin with Edd's brother,SIL, nephew and his gf. Pam and I are doing a Mexican fiesta.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. We are at the surgery center waiting for Carrie’s surgery. We had snow overnight so left early but had no problems on the road. So here we wait. She is very nervous and I think most concerned she will go through all this and not get rid of the constant pain.

    Eating was not good yesterday. I started out fine through lunch but started snacking in the afternoon and just couldn’t stop. Got all my veggies and my water but failed on the sugar and carbs and way over on calories. Oh well. Today is a new day. Lunch will be from the hospital cafeteria- surely they will have some healthy options, right?
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Cindy my heart goes out to you. Only you can decide what is ultimately right for you but the journey there is rough.

    Karla Happy Birthday! I’m sure you will enjoy putting those gift cards to work and th anticipation will make it even more enjoyable.

    Janet I knew your surgery was around the same date as Carrie ‘s but didn’t realize it was only one day apart. Her anniversary was yesterday and here we are again.

    Patti give your mom a hug for me when you can get there. I’m sure that even with the cold weather she is glad to be near you.

    Bert I am with you on tired of cold weather! It
    Is supposed to warm up here for the rest of the week. I need to be able to get outside!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Carrie is out of surgery and heading home. Had to be there at 10:45, didn’t take her out not OR until after 4, out around 6:30 an hour plus a n recovery.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Sorry. Meant to add all went well. Now for recovery.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Here is the hardware they took out, with a quarter for scale.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading to Greg and Carrie's to watch Cole this morning while Carrie heads to a doctor appointment. Today is my seminar with campus field students. and then I'm selling tickets tonight to cast members for the upcoming muder mystery at our church. I'm also getting some type of activity in whether it be walking or going to the gym.

    Diane: I have the same problem.....breakfast and lunch are good for me, but then dinner is another issue. We will hand in there together and figure out what works for us.

    Waving hi to everyone!

    Have a great day.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Thursday morning. Another day starting at 21 degrees. We are supposed to get up to 45 degrees today and by Saturday up to 70.

    Diane - I've been praying for Carrie since I saw that picture on Facebook yesterday. Personally, I would be glad to have that metal out of my foot. But I don't really understand all the semantics of orthopedics to redevelop joints like that. I'm sure she is in good hands with her surgeon. I do understand she has a long road of PT ahead of her, but she is young and has your and John's love and many friends that will encourage her along. Did she receive any compensation from the car insurance of the other driver or is there a lawsuit pending? She is so deserving.

    Patti- The picture of your great-grandson is so adoring. You just don't seem old enough to have several great grandchildren lady! There is some awesome blue baby material for baby blankets at your Joanne's. I've got one cut waiting on me now.

    Bert - Is your weather improving? When will you be going to your old school? I know you are excited for this return.

    Janet - I know you are reveling in this cold winter we are all experiencing while many of us are praying for flip flops. LOL. I hate to see what my heating bill will be for this month.

    We delayed our patients until 10a this morning due to the temps and roads, but I bet many of them will call and cancel or no show. I just read on Facebook that one of Glenn's brother's previous inlaws slipped on ice and broke her ankle in three places. She is in her 70's and will be admitted to rehab. The ice is not melting because of our temps. We are just not used to it down here.

    I am the only one up and will work from home until I leave about 9:30a.

    TT from the other day: The way I avoid snacks from Glenn is to enjoy snacks of my own. I keep Greek yogurt, Sargento cheese sticks, Turkey Pepperoni, Babybell cheese and the Cheese Whisps available. I also make the egg white omelets when I get really hungry. Keeping your carbs low is the key to not having the cravings. Once you eat heavy carbs you want them more and more. I have slid off the wagon with my Birthday. But I have tracked and still ate healthy foods most of my meals.

    Today's new TT: How does the cold weather affect your eating? Do you want more comfort foods that are less healthy or soups that are vegetable laden? Do you drink less water? Are grilled cheese sandwiches and Tomato soup on your agenda? Share one of your favorite winter recipes today.

    I'll check back later on with my answer.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Yes, I'm enjoying this weather, as always. It's not easy to have weather preferences opposite to most, but the cold invigorates me, and I get to wear mooshy sweaters, velvet, faux fur, warm socks. TT: I love soup in cold weather (not having much these days, except for the occasional butternut soup. And I eat eggs more often in cold weather, or breakfast for dinner.

    Diane, hope Carrie's pain is controllable after all that hardware came out yesterday - yikes! I have some of each type in me somewhere, but they're staying in. I do hope this will help her pain in the long run - she's a brave woman. My niece in MI had a lisfranc injury a few years ago and she was grateful to have her hardware out and is now fine.

    Bert, have fun with Cole - bet he's a beat to play games with.

    Patti, hope your roads are clear on the way to the cabin. Bet it's beautiful on the river right now and a Mexican fiesta is a perfect idea.

    Not sure what the day will bring, but it will be a good one here.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Still cold here but a heat wave is coming this weekend, supposed to hit 50 on Sunday. Today I will finish the laundry, hit the grocery for a few things I forgot yesterday, stop by the bank for Mom, Dr appointment, short visit with Mom, gym, dinner and prepping food for the fiesta. My gf is doing very well since her surgery. This recovery will be a lot longer. The therapist told her she is to do absolutely nothing unless they tell her she can. If this one doesn't work she will need a shoulder replacement, we are praying that will not be the case

    Janet, it is absolutely breathtaking at the cabin when it snows. The river was 1/2 frozen last time we were there. The snow will probably be all gone by the time we leave.

    Bert, you have certainly packed your day full. Enjoy it all.

    Diane, glad the surgery part is over for Carrie. Hopefully the rehab will be easier this time. How lucky she is to have so much support.

    Karla, now that Glenn has retired is he a night owl or a day person? He seems to have slipped into it quite well. How is your brother doing? Has he been spending time with his son and grandbaby? How goes the job search? Hard to imagine your neck of the woods being so cold and with snow.

    TT: I really don't eat much different or crave anything when it is cold. I am not a soup lover, especially dislike tomato soup. Of course, the soups I do love are cream/cheese based, lol and so I don't eat them. The one soup I really love is my chicken enchilada soup. There are two restaurants in town that have good enchilada soup Cheys (they put avocado at the bottom of the bowl, such a treat) and Cheddars. I always drink my water but that is a lifelong habit and I don't drink anything else.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Day went a little different but not in a bad way. Few errands before I got to the Dr and was able to pick up a few things Mom has mentioned she would like to have. Love my Dr, in and out in. Less than 30 minutes and that included a trip to the lab at the other end of the complex. Got a text on the way to Mom's that TRX was cancelled. Bonus time with Mom. Laundry all done, food prepped and kitchen cleaned and closed. I made chicken wings with 2 sauces. 30 minutes from freezer to table. Yeah pressure cooker and air fryer. Now just need to pack my clothes and the linens. Planning to leave around noon. You may not hear from me until Sunday night.
    Forgot to say the Dr scale showed me down 3.5 pounds, full clothed and after eating. I wasn't going to look but hope knowing I have lost I will police myself better this weekend.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is to be a heat wave! It's supposed to get up to 40. I'm looking forward to it. I met my students yesterday. One student I had last semester and has already started her field. The other student is new and was nervous at the beginning, but now feels more at east with the course requirements. It did find out that another student I had last semester who had requested me this semester was assigned to the Department Chair. She told my boss that she was upset she didn't get me which made me feel good.

    I'm taking it easy in the exercise department. My back is sore from working out, so I need to rest those muscles. Walking will be my exercise for a couple of days.

    TT: I crave soups in the winter time. Water is always a problem for me no matter if it's in the winter, spring, summer, or fall. I just don't drink enough. That is one of my drink more water.

    Patti: Congratulations with your weight loss. I'm hoping to lose 5 lbs by my 30 day challenge which will end in a couple of weeks. My clothes aren't any loser, which is frustrating for me. I'm trying.

    Have a great day, everyone!
