OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hello Ladies-
    yes- its me. Things are weird at my house - but I'm fine. I'm walking my path as Patti put it.
    A couple of tips from my class on Wednesday- drink a glass of cool water as soon as your out of bed. It nudges your metabolism its time to start working. Also if you like spicy foods, eat them consistently like add cayenne pepper to foods it also does the trick. Once and a while doesn't.
    Also- there are many things we don't have control over, but the one thing we most assured do have control over is what we put in our mouth.

    And finally- make an appointment for exercise like you would for the doctor and then keep it. There are many people in the class that are using walkers etc so it was suggested to find chair exercise videos or classes and the PT reminded us all. Everyone who goes to a gym or pool to exercise is all there for the same reason and they're all self conscious. Be brave and just move. There is some form of exercise anyone can do - just sometimes it takes creativity and courage to take the first step.
    This was very important reminder for me as we have been given a 6 month member ship to a local gym with tons of classes and a pool. But I was hesitating. But now I'm giving it serious thought. Next week we're doing chair yoga :)
    Nothing from Hallmark yet- still praying I get the email with an offer.
    Jasper continues to improve.
    Meg is at a travel show this week in Columbus and is starting to sound more like Meg. So happy for that.

    Diane- so glad Carrie is on the road to recovery without hardware- yikes.
    Patti- congrats on the Loss
    Karla- Happy belated Bday
    Bert- I hope your time with Cole is filled with fun and much laughter
    Janet- Enjoying your cooler temps I'm sure
    OK- Need to run it is NOT an LR day.
    Until next time,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning.

    Patti, have a blast at the cabin. Congrats on the downward scale movement! I should brave the scale soon too. Later this year I may treat myself to an air fryer if I have storage space for it - every friend who has one loves it.

    Bert, you're wise to be careful with your back. Moe when and how you can without aggravating it.

    Diane, how is Carrie doing? This is about the peak pain point after surgery. Guessing she is completely off the foot for some time again. She's a trouper - learned that from her parents.

    Cindy, hoping you had LR Day yesterday.

    Karla, I'm sure you have fun grandkid weekend activities scheduled. Do take some time for you. How is your brother doing? He certainly has a lot on his heart.

    Not much new here - avoided bread with dinner and passed up chips & salsa earlier, so small steps. Lots to do today, then seeing "Chicago" with James tonight. It'll be nice to get a bit dressy, and to show off our terrific Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts. I'll be back there tomorrow night for a Pops concert (the orchestra with Mambo Kings, which should just be joyous). Nice to have some getting-out opportunities. And of course football & basketball too. I'll miss my Warriors tomorrow night but can get the recap when I get home.

    Big hugs to all from thawing Kentucky.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I read daily from my phone, but it is hard to put in an update unless I sit down at an actual keyboard. John has been working taxes the last few days, so not much computer time for me.

    This is the seventh day of my supposedly clean 30 - three good days, three not good days, and half a good day so far in the books. I need to find something to do in the afternoons to keep me from snacking!

    Carrie is so much better than her last surgery! Of course, she isn't also dealing with multiple broken bones, broken ribs, bruising, concussion and allover aches and pains, nor with metal invading her foot. She will probably come downstairs for dinner tonight, for the first time since we got home. Yes, she is non weight bearing again for a while, but hopefully only for 2-3 weeks while the incisions heal. Then a boot for a period of time, then lots of PT again.

    Janet, I love going to theater and music productions! Haven't done much of that recently, but you are right it is nice to get dressed up and out.

    Cindy, I like the appointment for exercise idea, but I don't seem able to keep it unless I am going to a class, and I am not member of a gym right now. I'm hoping our thaw this week will allow me to get out for some walks, at least.

    Bert, I hope this batch of students is a good group. I know you've had some terrible frustrations with some of them in the past. I admire your willingness to give back to your profession by doing this training.

    Patti, have fun at the cabin! Hope your scale hop at the Dr. acts as a motivation this weekend.

    Karla, what crafty thing are you up to now?
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Oh, forgot yesterdays TT: I definitely eat differently when it is cold. Not nearly as many salads or grilled meats - I tend to eat stews and casseroles. Those can be healthy, but skipping the salad is a negative. I just don't feel like eating them (and there isn't as much good tasting salad stuff available!) The last bunch of lettuce I got rotted in the fridge because the one salad we made was kind of bitter.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    How about a new TT: How do you plan your menus? I'm looking for some inspiration because I'm bored again.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    I plan the day or two before grocery shopping, look to see what is on sale and what I didn't make in the current week- add in a few extra veggies and plan to zip out on carbs at dinner. Not very scientific but it has worked in the past- so I'm working towards getting back to it again.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- Not a big grandkid weekend. Tomorrow is our supper club and Sunday we are going to a local theatre group doing August- Osage Coubty play, extended part of my birthday week! Kevin is doing well, he and Glenn are getting along and get out and do things during the day. Glenn is busy with the new addition in the backyard. The trees are being cut down and the blue prints are being drawn.

    Diane - Glad to hear Carrie is hanging in there. I’m the same with my winter eating usually but this year keeping the carbs low. I like planning menus and helping Glenn with this tonight.

    Patti- I’m going to buy me an air fryer!

    Cindy- I’m making a cabbage dish this weekend.

    Patti - Congrats on the loss!!!

    I just had a microdermabrasion at Massage Envy that was awesome!! A new kind that infused moisture at the same time. Neat! She also did a treatment on my eyes and lips with a soft instrument she said I would love. Nicole is the sweetest lady!l

    Have fun everyone! Sounds like most of us are!!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The weather has warmed up, so some of the snow and ice is having a chance to melt. So I happy for that.

    TT: To be perfectly honest, I'm very tired of trying to plan everything and getting no results. I sound like a broken record, so I'm going to stay away for a while. I always read everyone's posts, but right now, I simply don't have anything to say.

    More than that, it is with a heavy heart that my friend and former principal is not doing well. She is losing her battle with cancer, and her sister informed me that the time is near. She told me that my friend is tired and is ready to go. My friend has asked me to sing at her funeral, so I wll try to honor that, but may not be able to make it through. I'll do my best as that is what she wants.

    I love this group and value the friendships we have made. Thanks for being supportive and understanding.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, my heart aches for you. Saying goodbye to a dear friend is so difficult. Step back from here when you need to - we all understand. Sending hugs. Sometimes we need to step away to refocus, and trying to force things just doesn’t work.

    Karla, sounds like a fun weekend.

    Diane, very glad Carrie is doing well. She’s in much better overall shape - hope she is in a boot as quickly as anticipated.

    Patti, hope your party is a hoot.

    Cindy, please do something kind for yourself this weekend.

    TT: not a planner right now. I stay stocked with basics and we generally decide on the fly; I’ve gotten pretty good at improvising. But at my suggestion, we’re getting back into having more salads. I have been craving veggies!

    I am such a dope - “Chicago” is next Friday night - James caught my error. I was so excited about going together at his suggestion and getting dressed nicely, that I wanted it to be now! But I do have dinner & Pops concert tonight with a girlfriend. The orchestra and Mambo Kings - should be delightful.

    Have a lovely day, ladies.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends.

    Bert - My heart aches for you also. I have lost two very close friends and I miss them everyday. My very best friend of 38 years died while visiting me in 2010. It was awful. So I know exactly what it does to you. I also understand your frustration. I do hope you will seek professional help since you have tried everything on your own without the results you had hoped for. I had the same experience, but this clinic helped turn it around for me. I also said I would never join another weigh loss service, but my weight was going up and I just couldn't lose on my own. Now I am down 34 pounds. Something there clicked for me. I wish you only the best. Please feel free to call, text or email me.

    Janet - This way you have some fun this weekend and next weekend!! I told Kevin and Glenn that the play tomorrow afternoon is four hours and they are stroking. They have a football game to watch. LOL.

    I have done well the last two days with my carbs and protein. My birthday really threw me off and my carbs were too high and my protein too low. There is always some excuse to derail us, always a holiday or event that we can allow ourselves to indulge. We just have to pull ourselves up and get back on the wagon. I return to the clinic on Tuesday. That is my motivation to stay on my plan. I don't know what the couple is serving at the supper club tonight, but, whatever it is if not a low carb option I will just eat a very small portions and no dessert. Then when I get home I will drink a Premier shake that has 30 grams of protein to ensure I have my 85 grams of protein. Where there's a will, there is a way!!

    Have a great day!!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    For yesterday's TT: I keep a three ring binder of recipes we like, mostly printed off some website or other. I flip through and pull out what I feel like then shop for it. Cindy, I must admit to not bothering with sales very often. Meat I mostly buy at Sam's because it is usually the least expensive and good. But I am getting tired of the same old things, even though the 2-inch binder is pretty full! I try to plan a week of menus in advance - holdover from my working days when I only had a chance to shop once a week. (That also was necessary when traveling when we only hit a town with a decent grocery about once a week!)

    How about a new topic - favorite cookbook or website for healthy recipes? I like She gives calories and nutrition information and also WW points, and has a pretty good variety of recipes.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Skinnytaste is good; I also like Hungry Girl.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am living the engagement of talk we are sharing. It helps us all.

    TT: I like skinny taste and Hungrygirl. I use Skinny Taste’s turkey meatloaf. I usually just google what type recipe I am searching for and see what appears. I like Taste of Home and I get many of my recipes from Facebook. I love the Slaw Crack. We are having it this coming week. I am helping Glenn with a weekly menu now.

    I did really well for the most part at the supper club last night. No crackers, no hamburger bun, no beans or potato salad. I had the ribs, that were very, very tender and meaty. I had some smoked sausage and some bean dip. But then, after I did so well, only drank my flavored water that Glenn brought for me, out came the brownies!! I had half of one there. Geez, no self control because when I packed up I put two more to bring home, supposedly for Kevin and Glenn, and I had another half!! I’m so disappointed in myself. But, I’m drinking water today and will do a dvd and will stay true to my plan. As I said yesterday, we always have challenges and we always have the opportunity to start again. It’s so emotional.

    I’m so excited to go to August: Osage County play this afternoon. It is a family drama that gets quite outrageous. One of the ladies that worked for me at the hospital is in it and her husband is directing it. It is a Pulitzer prize winning play.

    Diane - I love all the feedback you are giving us. You ask what craft project I am working on. I haven’t seen since I made Izzy’s tooth fairy pillow or the throws for gifts last month. I do need to make another tooth fairy pillow for my home and a baby blanket for my DIL’s girlfriend. It’s just finding the time here lately! Do you ever see clothes? Have you started on the organizer bag?

    Janet - How was the Pop’s concert?

    Cindy- I like the confirmation of drinking a glass of water first off in the morning to wake up the body to get it going! I have been doing this every morning. My birthday week has been so nice. Today’s play ends Glenn’s total week of events. Lol.

    I forgot to say what was in my birthday gift bag from Glenn on Wednesday. It was a gorgeous turquoise sunburst pennant necklace, a nice length sterling silver chain that I had seen at Sam’s jewelry counter a month ago. He also had a timer to put on my curling iron. Lol. Plus a bag of Russell Stover’s sugar free candy. Such a sweetheart!!

    February 5th begins the tree removal and then when we get the blueprints we start the septic tank, followed by the slab. I can’t wait to decorate the inside myself. I will probably make the curtain for all the windows! This structure will be over 1100sf counting the single garage. This doesn’t count the coveted front porch facing my pool.

    Breakfast is calling ..

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane - I also have a three-ring binder in my kitchen with my favorite recipes, plus the cookbook I made back in the 90's with my family recipes in it.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Tonight's dinner will be Pork roast with a wine sauce, brussels sprouts and roasted red potatoes. I will limit my potatoes but everything else should be fine. Brad and Rossanne and Elise are coming over, so I thought I would make something they rarely have time to cook.

    Karla, yes I finished the organizer bag. Here is a picture of it. It is small because it needs to fit on the arm of her powered chair. It ended up about 7" by 12". Her chair is grey and red so I added the red touches. Patti, I found some gabardine - the duck cloth was just too stiff and I didn't want to use denim. I did line it with the ripstop nylon (in a silver grey) as you suggested. The outside pockets will hold a couple pencils, her keys and ID, her tissues and stuff like that, and it has a zippered pouch big enough for her mail or a book.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla and Janet, I will have to try out Hungry Girl. I'm always looking for new recipes. I enjoy cooking (especially now I have time for it!) but need inspiration.

    Bert, sometimes you just need to take a break. I'm so sorry for what your friend is going through. It is so hard to watch, but if her sister says she is tired and ready, sometimes that is for the best. I have no idea how anyone sings at a funeral - I can't even speak at one without crying.

    Cindy, nice to see you stop by! I know how busy you are, and you have so many balls to juggle right now. I have absolutely no excuse for not getting any exercise - I just wish I had someone to do it with. That always makes the time pass more. When the weather gets better I'll be outside more.

    I hope Patti had some of our nice weather for her cabin weekend!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello my friends hello, back from a raucously good time at the cabin. On Friday the river was shore to shore ice chunks. So very mesmerizing to watch them as they travel by. We have huge icebergs on our piers and beach. One chunk in at least 4 ft thick and about 6-8 ft in diameter. Th River rose about 15 ft last week and as it receded quickly the ice is everywhere. In the creeks that feed the river it looks like giant sheets of shattered opaque glass llining the banks. By the time we left today there was very little ice in the water and the big chunks are starting to melt but are still huge. Rivers are notorious for unexpected sights and delights.
    We had another pipe break from n the bathroom, easy fix and we caught it before much leaked on the floor. We spent some time with our friends up the road on friday then topped the day off watching some goofy comedy shows with son and DIL. The troops arrived on Saturday. It was a huge testosterone fest on the porch as all the men brought their guns of every shape and size. Some of the tenants (and fortunately friends) on the road brought their guns down to play. I don't think we stopped laughing or talking all weekend. Sticking to my Clean 30 flew out the window. I didn't do horrible on food, small portions of all the bad stuff but I imbibed a bit too much. So resetting back to plan. I am not going to say I forgive myself because I don't think there is anything to forgive. I am trying not to go down the rabbit hole of the blame game. I did it, I own it, I am moving on and will own all the good choices I am about to make. I think to be successful I have to not think in terms of good and bad; reward and punishment; right and wrong. I need to think in terms of on or off; yes or no; today or tomorrow.

    Bert, my heart is breaking for you. So hard to have to say good bye. I totally understand the need to step back from here. It did me a world of good. Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves to succeed that having to constantly report no progress seems to compound that pressure. In the back of my mind I think of those I have lost and figure, what's the point of going through all this torture. It really hit me when I was caring for my nephew before he passed at 32. We will always be here, we will always understand. Whatever you do be kind to yourself. If you are stuck with those extra 20 for a bit, don't beat yourself up. Sometimes when we relax our grip our bodies relax theirs. Call, test, email, private message on FB or drop by here to chat anytime.

    Diane, love the chair pocket and great idea on gabardine, I didn't think of it. Thank you for the great TT. I will try to answer them at the end of this post. I had to buy more fabric to make the microwave bowls, orders are pouring in, lol., I gave a set to my nephews gf and when I was showing I made them I realized that I forgot to topstitch one of them after turning it. At least I was able to show her how much of an opening it took to turn it, lol. She sews so will finish it off herself. We had a good laugh though.

    Janet, I know you were in heaven at the Pops and celebrating your friends birthday. Sorry all the snow is gone but I am sure we are not done with it yet.

    Karla, that is a huge addition. Is this going to be like a guest house? What all are you building? Sounds exciting.

    Cindy, I need to start that glass of water in the morning. Even though I drink at least 64 oz daily that first one is so important for the reasons you stated and more. Hope you had some relaxing time this weekend

    TTs: meal planning: I suck. I have a freezer full of meat and then I buy veggies. Every day is so different. So I have general ideas of what I can make depending on what time we eat and how tired I am. Not a very good plan but I can't seem to find a better one. Seems every time I make a menu and plans for the week it gets blown out of the water more than half the time and then I end up throwing food away, which I hate. So now I am a little loosey, goosey with my menu planning. I do search Pinterest for recipes, save lots off FB and have more than too many cookbooks when I am in the mood for some light reading. I do tend to make the same things again and again if I like them. I also go in spurts depending on what the appliance of the month happens to be. Currently it is the air fryer. Next up is going to be the pressure cooker.

    Going to be an early night.monly slept about 5 hours the last 2 nights and that is just not enough for me. Mom has an eye appointment in the morning and I work tomorrow night.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning to the group! Welcome to Monday, another week to continue this most roller-coaster riding of a journey. I say roller coaster as we are all up and down and sometimes feeling out of control.

    The play was absolutely suburb!! We all three enjoyed it immensely. It was everything, dramatic, funny, deep, surprising, exciting and gripping. Talk about a dysfunctional family. My brother said he was definitely going to have to watch the movie, which started Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts.

    Our weather was awesome all weekend. Sunny and in the mid 60’s. I have had Sophie outside, so her potty training is continuing with her following Millie.

    Patti- I, too, have fell off my wagon with food not on my plan. I did try, but I slipped both Saturday at my supper club and then last night I succumbed to a slice of pizza!! Ugggh. Like you, I agree we don’t need to beat ourselves up, we just need to pick back up and do better today. I wondered when I saw on tv all the ice chards and chunks in Ohio rivers if they were near your cabin! I bet it was breathtaking to watch.

    I did hit the treadmill yesterday and was active hitting over 8k steps. My back was sore so after the play I laid down and watched tv while the guys watched the Vikings and Eagles game. I have gotten into the SEAL Team series and have been binge watching it.

    TT: What type of motivation or self talk do you utilize to pick yourself up after a splurge? Are you able to snap back on your plan right away, or do you continue to eat foods off your plan for a few days?

    TT#2: As Cindy’s professionals discussed in her hospital program, physical movement of some sort is available in many forms, even for physically challenged areas of our bodies. What ideas have you considered for adding some movement to your day, not necessarily being a gym, video or class. An example Cindy gave was chair Yoga. How neat!

    I’ll be back later after some pondering for the above.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Okay, here’s my thoughts on the topics:

    #1- I just move on with healthy options by starting with a big glass of water. I tell myself I am human and I can turn this around. I then make a plan of food, water and exercise to combat the gain from the splurge.

    #2- Moving the treadmill into my bedroom has been a positive thing. It is a nice Nordic Track one and is in site of my 42” tv so I can walk, turn the tv up and watch an episode of my favorite show on demand or Netflix. Since I am getting back into exercise I am doing two days a week on the treadmill and one day of a dvd. It’s been a slow progression with the bulging discs in my lower back that I have to work around, so the walking is the least painful on them. It seems to stimulate my metabolism, which is slow.

    I am facing my music by going to the clinic for my scheduled appointment tomorrow morning. I had toyed with the idea of moving it back some to giving me more time to work off my birthday and weekend splurge, but then, nope, there is always something, you know? This is what I need this clinic for. Support through these challenges. Mardi Gras is next and it’s two weeks of parades and fun, King Cakes, Moon Pies and Corn Dogs. Lol. It is up to us to chose food or losing the weight in a certain time frame, isn’t it? It’s not forever we have to withstain is it? Look at our poster child Janet!! She withheld for a said period and got to a good weight, right? I’m talking to myself here.. lol

    I better finish getting ready for work. I’m wearing sandals today!! We will hit near 70 today and I am going to get a pedicure this afternoon. My toes are crying for it. I’m even getting a mani too!

    Have a great pampered day!! Treat your body good inside and out. We only have one.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all.

    Diane, that bag will be a godsend for your mom. Your skill and precision have me in awe.

    Karla, sounds like your splurges were not unreasonable. We cannot live like food-nuns - life is to be LIVED and sometimes that means drinks and uncharacteristic food.

    Patti, your weekend sounds like a tonic. Would love to have seen the ice chunks. Rain and warmer weather has melted the snow here and the lawn got a good watering, courtesy of Momma Nature.

    Waving a warm hello to Cindy & Bert.

    The Pops concert (Louisville Orchestra with guests The Mambo Kings) was spectacular - great music, great spirit and the audience really got into it. Perfect booking for midwinter, and the conga player was so amazing that he drew tons of attention. Dinner before was at a nice, but casual place and I had a terrific spinach salad with salmon. My friend bought because we'd never managed to have my birthday meal last year, so I'll buy her dinner next time for HER birthday. It was a delightful evening.

    And of course yesterday my Patriots made it to the Super Bowl. I was a fan when they were pretty terrible and am thrilled at the level they've achieved now.

    This morning I called my cable company to question a mistake n my bill and got a phone rep who spent ten minutes looking to see if there was a package that might save me some money. I cut internet speed back a bit and was happy to lose Starz and Epix for a package that gives me Showtime instead! I try to call them twice a year to check out options. Saving about $20 a month makes a difference!