OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon. Homefront taking Mom to the eye Dr, bank and then Wendys for lunch. Love their apple pecan chicken salad. Her eye is stable so we will only have to go every 10 weeks for her injections. Tomorrow will be quality time with her. I always hate leaving her after the injections and tend to just hang with her until I know she can get around safely. Working tonight,ugh.

    Janet, your evening sounds perfect. I would have loved it. Maybe one of these days when your guest suite is no longer occupied, I can come down and go with you.....if you would like, that is.

    Karla, so glad you all enjoyed the show. What all will be going into your addition? Are you still planning on buying an RV or is that on hold for this year because of the addition? I am glad you decided not to push your date back on return to the clinic. I had a WW leader that used to say "when you are struggling or not sticking to the plan is when you need a meeting the most"

    TT #1: my biggest problem is that when I slip I give myself permission to do whatever I want for the rest of the day and, as in the case of this past weekend, for the entire weekend. Need to stop with the food I ate and go right back to plan. I love the analogy "if you drop one egg on the floor do you throw the rest of the dozen on the floor just because you dropped that one?"

    TT #2: I am not bragging but I do pretty well with exercise. I am pretty consistent with the 4 classes I take but I need to add more cardio. My new goal is to add 2 thirty minute DVDs a week. I do get over 10K steps on the days I work. Just need to step up my game a bit.

    Waving a friendly hello to Diane, Cindy and Bert

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    A quick stop- all seems to be going well for everyone- but Bert I am so sorry for your dear friend. Maybe think of singing at the funeral as your friends one last gift you can give her. What an honor to be asked- she must love you dearly and you her. Hugs
    I did 30 minutes on the bike yesterday and started today with water. On the drive to work, then coffee.
    The weirdness continues but it is what it is for now.
    Need to run- but needed to drop by.
    Oh and almost 6k new words in the book this weekend.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    Nervous about tomorrow, but must face the music. That is why I say we have to keep our slips, our LIFE happens to a minimum. Life always happens, there are always events and challenges and if we succumb to each and every one of them, we will never get this weight off. I'm just frustrated with myself because I am having the hardest time the last two weeks getting back on plan and staying on it!!!

    Janet - I must be a Nun. It is the only way I can lose on a consistent basis. A slip a week negates the six good days for me. My system is very stubborn.

    Patti - I LOVE that analogy, don't throw the whole dozen to the floor when you drop one egg. So very true!! You definitely are the exercise queen. Great news about your Mom's eye. My dad goes every 8 weeks and will always go per his doctor. Being blind in one eye, same as with your mother, they don't want to take a chance with the one good eye they have. You are such a great daughter. I know you will be tired after your shift tonight. You are so right about not changing my clinic appointment, this is when I need the support.

    Cindy- Yes, we are all heartbroked for our Bert. For her friend and her health situation, for Bert and singing for her friend, and also for Bert's frustration with her journey. We all care for each other and what we endure in our lives at any given time. I have been hitting my treadmill and getting some exercise in too. Chair Yoga seems very interesting.

    I better go unwind out of my work outfit into some comfy clothes. I love getting dressed now that I am looking so much better. Did I tell you all I seen my clavicle bones? Wow!!

    Oh, and I weighed Sophie tonight as her brother down in Texas weighs over 7 pounds already, and my little Sophie is only 3.8 pounds. LOL.

    I will let you all know how much my birthday damage has done. Wish me luck!!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Yippeee, on plan eating, lots of water flushed the sodium and I am back down to 183.8 this morning. I still might show a slight gain or maintain. But I’m okay with that. BAM!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I lost 1.2 pounds!! Yippeee!!

    You were correct Janet, my splurges were not that bad.

    I have some great positive statements to share.

    Later, on to work.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good going, Karla.

    Patti, great news on your mom's eye. The egg analogy is perfect.

    Diane, thought of one more recipe site: emily - I get the Emily Bites and Hungry Girl emails and they have links to recipes.

    Cindy, sending hugs your way. Happy to know you're writing!

    Bert, thinking of you.

    Got much more sleep last night and am nearly over the migraine that hit just before the Patriots game. Had that for breakfast and James brought us good turkey sandwiches - no dinner because we were both napping. Not sure what the day will bring, and that's a good thing.

    Love to all.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Congrats Karla on the loss.

    Janet, glad you lost that migraine.

    Off to Mom's for the day then home for the gym, dinner and date night with Edd. Work was t bad last night, so I am not exhausted today. Looks like they are cutting back hours at the store which means I will probably only work 10 hours a week for a while, that's ok with me. It is just my pocket money. My new wireless all in one printer should be here today, so I will have some learning to do. I am a believer in the Epson brand and see no reason that this one won't be just what I want.

    Later girls
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Sorry for the absence and late check in. The computer has been off at the shop getting a new solid state hard drive (yay! MUCH faster) and I hate typing on my iPad or phone. I've been reading all though.

    Karla, congrats on the loss. Over holidays, birthday and all! Very consistent.

    Janet, hope the headache ache is gone. When I get migraines (rare), I have to sleep for about 24 hours straight. I will look up the Emily Bites site too. The Hungry Girl one seems hard to navigate - tough to just browse for recipes.

    Patti hope you had a good day with mom. I spent yesterday with mine. She is looking and seeming much stronger. I think getting her the powered chair so she can get out is doing her a tremendous amount of good. She isn't just sitting in her chair all the time now. And getting out doesn't exhaust her. I will go back Friday of next week to take her to her pulmonologist.

    Bert and Cindy, thinking of you both.

    My clean 30 is off the rails. I think I need to start over. The last few days I have been just out of control. I'm getting more water and veggies and fruits, but eating way too much of other stuff. I need to keep myself busy in the afternoons! Tomorrow Elise is probably coming over. She had a bad cough, and one of the other babies at the daycare just got over pneumonia! Rossanne wants me to take her to the pediatrician tomorrow for their walk-in hours from 7:30-8:30. If she is sick I will certainly keep her for the whole day.

    Back tomorrow - hopefully reporting that I did well on my clean eating restart!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    well this day went nothing like I planned, other than seeing Mom. I have felt nauseous but not really sick, just enough that I couldn't eat all day. Had to skip the gym, didn't think I could work out on an empty and not totally settled stomach. Poor edd, no homemade dinner but he fixed some soup and was happy. I nibbled on some crackers and a bit of cheese, they did not really taste good either. Did have my date night but not my usual chatty self during the shows. My new all in one arrived. I was able to get it to print from my phone but can't seem to get it to work with my Chromebook. I haven't given Edd's Acer a try yet but it will probably go just fine. This Chromebook is about 5 years old but is is WiFi compatible and will actually only work with a wireless printer. Every Epson ever made, it seems, is in the drop down list to pick from but mine. I did a whole bunch of stuff that the help menus told me to do. I am able to see that the chromebook shows that the printer is connected but I can't figure out how to print from the cloud......I will admit I just don't seem to be able to work the cloud, I know it is the giant server in the sky but it eludes me when I try to use it. So time to give my eyes a break and will relook at this another time. The good news is that the picture quality is awesome even from pics off my phone.

    Lunch with the girls tomorrow, then work. I still need to design and prep 3 different cards for 5-8 people for Saturday morning. I have some ideas that are beautiful yet simple.

    Diane, so glad to hear that your Mom is doing better now that she is more mobile. Hope Elise is not sick. We still haven't been over to see the new greatgrand baby but they have had a steady stream of visitors. Plus they had him back in the ER on Friday, after his Dr visit because his bilirubin had risen dramatically. A little time under the lights and he was home later that day. Poor mommy is so young and won't sleep because she won't let go of the baby. She rarely puts him down (from what I have heard). Am praying she will figure out that she has to sleep. I am going to try and go next week some time. He is totally gorgeous, as are his parents.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. A quick check in as I am doing an Accreditation Provider review for a local business college this morning. It is Remington College that has a Billing and Coding program of which we have two employees that graduated from. We also participate in their externship program, and I am on their Provider board. I love keeping my finger in these training programs. I am on the board at Virginia College too.

    I wanted to give a couple of these Positive Thinking - If you can Believe it, You can Achieve it comments from my clinic. Listed are types of negative self-talk with suggestion of how to make them positive.

    All or nothing thinking - This is perfectionist or Black and white thinking - Either you 're perfecr or youre a failure; there is no in-betwee. I leads o such thoughs as "if I can't follow the food plan exactly right..' or "if I don't exercise every day...then why bother trying?' the problem with this thinking is that the proces of losing weigh is bound to have it ups and downs. sinstead of seeking perfeciron, be realistic in your expecations. Allow yourself some leeway in your eating and exercise. If you slip up, get righ back on track.

    Overgeneralizing Tis happens when a single occurrence is generalized to other situations. For nstance, if you overate at one holiday party, you'll overaeat at all holiday gatherings. This type of thinkings leads to illogical conclusions. Indstead, realize that just because something happened once, it does not mean it will happen every time.

    Gotta run,

    Bert - if you are reading.. I asked about your area.. She said to look for any clinic affiliated with the "New Direction" program. That is the system they use and the nutritiionist, her, is trained with. She is going to get back with me also.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, good luck on the restart - smart idea. My dad would call it "getting back on the horse." You'll have fun with Elise tomorrow - smart to keep her away from daycare if bad bugs are a possibility.

    Patti, good luck with the printer. You'll figure it out - I once got mine working by calling HP's 800 number - they talked me through the weirdness. If only our devices were able to connect more seamlessly!

    Cindy, thinking of you often. You will triumph as the right path becomes clearer, whatever it may be.

    Karla, I'm sure you're a great resource for the colleges.

    Pretty good eating day for me yesterday - suggested turkey rollups for dinner, using low-carb, high-fiber tortillas (a fact I neglected to mention to James) and I made coleslaw - the dressing was a bigt of a splurge, but it was a high-fiber, low-carb meal and I only had a few chips with it. Today I plan to make taco meat with lean ground turkey and do taco salads this evening.

    James is off in cold weather to golf - not sure whether he'll last a full 18 but he's feeling awful (tummy trouble which are very painful - he makes the most awful sounds when he hurts) and sometimes the walking helps him, or at least distracts from the pain and helps him limit painkiller use.

    Cleaner comes tomorrow so i will do some things around here and make a Target run to return a faulty stick vacuum and pick up a few food items. Hugs to all.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Thought of the day-
    There are many things we can't control- but we can control what goes in our mouth, be it food or drink.
    Let's all try and make better choices today than we did yesterday.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another day and I still can't get the danged chromebook to print. My android phone and ipad are all linked up and I am able to send everything to either of them to print so I think I will put it aside for the time being and be happy with what it will do. I do love the new printer. It also will take photos off a cd or sd card as well as scan and print. The quality is spot on. So overall I am happy. One of these days I am going to have to breakdown and get a real computer, but for now am getting by with all the other devices.
    Lunch with the girls was lovely and as I predicted a total laugh fest. Great salad with chicken, mandarin oranges and slivered almonds.

    Karla, I looked up the New Direction but the only thing I found was their VLCD (very low calorie diet) which is a totally liquid diet of 800-1000 calories and no food. I do see that they are connected with the program you are in. So do they have you eating less than 1000 cal/day? Thanks for sharing the thoughts. The first one is basically what I said about the eggs the other day. I am not sure I have used the second one because I actually always think I will do well in situations, even ones where I usually don't control my eating. I guess I am ever hopeful.

    Cindy, you are so right that what we put in our bodies is ours and ours alone to decide. I am working very hard to exercise my no muscle when faced with choices I know are not on my plan. Today at lunch my gf ordered fried pickles, which I just love, I ate 1, seriously just one pickle chip. Was so glad when they finished the basket off and the waitress took it off the table. I was focusing on the conversation, keeping my eyes off the basket!

    Janet, it breaks my heart that James is dealing with so much pain. Glad he has found some distraction or temporary relief. I just can't get myself to eat ground turkey, I really don't like the taste or texture and at no time does it taste like beef to me, lol. Wish I did, also wished I liked peppers since just about every recipe I read has peppers of some sort in it.

    I promised my gf I would make her some cookies. I want to be able to take them to her Saturday for cards but am so afraid of eating them while they are still in the house. Maybe I will give them to Edd to hide until then. That is on tomorrows to do list along with laundry, gym and prepping cards for Saturday.

    Have an hour until I need to leave for work. So may do some Pinterest searching for.....whatever. I love the things that pop up when I sign on.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Elise spent the day with us, and will spend the next two days here as well. She has RSV, which is a highly contagious respiratory virus that she probably picked up at day care, but we will not be the ones to transmit it any further! Presents much as a cold, but can turn serious causing respiratory distress. So we will be watching her carefully. Also I will not go see my mom for at least a week. She cannot withstand a respiratory infection - this is something that babies get, but mom is very vulnerable with her stage 4 COPD.

    I had scheduled lunch today with the volunteers from the Wetlands sanctuary - so I went and John kept Elise while I was gone. It was potluck - I had just one plate, tried to make healthy choices and only a little of each. I did NOT have a piece of chocolate cake, nor the broccoli salad with heavy dressing on it, nor the pea salad. Mostly I had spinach salad, whole grain/black bean salad, one half small stuffed pepper, and a bow of vegetarian lasagne soup!
    That was really tasty. So I feel good about my choices, even though it was more than I generally eat for lunch. There were some cookies that were very good and seemed healthy - no sugary, tasted like they had some pumpkin in them. But I have only had one cheese stick for a snack this afternoon, so I'm calling it a win. Dinner is pulled pork, and I will have a small bun with mine, but the rest of dinner is vegetables and a touch of quinoa in the remains of my salad from the potluck.

    Patti, interesting that you love Pinterest. I just can't get into it. There are interesting things on there, but clicking on them doesn't take me to a link with any more information, but rather just to someone's board with similar stuff on it. Maybe I just don't have the hang of it.

    Karla and Cindy both, good things to keep in mind. I think I am guilty of the black and white and not thinking about exercising my no muscle once I screw the day up.

    Janet, I use lean ground turkey in taco salads too. I never eat tacos because they are too messy. I love making taco salad because I can choose how many veggies to put in mine. We just cut up all the toppings and put everything on the table for "assemble your own."

    Got to go.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- The New Direction was just to help Bert find a clinic that would have a clinic like mine that has a trained dietician in weight loss. They have many different types of programs there. They customize to what your body needs are. They get people that are dangerously overweight or need immediate surgery. I am on the carb and protein program with no exact calorie limitation. They offer injections and medications also, milkshakes and liquid diets, it’s all up to the indivisible needs. All of this is supervised by a Gybecologist doctor that is certified in weight management. I chose to eat food and they have trained me in the carb and importance of the 85 grams of protein. I most certainly was not getting enough protein with Weight Watchers plan. I feel so much better st 184 pounds than 233 or even 216 where I was last September. I do want to bust into the 170’s with the next two weeks and I know I can do it. Like Cindy said, we can control what we put in our mouths, but we also know, it isn’t easy to always resist!!

    Diane - Izzy has had strep throat twice since starting school. So sorry about Elise, with your and John’s care she will do great. You did great on your choices today!

    Janet - I enjoyed the business college today. I had forgotten about Emilybites. Com, that is an excellent site.

    Cindy - If we could only control everything we put in our mouth. We just have to convince ourselves. How was the chair yoga?

    We had dinner after our mani and pedis, Connie and I. So fun!

    Life is good.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    My friend passed tonight.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh Bert, I'm so sorry for you loss, prayers for your friend, her family and friends.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, sending prayers for peace and a hug to you. So sorry for your loss.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, big hugs and lots of prayers for you and for your friend's family. She truly fought this one. So glad you had the time with her that you did. I know you will honor her with your voice, go ahead and cry as you do. She will know.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers going out to you and to her family.