OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Wednesday morning ladies.

    TT: How is your 2018 transpiring? Feeling good? Moving along? Need some tweaking? Proud of where you are moving? In the right direction? Share your thoughts!

    TT: I am proud to report I completed the 30 Day Burn this morning and did 20 minutes on the treadmill last evening. Yea!! I'm in the groove with activity again. I must say my back did twinge just a little this morning, but not bad. It went right away.

    Patti - How was your return to the gym? I know your instructor and exercise pals were thrilled to see you. What meal did you end up preparing last evening. All sounded so very yummy.

    Cindy- Tonight is your return to the hospital program. I believe you said Wednesday nights. I know you will enjoy it. I love the balance aspect of that program and I have been applying it to my lifestyle. I spent Sunday organizing my clothes and jewelry and bedroom. This helps with my balance, as it makes my morning routine easier to dress, accessorize and head out the door! lol. My brother Kevin has been out of town since last Friday, which has given Glenn and I the alone time we needed. That has also helped with our balance.

    Diane - I have enjoyed your pictures on Facebook. We stayed in Park City, Utah and went to the Olympic ski lodge in August, no snow. You and John are having so much fun!!

    Bert - You are rocking your gym and eating program also. We are all on fire!!! 2018 is a good start for us all. Now for us all to stay on it. lol.

    Janet - I hear talk of James leaving for California. Has he made a definite plan for this? I know you will miss him terribly. I saw they were experiencing mudslides over there now.

    I am taking Millie, my Yorkie, to the Vet this morning for her teeth cleaning. Then going to the Podiatry office for a few hours and then some shopping. Glenn has a surprise birthday gathering for me at 3p on Saturday. He has invited quite a few people. The reason I know about it as my brother Keith has let the cat out of the bag not knowing I didn't know a couple days ago. LOL. I'm turning the BIG 6-0. Geez, out of the 50's now.

    Have a great day in whatever you do. Remember our buzz word for 2018, BALANCE.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is lunch with my retired teachers group. We are eating at Applebee's Any suggestions for choices?

    TT: So far 2018 is going well. I'm exercising at the gym more; however, I tend to go more often in the winter due to cold weather and not being able to be outside. I'm struggling with water intake though. My eating has been pretty good. I'm staying within the calorie limit, but seem to always go over carbs.

    Patti: I'm definitely going to do some lettuce wraps. I love PF Changs' lettuce wraps.

    Karla: The big 6-0 happened for me several years ago. So glad you're having a "surprise" birthday party. Have a great time.

    Waving hi to Janet, Cindy, and Diane. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all Not the best day yesterday, but far from the worst so I'll take it.

    Bert, glad to heqar you have a particularly diligent student this semester - hope it's easier for you this go-round.

    Patti, brava! I try to eat that way when I'm on my own for a meal. And during the day, I eat little so dinner can be a relatively communal thing.

    Karla, glad the ne software is settling in OK - conversions can be a pain.

    Cindy, we're getting a few days of thaw here - hope you are too.

    Diane, love the Utah pics - as someone who was not born to strap boards onto her feet and hurtle herself down a mountain, I can only imagine the glorious feeling of freedom one gets while skiing.

    Much to do today - time to make errand/call list and get on with it!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Weird - other morning posts weren't showing. Bert, have fun with your teacher posse. Karla, no timetable - he will be here for a bit longer, which is fine by me!

    Gotta run.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another gloomy day but it will be warmer. The next snow is supposed to hit us Friday. Depending on the model they show on tv, we could get up to a foot of snow with return to bitter temps. I will be at the hospital with my gf for her surgery that day. Not sure if they will admit her or want to send her home. I will be packing my boots, toiletries and change of clothes just in case I need to stay at the hospital with her or go home with her. Her husband is 83 and not really able to care for her. I am praying this one goes better than the last one did. Same shoulder, but now it is worse and will have to be an open procedure. Anyway, we are going to lunch today at the restaurant of her choice and she chose her favorite artisan pizza place.......but they also have the best salads. I will be having one called the Drunken Goat. Tender thin slices of grilled chicken on a bed of greens with cranberries, pecans, goat cheese and a mango Chardonnay vinegrette. Then I have a hair appointment, a bit of shopping and finally working 5-11.
    My trainer got sick so no gym for me last night, and I was really looking forward to it. I made Cornish hens and French fries in my air fryer. I love this new appliance. It cooks fast and makes everything nice and crispy with a minimum of oil. I am designing and Edd is building me a shelving unit/storage center for all my appliances, which I collect like Karla collects purses, lol. It will fit in with my vintage 1950s kitchen. Years ago I found a small Hoosier cupboard that I used in my cabin until it started to fall apart. I saved the pullout table/counter. It is porcelain over steel, white with a red rim. I am going to use it in the piece Edd is building. It is perfect for all my cooking appliances because it will not blister or burn with the heat. You don't need hot pads or trivets. I will post a picture once it is built. Now to push Edd to get it made.

    Karla,,good job on your return to exercise.

    Bert, enjoy your lunch. There are lots of low carb options, let us know what you chose.

    Cindy, enjoying the book tremendously and anxiously await the info you glean from tonight's session.

    Janet, it won't be long and the snow will be back, just for you! I think you are doing well with your eating plan. It is so difficult when you are trying to beef him up.

    Diane, you look so happy in your outdoor element.

    Gotta get a move on. Need to leave in a bit and won't be back until around midnight.

    Enjoy your day
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert - too late now, but that listing I sent you had Applebee's on it with all the stats. I think their steaks are good there as well as their grilled chicken and steamed broccoli.

    Patti- Your salad sounds divine!! I love goat cheese!! How did your girlfriend do? I am so thankful I have not had any problems, knock on wood, with any of my joints, shoulders and knees. My back has given me fits enough! You are such a good friend to many.

    Janet - I am sure James is happy with you, but I do know at some point he will want to have a home truly of his own. Maybe he will decide to just get a place there in your lovely town of Louisville. Why does he have to go to California?? If you do clean out any of your purses, please do keep me in mind.

    Glenn is having some sinus issues. His poor nose is stopped up. He has had a down day of watching he Bama/Georgia game over and over. LOL. It was quite a game on Monday night. We are very proud of our Crimson Tide!! My grandfather was a very big Bear Bryant fan. As a matter of fact he had met him. I was just a kid and didn't understand football, but I knew he always had it on.

    Millie did well at the Vet for her dental cleaning. A whopping $404.00. Geez, it's a crime! She is fine, but had to have two teeth extracted and had a growth also.

    I'm tired after my long day. I have my jammies on and will be laying down. I keep saying I am not going to work as long and I keep getting sucked in!!

    Did no one want to answer the TT?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked. Egg + Egg white + Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage + Dannon Light Greek Yogurt = 22 carbs.

    I ate a Shrimp Thai salad at Applebees. Should have stayed with steak I guess although I can't believe there were as many carbs in the salad as MFP stated. Today is another day.

    Karla: I answered TT topic yesterday, the 10th. Still working on my water intake, but overall 2018 is going better as I'm more focused on the amount of protein and carbs I'm getting.

    I'm getting errands done today as we are to have a storm tomorrow. Also, this weekend the Home School Theater Group is performing Peter Pan at our church and we are to work the concession stand. I'm hoping that the weather will hold out or they postpone it until next weekend to avoid weather conditions.

    Patti: I'm doing ok with the the 30 day challenge, but the worst part of the challenge for me is the scale. I'm so addicted to the scale, and I admit that I have weighed myself. No change! geez. I'm trying to eat as clean as possible. Dinner is my downfall as I don't want to make two dinners.

    Waving hi to Janet, Cindy, and Diane. Have a great day everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. I'm working from home on some of my other small clients today. I have been up since 4:15am. Sophie thought I needed to get up at that time. LOL.

    Bert - I am so very sorry, I missed that. Yes, you did answer. You have a very stubborn system as you try so hard. Were you able to contact your physician on a weight loss dietician? I believe if you had one analyze your food combinations it would really help. You seem to be doing everything you can. I know the carbs are really a huge part of reducing your weight. That, and the elevated water intake. I am having to really focus on the water myself. It is more difficult for me to drink the water when it is cold.

    Patti- My cute as pie sewing chair came in yesterday. It is adorable. Glenn ordered it from Amazon. I love it! I'm trying to finish up the credentialing on the providers with my family practice and then sew a couple baby blankets. Will you post a picture of your new robe you made? I loved the apron's you made last year. I want to start trying different things myself. I know you will enjoy the card making assisting with your friend.

    Cindy - What tires did you class hit on last night? lol. We had a program for the employees that I joined when I worked at Providence Hospial called NEW You. They weighed up weekly and counseled us on weight loss only. They did not help with balance.

    I better get back to work in my home office.

    TT: What vacation plans or rewards do you have in mind for 2018?

    TT answer: I have booked three days on Englwood, Florida beach in a condo directly on the beach. This is below Tampa. I have my bestie, Gayle, and her husband, plus her daugher, and Mike, a guy I went to Junior HS with back in the early 70's and his wife, plus Gayle's aunt and uncle also booked in the same condo. We are all going to have some fun!! I am checking in there on April 9th, on a Monday, and the weekend before I am going to visit my niece, Lainie, in Tampa. In the fall Glenn and I need to plan our northeastern trip to Pennsylvania, Boston and along the East Coast. Road trip!!

    Back to my office/sewing room.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Late breakfast-for-dinner last night, and grabbed Chick-Fil-A chicken strips on the run. Not a great day but not total disaster, and I had multigrain, high-fiber toast instead of waffle & syrup at dinner and very few potatoes. Did have bacon though, and loved it.

    Patti, hoping your friend makes it through like a champ. She's lucky to have you. Good luck with the snow - we are only to get a couple of inches.

    Bert, you're eating so mindfully - proud of you. I am avoiding the scale right now and don't care. Just doing what I can for the next few months. Hope you don't get inundated with snow either.

    Karla, James really wants to be on the west coast and will have more opportunity there, but he is working on setting things up while he's here. It's going to be a bit longer and I do love having him here. No plans to whittle down purse collection at this point - yes, I have too many but I like them!

    Diane, please take a deep breath of cold, clear mountain air for me! When does Carrie get her hardware out? In a way, I'm oddly lucky because mine was put in to stay, so no second surgery. My niece had foot hardware removed and bounced back very quickly compared with the initial procedure.

    Cindy, hope for is less stressful this week. What do you hear from Meg?

    TT - none planned at the moment. Budget permitting, AND schedule permitting for Julie & Jake, I hope to go to OR this year to wee the kids. Looks like I may drive to the DC area in March for a 60th birthday party for my best friend's brother, and I have a July 4 wedding to go to in NC, which will be great fun. And I hope to see my New England and GA friends this year, somehow. Much as I could use a true solo getaway, there's no "real" vacation planned - my travel money goes for trips to events honoring people I love. Hotels are expensive! When you've only ever had one modest income in a household, "just for fun" or "simple getaway" travel is, alas, not in the cards. If I could hit a year with no weddings, showers, graduations, big birthdays, etc., I intend to do something about that. But not this year.

    Later, ladies!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, lost a long post so will try to recreate as much as I can. I am waiting to hear from my gf for surgery time. Storm to arrive around 2 pm. I will be prepared. Yesterday was a good on plan day, day 8. Going strong and am finding I don't miss a lot of the things I am not eating. Will always miss chips! No cure for that particular addiction.

    Bert, maybe we could help you with menu planning. What does Mike "have" to have with meals that are off plan for you? What do you want to fix that he won't eat. Maybe we could come up with a happy medium. Just a thought.

    Cindy, hope you have time to stop by and update us on last night's meeting. Is Rick being supportive? Has Meg settled in to her new digs? Is the divorce going to take long?

    Karla, I knew you would get your cute chair. Hope you find time to test drive it.

    Janet, playing devil's advocate here, what would you do, where would you go if you could plan a trip just for you? Our trips always seem to include visits to family and friends or for events like yours.

    TT: we are planning a trip to southern KY to visit friends on our way to Sarasota to visit another friend and end with a long weekend in Tallahassee to visit friends and attend a vintage BMW rally. This will be the end of March, first of April. Then will be traveling to MS April 20th for another vintage rally. Then weekends at the cabin which are like weekly mini vacays to me.

    Need to get a move on and fix something to eat. Have a 30% off Kohls coupons burning a hole in my pocket, so will venture into the raindrops for some retail therapy.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    TT: vacation plans are like Janet’s budget permitting. I would really like to drive on Route 66 before Mike’s birthday in July. We are both 66 right now and I think it would be fun. Hopefully in the spring, we can take a short trip and “get our kicks in Route 66”! I know it starts in Chicago. We shall see.

    Patti: Thank You for the offer. Mike wants beef, but does like shrimp and chicken. I’m making stir fry for myself tonight and he will have left over shrimp Alfredo I made. He always wants potatoes, but I honestly say, he’s not too picky. He just doesn’t want fish and chicken on a regular basis like me. He’s a great eater, but doesn’t want a steady diet of only meat and vegetables

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon my friends. I've gotten a lot done seeing as I have been going strong since 4:15a. Thank you Sophie!! lol.

    Janet - You are pretty much in maintenance on your plan, but I know you are watching to not gain back with a man in the house. I love bacon and oddly enough, it is not too bad for you. What type of career did James have? I know I had asked before but I don't remember his trade. You said he had more opportunity on the West Coast. I feel badly for them and the homes lost in the fire and now the mudslides. No biggee on the purses, you had mentioned you also needed to reorganize and I was just getting my bid in. LOL.

    Patti - You are always on the go when those rallies start and the trips to the cabin start!! I lived in the Sarasota Bradenton area on two separate occasions. Beautiful area. I bet you will show a nice loss at the end of your 30 days. My mother always said there are plenty of good tasting foods that are healthy for you.

    Bert - Route 66 goes all the way to California. It parallels Highway 40. We were on it from Las Vegas through to Winslow, Arizona into New Mexico and Oklahoma and onward to Texas even. We are planning a trip with my BFF, Monica, in five years when she retires to go across the whole country on it. LOL.

    Today is dance day and I will be picking little Miss Izzy up at the bus stop and taking her to her dance classes. Tonight she is spending the night and I will be taking her to school in the morning. She is excited to come over has her closet/wardrobe came in for her American Girl doll.

    I better go dry my hair and get ready to go.

    Thanks for all the interesting answers to the TT. It's fun!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, nice that he is not picky. Maybe stick with one meal, give him his starches but you eat an extra serving of veggies or a small portion of starch. That is what I have been doing with Edd. Pork is also a nice lean meat and so easy to prepare. Just stick with cuts with the word loin, like pork or beef tenderloin, they are the leanest cuts. I do make some meals for Edd that I don't eat like meatloaf or stuffed peppers, just not all the time, lol.

    I have to have my friend at the hospital by 6:45 AM.....proves what a good friend I am to get up that early, lol! Anything for her and she would do the same for me. Now to get thru tomorrow and the next few months, she is a trooper.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, at least there shouldn’t be too many idiots on the road that early, but be extra careful, please. We are all of a mind on the starches. Men sure do love them - I try to limit myself to a small spoonful of rice or potatoes and take small bites to make it last.

    Bert, I love the idea of you and Mike doing a Route 66 trip at 66. A good friend and her ex did the whole stretch and loved it. Road trip!

    Karla, I can just picture you and Izzy organizing the doll closet. Enjoy!

    When I talk about a “me” vacation, it would mean a few days totally on my own to recharge. Quiet time if I want, no alarm, no should-do chores nearby to instill guilt, no one to answer to or try to please. I love visiting friends and family but a solo trip (in my dreams, to the British Isles) just appeals for its uniquely restorative nature. I’m enough of an introvert that even the happiest social times can be draining.

    House cleaner is really make things sparkle, and she’s fun to have around. We have rejiggered the schedule given her illness last week.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I finally made it back to the gym. The three week absence was evident to my body but I made it thru the whole class and only had to stop one exercise 10 seconds early. The trainer was ill so her husband lead the class that I dubbed "the no mercy workout". He liked it, lol.

    Bert, great trip idea. Edd and I did most of it on a month long motorcycle trip one year. So many interesting little towns with lots of quaint attractions, we had a blast. What stuck in my mind most, though, was all the little businesses that are gone, but like ghosts of the past, their buildings remain. I once thought I would do a photo journal of these buildings and call it "Ameria's Loss".
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- prayers for your girlfriend to have a smooth surgery.

    Scale peek this morning is 183.4!!

    Just dropped Izzy off at school and off to work I go. Picking JJ up from school at 3, we are going to see Jumanji 2.

    Happy Friday to all.

    Would someone like to take today’s topic? Bert? Janet?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's treacherous outside. It rained all night and turned into freezing rain, now snow. I'm so hoping the Home School Group will cancel tonight's performance at out church. Yesterday's eating was AWESOME (for me)! I intend to do the same today. I won't be going to the gym due to the weather, but can exercise here at home.

    As far as the Route 66 trip, we will probably only do a portion of it. I want to take Molly with us as we tend to rely on our neighbor and friends too much. She's never traveled any distance with us, so we'll take short trips to see how she will act. I just want to be on Route 66.

    Breakfast is tracked.

    Patti: I made my shrimp stir fry last night, and Mike ate left over shrimp alfredo. My stir fry was really good. I bought Kroger frozen stir fry starter. It was really good. I have left overs of that and will have it for lunch.

    Janet: Glad you're getting your house cleaned. I haven't heard a word from mine so I think I'll look for someone else to help clean. I can't afford a total house clean, so I'll hire someone to do floors, ceiling fixtures, and bathrooms like my other girl did.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - Going to brave it and bring the mail in shortly but will walk down the lawn where it will be less slick.

    Patti, sounds like you rocked your return to class. How did the surgery go? Been thinking of your friend.

    Bert, hope they had the sense to cancel the performance - touch call but safety is paramount.

    Karla, hooray for your scale peek.

    Waving to Cindy and Diane too.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: I did the same thing when I took Molly out. I walked on the lawn to avoid the slick driveway

    They cancelled the play for tonight!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. We got home from our ski trip today. Tomorrow will be time to face the scale, and commit to the new start 2018 deserves. I just couldn't get committed before our trip, because I knew I would not eat well on vacation. So tomorrow is my day 1.

    I'm not sure I can follow Patti's plan - I don't think I can give up my Diet Cokes! But here is what I am going to do for my clean eating 30 day plan: (Throwing it out there for comments, but also to make a public commitment!)
    1. 8 cups of plain water a day, in addition to other beverages.
    2. 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day
    4. No added sugars or artificial sweeteners with the exception of one Diet Coke a day and one diet green tea a day.
    5. No white flour or potatoes - only whole grains for starches (brown rice, quinoa, whole grain bread (one slice a day max))
    6. Tracking everything, honestly, for 30 days, and that means measuring rather than eyeballing portions
