OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Bert, thinking of you and your friend all day. We are with you in spirit as your grieve together with her family and other loved ones.

    Diane, hope Elise is feeling better today - you and John must make fun noises when she's your focus I get totally baby-silly.

    Cindy, your equanimity in that face of extreme stress boggles me (in a good way). You are so right - nobody forces the fork into our mouths! Ah, if only the equation were that simple, eh?

    Patti, glad you found a workaround for our printer, but that's still slightly annoying. Your words to Bert were lovely.

    Karla, strep was my frequent guest when I was little - poor Izzy - but there's only so much you can do. She's an active, social kid and that's important.

    Had a medium day yesterday. James golfed only nine holes due to the cold and suggested a movie & dinner. We saw "The Post," which we enjoyed (OH, how I want the gold & cream silk caftan Meryl Streep gets to wear!), then we went to Cracker Barrel and had a nice dinner. (I had a yummy salad, half a small steak, some bread - yeah, I know - and just a few bites of a baked potato. The leftovers all came back for repurposing.) Unexpected outings are fun!

    Cleaner will be here in abut 15 minutes so I must get out of my pjs and into comfy clothes. Have a great day, all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Work was easy last night, don't want to say that too loud, lol. Loved the people I worked with and got lots of extra work accomplished that needed done but can't be done with customers in the store. The weather was awful, freezing rain, snow and high winds. It amazes me who comes out in that weather. I am going to brave baking today. The dough for one of the cookies needs to be refrigerated for at least an hour before baking. I just need to bake and freeze immediately so I stay out of them. I am making cranberry white chocolate cookies and chocolate chip. If there is time and resources I am also going to make cranberry orange shortbread. May have to skip the last one because I am not sure I can resist eating them, so good.
    I did pretty well foodwise until I got home from work and Edd had brought me 4 chicken wings and 1/3 order of fries from our favorite local wing/burger place. Yep I ate the whole thing! The fries crisped up nicely in my airfryer. I had only eaten one of those Sargento snack trays, white cheddar with cashews and raisins, for my break at work. Under on calories but over on sugar. Still not a horrible day.

    My heart and thoughts are with Bert and her friend and friends family. Such a sad a difficult time. She loved her well and will honor her well.

    Janet, your dinner sounds great and you did very well. I love a baked potato and the plan I am on does not limit them, but I try to stick with one potato a week. I can't imagine playing golf in this weather, on the other hand I can't imagine playing golf in any weather, lol!

    Diane, poor Elise. RSV is nothing to toy with and so glad she is out of daycare for a few days. Hope this clears quickly. I think I would err on the side of caution with your Mom as well. It may be a child virus but why take a chance with your mom's weakened pulmonary system.

    Karla, wonder if Izzy needs a longer course of antibiotics this time. Strep is nothing to play with, especially in adults. Hope she is on the mend soon and has no recurrence.

    Going to face the dreaded cookie baking. Give me strength
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, meant to say something about Pinterest. You may have just picked the wrong ones to look at. Most of the posts come with instructions when you click on either Read it or Visit or Make it. Some only take you to a posters list of links but most of them will take you to a blog or an instructional page. I have a huge list of recipes for all my appliances, plus lots of cards, crafts and sewing pages.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Enormous hugs for you - the loss of your dear friend but when you think of her sing loudly as she loved your voice. It will honor her memory.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    OK- Chair yoga was a blast and everyone in the group could do it- many have severe limitations. I encourage everyone to look it up- find a class- most senior centers have them but they are suitable from children to wicked old folks- we all fall somewhere in between.
    The instructor, who is a PT person and very fit loves to do chair yoga as well as floor yoga.
    I can encourage you enough to google it and try a few poses- yes- sitting down. :)
    We did a nutrtion session too and a cooking demo - I am feeling strong and calm- I can do this for me.
    On Tuesday I made Rick hash from a can, its what he wanted. I stirred up some shrimp and tossed with with salad- he was annoyed I was eating hash- but I took care of ME!!!
    Hard to believe I'm 1/3 way through this program. each week I have a small tidbit I make my own.
    Also I purchased an inexpensive planner and some smiley stickers- when I exercise I write down what i did, for how long and then give myself a colorful smiley face. So when I look at the planner I'm starting to see bright round circles of smiles reminding me I can do this.
    Diane- How is the baby- feeling better? I think you did great at the potluck
    Patti- can you freeze the cookies to keep the temptation down?
    Karla- love your focus- you're making it happen for you.
    Janet- I think Cracker barrel has some reasonable choices- their salads are delicious and a few bites of a roll is living without over doing it- you did great.
    Do you golf? It might be fun if you can swing the club- take no strength just finesse.
    Need to run- Jasper is back to Tufts tomorrow- he's doing well.
    Then write, write, write.
    See you again-
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, so proud of you and it sounds like you are finding your groove. Being kind to yourself and surrounding yourself with positive reinforcement is an awesome way to realize your self worth. Next time Rick wants hash (or any other foods you don't want) and is annoyed that you will not eat what he eats, let him cook it himself and carry on with what you want. If he doesn't want to support your healthy lifestyle there is no good reason that you have to support his unhealthy lifestyle. Just a thought. You are getting stronger every day and it makes my heart warm to see the new, true you.

    Made the chocolate chip cookies, 1 1/2 batch (thats how many chips I had, lol), promise I did my best but succumbed and ate 2, plus a bit of dough. I had not eaten anything when I started baking, my bad. The cranberry, white chocolate dough is in the fridge for baking tonight. I saved Edd a plate of cookies and the rest are in the freezer for Saturday.
    Tonight my TRX instructor has a new workout for us. It will be done to the ChaCha slide and we will be in plank position with our feet suspended for the entire song. Not sure how well it is going to work since I have to use handles when I plank to keep my wrists in a neutral position. I hurts so bad when I try to hold myself in plank on the palms of my hands with my wrists bent. I think it may be carpal tunnel but as long as I keep my wrists neutral I am good to go. Look up cha cha slide plank on YouTube and then pray for me
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello friends, so nice to see my chatty and caring friends.

    Bert- Contiinued hugs and prayers for this difficult time. We are all here for you.

    Cindy- I love your focus, your journal and your happy faces!
    Back later

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello my dear friends. Friday and looks like you all are out and about or busy taking caring of yourself. Both good options to start this weekend. I just got back from my 90 minute gym class, 30 minutes of Boom followed by 60 minutes of Pilates. I feel positively rejuvenated. TRX last night was indeed the Cha Cha Slide suspension style. We did a practice on the floor of the moves (no trx) then did the full routine suspended. Then we repeated the second round and could choose between suspended or not. I went for not. My back and core were screaming and it was a fantastic workout. Must confess that she had a shortened version of the song, about 1/2 as long as the line dance version I dance to usually. We still did another 30 minutes of total body TRX after that! I was not sore this morning and I hope that the pilates will keep that from happening. I will stop now, just wanted to share how good I feel. I think the eating better helped with the workouts.
    Now the rest of the day is mine. I am going to my craftroom to put the cards together for tomorrow. I got the cookies all made and in the freezer last night. Tried some pork chops in the airfryer and overcooked them, a mortal sin in my house, but I am still learning how to use it. They can't all be winners on the first try. There are some foods that I don't think will work well in it. It is perfect for reheating leftovers quickly without drying them out and I really don't care for microwaved leftovers of most foods.

    Never doubt......IT's All About You, embrace it!
    Love you all
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good afternoon all. I've been reading but not sitting down at the computer for long. Little miss Elise is here again today. She stayed home with mommy yesterday because nobody got any sleep Wednesday night! She is napping right now but never stays asleep for more than about 30 minutes.

    I am definitely eating better these last few days. Over on my calories yesterday but not by much, and I tracked it all. Today might end up the same. After planning dinner, I have just enough calories left for a yogurt for a snack this afternoon.

    Patti, that TRX workout sounds amazing and difficult! I have been so good about exercising the last few years and since we got back in November I have done almost nothing. I don't want to pay to rejoin the gym I was going to just for a month or two. Jazzercize is having a February special and I just might do that - unlimited classes for a fixed fee and no joining fee. We are planning to hit the road again in late March, so that would tide me over until close to time to leave.

    Bert I read the obituary that you linked to on FB. Your friend sounds like she was a wonderful person and well loved. That's all the legacy we can hope to leave, isn't it?

    Cindy, the smiley faces will keep accumulating! I wonder if you can do the chair yoga for a five minute stretch break at the day job?

    Janet, I keep hearing really good things about "The Post." Of course that is my hometown newspaper so I am interested. Will have to find a date for the movies soon - maybe as a celebration when Carrie can bear weight again. (Hopefullyl next week!)

    Karla, you must be out and about somewhere!

    Back to work!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Patti- Sounds like a terrific workout for you, as I know you enjoy it. My disks inbetween L4 and L5 are still bulging when I do even the simplest of exercises, causing the tingles and numbness in both thighs. It subsides quickly so I’m very careful with what I do. The 34 pounds off has helped tremendously on every aspect of my life, my dvds, the walking, getting up and down, wearing my jeans, and no severe back aches like I had in August. I’m really focused on getting into the 170’s, this week has been the best one since Christmas!

    Bert - Heavy heart for you. I miss you. We were both the early birds on the board.

    Diane - You are tracking and that is so important in keeping us aware of what we are putting in our bodies. Good for you! I believe the eating portion is 90% if this journey being successful. The clinic told me the more strenuous exercise is when you are eating normally in maintenance. When you are controlling your intake to lose is for light exercising. It makes sense. They even tell people to cut back on their exercise if they stop losing. This is what happened to me in Weight Watchers.

    We are watching a movie, so I’ll be back later.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Up too late last night working on the cards for today, and that is what happens when you are a procrastinator, which seems to be the case for most creative types. The cards are very cute and I know the girls will love them. I am hoping we get done in enough time that I can join them for lunch before i go to work at 2. I only have to work 3 hours tomorrow and then not again until Wed, so planning more craft room time. Have to make more microwave bowls for friends who have requested them. Also need to go thru my stash of cards as a friend wants to buys some for her stash, she is not a card maker.

    Need to run. Enjoy whatever happiness this day brings, in whatever form and give some back to the universe.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all.

    Bert, your friend's obituary was lovely - she was clearly a stellar person.

    Patti, TRX sounds so interesting - dunno whether I could stomach it but I am proud of you. I know you have a fun day planned.

    Diane, you're doing better than you think. How are Elise and Carrie doing?

    Cindy, hoping the weekend is peaceful ad LR gets to come out to play.

    Karla, you're on a roll. Proud of you.

    Nice day yesterday - took James to dinner and the theatre ("Chicago" - most of the cast had played their roles on Broadway and it was excellent). He had asked about it, and it really was a nice evening out. We dressed up a bit, and it was also great people-watching. The arts center has a restaurant and we each had a nice, modest-sized salad.

    Today, a few errands and maybe a nap while he golfs. Need to pick up some fresh salmon, maybe some shrimp too - the fishmonger is right by the produce market.

    Slowly getting a better grip on my eating but honestly not my primary focus at the moment. Big hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies, I'm excited my BFF of 46 years is on her way here to pick up the mate to Sophie. They should be here by 11a. I have a luncheon planned for us. She is so very excited.

    Janet - Sounds like a lovely dinner and show for you and James.

    I am off to shower and then to prepare the Slaw Crack dish as they both love Chinese dishes and that is what this dish favors. I have made my pineapple cheeseball ball and Praline squares (her husband's favorite recipe of mine) already this morning.

    Back later,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, nothing better than time with friends, old and new

    Janet, what a lovely evening. I think the same production company is coming here. My gf is going with her daughter and granddaughter. Her Christmas gift from them. I am so jealous as this is one of my favorites.

    Cards were a big hit ,as were the home baked cookies, yesterday. We ran late so I couldn't go to lunch with them. In fact, I only had 30 minutes to get somewhere and order lunch and eat while driving so I could get to work. Sorry, not sorry, that my choice was a burger and fries from Steak and Shake. Hard to eat a salad while driving, lol!
    The weather here yesterday was miserable. Cold, rain and winds blowing with no sign of the sun all day. Then we had dense fog from about 9pm until this morning. Edd said he could only drive 40mph on the highway. Glad to be in before the fog. Work was crazy. People seem to come out in droves when the weather is bad. I cut fabric non stop for 4 hours, seriously, only moved from my spot once and that was to go to the stock room and get the heaviest bolt of home dec fabric from the bottom of the pile on the top shelf. TRX pays off again. Felt bad for the girls closing because the fabric was in shambles. Back again today but only for 3 hours 1-4, easy stuff.

    Guess I better get it together if I am going to head out in 30 minutes. Luckily I am low maintenance
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Fun visit with my BFF and her hubs and of course, she loved her puppy. I made the Slaw Crack that is low carb and very tasty!

    Patti - When we are pushed for time and fast foods are our only option, it can make for not the best choices. I’m sure you evened it out on calories and your activity. I love the burgers at Steak and Shake! Your cards are so very beautiful.

    I better get going. Work today and my cleaning ladies are coming and have a little prep to do.

    TT: What tweaking will you make today in your plan to have a more successful week? Do you need to start tracking? Increase your water? Cut out fats or sweets? Are you doing well and will continue your course?

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Back after a fairly social weekend. We had people over both Saturday (my sister and nephew) and Sunday (good friends and their kids.) Saturday eating was pretty good except for some homemade hummus and chips my sister brought, and some wine. I made the skinnytaste crockpot chicken taco chili for dinner. Sunday not so much - I was fine until dinner, but John had requested a full Thanksgiving style dinner, so I made roasted turkey breast, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and brussels sprouts. I LOVE stuffing and mashed potatoes! So very carb heavy. Back on the wagon today starting with my egg beaters omelet full of veggies.

    Elise is here again today - still not feeling well. She has been sleeping now for her first nap of the day for almost 90 minutes, which is unheard of long for her (she is NOT a napper!) So maybe she is on the mend finally. I also watched her at their house for a couple of hours on Saturday because they had to take their dog to the vet. Poor things - they just can't catch a break. Dog will be okay - he had almost seizures in the morning. Vet diagnosed a chronic neck injury (think pinched nerve) so now he is on pain killers and anti inflammatories, and no playing ball for two weeks! The ball is the worst part - he LOVES chasing a ball.

    Janet what a fun sounding evening! I do love the theater and don't get there often. I don't know why not.

    Karla, I'm sure you loved spending time with your friend, and I bet it was fun to see the two pups together.

    Patti, if Chick-Fil-A were open on Sundays I would have stopped there on my way home from son's yesterday! I hadn't had time for lunch and it was almost 2. Sounds like you had fun with the card party even if you didn't get to do lunch. Hope today at work is more relaxing.

    TT: Back to tracking, and watching the carbs. I'm doing fairly well on the water and F/V part of my eating plan.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Curses, it is snowing and I have to go out to the grocery and do a few errands today. Luckily it is just flurries, not expecting any accumulation, but still not what I was hoping for. Then have laundry to do, because I didn't do a stinkin thing here yesterday. Just kicked back and relaxed and was a total slug after I got home from work around 5pm. I only have to work Wednesday this week. So plenty of me time being planned, worked around my usually weekly gym classes, lunch with the girls and time with Mom. So a fairly quiet week for me. I am hoping we can go see my great grandson this week.

    Karla, sounds like you had the perfect Sunday.

    Diane, poor Elise, hope she is soon over this. RSV is nothing to play around with. They have a Great Dane lab mix don't they? The Danes are notorious for spine issues. One of ours had some problems that required steroids and that fixed her right up.

    Janet, are you getting any snow?

    Cindy, hope your weekend was full of LR time. I finished the last book a while back and am ready for the next!

    Bert, still keeping you in my prayers as you say good bye to your friend, she will live in your heart forever.

    TT: meal planning is what I will be working on this week to tweak my plan.mthere is basically nothing in my cupboards now that is off plan or enticing to me.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Quick stop. Not much LR time for writing over the weekend- Jasper and the biz side of things.
    Fighting something today as I've lost my voice. Yuck
    No energy for personals but read it all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Tuesday, my favorite TV night.

    Diane - Just the fact that you are being mindful of what your choices are, I bet you did good on your portion control when choices weren't the of he on progam type. In the past, think about it, would your plate have been fuller? I think we all have come a long way in many ways. I do pray Elise is on her way to healing. Adapting to daycare and school forces the immunity to built up, but at force they may be sick many times. My granddaughter has been sick so many times since starting kindergarten since she was a stay at home child. So sorry about your son's pup! How did you day go yesterday after the omelet? Have you tried the turkey pepperoni wih the babybel cheese as a low carb snack? I heat the turkey pepperoni for one minute in the microwave and not the cheese, then pinch off pieces of the cheese and put between two pieces. I think it is yummy and a little spicy. Have you tried buying some plain Greek yogurt in a larger container and mixing it with the smaller flavored yogurts for one cup serving with some fruit? Another nice snack and this one I find being a sweet snack.

    Patti - I'm glad you have a calm week wih fun things to do. You have really worked hard this winter at Joann's.

    Cindy - So blessed you are checking in with us on a regular basis. I am making sure I drink that big glass of water as soon as I get up. I have not, however, tried the chair yoga. I'm going to look for a video online tonight. Thank you so much for sharing your program with us. What type of "me" time do they recommend for the balance and what type of family time do they recommend? I'm interesed in that because I stay so enthralled in my grandkids, father and brothers and Glenn sometimes feels low on the totdem pole.

    Janet - What have you got on the agenda for this week? How is James' tummy doing? Has he established a physician there?

    It is 35 degrees here this morning and very windy, which makes it much colder feeling. I have to work again today, of course. Since converting to the new software the Podiatry office has been a nightmare. I don't know when I will be able to go back to part-time, but the money is good.

    TT: What has your recent program opened your eyes about in your journey that you may not have realized in your last few programs? What new foods have made it into your go-to snack that is tasty and on-progam?

    I'll be back this evening before my shows to answer.

    Thank you all for being so positive with me on this ever-so pyschological journey. What do you all think about us going back to stating a mini goal for each week again starting next Monday?

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another cold and snowy day here, but just a dusting. Yesterday was not as planned but was on plan. Called mom for her grocery list in the morning and we talked for over an hour. So that gave me a late start getting to the stores. Then I spent about 2 hours with her when I dropped off her stuff. By the time I got home, fixed dinner and cleaned up, did a couple loads of laundry and caught up on emails, FB and the board I was not in the mood to sew. Hoping to get there tonight but who knows.

    Cindy, always love seeing you. Wish your life wasn't so stressful and you could spend more time but I will take what I can get. Glad Jasper is improving.

    Karla, this is my favorite tv night too. Love the shows but it is one of the few times Edd and I watch the same show, besides football. We just have very different tastes in tv. We are within sight of each other as we watch our separate tvs and still carry on conversations. It's not for everyone but it works for us.

    TT: don't really think I have learned anything about myself and my eating that I didn't already know. I haven't discovered any new foods either. What I have discovered is more things I need to stay away from.

    I would be ok with restarting mini goals

    Need to drop by the store for a few things I didn't get yesterday, pick up a prescription and then time with mom. We will be having leftover ribs and sautéed cabbage from dinner last night. Ribs were bogo free!
