OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited November 2016
    Karla, enjoy your time with your BFF and Izzy. I am not on SSI disability, I started drawing my Social Security when I turned 62, I also had an annuity from Metlife that has matured and I get a small monthly income from that. I love, love, love Joanns and spent a little time yesterday after my interview checking out the lay of the store. Mostly I will be stocking and helping customers. Too new to do the register or the cutting table. Their big sale starts on Wed.

    Bert, that is very disturbing about your brother but it certainly seems like a pattern with him. It is so hard to get uncommunicative people to realize how important it is to keep in touch. My brother went thru prostate cancer and all the treatment and never told me until a year after it was over. I think men are much worse about keeping their sisters in the the loop. Guess he doesn't realize how it affects you and that you really want to help. I love and miss grandparents do so much. So jealous that you still have little ones to enjoy those special days.

    Circuit kicked my booty this morning and I have a feeling TRX will do the same tonight. I am changing my menu a bit for Thanksgiving, only 12 coming so am paring it down a bit. No ham, just turkey and will try to get as much done ahead as is possible on whatever day I have off. My cousin from Columbus is bringing dessert and the cranberry sauce. I will get my grocery shopping done tomorrow after the gym. Need to get my chorizo sausage made, it has to rest at least 4 days before you cook it. Going to take the huge turkey to my mom's to thaw tomorrow too. I just need to buy a couple of white polo shirts, going to check Goodwill first since it is off season for them. Also need to get some cleaning done and put out a few fall dec items.

    Edd is taking me to lunch, one of his mystery shopping gigs so I better go jump in the shower and get dressed.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies,

    Hannah Goodwyn of CBN shares some helpful thoughts on our relationship with food:

    Those of us who are obsessed with food aren't only harming our bodies; we're also limiting our relationship with God. The only way to kick the habit is to treat it like a real addiction.
    There’s no sin in enjoying your delicious dishes – even if they are a little fattening. The trap clamps down when you exhibit no self-control. Overindulgence is a sin. Gluttony is clearly admonished in the Bible (Philippians 3:19). It is common sense really; people with no self-control can get themselves in to trouble.

    “When you're given a box of candy, don't gulp it all down; eat too much chocolate and you'll make yourself sick.” Proverbs 25:16 (The Message)

    The only thing we can handle too much of is God. Excessive eating only wears our bodies down and slowly eats away at our satisfaction with seeking more from the Lord. When your dependence turns from Him to food, that’s when you know you’ve got a serious problem.

    Here’s a scenario: A co-worker brings in brownies for everyone to enjoy. You smell the chocolately aroma and instantly crave one. You eat it with pleasure. But, it doesn’t stop there. You have another and another. Towards the end of the day, you get a little stressed with work and think to yourself – I deserve another. Subconsciously, you really do think that by eating another brownie everything will be better. It’ll calm you and satisfy your need for something good.

    That’s excessive. I’m not saying it’s wrong to treat yourself. But, food, food, and more food will not ultimately please you. It’s a momentary pleasure that will go straight to your hips. But more importantly, it takes the place of God – our comforter and friend.

    Simply Say "No"!
    Have a little self-control. This is a hard one for me. Discipline, in the area of eating at least, is not one of my strengths.

    Next time, you have the urge to exceed your limitations and go for your favorite comfort food – simply say, “No!” It doesn’t even really matter what food it might be. Even if it is healthy food, such as an apple, if you gorge on them to satisfy anything but a true hunger pang, then you’re missing the point.

    Allow the Holy Spirit to produce good fruit in your life... like it says in Galatians 5:22-23, bear good fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and SELF-CONTROL.

    The following verse lays it all on the table.
    “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.” Galatians 5:24 (New Living Translation)

    Stand up to temptation and win. Be quick to repent when you’ve preferred possessions or even people above our Heavenly Father. Take your burden for earthly desires to Him each time they arise. We’ll never be free of temptation, but God can set us free from the compelling desire to give in to it.

    Don’t just struggle to recover or stay in victim mode with the excuse, “I’ll always be this way; there’s really nothing wrong with it.” Resolve to change. Make today a turning point in your life. When you begin to understand that food won’t satisfy your inner cravings – and shouldn’t, that’s when you can walk with God without continuous distractions. He shouldn’t have to compete with food – or anything else – for our attention or admiration."

    This article struck a chord for me.
    I resolve to change and make today a turning point in my life.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Does the temptation to indulge - especially at holidays - seem like a rushing waterfall?

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    MaryLynn, the waterfall aalogy is SO apt. Thanks for the article too.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - I didn't realize that being on Medicare had any limitation of working and earning wages. Maybe then Medicare would be secondary coverage if you worked for a large employer group and made a certain wage, is that what you ate referring to? Anyway, very intriguing with Edd's mystery shopping and the earnings and side benefits he is enjoying. I'm also intrigued with what you would need the white polo shirts for? You are quite inquistive to me today!! You will certainly be o n a whirlwind with a job and all your activities my friend. Welcome to my world!!

    Janet - Yes, I agree, it is time for us to scale back on expensive gifts and collections in our homes. I'm glad your organizer was pleased with the workmanship of your shelves, who wouldn't be? They are awesome!!

    Visit over with BFF and time for Izzy and I to venture out some. Then back to prepare a homemade meal for tonight. I have not cooked all week!!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited November 2016
    Karla, it's not Medicare that has income limits - it's Social Security. If you earn over a certain amount, they reduce your benefit. You're young enough not to know the ropes we elders do. Have fun this afternoon!

    Patti, I always thought mystery shopping was a scam - interesting that Edd is actually making money and getting other benefits too. (I did some as part of my work, but no extra pay or benefits for it.)
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, the Polo Shirt is to wear. I can wear jeans, khakis or black pants with either a white button down or white Polo, basically any white shirt with a collar and no logos. I am happiest that I get to wear tennis shoes. My feet are what give me the most trouble but wearing the best supportive shoes makes it much better.

    Janet, I am amazed at how much money you can make doing mystery shopping. The higher paying jobs are ones that are farther out of town and if you catch them when they are about to expire there is usually a bonus. Edd is having fun, he loves talking and doesn't mind driving all over the place. He gets rated with each shop he does. The more accurate his forms are the higher his rating. They offer better shops with higher ratings
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies.....Today is a gorgeous day! We went to Grandparent's Day this morning and had a wonderful time.

    I finally talked to my brother. I found him by calling the Dr. office. He has been admitted due to the bowel blockage and also his tremendous loss of weight. The doctor told him he would hate to see him lose his life due to starvation. He said he could have a good 8-10 years left. He apologized for not calling. I explained that I would rather have the choice of dealing with the emotions of him telling me about his condition than not knowing how or where he is. I know that there is nothing I can do on my end.

    Karla: Yes, I'm his only sibling. He has a daughter, but too much drama on that part to address. He has a step-son and step-daughter, but that's it. Our cousin has dementia. I have limits on my income until age 65, which I turned a couple of weeks ago. I didn't make anywhere near that, so all is good. I can make as much as I want, now, but don't plan to. I want to enjoy retirement, but still stay in the education loop through my position at St. Mary's. It is Social Security that puts limits on income.

    Janet: Where do you live in KY? I was pretty close to Louisville this week.

    Patti: What is the mystery shopping? I'm curious.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, so glad you connected and said your piece with your brother. Hopefully you got thru to him. What a great pic of you, Mike and your granddaughter. For mystery shopping there are several companies that you can sign up with. They have you go to different places to assess their customer service and in some cases their product. They list the shops on their websites and tell you how much they pay and how much they will reimburse of what you spend. Then you have a questionnaire to fill out about your experience. Some of them just pay for the service, like oil changes and replacing your air cleaner. The higher end restaurants just pay for the food, with a limit. Most of them pay for your food and or service plus pay you a fee for completing the shop. He has earned as little as $5 and as much as $93 per shop. He has done several tire shops and all he does is go in and tell them he has a certain car and what tire do they recommend. For this they pay $18. He is told what to say or ask, what to order and what things they want him to report about. If he gets food he has to take pictures of it and submit with his reports. The reports take longer than the shops but he seems to be enjoying it.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Patti, that is such WONDERFUL news and a huge answer to our prayers for you! You are often in my thoughts and this sounds like such a great fit for your skillset and availability.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Karla, I hope and pray that improvements are on the horizon for your eyes. We need you here!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I bet they are glad to have Ed as most shoppers are probably women and wouldn't do the tire places and far off locations.

    A fun day with my sweet pea.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, I'm in Louisville - Next time!!!!!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It is to begin raining this afternoon, so I'll probably either head to the gym or walk at the mall. (probably should go to the gym! it would save money!) I have a visit this morning, and then have the day to myself until this evening. I'm working in the concession stand at church this weekend for Children's Theater performances. They rented our church for rehearsals and performances. It's a win/win for both of us!

    I'm up early again this morning. I went to sleep too early last night. Hopefully I'll break this cycle soon.

    I have been tracking on MFP and also on my 21 Day Fix app. The scale isn't moving, but I feel I'm eating more healthy. I have trouble with vegetables and sweet cravings.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Friday morning. We are dropping 20 degrees tomorrow and finally getting to colder weather come Sunday. I am off all of next week!! yeaaaa. Jason went and picked JJ up yesterday and he is here all next week also, so we will have some good times. The scale didn't move for me this week, but with two good losses, I'm not surprised.

    Mary Lynn - Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoy my posts and encouragements.

    Bert - Feeling healthy is a great feeling! That nasty scale is not our friend most of the time and is only a small element of our measurement of success.

    Today is our potluck at Dr. Borcicky's office. I made a Broccoli casserole last night from the Trisha Yearwood cookbook that my niece gave me last year for Christmas. I am also baking cookies this morning. The challenging food gatherings begin!! lol. I also have to drop Brutus and Millie off at the groomer's for their holiday hair-do this morning.

    I hope you all have a fun filled weekend with whatever you choose to do. I love this time of year. I'm going to take Izzy and JJ though some holiday light exhibits and maybe some other events that may be going on. Mobile is full of them, along with our surrounding areas.

    Today's quote:

    What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving? ~Erma Bombeck, "No One Diets on Thanksgiving," 26 November 1981

    Of course we can practice moderation, but we can taste, right? hehe


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Up early here. Class is an hour earlier today and I am grateful for that. So much on my to do list for today and the rest of the weekend. Getting the job changed my timeline for getting ready for Thanksgiving. My lists are made and I am ready to face the day. I will take a little time to sit and talk with Mom since I have to take the turkey over there. She and my Sis got their hair cut yesterday and did a bit of shopping so I know she will be tired today.

    Enjoy your day and the weekend. I will be back later, I am sure I will need a little break.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Here is the basic recipe for the beet soup. We get about 6 generous servings from this. It has an interesting sweet/savory flavor and is VERY satiating. Although we often include a side salad or raw veggies, we are often too full to add much more. Feel free to adjust quantities.

    Myron's Beet Soup

    5 beet (2" dia), Beets - Raw
    1.50 cup(s), Evaporated milk
    4 cups, Turkey Broth (or any preferred broth)
    1 tbsp(s), Dill weed, dried or fresh
    4 tbsp, Oil - Vegetable, canola
    2 tbsp(s), Wheat flour (or preferred thickening agent)
    1 tsp(s), Spices - Pepper, black
    4 tsp (4.0 g), Sugar (optional - to taste)
    Plain yogurt or Sour Cream

    Boil, drain, peel and cut beets into chunks, place in broth and heat on medium-high.
    Combine oil and flour to make paste, add evaporated milk and add to soup.
    Add spices. Heat well. The combination is then pureed in blender and tastes great when served hot with a spoonful of yogurt or sour cream on top. It can be chilled and re-heated.

    We've enjoyed soups all our life! Hope you do too. Have a terrific day and weekend ahead!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Headache has passed I think I was fighting a virus or something. I've been falling asleep early every night this week but today has been better.
    Patti congrats on the new job. You're going to be great.
    MaryLynn thank you for the soup recipe Is it something you made up?
    Janet - it makes me happy to know that you're going into this next surgery prepared. You sound like you're doing well.
    Karla- Broccoli casserole is one of my favorites I was thinking of adding that to my dinner on Christmas. Yummy
    Bert- love the picture- you have a wonderful smile.
    Today I went to a career fair for high school and college students. It was so much fun... give me hope for the next generation.
    I have two craft fairs back to back this weekend. I am hopeful to make some sales and I dropped off LFK and R2S to a high end hotel that do local author readings. So maybe they'll pick up my books.
    Well I need to get ready to set up for tomorrow. But I'll catch up with you soon.
    Have a great day
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies 77 degrees today!!!! Near freezing by Monday, then back up in the 70'sbfor Turkey Day. Lol.

    Cindy- You sound like you are on your own. :( Are you an Rick talking at all? So sad.

    Patti - You sound enthralled already. Good luck.

    Check back later

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Whew.......did my Zumba and Pilates this morning. Then the race was on. Hit 2 Goodwill stores, Bob Evans to get Edd's salad dressing, Walmart, Marshalls, Kohls, liquor store, Krogers and 2 trips to Mom's. Logged 11K steps so far. Edd has gone to the cabin to help our friend and our neighbor do some projects. Will also finally get the boat into storage. He will be back tomorrow night as he has to help the son work on one of the rentals on Sunday. Passed my background check, never a worry there, and go for orientation on Monday from 10-2. Then work wed and Friday for sure. Not sure if the hours. I found 1 white shirt with a collar at the first goodwill store. Am going to check online for more. Never though it would be so hard to find them. That was why I went to every store today, except Krogers and Bobs. I need to make my chorizo but I think that will have to wait until tomorrow. I also need to go help my GF get her decorations out of the attic.

    Cindy, wishing you plenty of sales and networking this weekend.

    Karla, you will be in Nana heaven!