OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet - I loved your picture on Facebook. You looked fabulous. Yes, absolutely, positively, it will be worth all the trouble for you to have a better quality of life and mobility with help with this ortho.

    Trying to whine down here also. Izzy was a joy, but keeps you on the go. She is going with me to Panama City. JJJ used to love going with me when he was little. Leaving Tuesday afternoon and coming back Thursday. My dad loves seeing her. I'm going to the doctor with him on Wednesday morning too.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Quick check in as I was up in the middle of the night, so overslept. I am off to the doctor's office this morning. His SISTER is coming in to be trained to help with projects. She is out of work and he wants to help here out. I am NOT happy about this because, as you know, I just resolved this office out of a mother/daughter employment conflict. Uggghh.

    QOTD: Do you justify reasons you are not on plan or on program with certains aspects of your life? Do you give yourself reasons you don't exercise, drink water or track? Are they real? Or contrived? I know many think the Beck book was harsh and gave no leeway, but I sometimes wonder the "no choice" method was this Doctor's way of handling those that could not handle the responsibility of choice or decision. Hmmmm, something to ponder.

    I have tracked all of yesterday. I have completed my morning exercise and off to work.


  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Thank goodness this election will be over tomorrow, although it will drag on in Facebook land. Just wish all the hate would stop. It's very disheartening to see all the negativity and hateful words. Hoping it settles down soon.

    Feeling somewhat better, wasn't feeling the worst I have felt but really wish my body would just cooperate.

    Ok so I put up my Christmas Village yesterday lol. It's a small village that sets on top of my wine cabinet. Haven't figured out how to posts pictures on here yet so it'll have to wait. Alex and Diego wanted to put the tree up so we settled on that for now
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Well I just got lab results back. Cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL are elevated. Dr wants me to follow low cholesterol diet and check in 6 months. He's ordering An A1C. I told them I had one done at my endocrinologist office a few months ago and she was pleased with it. GO figure.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert - If you are eating eggs at all, cut them out immediately. I could not believe on Saturday that I had one scrambled egg and one French toast and it put me over my cholesterol limit!! I hardly ever have an egg yolk as I prefer the egg whites, but once in a while I do. I about died when I saw the total though!! My doctor recommended below 300mg a day on the cholesterol. Did yours give a total? Some say 200.

    Paula - I've been thinking of getting a few things out too.

    I'm tired. I awoke during he night and watched tv as Glenn and I went to bed really early last night. Now to try and keep myself up enough so I don't repeat that.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited November 2016
    Bert, for most of us eggs don't have to be cut significantly even when we have elevated cholesterol levels. It has been found that it is the other forms of trans fats in our diet that cause the rise. Unfortunately, when you have diabetes you are much more susceptible to the cholesterol in eggs. For diabetics they recommend no more than 200mg of cholesterol per day, compared to the 300mg non diabetics on low cholesterol diets are allowed. But if you want a real egg on occasion stick with Egglands best, they have 100mg (compared to 187-200mg in a regular egg) but they are also high in omega 3s that help the body deal with the fats. I think the reason your doc wants and A1c is to see if your sugars has been up in the past few months. That will give him a clue as to why your cholesterol levels are elevated. I think you have a good, thorough and caring doc.

    Interview went well. It was a group interview, very different for me but interesting. If they are interested I will hear by email in the next week. I also stopped by Hobby Lobby and put in an application. Since I was out and about I got Mom's shopping and drugstore trip done. So tomorrow we can relax, enjoy our shows and each other's company. My Sis is doing very well and should be out of her boot soon. She is getting out more and able to walk on it some. It has been a long recovery and I am impressed at how hard she has worked to get better. So not her style. She is one to milk an injury or illness, but not this time. I think her husband's health has spurred her to try harder than she normally would.

    Edd is home and I splurge and made shrimp carbonara. Glad to have him home. Did not get to sleep until 5am and up at 8am so it will be an early night for me.

    Paula, if the village makes you and the kids happy then it was worth putting it up so early, lol.

    QOTD: I don't justify being off plan, I just forgive myself when I am. I know I can do better than I do but also know that I have to live and food is a big part of living. I think the "no option" opinion of Dr Beck just rubbed me the wrong way. She may be right but not very tactful in her approach. I don't respond well to being reprimanded, even by myself. So I know I have to speak kinder and allow me to be human. Life is not all or nothing and neither is my plan. I do my very best most of the time and just keep trying the rest of it.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited November 2016
    A quick check-in before I retire - busy day tomorrow.

    Doc showed me the CT of my left foot & ankle. It's a mess in there & in need of a complex fix, now scheduled for January 17. Yay! Not only is my foot turned outward more than 30 degrees, the heel bone is detached and more than 50 degrees off its proper orientation! The doc can reorient the foot, screw things together, including a bone graft from my tibia, and he will also ease my calf muscle. I won't be able to put any weight on it for at least three months, but he thinks he can stabilize the foot and ankle in the proper position and that should help function and ease the pain. Full recovery will take a year or so, but he believes this can make a real difference. Sure worth a try ...

    Bert, cholesterol is sometimes more genetically- than dietary-based. Good luck - you've done well on the A1c and there's no reason to believe you won't do well with the cholesterol.

    Paula, I'm itching to put some things out too, but I have to put things on my new garage shelving to get to the Christmas things!

    Karla, have fun traveling with Izzy. She'll light your dad right up with joy.

    Patti, I'm with you on the Beck book. Not motivating to me, though it helps a lot of people. We all find what works and ignore the restQ
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I have a visit with one of my field students. She is doing a fantastic job! Breakfast is tracked. I made Healthy French Toast from the 21 Day Fix cookbook. I also have my container portions tracked. I think my lab results has really boosted my initiative to return to the 21 Day Fix Container program, so, in essence, the results were "good" to hear.

    Our profit from the turkey dinner was $2,900! It was a lot of work, but I'm happy with the profit. It will definitely help pay salaries this month.

    Janet: Your picture with the Star Wars character is fabulous! You look great! Good luck with 800 calories. I'm hoping to stay with 1200 - 1300.

    Karla: I am eating eggs. The French Toast recipe called for 2 eggs and I wish now, that I would have only used 1. I need to get Egg Beaters (or whatever is cheaper) to substitute. I think I'm eating too many carbs too which my endocrinologist wants me to follow a low carb diet. My doctor is sending me a meal plan in the mail. I'm not sure what he will recommend. I changed my food profile to add cholesterol tracking in my food. It says I've alreay used 176 when I ate breakfast. Ouch!

    Patti: Thanks for the information on eggs. I'll get Eggland. As far as the A1C, I told them about the results when I went to the endocrinologist. He wants to know for himself, I guess. I've gone to him for many years, so I trust his judgement. My brother said that my dad has cholesterol issues, but I don't remember that. He did have a heart attack when I was in college. I know that my family is full of heart problems and diabetis, so I need to bear down and focus!

    QOTD: I'm the Queen of rationalization! I'm focused this week, though. I know I simply have to refrain from sweet snacks, as I know that is a major downfall of mine. Always has been.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good scale victory morning here!! Down 1.5 pounds!! I went ahead and weighed today since I am heading out this afternoon for my father's. Unfortunately I am not taking Izzy, my Dad requested I not bring her. Hurt my feelings. He stated in case we needed to do something, but I think it just makes him nervous. Plus he has to share me. He also throws on me he has one of his eye injection appointments tomorrow morning for me to take him to. My visit was to get the Lady Bird deed recorded!! To compound things Jason has come down with the flu here and Angelique is working and counted on me taking her more so since Jason can't babysit. Uggghhh.

    Patti- Good information on the Eggland's Best eggs. I did not know that. How is that possible? I was just shocked at my tiny breakfast on Saturday having so much cholesterol!

    Bert- Web'S has a great article on a low cholesterol diet.

    Janet- Fantastic news on your ankle and foot repair! I know that both you and Patti did not care for the Dr. Beck no choice book, I just wondered if the psychology behind her background is because so many people given the choice, choose the one to eat fatty foods, break diet, etc. I like the no choice myself, it makes it easier for me. Having said that, it doesn't mean I don't fall off track.

    QOTD: Will you get out to vote today or have you early voted?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla: Congratulations on your weight loss! Sorry about not taking Izzy and then, on top of everything, be the go to for everyone. I'll check out the Web's

    QOTD: I voted last week. Heaven help our country!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is dreary and cool and supposed to rain. Glad I got my errands, and mom's, done yesterday. Slow getting starts but heading to mom's to kick back and relax.

    Kala, congrats on another great loss. You are a rock star, girl. Sorry about not being able to take Izzy but I can see where she might be too much energy for your dad and totally understand why he doesn't want to share his precious time with you. Sorry that Jason is ill and it puts a burden on Angelique to find care for Izzy. Enjoy your time with your dad, that is what is most important. Mom has her next eye injection Friday. Egglands best feeds their chickens a very controlled diet in order to reduce the cholesterol and increase the omega3s, they are the only company that has their eggs certified.

    Janet, what a mess your foot has become. It is a miracle you are walking at all. Keep in mind I am available during recovery if you need me, seriously! January will be here before you know it. Hope you get some travel in before your long recovery.

    Bert, you are doing the right things for your body. Increasing fiber and exercise while cutting out sugar will be the best plan, especially for triglycerides. Genetics is a huge factor in heart disease and diabetes. Little know fact, the middle eastern culture has one of the highest incidences of heart disease and they have the best diet, the diet everyone says is best to prevent heart disease. This is a case of genetic predisposition. the fact that they have for centuries not married and procreated outside their race is why they have such a high incidence of severe heart disease.
    That is your one minute heart disease lecture for the day, lol.

    Until we meet again
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I went to post yesterday, got interrupted and well that was that.
    QOTD- I haven't voted yet- when I cam to work the polls weren't open yet- so that is on th end of the day scheudle. I may delay until 7 so the work people will be gone- I'm not far from the polling place.
    Bert- you'll get the cholesterol thing under control
    Patti is a font of information- we're so lucky to have you
    Janet- sounds like this time next year it will be behind you, surgery and most of the recovery so happy for you
    Karla- safe travels to Florida.
    Suzi- How is Ellis doing?
    MaryLynn- are you and Myron still spending lots of time outdoors?
    I still have no desire for sweets or candy. It is most interesting. Doing my self meditation at night where I visualize the "new" me and all positive talk. I feel really good about this journey and I've done much more reading about low glycemic eating and find it fastening. I certain stay fuller much longer eating all whole foods. Clean eating is definitely in play with this new food style I'm developing. I was looking up how to make a bunch of almonds into almond butter at home. I've found a little goes a long way- better portion control over natural PButter.
    BTW- heat for 10-15 minutes at 250 and then use the S blade in the food processor and whirl away. Takes 5-10 mins but I'm going to give it a try.
    I got Fall with Me back from Emily and now working on her edits. The cover is starting to gel in my mind so all good progress.
    Need to run-Be a part of history- get out an VOTE!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Did retail therapy today - got lots of small Christmas gifts and some bins for my closet to hold sheets, etc. Also bought some fleece PJ pants and a couple of fleece jackets to wear after surgery. Great prices, even got PJ pants with pandas and a pair with cats wearing crowns. I'll need pants with a fairly wide opening to accommidate a cast &/or boot, so leggings and narrow pants will be put away for the duration. Might as well be comfortable AND whimsical! If you can't have fun with recupertion wear, what's the point? Had a cup of crab bisque and a lovely fruit salad for lunch. Have had a pain pill and a muscle relaxer -- a very tough pain day but I knew I'd be pushing myself.

    Paula, is your severe pain staying away today? Sure hope so.

    Bert, hope you are recovering from the turkey dinner. How gratifying to have made so much for the church.

    Cindy, fiber and low-glycemic foods are a bit of a shift from how we were raised but they're good for you and pretty tasty. Let us know how the almond butter turns out. My local produce market makes their own peanut, almond and walnut butters. Delicious stuff, if you can limit portions.

    Karla, congrats! Enjoy your time with your dad and Kerry.

    Patti, interesting on the middle east and heart disease. Genetics do play a big role in so much -- cholesterol, diabetes and weight are some of the biggies.

    Suzi, hope your trip is going well.

    MaryLynn, are you getting perfect weather up there? What projects are you two up to this week?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....I did well with my containers yesterday, and am back on track for today. Breakfast is tracked, both on MFP and my 21 Day Fix App. I found a higher protein oatmeal called Think Thin. It has 10 grams of protein in in, no cholesterol and no sugar! So, I'm giving it a try.

    Patti: Thanks so much for your help. I bought Egglands yesterday. They are pricey, but I'm willing to give them a try. I also bought some liquid egg whites. My A1C was 6.1 and was 5.7 in September. I'm sure it was due to the sweets and carbs I've been eating as quick snacks. One of my friends told me that below 6.0 is considered at risk, but my endocrinologist seems fine with it. All of this is so confusing.

    Janet: When is your surgery?

    My brother is finally able to work part time from his home. I still get so frustrated with him as he just simply does not plan for the future. I can't change his beneficiary for him on his life insurance and I can't make a will for him. I think he's just not facing things that need to be done, and he needs to. I've told him it's just a part of getting older and thinking about things. He agrees and then does what he wants, which is nothing.

    Ok, I'm done venting. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Happy post election day- glad the campaign is over and hopefully our country can come together and move forward. I wish the glass ceiling had been broken last night- but maybe in 4 years we'll have worthy candidates to vote for- instead of what happened. It does show what a ground swell of voting can do.
    Janet- I'm glad you're getting prepared for January- I wish I could pop in and out as you need me but the drive is just a little too long. I know Patti has said she can be available so take her up on it if you need her.
    Bert- I'm sorry your brother is putting his head in the sand, its hard to face our own mortality.
    Karla- how was the drive and your dad- did he sell all the pups?
    Patti- When do you close the cottage? I know technically its open all year but i think you do winterize it. Shrimp carbonara sounds yummy.
    I need to run- all is status quo here.
    Another busy day in Mass.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good post Election Day. Dad and I stayed up, kind of, I dozed in the recliner in his room, lol. We are at the eye appointment now.

    Cindy- My dad sold the mother and puppies for a lump sum. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to handle them once they were all up and about. Plus, he was offered a huge cash amount. My dad is a wheeler dealer at age 88. Lol.

    Bert- Good for you for resuming the containers. Give your brother some time to absorb your ideas and maybe he will come around. He is dealing with a major life event and maybe his plate just can't take anything else at the present time. Just thoughts.

    Kerry is so happy I'm here. He's been telling me details of his crazy shows. lol.

    I want to rearrange my mother's bedroom while I'm here. I was studying it last night. She was a pure feminist. It has a gorgeous antique bedroom set in there, lots of lace and the walls are a light pink.

    My two democratic younger brothers are beside themselves this morning. I spoke with the youngest one last night and having lunch with the other today. Yes, yes I am a republican and so is my father. I heard it said last evening that this is the first time since 1928 that we have had a Republican president with control of both the House and Senate. That was the year my father was born. Big discussions here at the clinic. Even at Starbucks this morning. I did think it was shallow of Hillary to go home last night and not concede in person, making a phone call. Okay, enough said.

    Onward ho.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, you'll be back on track. An A1c of 6.1 is not bad. There is discussion about goals but some feel and A1c under 7 or under 6.5 is sufficient control. Lower is better but you aren't seriously off the rails. Glad your brother is feeling up to working some, and you can't make him do stuff. But you can do stuff for yourself that will make you better able to help him should the need arise. My surgery isn't until January 17, which gives me time to make lists and prepare. Lots to do, including finding a knee scooter I can somehow get into my car.

    Cindy, your support (and that of everyone in our funny little sisterhood) means the world. I'll be fine. Won't be a basket of puppies but in the grand scheme of things, millions have a worse day every day than I will with this.

    Karla, I know you'll be busy enjoying time with your dad and Kerry - hope his eye doc visit goes well.

    Starting laundry here. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Up too late but I did sleep in a bit. My neck and shoulders are screaming but that is due to a killer upper body work out at TRX. The only thing I want to say about this election is that they certainly underestimated and undervalued the power of the working class and the "little" people. Oh, and one more thing, I love Gayle King. She asked some interesting questions even though the outcome was not what she wanted. Now let us pray that our country can be kind again. All this hate mongering has really taken a toll on my inner peace.

    Karla, sounds like you are having a good time with your dad and Kerry.

    Bert, I know it must be frustrating that your brother is not taking the appropriate steps, but at least you have done what you could on your end. All you can do now is gently push him in the right direction. Glad he is back to work. Another little lesson, you may already know this but here goes. A1c is an average of your blood sugar over the past 3 months expressed in a percentage. 5% is a blood sugar average of 97; 6% is 126; 7% is 154. Do you check your blood sugar on a regular basis?

    Janet, you are so strong and I understand the reasons for it but sometimes it is ok to ask for a little help. I am here. Those knee scooters have really been a game changer for foot/ankle injuries and surgeries.

    Cindy, I am with you on the glass ceiling, wrong choices this time around I think. So nice to have you popping in so often again. How did the book event go last weekend?

    Having lunch with my GFs today. We haven't gotten together in a couple of weeks. We have all been busy and one of us was in Disney for 10 days! Can't wait to catch up. These women are my heart and soul. Started doing some prep work for Christmas cards last night and will be doing more tonight. My stamp group is getting together Saturday for an all day stamp. I will have to leave early to go to my grandson's wedding, so it will be a good day all around.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early once again as Molly doesn't apparently know about the time change! :smile: So, she's been taken care of, is sleeping, and I'm awake! Hmmmmm.

    Today, I'm heading to Indy to have lunch with my cousin and her daughter. Does that make her my 2nd cousin? I haven't seen them since April when I had my last check-up with my surgeon. I am always the one who makes contact and travel to them. It's been that way all my life, so why would it change? This time, I'm fine with it as my cousin's condition has worsened and can't travel for a far distance. Her daughter keeps me updated on the condition, so I'll be prepared when I first see her. She will also be signing the document giving permission to give the last family plot to my brother. His son is buried in the family plot, so it make sense for him to be there as well. My cousin has some type of dementia. Her daughter is sure it's Alzheimers, but my cousin's husband just thinks it's dementia. May today I'll know the actual diagnosis. It doesn't matter, though, she is the way she is.

    Thanks for your support and comments concerning my brother. I guess if I were in his shoes I'd make plans to make sure my family isn't burdened with them, regardless if I were in pain or not. He's perfectly satisfied letting others make decisions for him, and I can't change that. That's our major difference.

    Patti: Thanks for the A1C info. I knew it is an average over a 3 month period, but wasn't aware of percentages. No, I don't check my blood sugar as my endocrinologist said it wasn't necessary as my A1C was good. She said I would drive myself nuts with it as I've not been diagnosed with diabetes. When I went to a pre-diabetic class, they gave a two week supply of strips. I tested myself then and always fell in the 90's range.

    My friend texted last night and said the official Turkey Dinner profit is $3,400! Ad costs will be deducted, so it should be around $3,300 profit! A very nice report to hand down to the next chairman!

    Have a great day, everyone! It will be a beautiful, sunny day. A nice day for driving!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Welcome to anything can happen Thursday. Its chilly and sunny in my corner of the world and Turkey day is right around the corner. I've fallen behind in preparations but will remedy that today after I speak with my SIL. Dinner is always at her house.
    Bert- safe travels today and treasure the time with your cousin.
    I woke up dreaming of Emily as a little girl- I miss those days... Meg and Randy are planning on moving as he is trying to find a job. She's a small town girl and he wants to move to DC, Fort Lauderdale or Indianapolis. The last time she lived in a city she was absolutely miserable and said she'd never do it again- but he can sell ice to Eskimos so for now that is the plan. I worry about her depression when she is without a support system. But all I can do is be there for her and pray that live at least a car distance away so if she needs to get back home, she can.
    Question for today- what is your favorite gift to give at holiday time?
    Each year I make a pumpkin and date bread for my GF and her husband. Even now that they've moved to Florida I still make it and send. To me is a small gesture to them both - and they look forward to it every year.
    Well need to get busy-
    Until later