OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all -- Quite tired and needing to recharge but wanted to say hello.

    MaryLynn, enjoy the woodstove - those are so cool.

    Karla, congrats!

    Bert, I was cheering like crazy. Posted my World Series story on FB last night. The game last night for me was all about remembering how my dad felt when the Red Sox won in '04 and being thrilled for all the dads in Cubland. This series was just great, classic baseball - and both teams were so likable. Having grown up in OH, I know a ton of people who were rooting for Cleveland but not a one was nasty about the loss because the Cubs were so deserving and their team played with honor. There was no acrimony and that was beautiful.

    Caved to an ice cream cone after manicure but oh well. Doing much better overall and will be all the way back on it tomorrow.

    Need to recharge so not feeling terribly chatty - we introverts sometimes need to reel ourselves in, and that's my plan for a few days beginning tomorrow. Have a few errands and a Pops concert Saturday night but otherwise hope to chill and try to do some things here, and to get some rest.

    Hugs to all!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! It's been a busy one here today. Worked for a while this morning from home to get everything ready for a presentation I do Tuesday in AR. We're staying in AR an extra day so I don't have to turn right around and go back. Tomorrow our friends are going with us to Eureka Springs by way of Crystal Bridges art museum in Bentonville (Walmart world headquarters) which is a very lovely town except for the Walmart traffic. We won't be there during rush hour so no biggie. We're stopping for lunch at a fantastically wonderful little place called The Wooden Spoon in the tiny little town of Gentry. I'm getting to share some of the places I've gotten to know while work traveling with our friends. Dave hasn't even been to The Wooden Spoon yet.

    Sunday we'll be taking the scenic route through Buffalo River country from Eureka Springs to Hot Springs where we're staying Sunday night so we can tour the Garven Gardens on Monday before taking a different scenic route back in NW AR to spend the night in Rogers so I can make my presentation on Tuesday. We get home Tuesday evening and on Wednesday we get to pick up Ellis!!!

    We didn't get the underground electronic fence put in yet. It's a 2-person job and I've worked most of the week at the bank. Dave has it all figured out and ready to go. I'm teaching some webinars next Thursday, so installation will get delayed until next Friday & Saturday. Dinky and Ellis will get to learn about it at the same time. I'd hoped to have it in and Dinky trained before Ellis got here, but things didn't work out that way.

    Back ina bit to answer QOTD. I can't remember the question and it's on a different page. I'm afraid I'll lose my post if I try to go back and forth.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    AOTD: yes, we stayed up to watch not only the World Series last night, but also the Thunder at the Clippers which didn't even start until a little after 9:30 our time. Luckily all I had to do this morning was roll out of bed in time to have my coffee at hand while I signed onto the computer in time for 9 am conference call and I did all of it in my pajamas to boot.

    Being tired is a dangerous time for me though but maybe more so in the past than it is currently since Dave does most of our cooking. He's a planner when it comes to food and makes sure he takes stock of leftovers. He always makes sure he has a plan. Probably my most dangerous time is when traveling by myself and being tired. I tend to eat junk to keep myself awake. To combat that, I have to try and make sure I have plenty of safe snacks at hand. If I have to stop and get something, especially on those long, late drives home from AR, I get junk, not healthy things.

    I may not get back here for a few days while we're traveling but I promise to keep up my tracking while I'm gone!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Forgot to tell y'all how crazy warm the weather 's been here. We e been to 3 basketball games and not only wore shorts to all 3, we drove the convertible, top-down, both to and from, at night, to all 3 games!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is filled with doctor appointments and last minute preparations for the church Turkey Dinner.

    Karla: I have not totally gone back to my containers. I will do better after I am back on a better routine for myself. I know I'm not getting in enough vegetables and/or fruit; however, since working in the church kitchen this week, I'm getting over 10K steps a day!

    Patti: What part of Chicago are you from? My kids live in Morton Grove. Dan and Annie used to live in Wrigleyville after they graduated from college. We were able to walk to a game once! They lived in the city several years.

    Well, it's time to get the Power Point done for Sunday worship and then head out for the day. Hugs to all!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and TGIF. I'm so glad my topic of being tired hit home with many of you. I thought today I would go over the Good Health Guidelines. I have them listed below from a print-out from Weigh Watchers:

    1. Eat at least five servings of vegeables and fruits each day. (nine servings if you weigh over 350 pounds)

    2. Choose whole-grain foods, such as brown rice and oats, whenever possible.

    3. Include two servings of milk products - low fat (1%) or fat-free - each day. If you're a nursing mom, teenager, over 50 years old, or weigh more than 250 pounds, you should have three servings of milk products each day.

    4. Have 2 teaspoons of healthy oils (olive oil, canola oil, safflower or flaxseed) each day.

    5. Ensure that you are getting enough protein by choosing at least a serving or two of lean meats, skinless poultry, fish, beans, soy products, and lentils.

    6. Limit added sugar and alcohol.

    7. Drink at least 6 8 ounce glasses of liquid a day. Water is the best choice.

    8. Take a multiple vitamin-mineral supplement each day.


    1. Fruits, vegetables and leafy greens - servings sizes are 1 cup for leafy greens and 1/2 cup for all other vegetables and fruits. The lettuce alone in a large salad may well count for 2 or more vegetable servings.

    2. Packaged whole grains - Use the nutrition label to determine the serving size of package whole grain foods.

    3. Milk and dairy - If you are more than 50 years old or are a teenager or nursing mom, increase milk servings to three a day. Examples of one milk serving include 1 cup of milk or yogurt or 1 1/2 ounces of many cheeses. (this is tricky for the yogurt as they do not come in 1 cup servings)

    4. Healthy Oils - Having 2 teaspoons of healthy oils each day ensures that you get the vitamin E and essential fatty acids that your body needs. Use the oil on salads, in cooking or as an ingredient in a mixed dish.

    5. Lean meat and fish- A serving of lean meat or fish is generally 3 or 4 ounces, about the size of a deck of cards.

    6. Water - six 8-ounce glasses of water is just 3 standard 16-ounce bottles.

    QOTD from yesterday - Yes, like many of you have answered, when I'm tired I tend to grab and go also. So yogurt in my fridge is my friend, as well as 50 calorie cheese stick. I think we all agree that keeping these friendly snack food is an absolute MUST in our journey.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Suzi- I have a friend of over 30 years that lives near Deer, Arkansas. Glenn and I plan on visiting her when we retire. I definitely want to visit the areas you are mentioning as they sound divine. The weather here has been very warm and very dry. We are supposed to be down to the 50's in the morning and in the 70's this weekend, finally.

    Mary Lynn - Nice to hear from you and see that you and Myron are doing fine, as expected. I desperately need to get out in our backyard and prepare my Plumerias for the greenhouse.

    Bert - You will get there when you can, on your containers. You are on the run and getting you 10k step. I am averaging 8k on my Garmin, but am getting my aerobics dvd with strength weights in daily.

    QOTD: Do you engage in stress or emotional eating? Do you reach for comfort food to ease your pain? Can you tell the difference between stress hunger and physical hunger? See below.

    The difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger
    Emotional hunger can be powerful. As a result, it’s easy to mistake it for physical hunger. But there are clues you can look for that can help you tell physical and emotional hunger apart.
    Emotional hunger comes on suddenly. It hits you in an instant and feels overwhelming and urgent. Physical hunger, on the other hand, comes on more gradually. The urge to eat doesn’t feel as dire or demand instant satisfaction (unless you haven’t eaten for a very long time).
    Emotional hunger craves specific comfort foods. When you’re physically hungry, almost anything sounds good—including healthy stuff like vegetables. But emotional hunger craves fatty foods or sugary snacks that provide an instant rush. You feel like you need cheesecake or pizza, and nothing else will do.
    Emotional hunger often leads to mindless eating. Before you know it, you’ve eaten a whole bag of chips or an entire pint of ice cream without really paying attention or fully enjoying it. When you’re eating in response to physical hunger, you’re typically more aware of what you’re doing.
    Emotional hunger isn’t satisfied once you’re full. You keep wanting more and more, often eating until you’re uncomfortably stuffed. Physical hunger, on the other hand, doesn't need to be stuffed. You feel satisfied when your stomach is full.
    Emotional hunger isn’t located in the stomach. Rather than a growling belly or a pang in your stomach, you feel your hunger as a craving you can’t get out of your head. You’re focused on specific textures, tastes, and smells.
    Emotional hunger often leads to regret, guilt, or shame. When you eat to satisfy physical hunger, you’re unlikely to feel guilty or ashamed because you’re simply giving your body what it needs. If you feel guilty after you eat, it's likely because you know deep down that you’re not eating for nutritional reasons.

    I hope I haven't overwhelmed you with too much information today. Just found the printout yesterday on the GHG's and then wanted a QOTD too with some backup info. I need to go get my exercise in. I have been really hungry the last two weeks and I know mine is stress eating because I am craving the sweets, but, I am going for the healthy foods, so go figure!! lol. Still on the consecutive daily tracking. I have only had one day where I went over 1200 calories in the last 9 days.

    Janet - I do hope you take it easy this weekend.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and welcome to a beautiful Friday, gym in a bit, then a trip to the bank, grocery and then a visit with Mom. Tomorrow I will be spending time with Susie to celebrate her birthday. I am getting her a mushy daughter card and a 2nd birthday card, since this is our second birthday together. She sounds like her depression is lifting a bit. She is not very good at making decisions, even small ones like where to eat. I push her a little because I don't know her well enough yet. What we have been finding is that our tastes are polar opposites. She keeps saying we need to go on Maury and get our DNA checked, lol. There is so little to do in this town that it is making it difficult to come up with something we can do together. We will start with a nice lunch and then go from there.

    Suzi, you scenic byways trip sounds perfect for this time of year. I really would love to take a day to just drive and take pictures before all the leaves fall but the days have been too sunny. Nothing sets off fall colors better than an overcast, foggy day.

    Bert, good luck with the dinner and then I hope you can rest.

    Karla, thanks for the WW refresher. Good job with your return to exercise and healthy eating

    Mary Lynn, so nice to hear all is well. I have such a lovely picture in. My mind that f you and Myron sitting around your wood burner.

    Lucinda, enjoy this day, even if you have to spend part of it as Cindy.

    QOTD: I eat the least when I am stressed, unhappy, angry or depressed. I eat the most when I am bored, lonely, tired or happy. I do know the difference in my hunger, better now than ever but knowing doesn't always stop me, lol. Getting better at it though.

    Time to run, back when I am able
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi = Good GHG reminder. Thanks. Karla!

    Patti, enjoy Susie's birthday. Sounds like you two are a nature-vs.-nurture experiment!

    Suzi, happy travels. I see my Ws were not kind to your Thunder. I do feel bad for Westbrook. A little bit.

    Bert, your friend did a great job on TV getting the word out about the turkey dinner. It will be a smash succe and you will all be filled with a good kind of exhaustion.

    Cindy, enjoy your Lucinda time!

    Heading out here -- need cat litter and a few other things. Accidentally found a winning food combo last night. Had thawed some chili for my freezer and didn't havae much left so I poured it over a big mess of cooked spaghetti squash, sprinkled some shjredded parmesan on top and cooked it in the microwave for a couple of minute. It was tasty and filling!

    Have a great day, all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, is the day! I've been up early every day this week, just like I did when I taught everyday. My mind starts working after I take Molly out for her business. Normally, I can go back to sleep until 7:00-7:30. Hopefully, that will return next week!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is a beautiful crisp day here, more fall like than we have seen in a while. Looking forward to my time with Susie. Since she is working 12-8pm there are so few opportunities for us to see each other. She has not made her choice of lunch spots so I cannot pre plan but will do my best.

    Janet, it is getting more and more into your type of weather. Hope you truly kick back and relax this weekend. I know you are anxious for your next appointment and to here what can be done. Prayers for the best outcomes possible. I do wish I liked spaghetti squash. Your dish sounds so good. I have tried it several ways made by different people and I just don't seem to be able to develop a taste for it.

    Bert, good luck with the dinner and the return of your pre dinner life.

    Cindy, how did your Lucinda day go?

    Karla, which grands do you have this weekend and what activities do you have planned?

    Paula, miss seeing your posts here.

    Mary Lynn, hope you are enjoying your fall on VI.

    Edd is gone until Monday. He is in London, KY at an off road park with his son and the son of his best friend that passed away a year ago last May. I love that he has kept this young man in our lives. They did a memorial motorcycle ride last May and are planning another for this coming year. Anyway, he won't be home until Monday so I will be watching football alone. My Broncos play Sunday night, yeah! I see some craft room time in. Y future and catching up on my Netflix series. Haven't watched any in months other than a binge session of Frankie and Grace.

    Wishing you all the beauty that is fall to enrich your lives.
    Peace out
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Sorry I went MIA, my body has been giving me fits and I haven't done much of anything. Starting to feel a bit better today, getting laundry and some cleaning done, not over doing it but need to do it.

    Diego and Alex are staying the night tonight so preparing for that too. Not sure what we'll do but we'll do something.

    Making lentil soup for dinner, it's easy and not much prep or standing time so works for me, I love lentils hope everyone else does too lol. I usually just buy canned lentil soup for me.

    Well off to switch out clothes and shower.
    Have a great day all!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Paula, good to see you posting. Please take care of yourself in whatever way helps most. Have fun with the boys. Do you have a favorite lentil soup recipe? If so, please share -- just bought a bag of dried lentils. Am going to use more dried beans this winter - cheap and good for us. Just need to get into the routine of soaking.

    Bert, hope the dinner is great fun and that you can relax after church tomorrow.

    Patti, hope your lunch is fun. Enjoy the quiet -- I know Edd is having a good time and a great impact on your friends' son.

    I have changed clocks and lamp timers except the car clock. Looking forward to the concert tonight and to kicking back with football tomorrow.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. Sill Tracking, Exercising and keeping under 1200 calories Karla here!! pushing towards week three!!

    Bert - You have been on a whirlwind, but I know you love being needed.

    Patti- You will have a good time, no matter what you do. It's about he time you spend together. Enjoy!

    Janet - Glenn is parked in front of College football, his favorite, more than Pro. But he watches it too, mostly the Saints and Nebraska. Enjoy the concert.

    I have been watching "The Throne" on Netflix. thoroughly enjoying it and already on episode 8. Very well acted, costumes superb and John Lithgow is fabulous as Winston Churchill.

    Alabama vs LSU at 7p tonight. We were supposed to go over to Monica's house for enjoyment, it's Steve's birthday also, but he is ill with bronchitis and she has had it all week. I don't want to take the chance of Glenn picking it up. Alabama Tide is undefeated at this point, but LSU always gives us a good game, as well as Auburn. I'll never forget being on that cruise out of New Orleans when the LSU/Alabama game played. We watched in a lounge on the ship with LSU fans and we won. LOL. Had to crawl out of there. HA.

    We just have Izzy this weekend and her and I are head out back. I am trimming the leaves off the plumeras to prepare them for the greenhouse and we are going to have a picnic under he Oaks afterwards. Finally some cooler weather, but still in the mid 70's.


  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Janet, I'm trying a new recipe today. I'll let you know how it turns out. Too much thyme smell but we'll see. If it's good I'll be sure to post recipe
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Had just the best day with Susie. Went to Chuys Mexican for lunch, then to a craft fair where we found some crafts we want to try together. The only thing I bought was some granulated garlic for my grinder. The company is Weezy's garlic. She is a local organic farmer and she makes the very best spice, garlic and herb blends. I have been hoarding my last bit of garlic because I thought she was done for the season, I bought a giant bag, lol. It is so intense a little bit goes a long way. So much more flavor than anything you can buy commercially. She said I just bought the last of this year's harvest. Made it worth the stop. Then we went to a local vintage shop and I picked up 2 very nice depression glass refrigerator keepers. So much better than plastic storage and usually very expensive. These were so reasonably priced I couldn't not buy them. After all this fun we stopped at my grandson's house where they were working on the decorations for their wedding next Saturday. This is going to be the most unique wedding. The bride made her flowers for her bouquet and table decorations out of book pages, Shakespeare to be exact. She also decopaged her shoes with the same paper. Her other table decorations look like nebulas! They made beer, wine and mead for the reception and have a sign for above the bar that says Space Bar complete with hand painted planets and an astronaut in a space suit. They are working on names for all the drinks that go with their space/science theme. My grandson and her mom are chemical engineers. The wedding and reception are at our local museum of science and industry. Just found out that the entire museum is open for all guests to go through during the reception. Sorry to go on and on but I am super excited for them and even more excited to be a part of this very special day.

    Enough from me
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! The time change for an extra hour of sleep did me no good this moring! Up early, again! The dinner was a huge success.....I'm so grateful for the fantastic work crew...everyone was positive and worked so hard. I'm so hoping that someone will volunteer to chair so the tradition will continue.

    Today our choir will sing in a special program for the Terre Haute Historical Society. We will be singing, "Back Home Again in Indiana" :) Then I'll be free to rest and relax. A Netflix movie is in store today. Any suggestions?

    I am definitely going to concentrate better on my eating. I'm heading to the store to stock up on healthy foods. I'm also going to concentrate on my water intake, which I've been neglecting.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and welcome to the new time change. I hope you all remember to move your clocks back.

    Bert - I have been working on my water also. Good for you on your devoted work. Maybe someone will step up, but only if you stick to stepping down. lol. I just watched "The Crown" on Netflix and it was wonderful. If you like action films, Glenn and I watched "London has Fallen", and it was quite good.

    Patti- Sounds like a good day with Susie, with a variety of stops. You do have the most unique and unusal weddings in your family! lol. This one sound very interesting and fun. The garlic sound divine.

    I let myself get too hungry yesterday and therefore ate more than I anticipated of the goulash I made. It was good! I am still under my calorie goal. Izzy was the best little helper yesterday. We accomplished many tasks. Today we are going to have our picnic out back.

    QOTD: What changes will you make this week to enhance your Project Me? What have you learned from last week that need to be updated?

    I need to measure out my portions when making a chili or one dish dinner. I think that is why I feel I overate yesterday. Without actually measuring we don't know for sure, do we? I ate two bowls of the goulash I made with very lean ground round beef. I am doing better with the veggies and water.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Another beautiful fall day in the Ohio valley, doing some cleaning and then some crafting. I have a bad habit of piling things in my craft room all summer and now I need to get it put to rights so I can work in there. Luckily it is just a matter of putting things where they belong. I am still smiling over my day with Susie. Getting to know her better and learn more about her life is bittersweet. So much I missed out on, but I still believe I made the best decision. Still feeling like an outsider in her life in many ways and more like just a friend. But as we spent the day together she mentioned several times things we could do together in the future, so am hopeful we will get to feeling more like mother and daughter.

    Karla, sounds like you did better than you think even with an extra helping.

    Paula, do hope each day finds you in less pain and feeling more renewed. Having the grandkids has to be a balm to your soul. Do you get to see Addie often? She is turning to quite a beautiful little girl.

    Janet, I am sure you enjoyed. Your concert and are all set for a day of relaxation and football.

    Bert, I agree with Karla that the best way for someone to step up is for you to step back. So glad to hear how well your event went. I haven't watched any movies on Netflix but am looking forward to the Crown once I finish the current season of Once Upon a time. I am like Karla in loving the historical series, especially those dealing with royalty. I really loved Reign too.

    Suzi, OK is a quite the hidden gem of a state. I have been through but have never seen the places you have shared, so I thank you for that. Will keep them in mind for our next trip out west and not just breeze through the state.

    QOTD: I am still struggling with tracking. Start the week out with 2 or 3 perfect days of tracking, then get busy or lazy, and just let it go. It doesn't mean I am not measuring or weighing just not getting in the tracker. I think I am going to go for Suzi's suggestion to write it down and not worry about all the macro info. I think my problem is that I really don't like the tracker her, find it very cumbersome.

    Time to get productive
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Making it a very easy day here. Concert was great and because it was celebrating the Pops conductor's 35th anniverary with the orchestra and 20th as Pops series conductor, there was a brief post-concert celebration in the lobby. My friend left so I went anyway. Waiting for my first-ever whiskey sour (yum!), I found myself next to the concertmistress and second-chair violist. We chatted - they both said they really DO have lots of fun playing with this orchestra, which shows - and he grabbed drinks for each of us before helping himself. He is a serious doll - alas. he's also under 40 but I got a little flirting practice in anyway - but was scared to ask if the Principal violist happens to be single. But I was glad I made a bit of effort to dress nicely and wear some of my "Good Jewelry" and a velvet top I just love (and got on clearance at Nordstrom Rack last year).

    Going to cut way back again for a couple of weeks (under 800 because I have to) to regain momentum I've let slide a bit. Have a busy week ahead and intend to manufacture some needed quiet time too. Foot/ankle specialist tomorrow afternoon - hope to have a plan soon. I know it won't be fun but if he can help, ...