OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning ladies. The rest of my visit has been nice and it seems like I have been here a good while. I had a nice visit with my BFF yesterday and then came back to my father's and made a nice Shepard's Pie.

    Dad is so proud of his puppies,. I'm glad you all enjoyed seeing the picture. Of course my dad has already got them sold for $2k. Geez.

    Janet- Sounds like you will need to seek another physician that makes you feel good about yourself. You have had to fight this one from the beginning. The whole time I was on Levothyroxine, two years, it was an up and down adjustment of the meds. I also had hair loss in one patch that is still thin there. You stand your ground with her and know that tough Karla is sitting on your shoulder!! You know how Glenn recently got his second opinion and switched doctors!

    Cindy - or should I say Lucinda today? You go girl and be your lovely pseudo-self. We all need to escape in an alter- ego. I feel like that is what I'm doing when I am at my dad's house.

    I spent the night over at Keith's last night and am up early. I need to head home today and start my weekend. Glenn has missed me terribly. Lol. Food' We are getting Jakob and Izzy, so we will have fun. I see a pumpkin patch in our plans, then pumpkin face painting fun.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Do something nice for someone. A random act of kindness, then treat yourself.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's chilly here this morning. My cleaning lady/friend is here this morning. I'm so happy my Cubs won last night! They are up 3-2 in the more win is needed......GO CUBS!!!

    Patti: I painted Dan and Annie's one wall in their basement with chalkboard paint. It's a cute idea, but the chalk doesn't come off very well when it's cleaned. Annie's not much of a cleaner, so it usually has drawings, writings, etc. still on it. I didn't make it to he flower bed as my knees and hips were still sore from the painting!

    Karla: Unfortunately, families sometimes get nasty when there is a death. Mike's brother, who was always mad at him for something his whole life, was awful when their mother and then their grandmother died. Mike just got fed up as he tried to do things the way his mom and grandma wanted. Their mom died soon after we were married, and while we were at the funeral home making decisions, his brother was going through the house getting things he wanted. When their grandma died, his brother was upset over the way Mike was handling things, so Mike just said he was done and told his brother to finalize things. So sad. Enjoy your weekend.

    Janet: I go every 6 months to my endocrinologist. She is always changing my dosages in response to the blood work.It's frustrating. I've been stuck at my current weight for such a long time. I know it's my eating, but also feel it's my metabolism as well. My doctor insists I be on Synthroid as there are many descrepancies in how the generic doses are manufactured.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, I think a second opinion is a must for you. You have worked too hard to let some random doc make you feel bad about yourself. I will bet there are plenty of endos in Louisville!

    Karla, your trip sounds so perfect. Time with your family and BFF is precious. Now you get to have more family time with the grands and your sweet Glenn.

    Off to the gym, then stopping by mom's with a treat for her (sesame sticks, she loves them and has been out for 2 weeks). Then grocery shopping for the weekend, home to pack and heading to the cabin. Weather is supposed to be mild and clear. Son and DIL are already there so hoping they will join us for dinner on Saturday. Mike has not seen my nephew since they were teenagers. They are both so different now. Looking forward to lots of relaxation and even more laughing and good times. Wishing you all the same for this weekend. Doubt I will be back until Sunday......but you never know!

    Peace out, Patti
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Ha, Peace Out is a favorite saying of my friend Trish in Arkansas ..

    At Starbucks getting me a Chai Tea for the road!!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm here, just busy. Trying to catch up reading posts. Feeling very good about my week. Tracking points and feeling very empowered and loving the sense of control. More tomorrow.

    Nighty night all,
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be a fabulous day! Not a cloud in the sky, temps in the high 60's. A walk is definitely in the plans for today! I'm going to grill steaks tonight. Mike has to work all day today as the state department is on a deadline to have streets and curbs done.

    I'm considering getting a new vacuum cleaner. Any suggestions? I've been looking at a Dyson, but some say they are heavy.

    Suzi: I'm so happy for you and your progress.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! Bert, my old vaccum died this spring and I asked my housecleaner for recommendations. Her take is that Dysons are very good but cost way more than you need to spend. She has a range of vacuums at her clients' homes & purchased her suggestion, the Shark Rocket. Got it at Target on sale for under $160 and am very pleased with it.

    Suzi, you made me grin. Brava!

    Painters are done and after having people in the house for most of the ast three weeks, finally have some quiet. Glad I did it all but am a little drained. Going to run a few errands and watch me some football. And "Hamilton's America" awaits on DVR too.

    Have a great weekend!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Happy Saturday, ladies,
    Like so many, we too have been keeping busy with fall tasks, including leaf cleanup around here. May your weekend provide opportunities to recharge and reconnect with loved ones!
    Hugs to all,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies. Fun times here with Jakob and Izzy. Jakob is finally doing our backyard zipline on his own and is so proud of himself.

    Suzi- You are on such a positive roll in your life all the way around. I am so very happy for you.

    Janet- Your home will depict the beautiful and classy you. I loved your built in spice racks in your kitchen as well as your shelves in your garage. Superb carpentry. Your day sounds fantastic.

    We are off to the pumpkin patch now, fabric store and Chick Fil A.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Izzy and Jakob at the church fun day
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Good news at the scale this morning - down 1.0. I've had a very strong week. Stayed on target and within points, in fact, didn't even use all my WPA, on a week that included a work overnight trip, night out with a friend whose husband of 34 years walked out on her (think LOTS of drinking), and another girls night with wine and pizza. All due to the magic of planning and tracking. I can't believe I fooled around for so long trying to find some way, somehow to do it without tracking. I feel so empowered!

    We're leaving tomorrow morning to go camping at Beavers Bend state park in far SE OK with some of my favorite relatives. This will be a first for us - to actually have camping buddies with us. Our usual travel buddies don't camp, so I'm really looking forward to this! They're also really active, so we should get in plenty of hiking and biking.

    Cute pic of the grands Karla!

    I need to go back and read what y'all have been up to!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    We're on our way and I've been reading through posts to get caught up.

    Janet - you need a second opinion. You do NOT have to put up with a doctor who belittles you and makes you feel bad about yourself.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Jakob sure looks like Glenn!

    Way busy here and hoping for some actual QUIET this week. A friend's cancer has come back after a year of fine test results. Sheesh. And another friend's boyfriend just dumped her - my Sunday afternoon hasn't exactly been sunshine & rainbows.

    Endocrinologist to start my Monday, then maybe a small amount of retail therapy - can't get at my Hlsloween for decoration so will find something cute & cheap.

    Cooked two butternuts so far and have a spaghetti squash roasting now. Still haven't been able to get to the paper -- I get Sunday's print version for coupons & circulars, and to support local journalism. My Patriots are on and it's trash day. Can you all bear the excitement of being me???

    Hugs to all - staying on plan today, I hope, to make it 24 days in a row. After doc tomorrow I may allow myself a small splurge, like an Egg White Delight or something.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Had an awesome weekend and I'm glad it's over. We had a great Halloween party last night, didn't get home until 1:30 am and feeling blah all day today. No more gatherings until Thanksgiving so that gives me a month to see what I can accomplish.

    I've planned my meals for tomorrow so that I'm one step ahead of the game. Taking my sister to the grocery store tomorrow because her car is broke down and she hates driving more than me. Oh, good news, my van is fixed yay!!!# Sorry I'm just too tired to do personals but I will tomorrow.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    edited October 2016
    How do I upload a photo in the comments
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    HI all, just got home and am waiting for Edd to get back with the carry out of his choice. I am already missing my nephew. So sad that he has lived his whole life believing this side of the family didn't want anything to do with him or his family. Trying really hard not to hate my brother for the lies he has told for over 40 years. On a positive note, my nephew now knows how much he was and is loved. He learned a lot of Lee family history and I learned just as much about him. He will be heading to Houston in about a week and will be staying there until his GF finishes her residency in Feb. I think he left feeling more "whole" and he will be connecting with Mom on a regular basis, which will mean the world to her.

    Janet, after your appointment tomorrow you will deserve from retail therapy. Hope you find just the thing to lift your spirits. So hard to watch our friends struggle and be in pain, physical and mental.

    Paula, so glad you had a fun time and now that the van is fixed maybe we can figure out where we can meet you for lunch that is close to you.

    Suzi, congrats on another loss. You rock. Enjoy your camping trip and friends.

    Dinner is here.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Welcome to the last week of October 2016- where is the year zipping away too?
    My LR day was great- I got 15 pages written and my blog post- I took pics for the blog out my back porch in heavy rain Saturday.
    I got much needed hair highlights on Saturday and spent 4 hours of me time - also throwing in the grocery store- it didn't go over well but tough toe nails. I'm losing patience with the absurdity that happens sometimes.
    I made a great pot of butternut soup- make up the recipe so if anyone is interested just let me know. Happy to share- Gave some to Em and she loved it too.
    Karla- those grands are too darn cute and I chuckled seeing Izzy barefoot- girl after my own heart.
    Suzi- you're rocking WW- you go girl and have a great time camping.
    Patti- sometimes people are mean cuz they are a hot mess inside and spread it to other because they can- but I'm glad your nephew has seen the "truth" - I feel sorry for your brother he has missed so many wonderful moments of life.
    Paula- I'm glad to see you with us now- missed you and thought of you often. I saw an old friend Saturday who is also dealing with MS- she's a heck of a fighter and refuses to slow down. You seem just like her. :)
    Janet- second opinion is a must- doctors don't know all they think they do- some have the all knowing God complex- You keep speaking up for you! and don't let anyone say things that poke at your armour- just remember you've done extraordinary work to get where you are today and you're much healthier than when we first "met"- you're my hero!!!!!
    Bert- We're still in the rain zone and cold- I hope you enjoyed your sunny day.
    MaryLynn- I learned all about Vancouver Island from a co-worker last week It sounds like you live on a slice a paradise.
    OK- need to get my work butt in gear. I'm off again this Friday and I screwed up and have a lot of vacation time left over and I don't get to roll it into 2017 so that means M-Th are very busy days.
    channeling Patti-
    Peace Out-
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's another gorgeous day today! I'm heading outside in a little while to work in my flower beds. Breakfast is eaten and tracked. This week is a busy one for me. I'm getting supplies/groceries for our church's Turkey Dinner for Nov. 5. This is the last year I will be chairing it. I hope some one steps up to chair as it does make money for our church. I just feel that I'm involved enough, and simply don't want to take on another thing. I only chaired it last year and this year to help make money, as our church desperately needs it. I also love the fellowship of people who work it.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning pals!! My mind is just not there!! I completely forgot the wedding shower yesterday I had planned to attend. Geez, just too much going on. At the dentist now waiting for crown adjustment.

    Patti- WTH? Why would someone do that to their child? This is your brother in Birmingham? So many secrets. We all have them in our family, I just found out last week that my father had told my older brother not to come around after he and him had words at my mother's funeral. No one ever told me!

    Janet- be strong today my friend.

    Cindy- I wonder if someone is not undermining you and egging Rick on in his thinking? Is he fiercely jealous of your independent too? My ex always was.

    I better run,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning,

    Cindy, you are getting stronger and seem to be caring more about YOU every day. I haven't heard tough toenails in a long time. Thanks for the chuckle. If you have extra time off I sure hope very minute is devoted to me time, especially sinc it is you that will have to work extra hard to use it. There seems to be a new fight in you, for you!

    Bert, glad you have another gorgeous day to get out and indulge in activities that I know renew your soul. So proud of you realizing that you need to step back from doing it all. I know you will still volunteer and give more than the average bear to your church, you just don't have to be in charge of it all.

    Janet, anxiously awaiting the outcome of your visit and what bargain you found while shopping.

    Karla, your weekend with Izzy and Jakob looks like it was filled with the kind of fun you can only have with children. Lucky you! I had fun with my DILs niece and nephew too, 16 months and 4 years old, they are adorable and very active!

    It is so quiet here with my nephew gone, plus I had to make my own coffee! No agenda but I know there are things that need to be done. Nice to just kick back a bit. Having a total block about a Halloween costume. All suggestions accepted. Needs to be easy to throw together and cheap, lol.
