OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, sorry about Susie's friend - femur is a big deal, but all that pales in cmparison with losing her father. Poor woman - she is blessed to have friends looking out for her and providing meals. The shower will be fun too. Hope you had a good time with yout mom catching up on life and shows.

    Cindy, hope library indie day will boost awareness and sales. Your energy always amazes me.

    Karla, glad you are safely home -- and seeing!!!! Big relief.

    Carpenter ordered more wood, which never came, and he has doc in the morning -- poor guy has arthritis in his hands -- just awful, given his livelihood. If materials come he may be here in the afternoon. I've postponed Bella's vet appointment tomorrow so I will be here to take wood delivery. Returned one new DVD player and am not overly fond of the replacement but it's better than the one I took back. This one has NO light tht indicates whether it's on or off -- not even a teensy one. Stupid design -- they told me to try opening the DVD drawer to see whether it's on. Lunacy!!!!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, your poor carpenter, hope he has a good doc to keep him pain free and working. I am sure Bella is not upset that her appointment has been postponed, lol. Thanks for the update on Karla.

    Got lots accomplished today despite a late start. Mom's medical alert system will be delivered Thursday. Found an estate/will lawyer who will work with her over the phone and then bring paperwork to her home to get it signed. Got her groceries and mine. Spent a bit too much time trying to find her a larger 5x magnifying glass, 6 different stores and no luck. Ordered one from Amazon and it will be her Monday. Afraid I got her hopes up that I would find one today. She took it well. She is still riding high with the results from yesterday. Made it to TRX and we just finished dinner. I prepped all my veggies for the week and put some chops in brine for tomorrow. Now time for date night with my sweet hubby.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Girls-
    Sounds like you're getting things done which is good.
    You will all be with me next Saturday and I think it's a great idea about the reviews.
    I'll be back a bit later but wanted to start my morning off on a high note with you.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. Tiny setback here. Just weak, tired and a little shakey. I decided to stay home and not go with Glenn to his second opinion visit, which really wanted to attend. He is to call me after. I just don't want to push myself since I've made it this far. My eye is drooping too, Glenn calls it being lazy. Concerns.

    Patti- Glad your mom is moving along with her needed eye therapy. Please get that life alert button with the driving off the table. I know it will give you piece of mind. I also wanted to let you know how well Miley Cyrus is doing on the voice! I am shocked too. The contestants love her and are choosing her. There is great comradship between the judges also. I know you were refusing to watch because of her and there's no reason to. There are some fantastic singers this year. Fyi.

    Cindy- You seem really stressed for time, but we so appreciate the time you take for us.

    Janet- I'm surprised on Samsung, I have three of their DVDs and all of mine have blue light indicators.

    I better rest more,

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies!
    Just checking in on all of you here. We continue to find things to do around the property to keep active and strong. Nice sunny day ahead, so hope to get outside and enjoy the fall season here. Thanks for all your encouragement. Enjoy your day ahead; rest when needed and stay strong, my friends!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Karla, glad you listened to your body and are taking it easy. Drooping of the eyelid after surgery does happen and can clear spontaneously but it may take some time. It is caused by the instruments used during the procedure. Although worrisome it is not considered a complication but a consequence of the procedure. Hope that it is short lived for you. I already have the alert button on order for Mom. Our Walmarts don't carry them in stock. I actually ended up with a company called Lifefone. The sales rep was so helpful. All I did was fill out a form on line asking for info and he called me a day after he sent me the PDF files. Gave me his number and told me to call him anytime. No shipping, first month free, no contract and they will refund any money if the service is cancelled in the middle of a billing cycle. Mom has been resistant but understands why I have been pushing so hard for it. We have been having this debate for years and she finally is in agreement. She is a stubborn woman but that is why she is still so independent. I did start watching the Voice, couldn't help myself since I love the show so much, also because I wanted to give Miley a chance. I am still not a fan of hers but willing to keep an open mind to see how she does. I love the other 3.

    Cindy, I keep praying your life will slow down a bit and give you some room to breathe. Will take whatever time you have to spare.

    Mary Lynn, enjoy your fall. I am ready for it myself. Keep thinking things will slow down here but they never seem to.

    Janet, how goes the construction. Did you get your wood delivery. I know it will be fabulous once done.

    Bert, I know you must be getting excited for your trip. How long are you staying?

    Mom and I got caught up on all the stuff she had recorded for us except for Poldark. She accidentally hit the erase button instead of play before I could stop her. So will just have to start with the second episode. It is one of our favorites. I have to take my BIL for his full mouth extraction tomorrow. Will have to miss my class in the morning as they moved the time up. I could go straight to his house after the gym but I sweat way too much for that, lol. Got lots of paper work done that I have been putting off, now working on laundry and then need to come up with an idea for a shower gift. Dinner is in the crockpot and I want to make some mini meatloafs for Edd. Rainy days actually make me more productive because I don't want to go out. May even spend some time making some cards. I keep saying that but haven't made time yet. Maybe tonight is the night.

    Have a great rest of your day.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi. Karla, obey your body's need for rest. Fingers crossed for Glenn to get this thing done with once and for all.

    MaryLynn, you and Myron are such busy bees -- so much fun i the glorious fall weather.

    Not feeling chatty today. Just got word that the older brother of one of my dearest friends (and someone I have known since childhood) died Monday. He had been more troubled than I knew; my dear friend tried to help his brother but he refused to get help. My lifelong friend is devastated and also has to make all the arrangements -- he and his wife had to postpone a trip to celebrate their 25th anniversary. I am deeply saddened, especially for the two kids he leaves behind (20 & 17), his many nieces & nephews and his friends. Such a smart guy, successful in business but troubled. This happened in CA so I cannot go to the service Friday, but I will be with my friend and his family in spirit.

    Making this a truly do-nothing day, which I have really been needing.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, you posted while I was writing my post. Glad you got your om to agree to an alert system. Hope all will go well with your BIL -- have had friends who have needed full-mouth extractions. No fun, How is your sister doing?
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, so sorry for your dear friend, his family and you. So sad to think of his children left behind and his brother to deal with the aftermath. We just never know what is in the minds of others, how much easier life would be if we did and could intervene to change outcomes. Prayers for you all. Rest, reflect and recharge.

    My sister is doing well since getting home and will make a full recovery, she just needs time. Thanks for asking.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, that's good news absout your sister. Hoping the worst of her saga is receding into memory.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Geez, not sleeping well with this shield taped to my face. Working from home and going to get out some today to see Izzy, maybe.

    Patti - I'm sure your BIl appreciates you foregoing your exercise class to get him to his dental.Oral appointment. I wouldn't mention it o him though. lol.

    Janet. <<< hugs>> on your loss again this morning. I know your heart is heavy.

    I going to lay down a bit now. I don't know if it is the anesthesia, or what is dragging me down so much, but I just don't feel up to par. I thought this would have been an easy surgery. I guess with the trip included made it more difficult.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    A quick drive by to check in. I think we're closing camp this weekend as the rain is headed in for the next week or so-
    Karla- are you feeling better?
    Janet- I'm sorry for the loss on an old friend.
    Patti- you're busy as usally and doing so much for others. You're an amazing person.
    Bert- how is your brother?
    MaryLynn- is your weather holding steady this time of year?
    Suzi- have you checked in at WW- I'm sure everyone was so happy for you.
    I'll try to be back a bit more tomorrow but thinking of you all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy-=I'm getting better each day. Still shocked over the increased vision, no more blurriness. I took all this week off.

    The temps here tomorrow morn is 57 and it feels nice out there this evening.

    TT: has anyone moved their buttons, coffee beans or bobbins? I'm sorry I dropped out with my family issues and surgery.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    What a day! As it turned out BIL did not have his surgery today. They goofed up on it big time. He was only supposed to go for his pre op work up but was told the extraction was scheduled for today. The biggest problem for him is that he is on Coumadin and had to switch to shots for 5 days prior to the procedure. He has a colonoscopy on the 5th and now his actual surgery date is the 12th so will have to remain on shots twice a day until after the procedure. Pre op took up most of the day, he had to see the dentist, the pre op nurse, anesthesia, coag clinic, primary care and the pharmacy. We got there at noon and didn't get home until around 5. Other than the scheduling mess up I was impressed at how efficiently this VA is run. Everyone we encountered was professional and caring. I did not see a sour face. I noticed that everyone took time to smile, say hi, ask how we were etc. I watched how each vet was treated with such dignity and empathy. I didn't hear anyone complaining about anything. After 35 years in health care it is hard to impress me but they sure did. I am going to write a letter to the hospital. Just trying to decide where to direct my letter so that it will be shared with all staff. Got home too late for TRX but have busy since I walked in the door and am still not done. Logged nearly 6000 steps so far, most of them at the VA.

    Karla, I think the last few weeks have finally caught up with you. All the travel and the surgery have your body screaming for rest. What did the second opinion Dr have to say about Glenn?

    Janet, prayers for peace in your heart.

    Cindy, I know you love your camp but I also know how much work it is to travel there every weekend, especially with your current level of stress. Glad you are shutting it down for the year. We never fully close ours, just don't go as often in the winter. We do drain all the pipes, empty the water heater and antifreeze all the drains because we do not keep the heat on. But it is easy to reverse the process any time we do go. I have my Yaya weekend next weekend and there is a Halloween party the 29th we might go to and then I probably won't be back there until New Years.

    Gotta run, the time just rang on the meatloaves I am making for Edd, the washer and dryer will need attention shortly and then there is football, Greys Anatomy, Blacklist and Project Runway (all overlapping) sure wish we had a DVR but that is not possible here because of our trees. Oh well, if I ever really NEED to record something I just call Mom and it is a done deal.

    Until we meet again
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all, from a tired little camper.

    Patti, your BIL must be very frustrated. Wonderful to hear about the atmosphere at the VA -- our veterans have earned the honor of deep respect and first-rate treatment. You are a good person to take him for this - hope all will go well.

    Karla, I agree that the last few weeks -- travel to FL & B'ham, the loss of your aunt, worries about Glenn's situation and your own cataract surgery -- are catching up with you. Your exhaustion is totally understandable and (except for the anesthesia) unusual from a cataract procedure alone. Glad you are taking the week off. Rest, watch British stuff and hug Izzy -- we all know she's the best therapy for pretty much anything.

    Cindy, hope shutting down camp won't be too stressful. Pace yourselves! You are superwoman but need rest.

    Bert, hope your brother is doing well.

    Thank you all for your condolences on my friend's passing. I just feel for his kids, and for his brother, who is like a brother to me. It's been weighing on my heart, and I had a question about what happened from a friend of a friend and I won't share what little I know. Got all my basic legal docs signed & notarized, then did a little shopping & ended at the Verizon store, where I ordered a new phone because mine is doing weird things and battery life is shrinking.

    Gonna try to sleep early - carpenter was a no-show today but will likely be here tomorrow morning. Glad it will be Friday.

    Hugs to everyone.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi Ladies-
    TGIF- whew we made it to the weekend.
    Karla- I'll be honest I've been missing my coins, which are my jar tokens. Let's cut ourselves some slack and once the majority it back in the grove of Project Me we can kickstart it.
    Janet- did you get a new Iphone or something else? I hate having to learn new technology. It's been a year and I am just starting to find things on the phone. As example found the flashlight, once by accident, but never to be found again.
    Patti- I'm so glad the experience yesterday was positive. Its too bad about the mix up but in the end there is a reason for all things. We just don't need to know right now.
    We put in one slide last night so now we can't run the heat Rick was talking about staying there as is but since I get hives when I'm cold I'm just not feeling it and it's calling for lots of rain. I may have to put down my foot. He hates to give this up and feels with the weddings this summer, 4, our camping season was ruined. His words not mine.
    So long story short I'll get to the the bad guy. But seasons change and life moves forward whether we're ready or not.
    Going to get back to the day job.
    Hugs to all and I'll check in at some point.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies, from a little more rested Karla. Izzy was so fun last night and after Glenn retired her and I watched Dora and another Disney classic. I do like how easy it is to watch the On Demand on Direct TV. It is just right there on the guide, no special place to go to.

    Patti- Great to hear on the VA. I thought I posted on Glenn's second opinion visit. He respected the doctor, is switching to him,and set up the permanent fistulectomy surgery for January, which follows his plan of retirement. He said this doctor is older, office was impressive and all together more setup than one we have been using. The success rate went up to 95% from less than 80 the other was giving, which is why we were discouraged.

    Cindy- Sometimes we have to put our foot down for our peace of mind and health. Men just don't understand our much more sensitive bodies. You go girl.

    We had 55 degrees this morning!! Time for the crock pot! Chili! Football!

    I better go, I feel up to working online a little this morning and I promised Izzy Bug I would take her to Cracker Barrel, her new favorite place. She loves the store!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Friday morning to all my beautiful friends. Praying the weekend renews your mind, body and soul.

    Cindy, sometimes being the bad guy is th only way to be your own champion. One of my favorite things on FB right now is a picture if the Wicked Witch with the caption "some days you have to put on the hat to remind people who they are dealing with". Wear your hat with pride.

    Off to the gym soon followed by shopping. Need to buy items for a shower gift basket and then hit the grocery so I can get what I need for the food I am taking to my daughter's BFF after the shower. I feel a bit out of sorts this morning because I went to bed miffed at Edd. He was on his home for the entire hour of Blacklist. We only watch 4 shows a week together, not counting football, and the rule is no cellphones. I kept my mouth closed and thought he was just checking something important during a commercial, nope he never raised his eyes and that is a program you need to watch, not just listen to. Then right before I went to bed he announced that he had dinner plans for himself for tonight. He knew I had made a meatloaf for him and even tasted it. So I threw it in the freezer and when he asked if he could have it on Saturday I said " you can have it whenever you want to thaw it out" to which he said I was being a __________ (you fill in the blank). Hate ending my day on a sour note. I will spend the rest of today trying to improve my mood. Hoping the gym turns me around.

    See you all later
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Patti darlin' wear your witch hat with pride today!
    Karla- I'll meet you at Cracker Barrel so love their salad with grilled chicken.

    I'm going the Christmas tree at the museum again this year- the theme is movies and I had picked the Wizard of Oz yesterday so Patti your post was so appropriate.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, we were posting at the same time this morning. So glad Glenn likes and has confidence in the new surgeon. January will give him time to enjoy the holidays before facing that surgery. I know Izzy renews your soul.

    Cindy, glad I could make you smile.

    Whew, I am beat and still not done. Gym was just what I needed to revive my soul. Got my shopping done and have made a big pot of Mexican soup, sheet pan of crack candy (saltines, butter, brown sugar, chocolate chips and pecans) comes out like toffee and have a chicken pot pie in the oven. Now I need to finish up the shower gift and hope I have an appropriate card already made. Luckily I can sit to do the rest of my projects. My dogs are howling for a break, lol.
