DNHolbrook Member


  • Just keep it up and take it slow. Don't chug water either or you'll make yourself sick. Take a good big drink and then sip it. Give yourself a rest day in between. Don't push yourself to do too much too quick or you'll wind up getting hurt or burning out. Your body just isn't used to so much exertion. Maybe try going for…
  • So far things are going well. Down 12lbs since beginning a couple months ago. Just got a treadmill and have walked 1 mile a day for the last 3 days, threw in a bit of jogging today...just a couple seconds a spurt. Working up to longer and jogging more.
  • I was a skinny kid until I was about 11. I don't remember anything really changing to account for the gain. I was still running around with my brothers and other neighbor kids, eating just the same as everyone else. I've hit many plateaus throughout my life where I'll stick at one weight for a long time, never gaining…
  • Congrats ladies. Feel free to send me friend requests if I haven't sent you one already!
  • Congratulations ladies! Nice to meet you! :)
  • I love my yoga pants. I wear them in public. I have been known to wear PJ pants out of the house on occasion, but VERY rarely. I think as long as you don't look like a hot mess that just rolled out of bed, it can be okay.