kimny72 Member


  • @ReenieHJ sorry you're struggling! I've gained back over 10 lbs this year and I can tie it directly to feeling useless in the evenings and attempting to change that by eating several servings of pretzels or cookies on the couch. I've noticed I'm more likely to snack while watching TV so my current strategy is to turn the…
  • Well that's kind of moving the goal posts, it's not how one typically defines contagious. You don't say John isn't contagious anymore because he's staying home, but Jim decided to go to work so he's still contagious. We say someone is contagious if they could give you what they have if you have contact with them. If a…
  • Any virologist I've listened to has said it seems that being vaxxed does make a person less contagious and they believe most spread comes from the unvaxxed. Even in states doing very well On vaccinations, none have reached the percentages they think are necessary for herd immunity. The virus also doesn't recognize state…
  • I think that is related to the initial article about that bear week over the summer where they said everyone was vaccinated and there was a lot of spread, which played fast and loose with the numbers and the variables. No reports since then have suggested any such thing. I tend to agree with your idea, I've heard from…
  • It's fascinating to me how the myth that a vaccine that doesn't stop infection isn't worth taking has come about. Almost none of the childhood vaccines we get prevent infection; they prevent illness. As Anne notes, studies by good actors aren't released to sway public opinion - they are released to add to the available…
  • The article or post I read about it said the 4th was only for extremely compromised individuals, like organ transplant recipients. A very small subset of immunocompromised people. If you're concerned about waiting, can you call his primary and see if they think it's better to get the booster asap? I think that would be…
  • There is some theorizing that different types of vaccines might provide different "Instructuons" to your immune system, and better immunity, but that's just theory right now. I think it is more for people who either want a booster but had a bad reaction to their main doses, or people who got J&J and either don't trust it…
  • I finally got around to making an appointment for my flu shot, and my doctor's been bugging me to get a Tdap booster so I added that one on too. I got J&J, so I figure I'll give it a little more time to see what they recommend and for the data on which booster and when.
  • According to the virologists on TWIV, there is no connection between vaccine side effects and effectiveness. As far as arm soreness, it's possible you're just a very well hydrated person who moves your arms around a lot :smile: My understanding is both help reduce swelling and pain.
  • The start of cooler weather always makes me want to eat my weight in roasted and/or mashed potatoes. Or home fries. Or pierogi. Or knishes. Maybe some gnocchi :lol:
  • The long term stuff is what I worry about as well. There are plenty of cases like @jenilla1 who had a mild case but are still seeing symptoms 6 months, a year, or more afterward. I think the last stat I saw was a 10% rate of long covid, and they're not really sure if everyone exhibiting long term symptoms is being…
  • Ugh, that all sounds super frustrating. Again just parroting what I remember hearing from all these virology podcasts, but unless we were in a hermetically sealed bubble, our immune systems were dealing with invaders the whole time and are no weaker than they were 2 years ago. Feel free to take that with a grain of salt…
  • I wasn't meaning to suggest the article was anti vaxx, sorry if it came off that way. I've heard a lot of anti vaxx rhetoric latch onto the idea that since covid will just become an endemic minor thing anyway, we should just let it happen already, so that's what it got me thinking about.
  • This is an ongoing effort. It would be literally impossible to vaccinate 90% of the world in one year, and anyone who suggests that not getting that done means we failed is fear mongering. The vaccines are a historic scientific achievement and continue to slow down the pandemic. It's up to us to continue getting people…
  • I do think we are going to have to stop relying on symptoms. They've mentioned on TWIV that it seems clear vaccinated people are only contagious for a short time, if at all. They even think the initial 2 week quarantine for unvaxxed positive tests is probably more than necessary. But better access to cheaper tests would…
  • I apologize, I didn't get to click thru to read the article yet, but I don't think the messaging will be that difficult because I don't think this flip is going to just happen one day. As long as a large enough percentage of the world pop is unvaxxed, we will have rolling spikes of new variants that may challenge the…
  • J&J released study data, showing around 80% effectiveness against moderate disease and against hospitalization. Study cohort was almost 400,000 people and was done over this summer so it includes Delta. They also released data reporting a small lab study that…
  • Not sure if this link will work or not, but here's to trying: This is why over emphasizing preprints is dangerous. This Canadian study that claimed a 1 in 1000 rate of myocarditis from mRNA vaccines has been latched onto by anti vaxx propaganda. It was just…
  • So I realized I had only listened to the first part of the interview with Dr Shane Crotty and finally listened to the rest. A few more interesting bits: He made a distinction that I hadn't fully understood yet but is prob obvious to someone in this field. This goes back to the point that waning antibodies is perfectly…
  • Ask others have said, you're struggling because that's a pretty high protein goal. There's nothing wrong with it, but if youre preferred style of eating won't allow you to get that much, I wouldn't worry about it. How many grams are you typically getting?
  • One of the reasons I don't count carbs is because I think fiber is super important and it is challenging to get the recommended amount of fiber if you're limiting carbs. I'm sure it's not impossible, but I wouldn't be able to. The days I do well on fiber usually include lots of beans and whole grains. Sometimes you need to…
  • Agreed, I'm not really sure what the point of this whole discussion/argument is. Most of the folks who are anti vaxx or hesitant have access to a ton of info. There is definitely a segment of the poor/working poor in the US who do not have reliable internet access and, due to no health insurance, don't have a relationship…
  • I'm a little behind on my TWIV listening, but the last epi I listened to was an interview with Dr Shane Crotty, a virologist from the La Jolla Institute of Immunology. Lots of interesting conversation in this one. What stood out to me is he said he sees a lot of variability in natural immunity markers. In other words, some…
  • These people didn't all die in September, but they were all reported on the same blog in September. The blog is a group of lawyers who seem to say that all the covid vaccines, even though they are different types of vaccines, are deadly, and are advertising their services to people looking to file lawsuits. I have no doubt…
  • No, the doctor determines what caused the patient to die and that's listed as the cause of death. The numbers are generally generated from the death certificate in the US. There are a lot of conspiracy theories about the death count, and most of them make no sense if you understand how the process has always worked. I…
  • Considering the hearing the FDA had this week, it looks like they will only be recommending boosters for people over 65, or in some other high risk categories. I think part of the confusion is that in wealthy countries, it at least seems like the only people who aren't vaxxed have chosen not to, and it's easy to forget…