Mine would definitely have to be that my spine is half titanium... I had a major back operation at age 14! :)
Again, no, because I'm not a lesbian :D
Lol, thanks! I just knew it couldn't have been about me because I don't have brown eyes! :D
You're talking about Misty, right? Our posts must have posted at the same time, lol.
Most definitely :)
Pretty :)
I'm 22 :) Looking for supportive friends! Feel free to add me! :)
No, only because I'm not a lesbian :D
Wants to seem mysterious or dark with the profile picture, but is probably just a really sweet guy :)
She has really nice eyes!! & girl, love your eyebrows! :)
Yes I would. I love new friends :D
Like I need to dye my hair red :)
Sophisticated :)
It would have been different if they wouldn't have started out by telling me they were better than me because they didn't take pills to lose the weight. Or making fun of me for using caps lock or just generally insulting me. All I wanted was advice on ACE, that's it.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!
No I didn't ignore it, it hadn't shown up yet. Thanks for the actual advice.
And by skinny people, I'm referring to those who don't need this site because they have never struggled with their weight, not people who have struggled and lost the weight.
It was actually in reference to all of the people who were just rude and making fun of me for using caps lock.
Wow, and I expected more from the people on this website! I never said I was taking it for a quick fix; as a matter of fact I clearly stated (YES, WITH MY CAPS LOCK ON!) that I am dieting also. Looking for a quick fix would mean taking the ACE and continuing to eat whatever I wanted expecting it to make me shed tons of…
Sorry guys! Didn't mean to have caps lock in my OP.
I don't feel like I am better than anyone. I was simply asking for advice on if anyone has taken it. I know some people who have gotten sick from it, and people who have lost a ton of weight or none at all. That's all I really wanted to know. To those of you who have done it alone with no pills, by all means,…
As I said before, I am also counting calories and consuming a ton of water (along with taking the ACE.) I'm not expecting results from the ACE alone, which is why I am also taking other steps to lose the weight. I was looking to see if there was anyone who had taken ACE and got results. Many people I know wanted results…
Wow, pretty sure I asked for RESULTS from using it. I didn't say I needed it, I was simply asking those who have taken it what their results were.
Hi, I'm Brittany, and I'm 22 and new to this site! Would love encouraging people to be my friends along this journey!