

  • Try any of the boot camp exercises put together by Jillian Michaels. I love her! She probably has an ab video.
    in Abs Comment by tassit July 2011
  • Definitely stay hydrated. If you have to snack have something healthy as noted, or eat something small and WAIT... the feeling of hunger should subside. If you aren't hungry just bored, you really have to work on not reaching for that snack and find something to do to take your mind off it. Or eat a rice cake...that should…
  • I could never leave the house without eating breakfast. A bowl of oatmeal with rasins and maple syrup or a bowl of multigrain cheerios. Snacks: You could go yogurt and granola or something similar.
  • Well you look great. I've been 155 and I've been just above 180 I think. I'm getting too close to the top end now and trying to get back down. Best of luck!
  • You seem to be doing great if you lost 21 pounds (I could be reading these forums wrong, still new here) but you might have better luck if you look at the calories you normally take in, then consider reducing the calories you take in (which will result in weight loss) and then use a way to estimate how many calories you…